The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2238 Onmyoji

Chapter 2238 Onmyoji

"You haven't eaten all day, I'll treat you to a buffet, eat as much as you want." The girl smiled.

"Buffet, okay, I haven't served a buffet yet?" Li Bai also smiled, she is really a kind girl.

"My name is Xu Lu, what about you?" The girl asked Li Bai with her generous hand outstretched.

"My name is Li Bai. Nice to meet you." Li Bai shook Xu Lu's little hand, which was very soft.

The two of them didn't walk for long, and they arrived at the place where Xu Lu said they had a buffet.

"Xiao Lu brought her boyfriend to dinner, ha ha." The proprietress of the buffet smiled at Xu Lu, and her eyes swept around Li Bai.

"Aunt Wu, it's not her boyfriend." Xu Lu said with a blushing face. Although she had seen Li Bai for three days, she still didn't know Li Bai very well. She just thought this guy was very strange. He was about the same age as her, and he was pretty good-looking too. He's handsome, and he doesn't look like a rich man, but he just sits in a coffee shop for a whole day. You must know that the cost is also high. This person must not know these cheap places to eat.

"Xiao Lu is shy, here are the tableware, you can do it yourself." Aunt Wu handed the tableware to Xu Lu, she seemed very relieved of Xu Lu.

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Wu." Xu Lu held two tableware, which were simple tableware like iron plates, similar to those in the school cafeteria, which were really rare outside.

Li Bai followed Xu Lu to the place where the vegetables were ordered. These were all fried vegetables, and they could be thrown directly onto the plate. It was very convenient for him to eat whatever he wanted.

Because it is past eleven o'clock now, there are not many people, but there are still some people who come off work late to eat here.

With two plates of food in hand, he sat down at a table and started eating.

"Eat quickly, if you don't have enough to eat, you can go to fight, it's okay." Xu Lu looked at Li Bai, it seemed that this guy had never been to this kind of place to eat, but he seemed very curious.

"Oh, then I'll eat."

In a tall building in the northeast corner of Yanhuang Building, Kanda Saburo looked at the eldest brother and second brother in front of him, his eyes were full of excitement, and said: "Big brother and second brother, you are finally here, I can hardly bear it, this time we must can kill that kid."

"Well, we also brought the Yin-Yang diagram, no matter how strong the Huaxia boy is, he will definitely die, hmph." The same lean man with a slightly shorter stature said coldly, it was the boss Kanda Ichiro.

"Be careful. The ancient Chinese martial arts are very powerful. Let's not use the Yin-Yang diagram first. Be on the safe side and try to be foolproof." Kanda Erlang said. Among the three brothers, Erlang is the most cautious, the most thoughtful, and the better minded.

"Okay, what the second brother said is right, if this Huaxia boy is killed this time, the status of the Kanda clan in the Japanese country will be even higher, hum." Said Kanda Ichiro, although he is the boss, he still has his own way of planning and thinking. He is very clear that he is not as good as Erlang, so among the three, the second one is actually the one who decides.

"Well, second brother, what do you think we should do?" Saburo Kanda also agreed.

The three of them discussed it and made a decision. Kanda Saburo looked at the Yanhuang Building over there and said, "Second brother, that kid has been in the nearby coffee shop these days, but it's already late, and he actually went today." Eat in the alley over there, do you do it now or wait until he is careless?"

"It should be sooner rather than later. He must not have noticed that my brother and I are here. He thinks that you are the only one. Saburo, you should go out first to let him be careless, and then we will make a move. This method is called showing weakness in Huaxia." Erlang said with confidence.

"it is good."

At the self-service stand, Li Bai has already started to eat the third plate. The taste is really good, and every bite makes Li Bai very comfortable.

"Eat slowly, just say that you will be hungry if you don't eat for a day, and try to be brave." Xu Lu looked at Li Bai with a smile. She is now sure that Li Bai really hasn't eaten for several days. No scruples anymore, this is the third set.

"I don't know if I don't eat, but I'm really hungry." Li Bai smiled. Although he didn't eat for a few days, it didn't matter, but the taste was really good, and he couldn't bear to let down the good intentions of this kind girl. .

"I think you're starving and confused. You can't feel it when you're hungry. I'm going to serve three of Aunt Wu later, you bastard." Xu Lu looked at her wallet distressedly, but looked at Li Bai's face Still very happy.

"How is it enough for three people? I guess you have to eat five people. I don't feel it yet. I guess I still have to eat so much." Li Bai laughed, this is the truth, if he wants to eat, eat another So much no problem at all.

"Ah, do you guys have a sense of public morality? It's almost fine. You've made me poor for a single meal." Xu Lu looked at her wallet in pain, she didn't expect this guy to eat so much, This person is ten yuan, if it is for five people, the meal will cost almost 100 yuan, which is enough for her for a week, and she regrets inviting this guy to dinner.

