The strongest peasant city

Chapter 222 Meeting Liu Feng Again

Chapter 222 Meeting Liu Feng Again
Roaming on the Lin YD of the campus, listening to the morning reading of the proud sons of heaven, English, French, Japanese and various languages ​​come together from all directions to form a wonderful symphony. Li Xiaogang seems to be watching To China's more brilliant tomorrow.

For unknown reasons, many people in the society are targeting college students one after another, and all kinds of ugly sides about college students are constantly being exposed.

Moreover, these people always like to point out the face, and often the bad behavior of one college student will immediately have a bad impact on the entire college student group.

Let these favored children who are already living under heavy study pressure every day walk on thin ice every day, be cautious, and while constantly shattering the halo on the heads of college students, they are also constantly wearing down their passion and fighting spirit.

The world can still have a little tolerance for criminals in prison, but can't the elites of society have such a little tolerance for these future pillars of the motherland?

With deep worry, Li Xiaogang breathed the campus atmosphere that he had been away for a long time.

On the playground in the distance, loud shouts came from time to time, which made Li Xiaogang seem to have returned to his college days.

I only hate that at that time he only knew how to read books every day, and unknowingly missed many beautiful and sincere things. Now that I think about it, I feel a little regretful.

"Excuse me, are you... are you Li Xiaogang?" Just when Li Xiaogang was full of thoughts and unsure, a crisp, timid voice sounded from in front of him, and Li Xiaogang looked up in astonishment, I saw a figure that I didn't seem to know standing there.

She has delicate features, with a bit of simplicity on her body. Although her clothes are plain, she can't hide her smart and attractive temperament.

Li Xiaogang looked at the girl in front of him with some uncertainty: "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

The girl opposite immediately showed a very excited expression, and said: "It's really you? I didn't expect to meet you here? You must have forgotten that although I am not from Xingfu Village, I know you.

When it rained heavily in my hometown, all the unharvested wheat was flooded in the field. At that time, our family was waiting for the money from selling wheat to pay my tuition. If you hadn’t bought all our malt wheat, I would I'm afraid I've dropped out of school! "

Li Xiaogang's eyes lit up and he said, "Yes, I remembered, it happened for a while! You came with your mother at that time, right?" Seeing that Li Xiaogang really remembered, Liu Feng seemed very happy , nodded hastily.

Li Xiaogang said happily: "I really didn't expect that we are still alumni. I don't know if this is the fate that people often say? Hehe..." Liu Feng obviously misunderstood Li Xiaogang's words, and her face was a little blushing.

"Brother Li Xiaogang, why are you here?" Liu Feng hurriedly changed the subject in order not to let Li Xiaogang find out that she was strange.

Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "I, I was framed here! Hehe..."

Seeing Li Xiaogang's appearance, where there was no trace of being framed by someone, Liu Feng knew that he was probably joking, and said, "Who is so brave to frame my benefactor, let me avenge you! "

Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "You must not be in the benefactor's benefactor, you should call me Brother Li Xiaogang, it sounds comfortable!"

Li Xiaogang's amiability obviously made Liu Feng feel quite comfortable, and he was not as nervous as before.

"Fengfeng, why did you come here? I've been looking for you for a long time!" Just as Liu Feng and Li Xiaogang were chatting hotly, a sweet voice that sounded very comfortable came from behind, and Li Xiaogang was stunned Turning his head away, seeing the person coming, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "It is said that people's genes are constantly improving, and it is true! Even an agricultural college will gather so many beauties, which is an example!"

Liu Feng obviously has a very good relationship with this girl, seeing her face is also full of smiles: "Liu Ting, slow down, don't fall."

At this time, Liu Feng fully displayed the demeanor of a big sister in No. [-] Middle School, especially the mature charm hanging on her face, which is even more amazing. No wonder people say that children in rural areas are already in charge of their families.

The girl named Liu Ting ran a few steps to catch up with Liu Feng, grabbed her arm and said with some dissatisfaction: "Fengfeng, didn't you agree that we will have breakfast together today, who told you to go first? "When it came to breakfast, Liu Feng's face obviously flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and he glanced at Li Xiaogang with some embarrassment.

As a child of a farmer's family, it is not easy to scrape together one year's tuition fees, and the monthly living expenses are a heavy burden on the shoulders of farmers' parents.

Liu Feng's monthly living expenses are only a mere 200 yuan, which is barely enough to pay for a meal.

In order to save money as much as possible and not add any more burden to the family, Liu Feng has long developed the habit of skipping breakfast.

The sisters in Liu Feng's dormitory found out about this situation, so they made up their minds and decided to invite Liu Feng to have breakfast in turn.

At the beginning, the sisters hid it well, but Liu Feng didn't notice it, but as time went on, the clever Liu Feng soon discovered the strangeness, and at the same time, she also understood the sisters' affection.

But even though she is a rural child, Liu Feng's self-esteem is also very strong. She doesn't want to go on like this, but she doesn't want to embarrass her good sisters, so every time she always rushes to the classroom before them, and when they ask, she doesn't Hungry prevarication.

