The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2225 The Green Rabbit

Chapter 2225 The Green Rabbit

Li Bai just wanted to go out, only to hear a click sound, and the golden cocoon burst a crack.

Light like a golden flame rushed out, extremely dazzling.

Click click!

The big cocoon shattered, the golden glow bloomed, and an unknown animal bathed in golden flames appeared. It had toad eyes, but its body was longer, and its body was smaller. It looked like a lizard, but it was not a lizard. With a pair of golden wings, and the whole body seems to be burning with golden flames, it seems to look better than before.

"What is this?" Li Bai also wondered, is this creature that looks like a lizard but is not a lizard or the three-legged golden toad?

"Brother, I have successfully evolved." The voice of the three-legged golden toad came out of my mind, and the little thing jumped directly onto Li Bai's shoulder.

Li Bai was still afraid that the flames on this little thing would burn him, but luckily it didn't seem to threaten him, so he couldn't help asking, "What are you now, aren't you a three-legged golden toad?"

"Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, I have evolved, a high-level spirit beast." The voice of the little thing came into Li Bai's mind, which surprised Li Bai.

Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, this little thing has evolved into a Golden Flame Dragon Lizard. It is unbelievable. Even in the cultivation world, the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard is the absolute king. The king of spirit beasts, even those who have reached the tribulation stage , also wanted to get a Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, but couldn't get it, not because of insufficient strength, but because the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard was too rare.

"It turns out that the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard evolved from the three-legged golden toad. No wonder it's rare in the cultivation world. Little guy, how strong are you now?" Li Bai asked.

"Very strong, brother, you can't beat me." Golden Flame Dragon Lizard said directly, taking Li Bai as a reference, without any scruples about Li Bai, even a little thing is stronger than him.

"It's better to be stronger than me. I'll call you Jin Yan from now on. I just want to give you a name." Li Bai said, if the little thing is so strong, then he will be more confident in entering the distant mountain.

"Good Jin Yan, Jin Yan." The little guy also looked very excited.

Li Bai went out again to make arrangements, and then directly entered the ring space, this time he could really venture into the mountains.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Li Bai took Jin Yan to go directly. Although it looked quite far away, but with Jin Yan there, it was not far away at all. Li Bai also felt Jin Yan's strength again.

Jin Yan reminded that it had become a lot bigger. Li Bai sat directly on Jin Yan's sorrow, and sat on a dragon once. He really didn't expect that the body of the little thing could actually become bigger, so that he could sit on it directly.

I thoroughly felt the feeling of sitting on a dragon once, it was so domineering, and the speed was outrageous.

When it got close, Jin Yan fell directly to the foot of the mountain, and it seemed that he couldn't fly anymore. Li Bai was also slightly relieved, and he couldn't fly right away.

At the foot of the mountain, Jin Yan turned into a small lizard again and landed on Li Bai's shoulder. There seemed to be some terrifying sounds in the mountain.

Li Bai shook his head, since he came, it was impossible to retreat, at least he had to gain something, and walked straight up the mountain.

He could feel the richness of the aura on this mountain, even in some cultivation worlds, it might not be comparable.

Li Bai didn't know what the danger was, because he had never been here before, and he didn't know what unknown situation would arise, and his father never told him what was on this mountain.

Li Bai's purpose is to find the spirit grass, and don't care about the rest. He hopes to find the spirit grass that can save Qin Yubing, and then leave directly. He has a feeling that this place is really dangerous, at least countless times more dangerous than the earth, even some cultivation planets , the degree of danger is probably not as good as here.

"Huh, it's empty without flowers, haha." Li Bai bent down to pick the next blue flower, and it was terrible. After walking for a long time, he came across a spiritual grass, and the harvest was good.

Li Bai could feel that the danger was getting closer and closer, but he had no choice, he would not go back, he wanted to see what danger was there, and this was only the outer area, and there was still a long distance from the depths of the mountain. I feel that as long as I don't go deep, the degree of danger should not be too great.

"Heavenly Blood Grass, haha, there are really good things." Li Bai picked a Heavenly Blood Gutter, and within a short time, he had already found two kinds of spiritual grasses, and the harvest was very good.

"Qingmingguo, hehe."


Li Bai stared at these spirit herbs excitedly. He had already received a lot of spirit herbs within half a day after entering the mountain. Even in some dangerous places in the cultivation world, these spirit herbs are hard to come by. good baby.

Just when Li Bai was excited, the golden flame on his shoulder jumped out, and the voice rang in Li Bai's mind: "Brother, there is danger, go quickly."

Li Bai also felt that there seemed to be a huge aura approaching, so he didn't have time to think too much, he directly grabbed the spirit grass he had just discovered in front of him, turned around and ran away.

However, it was too late, the surrounding trees began to move continuously, and then surrounded Li Bai without warning, making his moving range smaller and smaller.

