Chapter 2236

"Well, why don't we go to eat first, that's better." Li Bai swallowed, he really didn't want to stay here for a moment, the two girls were fighting endlessly.

"No, there must be a competition today, otherwise I will never end with her." Su Daji glared at Feng Yunxi, like a heifer, her hair was about to stand on end,
Feng Yunxi is similar, this is simply bullfighting, who can tell him what to do in this situation, Li Bai just wants to be hit to death with a piece of tofu, drowned in a basin of water, or dropped to death with noodles, in short, just give him a way to die, otherwise He will be killed.

Just at this moment, a cheerful voice sounded, thank God, Li Bai's sky message rang.

Li Bai decided that no matter who called, he would thank him for eight lifetimes, benefactor, for saving his old life.

"Li Bai, something happened at the research institute, can you come over?" Liu Wei said in Tianxun.

"Has something happened in the research institute? Well, I'll come right away." Li Bai was eager to leave quickly. Isn't there a reason for this now?

Just after hanging up Tianxun, Feng Yunxi and Su Meng looked at him together and asked, "Who is this woman?"

"Well, I'll explain to you when I get back. I have something to do over there. I'll go first. Goodbye." Li Bai left directly, and it would be later if he didn't leave now.

There was an accident in the research institute, and Liu Wei's nervous appearance should not be fake. Anyone who dares to make trouble in the research institute is looking for death. The security inside is so strict that not even a fly can fly in. It seems a bit bad.

When Li Bai arrived at Yanhuang Mansion, Liu Wei was already waiting outside.

"What's going on?" Li Bai asked.

"Let's go in and talk about it." Liu Wei whispered, and brought Li Bai into the research institute again.

After entering the research institute, I found that many staff members gathered together, seeming to be discussing something, and seemed a little flustered.

"Professor Wu and Professor Jiang are both dead. Everyone is very scared now." Liu Wei brought Li Bai into an office. Only Li Bai came to mind.

Li Bai was also slightly surprised, those two old professors were actually dead, who would kill those two old men.

"The two old men who quarreled last time? Wu Xunshan and Jiang De? What about the corpse? Take me to see the corpse." Li Bai said immediately, the only way to know what happened is to examine the corpse.

"No, just this morning, first, Professor Wu yelled inexplicably and then he couldn't get up, and then the body turned into ashes like a block, and soon after, Professor Jiang also yelled, and the body turned into ashes in a short time For the sake of ashes." Liu Wei bit her lip, she still felt flustered thinking about it, how could such a weird thing happen, and now everyone in the research institute is afraid that she will die in this way.

Everyone was terrified, even Liu Wei was terrified, whether she would suddenly yell and turn into ashes.

Li Bai patted Liu Wei with his hands, and comforted him, "It's okay, take me to see where they died, I have a solution."

"Okay." Liu Wei relaxed a little, at least Li Bai could give her a sense of security.

But just when he stood up, he found that his body went limp, and he fell directly into Li Bai's arms, and at the same time, his body began to tremble.

Li Bai's face changed drastically, and the silver star power came out through his body, directly rushing into Liu Wei's body.

"Hmph, looking for death." Li Bai's face turned cold, and the silver star power wrapped Liu Wei's body completely, hiding it very deeply, but it couldn't escape his star power's pursuit.

A moment later, a white flame was wrapped by the silver star power, and it was forcibly pulled out. If Li Bai was a little slower, Liu Wei's body would have been reduced to ashes in an instant.

"It's actually a yin and yang fire, it's just looking for death." Li Bai snorted coldly, and the silver star power wrapped the white flame and crushed it directly.

The moment the Yin-Yang fire was crushed, in a room in a building near the Yanhuang Building, a skinny man spat out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest in disbelief.

"It's interesting that there are masters." The man snorted coldly, walked out of the window and looked at the Yanhuang Building in the distance.

In the research institute, Li Bai pressed Liu Wei's bright forehead, and Liu Wei also woke up, wondering: "What's wrong?"

Li Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, I know the reason, have Professor Wu and Professor Jiang been out?"

"That's right, the two of them have a one-day vacation a month, and yesterday happened to be their vacation, and they came back this morning." Liu Wei said.

Li Bai understood as soon as he heard it. It seems that there is a problem not in the research institute, but in the vicinity of the research institute.

"Understood, you don't go out these two days, I'll go and tell them, otherwise they will be afraid." Li Bai immediately walked out of the office and walked to a group of frightened staff.

"Brother Li, do you know what's going on? Both Professor Wu and Professor Jiang died so horribly. Could it be that terrorists sneaked into the research institute? Who will die next, it won't be me?" A male staff member with glasses said in horror, because Li Bai came to solve Donggen's problem for them last time, so Li Bai knows many people and has a good reputation.

