The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2242 I really want to sleep

Chapter 2242 I really want to sleep
Zhang Jingjing rolled her eyes at the nympho best friend beside her, she had been wishing to be given to that all day long, this is a disease that needs to be cured.

Just as he was talking, Li Bai had already come out. He had already changed his bathrobe, and he was wearing a pair of trousers with a large fork and a two-strand vest on top.

Chen Fei'er can even see the obvious outline of the pectoral muscles, the lines of the eight-pack abs, as well as the rather sexy mermaid lines. For her who is always a nympho, she really needs some treatment.

"Let's have breakfast first. I asked you to come today. Do you really need your help?" Li Bai smiled and said.

The robot had already put breakfast on the coffee table, and Li Bai picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth.

"What's the matter, my lord, we can definitely do it." Zhang Jingjing said with a smile, she was much more decent than the nympho Chen Fei'er.

"Well, it can be done, no matter what it is." Chen Fei'er also smiled, but her eyes kept looking at Li Bai.

"Don't promise too early, but you should be able to do it. You also know the land outside. I want to dig it out first. Can you help me?" Li Bai looked at Zhang Jingjing and Chen Fei'er and smiled.

"Turn the ground? Can we do this?" Zhang Jingjing was a little unsure, she had never done this before.

Chen Fei'er on the side didn't say anything, just nodded and said: "Okay, yes, as long as you can do things for the young master, it will definitely be fine."

Li Bai smiled sweatily, maybe this is the behavior of the legendary idiot fan, it simply doesn't care about his own ability, as long as the idol says what he does.

Li Bai smiled and said: "Actually, it's not for you to turn it over, but to let you supervise and manage it. There are 20 yuan here. You go and hire some temporary workers to turn over this land. You can supervise it well, but try your best. Don't affect your work, three days should be about the same."

Li Bai's original intention was not to let the two girls dig the land, but the two were acquaintances, and he was busy, so it would be better for him to let the two girls manage the land, and he was at ease with the two girls.

"Ah, it's okay. We are now in charge of the after-sales work on your side, young master. Don't worry, we will help you with it." Zhang Jingjing said, she still felt a little difficult at first, but after listening to Li Bai's words, she felt a little bit more. The problem is gone.

"Well, there must be no problem, young master, don't worry." Chen Fei'er also smiled like a nympho.

"Okay, I'll trouble you all. Of course, if you don't mind, you can choose two rooms in the villa to live in. I spend less time at home." Li Bai laughed, how can I say that these two girls also admire him, so People who use it are more at ease, not to mention that the entire villa area is within the monitoring range, there will be no problems, and the coverage of the intelligent system is not a problem at all.

"Is this possible?" Chen Fei'er was so excited that she almost jumped up. This kind of opportunity was simply given to her by the heavens. There must be opportunities in the future. Wouldn't this be closer to Li Bai?

"Of course, you can tell the intelligent housekeeper about your room requirements, and it can arrange two rooms according to your requirements." Li Bai laughed. There are already many rooms in the villa, so it is no problem to accommodate two girls. .

"Well, that's all. If there is no problem, you have to prepare for resignation. After the land is found out, you may be busy. You should not be able to do the work there. I believe that I will not treat you badly in terms of salary. Yes." Li Bai said with a smile, the area of ​​this land is almost the sum of the school's several lands, and this is another source of income for him.

"Okay, there must be no problem." Chen Fei'er said happily, let alone a salary, even if she didn't have a salary, she would agree without hesitation.

"Okay then, you go find some temporary workers first, surround the area around this area, and then sort out this area. I'll go to school first." Li Bai said.

Li Bai looked at the two girls, and then left directly. He really didn't have anything to worry about in this villa. The intelligent system is all-round monitoring and protection. The possibility of accidents is almost zero, and the threat from these two girls is also almost zero.

Driving a Ferrari to school, the two were also left in the villa.

Chen Fei'er stared at Zhang Jingjing in disbelief, and said: "Jingjing, I'm not dreaming, the young master is so free and easy, so he left by himself, really happy."

"Okay, don't be an idiot. The young master explained the matter to us. Only when things are done well can you please the young master. Seeing how you are an idiot, you will climb onto the young master's bed sooner or later." Zhang Jingjing teased, but The two are girlfriends, this kind of joke is nothing, the current society is like this, and Li Bai is indeed handsome, and he is so rich, it is really hard to find.

"Yes, let's get to work right away. I'll contact the temporary workers first, and I'll find about twenty of them." Chen Fei'er also came to her senses. Although she is crazy, she still has the ability to do things.

Li Bai drove to the school and went directly to Xiannongshe. The three plots of land had also been sorted out, and they were just improved, and the first batch of blood essence grass was planted.

