The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2227 Beautiful Lady

Chapter 2227 Beautiful Lady

"Brother, you are abusing pets, I want to complain to you." The little thing got up from the ground and said aggrieved with a bitter face.

"Come and eat something, make lean meat porridge." Bingjian came in with a bowl of porridge and said.

Qin Yubing glanced thoughtfully at the ice spike, and then at Li Bai. He didn't know what he was thinking, and without saying anything, he finished the bowl of porridge in one go.

"Sister, drink slowly, and no one will grab it for you." Li Bai laughed.

"I'm really hungry, my stomach is empty, and this porridge is delicious." Qin Yubing looked at Bingthorn gratefully. Although she didn't know Bingthorn yet, she didn't seem to have any hostility.

"That's good, haha." Bingjian picked up the bowl and left the room.

Li Bai turned his head around, not knowing how to speak, but the elder sister of the teacher said, "Tell me what's going on, don't hide a word from me, and that beautiful younger sister."

Although she had just woken up, the eyes of the teacher's sister were still so lethal, Li Bai had no choice but to tell Qin Yubing everything since she fell into a coma, including how she fell into a coma.

Including parasites, spirit dwellers, but the matter of the Soul Grass has been brought up directly, and it is only said that I planted it myself.

"Is Second Uncle dead?" Qin Yubing asked. Although Qin Hui'an really deserved to die, Qin Yubing still couldn't bear to hear about Qin Hui'an's death. After all, he was his Second Uncle and a relative.

"Dead." Li Bai said, anyway, he will die sooner or later, so it should be acceptable now.

"Then should you tell me your identity now?" Qin Yubing stared at Li Bai with cold eyes. This person knows so many incredible things, and his identity is definitely not simple.

Li Bai sighed. More and more people know about his identity. Anyway, it’s okay, so let’s recruit, and said directly: "I am the son of Li Xiaogang. Although I was born on the earth, I left after birth. Now, maybe you can't imagine it, but my father is indeed powerful to a terrifying level, and we have been in the universe for more than ten years."

Li Bai started the same explanation again, time dimension, cosmic space, although all these are so inconceivable, but Li Bai himself is so inconceivable, that magical space, and powerful strength, knowing this will be more convincing.

This can explain why Li Bai is so powerful and why there is such a magical space, which is only available to practitioners.

After Qin Yubing listened, he had to admit that the world is really different. In fact, the world itself is constantly changing, including the popularity of ancient martial arts in recent years, as well as the news of ancient martial arts families and cultivation families, which are all happening slowly. Variety.

But she still finds it incredible that there are real cultivators and aliens. Although the person in front of him is not an alien, he is from an alien.

"What else are you hiding from me? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qin Yubing stared at Li Bai, but she still couldn't believe that this guy came from an alien.

"Sister, I've told you what you want to know. If I had told you earlier, you would have thought I was crazy. Who would believe such a thing?" Li Bai smiled bitterly. If he rushed to the street and shouted that I am Aliens, it's no wonder they weren't killed.

"Well, this is a bit like a Korean TV series made more than a hundred years ago, you from the stars, will you disappear suddenly." Qin Yubing worried.

"What disappeared? I came here by myself. It's a bit difficult to go back, but it's not too difficult. If I cultivate to the immortal level, or my father comes to Earth to pick me up, then I have to go back." Li Bai said.

"Is the fairy rank the fairy mentioned on TV?" Qin Yubing asked like a curious baby. It's good to have an alien as a friend, at least you can know a lot of things you don't know.

"This should be much more powerful than the gods on the earth. The current earth is a low-level planet, and it can also become a mortal world. Immortal ranks cannot accommodate it, so after passing the tribulation, I ascended and went to a high-level cultivation planet." Li Bai explained that these things are simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Du Jie, then you won't be going to cross Jie soon, right?" Qin Yubing was worried, she was really worried that Li Bai would disappear in an instant, after all, he was an alien.

"It's early, I'm only at the golden elixir stage now, and there are Nascent Soul, Transformation God, Fusion, Mahayana, and Crossing Tribulation, at least decades or hundreds of years." Li Bai said, although his cultivation speed is not too slow, But cultivation is not that simple, not everyone can win the favor of Empress Nuwa like his father.

"Then your father won't come to pick you up?" Qin Yubing said.

"If I wanted to come, I would have come a long time ago, but even if I did, it would be fine. Just let him take us back together, and we would go to the universe to play together, it would be more fun." Li Bai said, in fact, he now understands that he can He came down to the earth, or his father put it down on purpose, otherwise, with his strength, how could he come to the earth secretly?

The two chatted about some things again, and Qin Yubing's health also recovered a little bit. Li Bai also told him the current situation of the Qin family, as long as he went back to operate it.