Li Bai cleared his throat and said, "Don't worry, everyone. I already know the cause of death of Professor Wu and Professor Jiang. I guarantee that everyone will have no problems. Of course, everyone should not leave the research institute."

"Professor Wu and Professor Jiang died suddenly because they left the research institute yesterday and were given a magic spell. It should be that someone wanted to deal with the research institute, but the magic can only be hit when they go out. As long as they stay in the research institute There is no problem with the courtyard, I promise." In order to eliminate the fear of these people, Li Bai can only say this, saying that they really don't know what yin and yang fire are.

"Witchcraft, what kind of sorcery is so terrifying, a big living person will be reduced to ashes directly, is it true that nothing will happen if you don't go out?" Some people are still very scared.

"Don't worry, I promise, if there are still people who die, I'll kill myself to thank the world, okay, it's okay, everyone just do things normally, when Minister Hou comes back, I'll ask him to raise your wages, let's all go do things." Li Bai said with a smile Well, this research institute can be said to be really confidential in all aspects. Almost all the staff here will not go out. I am afraid that they will not have the opportunity to go out until the virus incident is resolved.

This is also a contribution to the country, and it is also very beneficial to my own future, and the salary is not cheap, and I deserve it.

"We can still trust Brother Li Bai's words. I know that Brother Li Bai is a master of ancient martial arts. Everyone believes in Brother Li Bai. It's okay, let's do things." A man who is almost 30 years old smiled at everyone, which should be considered A little prestige.

Li Bai nodded, and it was enough to eliminate the fear of these people. As for the manipulator of the yin and yang fire outside, he was the only one to solve it.

A group of people returned to their jobs, and Li Bai and Liu Wei also returned to the office again. It seemed that the person who manipulated Yin Yang Huo had to be found, otherwise someone would die, after all, someone would definitely go out.

"Did I almost die just now?" Liu Wei stared at Li Bai. She knew that she fainted suddenly and woke up in Li Bai's arms. Li Bai must have saved her.

"Well, but it's all right now. Someone left a yin and yang fire on your body. As long as you ignite it, you will be burned to ashes like Wu Xunshan and Jiang De. There are onmyojis nearby." Li Bai explained, but Liu Wei After a while, I was afraid that if Li Bai wasn't there, if Li Bai couldn't deal with the yin and yang fire, then she would be turned into a pile of ashes now.

"Hmm..." Although it had passed, but knowing that she was almost reduced to ashes, she was so frightened that she cried, and Liu Wei felt her whole body collapsed.

"Why are you crying? Isn't it all right? With me here, I'm all right." Li Bai smiled, but thinking about it, it was almost turned into ashes. It was really a scary thing.

"Hold me, use your strength." Liu Wei plunged into Li Bai's arms, as if she was about to melt into Li Bai's body. She had never been so scared, almost, almost.

After a long time, Liu Wei raised her head from Li Bai's arms, her eyes were red from crying, and she looked like pear blossoms with rain, which was heartbreaking to watch.

"It's okay, it's just me, a brat, it'll be fine." Li Bai joked, but he was really happy to hold such a beautiful woman all the time, not to mention comfortable, but also very fragrant, quite nice.

"I hate it, didn't I just say you are a little brat, so you hold grudges like that." Liu Wei smiled through tears, this guy is really annoying.

"Speaking seriously, I'll take care of the onmyoji outside. Just don't go out these few days, and no one will come in." Li Bai was slightly puzzled. Onmyoji is very powerful, but he is not a cultivator. Just manipulating something.

"Is Onmyoji very powerful? Will you be in danger?" Liu Wei looked at Li Bai worriedly. She knew that Li Bai was a master of ancient martial arts, but could ancient martial arts masters be able to deal with Onmyoji?

"Don't worry, it's just an onmyoji, I can still deal with little brats." Li Bai smiled, as far as he knew, it seemed that this kind of onmyoji was abundant in the Wa country.

"These rats are not timid, and the lesson is not enough." Li Bai sighed, the virus incident was jointly carried out by the Japanese and Korean countries, and this research institute happened to be the place to study the virus antidote, which has already researched a lot A large batch of antidote went out, and the virus was partially controlled. This is definitely what the Japanese and Koreans do not want to see.

So they couldn't sit still, and directly attacked the research institute, but the research institute was impenetrable, they couldn't get in at all, and it was easy to scare the snake, so they could only do this kind of thing that could cause the research institute to panic.

The two experts were reduced to ashes and died in a strange manner, with no corpse left. This kind of death will definitely make everyone in the research institute panic. Under the panic, the project of studying Donggen can only be shelved.

Although the strategy is good, there is a variable after all, and that is Li Bai.

In fact, they can also do something to Donggen's plantation place, Xiannongshe, but unfortunately, it is very dangerous there, and the periphery of Xiannongshe is full of poisonous insects at night, so there is no way to start.

(End of this chapter)

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