It takes about two months for the blood essence grass to mature, so it must be planted as soon as possible.

In the Nascent Soul stage, the silver star power has also become more powerful, and Li Bai’s dry soil has become much easier. He will not be paralyzed after improving as before. Now there is no problem. It's calm and breezy, even if there are several women in a group battle, it shouldn't be a problem.

Called a Tianxun to tell Xu Lu that the problem has been solved, but you should be careful when going out, this is something to be vigilant at any time.

Li Bai is not short of money now, he just paid out Donggen once, and he has earned several million, which cannot be used up at all.

Withdraw 500 million from the account to buy an office building. The pharmaceutical company needs to hurry up. Although his herbs haven't been planted yet, everything has to be prepared in advance.

It was buying a house again, Li Bai really didn't know who to turn to, so he could only call Tianxun and go back to find Chen Fei'er. After all, they were all selling houses, so they should also know that there were some selling office buildings, they were all in the same industry.

"My lord, do you want to buy an office building? I'll go with you." Chen Fei'er said happily, she really wanted to see Li Bai, even just to see it.

"Well, I'm coming back now, have things started at home?" Li Bai asked.

"Well, the temporary workers have come and are repairing the fence." Chen Fei'er replied, although she was crazy, she was still very efficient.

Li Bai drove back, pulled Chen Fei'er into the car, and left again.

"My lord, what size office building do you want to buy? I'll tell my friends." Chen Fei'er asked. Although this girl is a nympho, she is still very efficient in doing things. After Li Bai said the request, the little girl came Just an introduction in Tianxun, and there it is.

"My lord, let's go directly to Tiandu Building." Chen Fei'er said.

Not long after, the Ferrari parked directly in the parking lot under the Tiandu Building.

After getting off the car, Chen Fei'er waved hello to a girl from afar.

The two walked over directly, and Chen Fei'er said to the girl, "Xiao Qi, this is Mr. Li, and he wants to buy an office building."

"Mr. Li, my name is Duan Xiaoqi, you can call me Xiaoqi, I'll take you up to have a look first." Duan Xiaoqi smiled.

Li Bai was a little hesitant, but he followed Duan Xiaoqi to the Tiandu Building: "Sir, these two floors are empty, what do you think?"

Li Bai didn't say a word. This was not what he wanted. The first place was not big enough, and he felt a little awkward. It seemed that he had to find another way.

"Well, let me ask. There should be vacant land in this urban area that is being bid for. I think I should buy vacant land and build it myself. I still have time." Li Bai said, he knew something was wrong, the size of his pharmaceutical company It will be very large, one or two floors is not enough, it will take a whole building, which is more symbolic.

"Empty land, this bidding is very difficult, most people can't get it, although the vacant land in the urban area is much cheaper now, it is still very difficult to get it." Duan Xiaoqi said.

Li Bai lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "Well, it seems that I have to find another way."

"Hey, by the way, I know of an open space, but it's very difficult to buy." Duan Xiaoqi said, it turns out that this guy wants to build an office building by himself. Go look at that field.

"Oh, is that so, where is it?" Li Bai asked immediately.

"It's in the forest community, but many developers have tried to find it, but they didn't succeed." Duan Xiaoqi said, she wanted to make it clear to Li Bai in advance that the land might not be able to be bought.

"Well, let's go and have a look. It's best if you can buy it. If you can't buy it, you can find a way. Or are there other places?" Li Bai laughed.

The three of them came to the forest community together, and there was indeed a large open space, probably three hundred square meters.

The open space was in a mess, only a simple house that was about to collapse was still standing in the middle.

"Sir, this is the land. It was supposed to be demolished a long time ago, but the land certificate is in the hands of that household, so they can't get it." Duan Xiaoqi explained.

To be honest, this place is quite out of place, surrounded by high-rise buildings, but here is an open space, with only an old house in the middle that is quite dilapidated and almost collapsed.

"Oh, so, let's go and have a look." Li Bai said with a smile, there must be a reason.

"I can't get in, you go." Duan Xiaoqi said with a trace of panic on her face.

Li Bai could only take Chen Fei'er along this small path to the old house in the middle. It seemed that he heard a voice. A little girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old appeared at the door. After seeing the two of them, there was a trace of panic in her eyes. , and then slammed the door shut.

"Huh, strange?" Li Bai was slightly puzzled, he had a very strange feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with the little girl.

At this moment, Chen Feier's face turned pale for a while, and she seemed a little unsteady on her feet. Li Bai hurriedly supported her and said, "What's going on?"

A strong sense of fatigue appeared on Chen Fei'er's face, and she said, "Why do I suddenly want to sleep, I really want to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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