However, the Zhao family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is one of the four major families in the capital, and its background is absolutely strong. After the two discussed it, they still felt that they should be more cautious, otherwise it would be bad if something went wrong.

"Let's go out and have some food, a bowl of porridge is not enough." Li Bai smiled.

Immediately took the two beautiful sisters out for dinner. As for the ice thorn, Li Bai also told Qin Yubing. Although he didn't say it explicitly, Qin Yubing must have understood it. He probably knew it well.

"What to eat, why don't we go to eat western food." Li Bai said, with the two beauties, it is natural to go to a more elegant place, the western restaurant is quite good.

"Sister Bingthorn, what do you think?" Qin Yubing looked at Bingthorn, as if he cared a lot about Bingthorn's feelings.

"I'm fine, as long as my sister likes it." Bingthorn smiled. Although both of them are stunning beauties, and their temperaments are somewhat similar, Bingthorn understands that Li Bai took her in as a maid, while Qin Yubing is different. , which is an essential difference.

"Okay, let's go eat western food." Qin Yubing was thoughtful. She also knew that Bingthorn's identity was a killer in the past, but after following Li Bai, it completely changed. This is all because this guy is too powerful, but Now it seems that it should be willing.

Not far behind Ferrari, a private car followed unhurriedly. Inside was Qiu Dachong, the master invited by the Zhao family before. Now beside him was a young man with a white face who looked only in his 20s. The face is very fair, and the eyes are also very bright, like the face of a baby, it is not an exaggeration to call it a little fresh meat.

But he was wearing a blue Taoist robe that was incompatible with the city.

"Master, do you see that I didn't lie to you? There really are spirit beasts. Didn't they appear this time?" Qiu Dachong glanced at the Taoist robed little fresh meat next to him, and said with some fear.

It's hard to imagine that Qiu Dachong is almost 40 years old, and it's a bit strange to call this 20-year-old young man Master.

But this is just a superficial phenomenon. This young man named 'Yun Kong' is indeed Qiu Dachong's master. Although he looks only in his twenties, his actual age is already seven or eighty years old or even more, at least Qiu Dachong knew that his master, who looked only in his twenties, was at least older than him, but he had always been like this, unchanged for decades.

This is the strength of a cultivator. They don't look old, and they act against the sky, which is simply beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Yunkong came this time because of the spirit beast that Qiu Dachong said. In fact, he has been here for several days, and he has been following Li Bai for several days, but the breath of the spirit beast has disappeared.

Yun Kong sensed the aura in the air, and knew that there must have been a spirit beast, but there was no spirit beast in the past few days, so he couldn't help but doubt Qiu Dachong, but fortunately, after waiting for a few more days, the breath of this spirit beast really appeared up.

Just now, a spirit beast appeared, but it was not the three-legged golden toad that Qiu Dachong mentioned, but the dragon lizard recorded in ancient books, or the golden flame dragon lizard, which is quite rare even in the cultivation world, Yun Kong couldn't help but be overjoyed , directly brought Qiu Dachong along.

Jin Yan has been inside the interspatial ring for the past few days, of course Yunkong couldn't detect Jin Yan, but now that he came out, he can naturally detect it.

Li Bai took Qin Yubing and Icicles into the western restaurant. This is a French restaurant with an elegant, romantic and warm environment and many couples.

Of course, there are still very few people like Li Bai with two beauties. Jin Yan did not follow and was left in the car by Li Bai. Too ostentatious.

"Sir, we have a couple set meal for two and a couple set meal for four, which one do you want?" The waiter was amazed at the charm of Qin Yubing and Bingthorn, and even more admired Li Bai's ability to have two such beautiful girls as his Girlfriend, very enviable.

"It's for four, thank you." Li Bai replied. He heard that the portions of Western food are not too much. He was afraid that it would not be enough. After all, Qin Yubing had been hungry for several days.

"Okay, please follow me." The waiter brought the three of them to a booth.

This is a four-person seat. At Qin Yubing's request, Li Bai sat with Bingthorn, and she sat opposite Bingthorn.

There is light music in the restaurant, which is very romantic and warm. It is said that French people are very romantic, which is really good. This kind of atmosphere is indeed romantic.

After a short time, the food was brought up. Medium-rare steak, red wine, pizza, and pasta. These things really didn't make you feel full. Fortunately, Li Bai ordered for four people.

While the three of them were eating comfortably, a man in a suit appeared opposite Li Bai.

"Excuse me, may I have the honor to sit here? Beautiful lady?" The words were addressed to Qin Yubing, a foreign man with deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge, a typical western handsome guy.

"No, thank you." Li Bai said directly, he wanted to fuck my girl in front of my face, he wanted to die.

(End of this chapter)

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