Liu Feng shook her head and said, "No need, I'm not hungry."

"Not hungry? Fengfeng, you are lying, I can clearly hear your little belly growling! Okay, don't wrong them anymore, I will treat you to fried dough sticks and soy milk today, cluck ..." Liu Ting giggled, which moved Liu Feng a little. She wanted to invite herself to dinner, and she had to do everything possible to cover it up so that she wouldn't find out. Liu Feng was really glad that she had met these good sisters.

Li Xiaogang also experienced the same thing, but at that time he was lucky and met Gao Yuanyuan, and Gao Yuanyuan helped him take care of three meals a day, which made him overcome many of these embarrassments.

Seeing the embarrassment on Liu Feng's face, Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm hungry too, why don't you take me with you?"

Just now Liu Ting had been paying attention to Liu Feng. It wasn't until Li Xiaogang spoke that she realized that he was a living person. She raised her eyes to look at Li Xiaogang. The smiling face made her a little lost involuntarily.

Liu Ting poked Liu Feng lightly and asked: "Fengfeng, who is this handsome guy?" Liu Feng looked at Li Xiaogang and didn't know how to answer.

Said to be a boyfriend, benefactor doesn't seem to be suitable.

Just when Liu Feng was in trouble, Li Xiaogang hugged Liu Feng's shoulder and said with a smile: "I am Fengfeng's cousin, nice to meet you! Your name is Liu Ting, right?" Li Xiaogang put his big hand on Liu Feng Li Xiaogang's shoulders, Liu Feng leaned almost her entire body on Li Xiaogang's arms. Although through the clothes, Liu Feng could still feel Li Xiaogang's scorching body temperature and strong beating heart.

For a moment, it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to stand up, his whole body was limp, and he wanted to keep leaning like this all the time.

"Cousin?" Hearing that Li Xiaogang is Liu Feng's cousin and nothing else, Liu Ting obviously felt relaxed and excited, and said with a smile: "Fengfeng, you have such a handsome cousin, how dare you If you keep it private and don't report it, aren't you afraid that the sisters will take you for three trials and serve you in a large scale?"

Liu Feng said shyly: "You didn't ask me if I have a cousin, why should I tell you!"

Liu Ting stretched her thin waist with both hands, raised her high chest, and said angrily, "Okay, you still dare to quibble, it seems that I really want to inform my sisters, and educate you properly!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled, and said to Liu Feng: "Cousin, I think keeping this woman is a disaster, why don't we kill her to silence her?"

"Ah?!" Liu Feng and Liu Ting glanced at Li Xiaogang at the same time, seeing his funny expression, they couldn't help laughing at the same time.

For girls like Liu Feng and Liu Ting who are still young, the charm of a mature man is really fatal.

Li Xiaogang not only has such a charm, what is even more frightening is that this charm is also mixed with some humor that is more likely to attract women, which makes Liu Feng and Liu Ting hardly have any resistance in front of her.

"Okay! Don't laugh anymore, your jaw will crooked if you laugh any more! When the time comes, let's see who else will marry the two of you!"

Li Xiaogang said cheerfully: "Let's go eat, I haven't had breakfast yet, I'm going to starve to death!" After speaking, he dragged the two girls to a campus restaurant [.

It has always been his favorite place before, not only the atmosphere is elegant, but also the taste of the food is perfect. It was the place that Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan liked to patronize back then. Every bit of what happened to people here.

Li Xiaogang was in the front all the way, walked into the restaurant with the two girls, found a seat, and ordered good things skillfully.

Liu Ting looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and asked, "You are also from our school? Why are you so familiar with this place?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Didn't my cousin tell you, cousin, I am a senior who has gone out from here!"

"Hey, be careful, don't take advantage of others, you are Fengfeng's cousin, not mine!" Liu Ting seemed to be very concerned about Li Xiaogang treating herself as a cousin, and hurriedly and seriously corrected her.

Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "It's your luck that I treat you as my cousin, you don't want to let me down!" After a while, the tables were filled with the waiters, and Liu Feng and Liu Ting looked at it with some puzzlement. Li Xiaogang thought to himself why he ordered so many.

But how did they know that every food on this table was tasted by him and Gao Yuanyuan together, and it was full of their sweetness.

If he had the opportunity to come here again, he would naturally have to taste it again.

Taste the taste of love that made him intoxicated and crazy.

Li Xiaogang seemed to have fallen into some kind of wonderful illusion, as if he was really sitting beside him, dressed in student attire, holding textbooks in his arms, looking at Gao Yuanyuan who was smiling sweetly.

Every movement of Li Xiaogang is full of rich emotions and deep yearning for the past years, so it seems so natural and so touching.

Liu Feng and Liu Ting couldn't care less about eating, they just looked at him stupidly.

I envy the woman who is missed by Li Xiaogang and loved by him.

Until Li Xiaogang finished eating, the two of them still haven't come to their senses.

(End of this chapter)

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