The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2222 Won't Let Me Marry You

Chapter 2222 Won't Let Me Marry You

Qin Hui'an was very puzzled when he heard it. Only now did he realize that he was really a frog in a well. From Li Bai's words, he could tell that Li Bai knew much more than he did.

"There are aliens?" Although Qin Hui'an knew that he was going to die, he couldn't help being curious. This is something that every person on Earth wants to know, but there is no answer.

Li Bai laughed. A long time ago, no one believed that there would be aliens, but with the advancement of technology, the topic of aliens is very hot in the exploration of the unknown universe.

How big is the universe, how small is the earth, and some stars are even hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth, and these are only a part of the universe, the earth can produce life, how can there be no other life in the vast universe.

Because the earth is too small, and the lifespan of human beings on earth is too short, so the so-called aliens are not seen at all.

"I can tell you very clearly that the universe is too big to be imagined, and there are more than thousands of beings in it. Even you spirit dwellers are just a drop in the ocean, but for you, these It’s useless anymore, and my place can be regarded as a cosmic space, although it’s not the same as a living planet, but it’s beyond your imagination.” Li Bai said.

"It seems that I really shouldn't mess with you. Who are you and what are you doing on Earth?" Qin Hui'an asked. He also wanted to know Li Bai's origin when he was about to die.

"I won't hide it from you. You know Li Xiaogang, right? A farmer more than a hundred years ago, in your opinion, he just made some contributions to the farmers of the national team, but in fact he is no longer an ordinary person. He is a human from the earth, just because of some special circumstances. Because of the reason, there is good fortune, and I am his son." Li Bai laughed, and he was very proud of this.

"Li Xiaogang's son, really unexpected." Qin Hui'an had also heard of Li Xiaogang. He used to think that he was just a humble farmer, but he didn't expect that it was not the case at all.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that if you count according to the time of the earth, I am over 100 years old, but I am in the universe. I just came to the earth not long ago. In fact, there are only a dozen or 20 years in the universe, but the earth has already passed More than 100 years." Li Bai said again without surprise, he was going to die anyway, let's see if he can figure out something.

"Time dimension, I never expected to know these things before I die, thank you." Qin Hui'an smiled gratifiedly, and he should be satisfied. These things will never be known by ordinary people in his life. The Lingju clan, after learning about these surprising things, should really be content.

"You want to know that I told you, should you also tell me what you know, so that's fair?" Li Bai said, he was still afraid of the Qin family and the Zhao family, although he was fine in terms of hard power. It's scary, but soft power can't be ignored. Qin Hui'an is a traitor and a traitor. He must have a reason to move to the Zhao family. As long as he gets it, it will be much easier.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't tell me this for no reason. Forget it, I should give up. If you tell me the secret of the Lingju clan, then I understand the reason why I was able to hack into the Zhao family's intelligent system before. It turns out that the parasite was born in the intelligent system, so it's no wonder." Qin Hui'an said calmly, it's time to let go.

"This chip contains the hands and feet I have done in the Zhao family's industry over the years. It has reached the final step. As long as it is implemented, the Zhao family's industry will collapse directly, and the Qin family can directly purchase all the shares of the Zhao family's industry. After recovering, the Zhao family's property will become the Qin family's." Qin Hui'an said in relief, indeed, after so many years of careful calculation, he has gradually become the physique of the Lingju clan, which is the capital he is proud of. Who would have thought that Li Bai would take a chance, the world is really too big.

"Thank you, and Mr. Qin, you really can't save him?" Li Bai still didn't give up. It was the old guy who did it, so the old guy must have a way.

Qin Hui'an smiled and said: "There is really no way for this. Don't you come from the universe? You should know the nature of neurological death better than me. I'm sorry, maybe it's because of this reason that you have to kill me. I I don't blame you, but I still hope that you treat the Qin family well, and if possible, please take care of my daughter, I have been spoiled by me since I was a child, I know this is a bit too much, but this is just a father's request, thank you."

Li Bai didn't make a statement, but he was right. Qin Yubing was still in a state of deep sleep, which was caused by Qin Hui'an. This had already touched his bottom line. When the little guy grows up, Li Bai has already killed him directly, and won't let him live so long.

"If you are in the world of comprehension, there is indeed a way, but it is too difficult on the earth, but it is not completely impossible. There are many treasures in my place, but we have to wait for the little guy to evolve. If we have If you get what you want, maybe I can consider to spare your life." Li Bai looked at the distant mountains, his father said that he must not go without fairy steps, but he has no choice but to go once, it should be the three-legged golden toad after evolution , The life-saving ability should be stronger, that might be better.

