The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2209 I Came From The Stars

Chapter 2209 I Came From The Stars
"How dare you, you brat, why don't you have any sense of serving the people? It's a very high time now, so be honest with me." Liu Wei was confused and spoke incoherently.

"You said that I was a fart many times. Believe it or not, I will let you see how big I am. Is Yuexiong's big ass useful? Is it brainless? If you don't, you can leave. I can't afford to entertain you here. , I’ll burn all this Donggen with a torch later, I don’t need it anyway.” Li Bai said angrily, you said you have such a temper as a financial manager, aren’t you just a money manager, don’t know how to be a big aunt Come on, get hit by him.

Liu Wei's angry little face turned green, and Yuexiong's mouth kept rising and falling. She had never been so angry when she grew up, she was really about to explode.

"Then what price do you say, little bastard?" Although very angry, Liu Wei didn't dare to act recklessly. If this little bastard's temper was really set on fire, how could he explain it to Minister Hou.

"Compromise, then apologize to me, aren't you very capable?" Li Bai began to get carried away again, a woman with a bigger butt dared to confront him, if you don't get mad at you, I won't be called Li Bai.

"Apologize?" Liu Wei was stunned, she had never met such a shameless little bastard.

"Otherwise, apologize right away, I'm not a brat, or you can leave." Li Bai pretended to be a rascal, just a beautiful woman in uniform, and wanted to fight him.

If possible, Liu Wei really wanted to turn around and leave, but once he left, Minister Hou would not give any explanation. Seeing Li Bai's unforgiving aura, he really wanted to die.

"I'm sorry, you're not a brat." Liu Wei could only apologize in a low voice, which was inaudible.

"Can't hear you, how loud you were when you scolded me just now, why did you suddenly become a mosquito now?" Li Bai sat on the sofa, his butt got bigger soon, he really thought he couldn't deal with you.

"Keep an inch." Liu Wei was furious in her heart, this little bastard was really pushing an inch.

"What? Then I'm leaving, bye." Li Bai got up and left directly, who is spoiling you, your ass is so big.

Walking to the door, Li Bai saw that Wang Chu was a little puzzled, and said in a low voice, "Leave him alone, I'll go to class first."

"Hey, don't go, don't go." Liu Wei was really about to cry now. She was still full of anger, but when she saw Li Bai really left, she realized the seriousness of the matter in her heart. If it was because of her own The reason, Donggen didn't get it in time, that's really a sin.

"Hey, where are the others?" Liu Wei ran out in a hurry, but found that Li Bai was nowhere to be seen, only Wang Chu was guarding outside, so she couldn't help but feel even more worried.

"The boss has gone to class, let's talk about it after he finishes class." Wang Chu said with a smile, the boss is the boss, let's see what happens to this bullish finance.

"Hurry up and call him back, I'll raise the price for him." Liu Wei said anxiously.

"Boss's time is very precious, why don't you wait first, and come back when the boss has time after class." Wang Chu said with a smile. Although he didn't know Li Bai's intentions, he still felt good. It seemed that he was so bullish just now The financial situation is much better now.

"Where is he in class, can I go find him?" Liu Wei asked anxiously, no matter what, she had to find the little bastard in a low voice. good.

"I don't know, this is an open class, you can go or not, and I don't know which class the boss will go to." Wang Chu said.

Li Bai originally wanted to go to class, but he had a strange feeling, so he didn't go to class, but went directly back to his classroom, as if he had gone to open class, and Deng Xin was the only one in the classroom.

"Hey, the monitor's sister didn't go to class?" Li Bai was beside him, and Deng Xin was writing something.

Deng Xin turned her head to look at Li Bai, the little dimple on her face was very cute, she didn't seem to expect Li Bai to appear, she said happily, "Who is like you, I don't see anyone all day long."

"Hey, it happens that there is no one there. Let me treat you to dinner. I just want you to join the Xiannong Club." Li Bai pulled Deng Xin out of the classroom, and he could hear some resentment in Deng Xin's tone.

Li Bai left the school directly in his Ferrari, and he happened to have something to discuss with the class monitor. As the class monitor appointed by Qin Yubing, he must have something special.

"Li Bai, who are you?" Deng Xin asked suspiciously. No one really asked this question.

Su Daji didn't ask, Qin Yubing didn't ask, Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi didn't ask, they all thought that Li Bai must be from the ancient martial arts family or the cultivation family, but they didn't ask.

Li Bai looked at Deng Xin, his big eyes were full of anticipation, Li Bai thought for a while, and asked with a smile, "You really want to know?"

"Well, I really want to know." Deng Xin nodded.

"Then I'll tell you, but you won't believe it, but you can't tell others, or I will kill you." Li Bai smiled, since you asked, I will tell you impartially, but believe it or not It's your business.