"Bold human beings, dare to break into my territory and suffer death." There was a screaming voice, but I didn't see what it was.

Li Bai's face changed slightly. The surrounding trees seemed to be controlled by something, constantly compressing his space for movement, and some tree roots began to wrap around his body, trying to control him forcibly.

The long knife appeared directly in his hand, and the silver starburst rushed out like a sea wave, trying to break through the entanglement of these trees.

"It's useless?" Li Bai was surprised. He didn't expect the extremely powerful star power to be useless to these trees. Now Li Bai really panicked. This is the first time.

Only he knows how violent his star power is. He has never encountered anything that star power can't compete with, but for these trees, star power is just like ordinary energy, useless, and has nothing to do with air The difference, that's the real difference.

"Brother, I'm coming." Jin Yan's figure instantly grew bigger, and the golden flames that lingered on his body also rushed out directly, rushing towards the surrounding trees, but it still had no great effect.

These trees had already begun to wrap around Li Bai's body, and instantly wrapped around Li Bai's legs and feet, with no power to resist at all.

"Human boy, trespassing on Lingshan, die." The voice came out again, Li Bai was already entangled by tree roots and vegetation, unable to move, it was too terrifying, even Li Bai had no choice, Jin Yan couldn't do anything, but It doesn't seem like the roots are attacking it.

However, he could only be in a hurry and hit the roots and plants with the golden flame, but it was useless. The golden flame of the golden flame is definitely much stronger than the golden thread of the three-legged golden toad before, but for these roots and As far as grass and trees are concerned, they are simply pediatrics, and they are not threatening at all.

"What to do, damn it, is this thing so strong?" Li Bai was very annoyed, this damn thing is so damn strong, even the golden flame of the golden flame dragon's breath is useless.

"No wonder my father said that you must not come if you don't have the strength of the immortal rank." Li Bai has been wrapped into a rice dumpling now, and so is Jin Yan next to him, who has no strength to resist at all.

Those flames are useless to these tree roots, and they don't even know what they are shooting.

"Humans, why did you step into Lingshan?" A bouncing, green-body animal that looked a bit like a rabbit appeared in front of Li Bai, staring angrily at Li Bai who was wrapped in rice dumplings.

"What is this, a green rabbit?" Li Bai also wondered, what the hell kind of place is this? How could there be a green rabbit that is so strong that it can control the plants on this spiritual mountain.

"Damn it, I'm not a rabbit. I said why I stepped into the Lingshan Mountain. Did I come to seek death?" The green rabbit called himself the ancestor. Li Bai couldn't laugh, this rabbit was too cheating.

"Is this the Lingshan Mountain? I might be lost. Let me go and I'll go out right away." Li Bai said in a low voice. This rabbit seems to be cheating, but it seems that there is something wrong with its IQ. Of course I'm not here to seek death. Who will be fine? Come and die.

"I'm lost. This is Lingshan, the territory of my ancestors. If you get lost, you are not allowed to step here. Otherwise, the ancestors will eat you in one bite, and my children will eat you in one bite." The rabbit said angrily. We should be these roots.

Li Bai was a little puzzled. He thought it was scary at first, but why did the rabbit feel that the atmosphere was not right when it came out? It couldn’t be scary. This rabbit is really funny, with its bouncing appearance, and its green front teeth. , and talking are so funny.

"Old man, let me go quickly, I'm in pain." Jin Yan next to him was even more rude, cursing directly at the rabbit. After evolving into the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, he can already talk, and of course he can also talk with Li Bai. Communicate consciously, or face to face.

When the rabbit heard this, he immediately rushed to Jin Yan angrily, and said: "You water the old thing, you little doll who is still in its infancy, how about I won't let you go, Ancestor, I am angry today, first Take care of you, a little doll who is not yet an adult."

"Don't you dare, you said that you can only stay here in Poling Mountain, and you still have such a big temper, you deserve to be trapped here, you deserve it." Jin Yan didn't seem to be afraid of the rabbit at all, but instead talked back to him, saying this The rabbit jumped around angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

"Shut up, you little dragon lizard in its infancy, even your elders dare not talk to me like that with my ancestor here. Don't think that I have no temper, and you pissed me off..."

"How about getting angry, you can't get out, you can only guard this Poling Mountain and be sealed to death." Jin Yan said disdainfully, Li Bai was very strange, how did Jin Yan know that this rabbit was sealed here, I'm not afraid of the rabbit at all.

"Little guy, what's going on, what is this rabbit, he was sealed here?" Li Bai asked subconsciously.

"Brother, I have awakened my talent, and I still have some memories about fairy beasts. This rabbit is a fairy beast 'Kongming Rabbit', a very powerful fairy beast in the fairy world, but for some reason, it has been sealed here." Jin Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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