"Then I also hope that you can find the treasure to rescue Qin Yubing. What is this frog?" Qin Hui'an looked at the huge golden ball, and he was also very puzzled. Hearing Li Bai's introduction, his Lingju tribe's physique is Immortal, but could be devoured by this frog, he was really scared, being eaten by this little thing bit by bit, even though he had experienced it, he was still very scared.

"The three-legged golden toad should be called a spirit beast in the cultivation world. In fact, I don't know why he can devour you. There are countless cultivation planets in the universe, and some are even hundreds of thousands of times larger than the earth. That's true. It’s not surprising, I just came to the earth to play, after all, this is the planet where my father grew up, but sooner or later I will leave, of course not now.” Li Bai is also very yearning, those cultivation planets, and technological planets, although his father brought He's been to some, but still not enough.

It's a pity that he is not strong enough now. In the Jindan stage, he can only be regarded as a scumbag on the planet of cultivation. It is estimated that others can kill him with a fart, so it is safer to come to a low-level planet like the earth, but he yearns for those high-level planets very much. When the strength is enough, those planets will be more exciting.

Qin Hui'an felt bitter, you said you played me casually, and you played me to death, who the hell should I cry to, you are the son of a cultivator, such a cheating second generation, you came to the earth to bully me Man, does your father know, but there is no way, he has already met, so he can only admit that he is unlucky.

The three-legged golden toad has not yet evolved successfully, and Li Bai doesn't know about it, and he can't help him. He doesn't know how long it will take, so he can only wait.

After waiting for two hours, but the little thing still hadn't moved, Li Bai could only give up and go out first, in case the little guy broke through in three to five years, he wouldn't collapse immediately.

Qin Hui'an couldn't resist at all, in his ring space, that was his territory, of course not including the places he couldn't go, such as those mountains and those abysses, even Li Bai himself couldn't get in. It is a mortal act.

He appeared in the office building again, and it happened that Mu Xiaoting came. Now Xiannongshe has several beauties, Feng Yunxi, Mu Xiaoting, Deng Xin, Su Daji are all named in Xiannongshe.

The reputation of Xiannong Club is of course due to these beauties. Of course, it is also the reason why Xiannong Club itself is well paid. There is no membership fee and salary. There is no such university club.

"Our Lord Nonghuang is very leisurely, why is he planning to hook up with some beautiful woman?" Mu Xiaoting pouted her red lips, walked up to Li Bai with her long legs, slightly unhappy.

"Miss Xiaoting, what's the matter, whoever offended you, I'll deal with him." Li Bai hurriedly said, if Su Daji was like this, he wouldn't bother at all, but Mu Xiaoting is different, a lady like Miss Xiaoting is angry, That must be serious.

"Who else is there? It's fine if you don't see anyone all day long. Even moving house is so secretive, hum." Mu Xiaoting's slender legs alternated with each other, making Li Bai look more linear, but not now. When appreciating, you have to comfort the beautiful sister.

"Moving, I just moved yesterday. If Miss Xiaoting wants me, call Tianxun directly. I'll be there whenever I'm called." Li Bai smiled. I didn't expect Miss Xiaoting to know that he moved so soon.

"It's strange that Tianxun is so good at calling. I didn't get a signal when I called just now. Are you trying to avoid me?" Mu Xiaoting said angrily, but she knew that several women were trying to catch Li Bai's attention, so she had to seize the opportunity. Okay, and the father said that Li Bai might be Li Xiaogang's son, this matter is too important to the Mu family.

"Just now, I just turned off Tianxun and slept, so there was no signal. Is there something you can do for Miss Xiaoting?" Li Bai said with a smile. It would be strange if there were signals in the ring space.

"Can't I find you if I have nothing to do?" Mu Xiaoting said angrily. To be honest, these beauties are very attractive, but each has its own style, which makes Li Bai don't know what to do. My father didn't teach me about this kind of thing. How to deal with it, if I knew it, I would ask how my father managed to deal with the mothers back then.

"No, of course not. As long as Miss Xiaoting needs it, I will be there on call. Today, I belong to Miss Xiaoting. I can do whatever you want. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to shit, I won't have diarrhea." Li Bai patted his chest to promise.

"Whoever tells you to shit, you'll be silly, come with me to my house, my dad and grandpa want to see you." Mu Xiaoting said, she really has something to do, but she really hasn't seen Li Bai these days, I don't know Why do you want to come to him.

"Your father and your grandpa, why did they see me? They won't let me marry you, but we are still in school." Li Bai wondered, causing Mu Xiaoting to roll her eyes, and said, "What are you thinking, I I can't tell you clearly, anyway, it's not what you think, besides, you don't want to marry me?"

(End of this chapter)

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