"I believe, I know you won't lie to me." Deng Xin smiled sincerely. Ever since she met Li Bai for the first time, she felt that this boy was very unusual. He always seemed to be so confident, so rebellious, and so cynical. , but deep down he is a very affectionate person.

Because a person's eyes can't be deceiving. Although Li Bai is related to several beauties in the school, or they actually like this bad guy, Li Bai deliberately keeps a distance from them, which shows that He is very cautious about feelings.

"Then give me a kiss first, and I'll tell you." Li Bai said with a smile. It's not so easy to trick him, so let's take advantage of it first.

"Pervert, so many beauties are not enough for you." Deng Xin's cheeks flushed, and then, as if mustering up her courage, she touched Li Bai's lips as if they were just touching water, and she felt soft, but nothing else.

It is not easy for the good girl Deng Xin to do this, Li Bai smiled and said: "You are like this, if I lie to you, will I become a heartless person, then yes, in fact, I am Li Xiaogang more than a hundred years ago son."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai observed Deng Xin's expression, his rosy mouth opened slightly, exhaling like blue, Yuexiong's mouth also rose and fell slightly, and after a while, he was slightly relieved.

"What else?" Deng Xin asked again, expectantly waiting for Li Bai to continue.

"What else, other things are very complicated. I came to the earth not long ago. I should be called an alien. No, my dad said that I was born on the earth. I should be an earth person, but after I was born My dad took me and my mothers to settle in a place in the universe, but because of the problem of time dimension, more than 100 years have passed on the earth, in fact, I sneaked to the earth." Li Baiyu said in an unsurprising manner, Deng Xin only felt that she had a big brain, but seeing Li Bai's seriousness and contacting Li Bai's strangeness, it really didn't seem like she was lying to her.

And when Li Bai saw the eyes of Li Xiaogang in the countryside when he was in Tianyou Mountain, Deng Xin felt very strange. The adoring eyes, and the similarities between the eyebrows and the sculpture, and Li Bai knelt down and kowtowed. Deng Xin felt that Li Bai must have something to do with Li Xiaogang.

"Are you scared?" Li Bai laughed.

"No, it turned out to be like this. No wonder you had that look in your eyes when you saw your father's statue in Tianyou Mountain. It was obviously the way you saw your relatives." Deng Xin smiled. Shocked.

"Hehe, do you really believe it?" Li Bai laughed.

"Then me, Su Daji, and Teacher Qin kneeling, what does your father mean?" Deng Xin asked blushingly, he asked to kneel by himself, and thinking about it now, he was really a little shy.

"Because if you kneel, you are a member of our Li family. You can't run away even if you want to." Li Bai laughed, seeing a good girl like Deng Xin is really very enjoyable.

"Hua Xin Da Carrot." Deng Xin said shyly, but she was quite happy, but she was very interested in Li Bai's life in the universe.

"What kind of philandering am I? My dad is the philandering radish. He has several wives. I'm far worse than my dad, hehe." Li Bai smiled awkwardly. Deng Xin was the first one to confess his identity. Among the people, one is that Deng Xin is simple enough not to bluff.

If it was Su Daji, I would want to tell the whole world right away that my husband is an alien, so behave yourself.

"Then tell me what it's like in the universe. Have you been to many alien planets?" Deng Xin asked curiously. This should be an extremely curious question for every person on Earth. , What are aliens like?

"Well, it's complicated to say. Our galaxy is very small in the universe. There are countless galaxies, galaxy rivers, and countless life planets in the entire universe, but civilizations are also different. Some civilizations are cultivators. , some are mechanical civilizations, and some are biological civilizations. The earth should be regarded as the lowest planet in the universe, and its area is also very small. Some random stars are tens of thousands of times the size of the earth." Li Bai talked eloquently, indeed So, no one knows how big the Tan universe is. Even those super massive stars are just a drop in the ocean in the infinite universe.

"As for life, it's more complicated. There are basically all kinds of things. Countless races live on various planets. Some have eternal life, and some have invincible bodies. There are too many. Life forms There are countless, of course, humans are still the most common form." Li Bai said.

Deng Xin was extremely curious, and really wanted to see it, but thinking about those aliens, the earthlings are really too weak.

"We're at the place, let's go, let's go eat." Li Bai said with a smile, and went straight into this place called 'Mandarin Duck Restaurant'.

"Welcome, do you have a reservation?" The waiter watched Li Bai get off the Ferrari with a surprisingly good attitude.

"Yes, Yuanyang Pavilion." Li Bai said directly.

"Okay, sir, please come with me." The waiter looked at Li Bai in surprise. She could tell that Deng Xin was wearing ordinary school clothes, and she couldn't help but see Li Bai as a rich second generation, but he was so handsome that he could drive well. Who doesn't want to know the rich second generation who started Ferrari.

(End of this chapter)

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