"I don't care about that. You want to invite me to dinner. Anyway, I'm going to rely on you. I'll come to your coffee shop tomorrow to sit for a day. Will you invite me to dinner tonight?" Li Bai laughed, this girl is too easy to deceive Yes, it's pretty cute.

"Ah, I'm coming tomorrow. I don't have any money tomorrow. The money you spend sitting in a coffee shop for a day is enough for you to come here for many days. You didn't know this place existed before, but now you know it, don't worry." I’m going to the coffee shop, just come here to eat every day.” Xu Lu persuaded, is this guy a fool, the coffee shop is so expensive, and he sits in it all day, he already knows this place, so it’s not worth it Take a coffee shop.

"No, I still have to go to the coffee shop. Although I don't have much money, I can only see you when I go to the coffee shop." Li Bai looked at Xu Lu and said, he had known Xu Lu for less than a few hours, just flirting with him like this Good girl, only this beast can do it.

"Ah, don't talk nonsense. We just met each other. How could you come to the coffee shop to see me?" Xu Lu blushed pretty, feeling a little flustered in her heart. Although she knew what Li Bai said was false, she felt It's embarrassing.

"Really, otherwise, why do I come to your coffee shop every day? I just look for opportunities to get close to you. I'm so poor that I don't want to go to the coffee shop, but I also want to see you, so I can't control that much." Li Bai He started to fool the little girl shamelessly again. If there is someone who knows, he will definitely scold the bastard for being shameless. Is there anyone who fools the little girl like this?

"Nonsense, I don't care about you." Xu Lu's pretty face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. It seemed that Li Bai's sudden nonsense made her feel very uncomfortable.

This is normal, let me ask who would confess his love to others within less than an hour of meeting, such a shameless and insane approach, only Li Bai, a beast, can do it.

When Xu Lu was very embarrassed, a ball of flames fell directly from the air, and the temperature in place instantly increased, and then the ball of flames immediately began to spin.

Countless smaller flames scattered in all directions, and the two men who were eating were directly hit by the flames, and then their whole bodies were directly reduced to ashes.

Immediately, the souls of those who were still eating were frightened. Some rushed out, while others lay on the ground.

The two flames rushed directly towards Aunt Wu who was cooking at the stall. Xu Lu also noticed this situation, her little face turned pale with fright, and her eyes stared at the flames floating towards Aunt Wu in horror.

Aunt Wu was also running in fear, but she couldn't run at the speed of Huo Miao.

At this time, the girl Xu Lu didn't know what was going on, and rushed directly to the flames chasing Aunt Wu.

Huo Miao, who was chasing Aunt Wu, seemed to have sensed it, so she stopped chasing Aunt Wu and went straight to Xu Lu.

"Ah! Don't!" Aunt Wu also found out about this situation, and only had time to yell. The flame had already hit Xu Lu's body directly, but it bounced out unexpectedly.

"Hey, I'm not dead." Xu Lu looked in surprise at the place where she was hit by the flames, and saw a silver light flashing like the power of a star.

Li Bai stood up, clapped his hands, pulled the silly girl Xu Lu behind him, and said, "You didn't know you were going to die, and you rushed up to save someone. I've never seen someone as stupid as you."

"I... didn't think too much about it. Aunt Wu is a good person." Xu Lu lowered her head and said, as if thinking of something, raised her head and looked at Li Bai in surprise, "Yes... you saved me?"

"Be good and stay still." Li Bai said seriously, when the flame appeared, he knew it was coming.

This onmyoji actually dared to take the initiative to trouble him, it seems that he has something to rely on, but it seems that his strength is not very good, what is the rely on.

As expected, on the street in the distance, a figure came slowly, step by step, the shadow changed every step, but the distance of one step was far away, and within a few steps, he arrived in front of the self-service stall.

Aunt Wu escaped a catastrophe just now and was still in shock. Ordinary people like them had never seen such a thing before, so they hid directly behind.

"All those who can walk by themselves, go." Li Bai said coldly to the person lying on the ground.

Immediately, the people who were still afraid didn't care about anything, just got up and left directly. This is not a place for them to stay.

"You guys go too." Li Bai glanced at Xu Lu and Aunt Wu, the proprietress, and said.

Although Xu Lu didn't want to leave, she was dragged away by Aunt Wu. It was important to save her life, who would dare to wait longer.

"Aunt Wu, let's go, I'm worried about him." At the entrance of the alleyway, Xu Lu left Aunt Wu and ran back.

"Hey, you child, you don't want to die." Aunt Wu glanced at Xu Lu angrily, and left herself. She didn't want to lose her life.

Kanda Saburo withdrew his yin and yang fire, and said with a smile: "Huaxia people are really merciful. This may be the source of your servility. Sooner or later, you will end up being enslaved, hmph."

"Really, I've killed a lot of Japanese ninjas, but I haven't killed this onmyoji yet, so I can try this time." Li Bai said coldly, he was afraid that this guy wouldn't come out, since he came out, that's good done.

(End of this chapter)

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