Chapter 2213

There are fans who are brain-dead, and of course there are passers-by. Li Bai looked at Zhuo Yao with a pale face. He probably didn't expect that he could take out a memory chip.

Fang Tianqing also breathed a sigh of relief. She never thought that Li Bai would have such high-tech things as memory crystals. Although he already had memory crystals, few people usually use them. She never thought that this little guy could actually carry them with him. memory chips.

"I gave you a chance, but you have been trying to die. Now let's talk about compensation. You interrupted my meal and wasted so much time. Do you know that my time is precious?" Li Bai Looking at Zhuo Yao, then staring at the group of media reporters, he said angrily, "You can go, I still have personal issues to discuss with him."

"What's your personal question? Is this incident really like that in the memory chip? Is Zhuo Yao's character really that bad? How could he turn black and white to frame you?" A reporter asked while looking at Li Bai.

"Will the memory chip be fake? I advise you to leave. I really have something to talk to him." Li Bai twisted Zhuo Yao's neck and went straight into a private room, ignoring the reporter behind him. Can't let these people see it.

Not long after, Li Bai came out of the private room again, smiled, and countless reporters rushed into the room, wanting to see how Zhuo Yao was doing.

Li Bai walked up to Fang Tianqing and Fang Fei again. The two beauties were mature and had a special flavor.

"Originally, I wanted to beat you up too, but considering that you are a woman, forget it, don't think that I don't beat women, and I will beat you if you offend me." Li Bai looked at Fang Tianqing, very Obviously if today's matter were changed by someone else, there would only be a dumb man eating coptis, and he had no strength to resist being framed. This woman joined Zhuo Yao to frame him, it was really shameless.

"Are you from the ancient martial arts family?" Fang Fei looked at Li Bai curiously. Although she was very angry that he was threatening her aunt, she was still curious about Li Bai's identity.

Li Bai's skill is definitely the strongest he has ever seen, even Zhuo Yao's three bodyguards were beaten to the ground by him, and Li Bai is obviously a student in school, and only the disciples of the ancient martial arts family can be so strong .

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Bai pulled Deng Xin and turned around and left directly. It was really unlucky that he would meet such an unappreciative star after a meal.

When Li Bai drove away in a Ferrari, Fang Tianqing and Fang Fei were shocked again. Although the Ferrari was nothing to them, it cost several million. Aren't the disciples of the Guwu family very low-key? , which made Fang Fei even more confused.

I drove back to the school directly, I don't know if Liu Wei has left, although I plan to show her off, but this business must still be done.

"Let me go with you, don't you want me to join Xiannong Society?" Deng Xin followed Li Bai and went directly to the office building of Xiannong Society.

Sure enough, Liu Wei was still waiting there. He didn't dare to go back to see Minister Hou until he had done something well, otherwise she would be in bad luck. But why didn't that bastard come back after going out for three or four hours? She went to the classroom I've looked for it, but I haven't seen anyone, so I can only go back here and continue to wait. We must talk about it today, and we have to see Donggen tomorrow.

When Li Bai came back, Zhang Yuhan happened to be with Liu Wei. As the only girl among his right-hand assistants, Zhang Yuhan was relatively more delicate in her thoughts.

"Miss Zhang, that guy, when will your president come back? You can just send him a Tianxun and say that I apologize to him. I was impulsive at noon." Liu Wei said helplessly, how did she know that Li Bai actually Like a rogue, he didn't take her seriously at all, and if he didn't sell her, he didn't sell her. This temper was enough.

"I don't know either. Brother Bai doesn't like us to disturb him. He should come back soon. Don't worry." Zhang Yuhan smiled, and she was very happy in her heart. She knew Li Bai's temper, and no one would get good results if he offended him. Come on, this woman must be talking badly, making Li Bai unhappy, she won't call Tianxun.

Just as he was talking, Li Bai's car had already stopped. Zhang Yuhan looked at the anxious Liu Wei and said, "Brother Bai is back, don't act like before, or you might really lose your chance."

"I'm really back, don't worry, I will definitely have a good talk this time." Liu Wei smiled. The reason why we didn't talk well before was because Li Bai looked at her eyes, which made her very uncomfortable. In fact, this kind of eyes There are too many, the main reason is that she always regards Li Bai as a student, and wants to gain some advantage. Who knows that Li Bai is so treacherous, much more treacherous than many businessmen.

Li Bai pushed open the door, glanced at Zhang Yuhan and Liu Wei, this woman should not be the same as before, and said to Zhang Yuhan: "You take the squad leader's sister to go through the formalities, and I will continue talking with Miss Liu."

"Okay." Zhang Yuhan looked at Deng Xin, and was surprised again, thinking that this Bai brother brought back a beautiful woman again, it was too hard work.

After the two left, Li Bai swaggered and sat on the sofa, looked at Liu Wei who was at a loss, and said, "How about it, do you want to talk?"

"Talk, of course we have to talk. Just now I counted my insincerity, and the little girl apologized to you." Liu Wei smiled. As long as Li Bai comes back, he will not be afraid, but the price is higher. To be honest, she is really right. I don't care too much about the price, the most important thing now is to buy these Donggen.

"What does it mean that you are wrong, and there is no sincerity in apologizing." Li Bai looked at Liu Weiyuexiong's plump pile in front of him, which could not be covered by his professional attire, and his development was really good.

"Okay, I was wrong, please forgive me, young lady, I apologize to you." Liu Wei could only bow slightly, and said sincerely to Li Bai, almost unbuttoning the clothes of her professional suit Li Bai felt flustered when he saw it.

"That's about the same, so let's talk about what price you can offer now." Li Bai smiled, he didn't believe that this woman would not compromise, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get these Donggen.

Liu Wei smiled, it's okay to be stared at by you little brat anyway, looking at you as a pervert, sooner or later you will fall under this girl's pomegranate skirt, and then I will torture you, hehe.

"It's usually one hundred and five. Since your east roots are of good quality, just one hundred and sixty ones, and won't there be more in the future, so let's pay this price?" Liu Wei said, after all, this guy has planted east roots. Root technology, there will be a large number of Donggen coming out in the near future, which can solve the problem of virus spread, and it is better to have a higher price.

Li Bai smiled and said: "Two hundred and one plants, the quality of my east roots can definitely match the ordinary two-bead east roots, and there will be so many east roots in my three plots in half a month. This is just the beginning."

"Two hundred?" Liu Wei was stunned for a moment, this kid was too profitable, she didn't believe that this plant of donggen could be worth two, but there was no way, the current spread of the virus required a lot of donggen, Huaxia The base camp has allocated tens of billions of funds to control the spread of these viruses, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous, even if it is two hundred, she must.

"Okay, that's two hundred, but is it true that the donggen here will be harvested in half a month? You won't lie to me, will you?" Liu Wei wondered, she had never planted donggen, so of course she would I don't know how long Dong Geun had to grow up.

"Believe it or not, just agree to the price. Tomorrow, I will get Donggen by myself. The quantity should be around 200 pearls." Li Bai said, conservatively estimated to be around 600 pearls, but it should be more than that. If it costs 1000 yuan per plant, these Donggen’s income is almost [-] million. If there are two harvests a month, the monthly income will be at least [-] million. This business can be done.

But this is only his first step. Even he dare not imagine what the Xiannong Society will develop into in the future.

"Thirty thousand beads, can't you take them back today?" Liu Wei said, the sooner you see them, the better.

"Haven't you already seen the samples? I don't want to put away so many Donggens. I really thought it was that easy to fart. Prepare the money tomorrow morning and come directly to get it. Now you can go." Li Bai said, this time The woman is really troublesome, it seems that she still doesn't believe that her Donggen is real, hasn't she already seen the three grass fields below, it's a bit funny.

"Well, I'm still a student, why are you talking so vulgarly?" Liu Wei muttered in a low voice, but Li Bai still heard it, so she quickly turned around and left. She realized why she was a little afraid of this little brat.

After Liu Wei left, Li Bai also left the Xiannong Society directly. As expected, the first sale will be sold out, and other things will follow. can be collected.

There are only three open spaces left. Li Bai is considering whether to plant some other medicinal materials. After all, although the quantity of Donggen is large, the price is too low, only two hundred per plant.

If some expensive medicinal materials are planted, it may take longer to receive the goods, but some precious medicinal materials can easily be sold for millions, and the profit may be faster.

It seems that the top order doesn't know what to plant, and these three plots are obviously not enough. These three plots can only grow eastern roots, and even other medicinal materials, so let's find two other plots of land to plant them.

Is there any other place? Although the academy is huge, there should be no other places where medicinal herbs can be grown.

It seems that we still have to find a way, Li Bai mused.

Having nothing to say all night, Li Bai got up from his practice and rushed directly to school. Wang Chu called Tianxun to tell him that the people from Liu Wei's side had already arrived.

After arriving at Xiannongshe, Liu Wei was instructing to move bags of Donggen to the car. Zhang Yuhan ran up to Li Bai and took out a small brain. The number displayed on it was [-] beads.

In other words, these east roots have a total of [-] beads, which is five thousand more beads than expected. Some, the detoxification is of course stronger.

"I'll transfer the money to you directly, 700 million, you're getting the money too fast." Liu Wei said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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