The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2248 Su Daji was shot

Chapter 2248 Su Daji was shot

Seeing a smile on Xiaoxi's face, Li Bai was really relieved. He didn't expect Mu Xiaoting to have such a function, or maybe girls are more friendly.

On the street, Su Daji and Deng Xin were shopping. Su Daji had an angry pretty face. When she walked into a clothing store, she started to consume angrily. Dead dead."

"Xinxin, where do you think that bastard will be? I went to Xiannongshe so many times and couldn't find anyone. Oh, I'm so annoying." Su Daji threw a pile of clothes in his hand to the salesperson and said, "I will pack all of them for you." stand up."

"Do you miss him?" Deng Xin pursed her lips and smiled. She knew Su Meng very well. Although she seemed to quarrel with Li Bai every time she was together, she knew that Su Daji definitely liked Li Bai, but Li Bai also seemed to pretend have no idea.

"No, I just want to know where that bastard has been for the past few days, and he didn't come to class. That guy doesn't want to graduate, he just knows how to skip classes all day long. Xinxin, you are the class monitor, so don't let him graduate, hehe." Su Daji smiled evilly, thinking that the arrogant guy would not be able to graduate, she could make fun of him.

"He doesn't care whether he can graduate or not. What's more, Xiannong Society has contributed so much to the school. Maybe the principal will give him an award." Deng Xin laughed. After knowing Li Bai's identity, she knew Li Bai better. Care about graduation?It's impossible.

"Xiaomeng, I actually have something to hide from you." Deng Xin said with some embarrassment. It was obvious that Su Meng didn't know Li Bai's identity, but Li Bai told her. She felt that this was very unfair to Su Daji, after all Su Daji is so good, she couldn't understand why Li Bai didn't like Su Daji so much.

"Ah, what's the matter? I know everything about you. You don't want me to give you money. I'll give it to you whenever you want. We're best friends." Su Daji said indifferently. Maybe this is the reason why she and Deng Xin can become best friends.

Although their family backgrounds are different, the circumstances of both of them seem to be similar. Deng Xin's life is so good, it is inseparable from Su Daji. Although Deng Xin does not want to accept these things, almost all the expenses of the two of them together are paid by Su Daji. The clothes and so on were also stuffed for her by Su Daji, so although Su Daji never said anything, Deng Xin still regarded Su Meng as her sister for life, forever.

But now Li Bai seems to treat her better than Su Daji. She even knows her identity first, but Su Daji doesn't. This makes Deng Xin feel sorry for Su Meng.

"It's about Li Bai, I think I should tell you." Deng Xin thought for a while, and decided to tell Su Daji that if Li Bai blamed her, she wouldn't care.

"What about that bastard? What is it?" Su Daji turned her head and asked in doubt.

Just as Deng Xin was about to speak, two foreign men in suits walked in. One of them took out a pistol from his pocket and shot at the salesperson.

The salesman was shot and fell to the ground. Deng Xin and Su Daji's pretty faces changed drastically, and they hid in the corner all of a sudden. However, the two foreign men did not mean to rob, but walked directly in front of Deng Xin and Su Daji, towards Su Daji. Caught it.

Deng Xin's face changed drastically, and he blocked Su Daji behind him, but was directly mentioned by the foreign man and thrown aside.

"Xinxin, let's go, they are here to arrest me." Su Daji's pretty face turned pale, these people are definitely the same as last time, Li Bai was present before, but now Li Bai is gone, it seems that there is no way this time.

Deng Xin also turned pale with fright, how could a girl withstand such a heavy impact, she couldn't get up immediately after being thrown on the ground.

"Take it away." The man with the gun grabbed Su Daji's wrist.

Facing this kind of killer, the two girls had no strength to resist at all, and Su Daji was directly arrested. The man's big hand was too strong, and he couldn't break free at all.

Su Daji struggled constantly, she felt that her wrist was about to be broken by this man, the pain was severe.

At this moment, a silver light suddenly shot out from Su Daji's body, which instantly bounced the foreign man's hand holding her away, and at the same time pushed the man away several meters.

The other foreign man's face changed, and he grabbed Su Daji directly, but the silver light on Su Daji's body rushed towards the man again.

The other man was also rushed several meters away. Su Daji looked at her red wrist, and didn't care what was going on, so she dragged Deng Xin out of the clothing store.

The two foreign men sat on the ground for a while, but they didn't expect that there was such a thing on Su Meng, so they stood up and chased them out again.

"Let's run separately, Xinxin." Su Daji dragged Deng Xin into the crowd on the street, and ran out alone without Deng Xin.

Deng Xin was thrown away by Su Daji before she could react, her face was anxious, she knew that Su Meng didn't want to hurt her by doing this.

"Hey, Li Bai, someone is going to kill us, Xiaomeng and I ran away separately." Deng Xin called Li Bai directly on Tianxun, but found that Li Bai already knew about it.

"I'm on my way here, Deng Xin, please be careful, their target should be Su Daji, at the Tianhu shopping mall, right? You should find a place to hide first, and I will rescue Su Daji." Li Bai said in Tianxun.

On the road, Li Bai's figure quickly shuttled through the crowd. He knew the moment the silver star power in Su Daji's body was activated, and rushed over. It was the silver star power he left in Su Daji's body last time. A protective barrier, as long as Su Daji is hurt, it will automatically protect.

"Damn it." Li Bai and Li Bai didn't think too much, they directly hung up the Tianxun. It should be safe for Deng Xin and the world to call him. Their main target is Su Meng.

Su Daji knew that those two killers were killing her. If she ran with Deng Xin, she would only hurt Deng Xin. She didn't want to do that.

Running in the crowd, it's a pity how fast a girl can run, the two killers themselves are extremely powerful, and if there is no accident, they are the killers from the last time, the supernatural beings from the supernatural power hall, which is very difficult for ordinary people. From a human perspective, it is like a superman.

"One time, Hei'er." A foreign man had already seen Deng Xin in the crowd, and said in English.

"Hook!" The two chased after them directly, and knocked the person blocking the way into the air. Their goal was Su Daji, and they had to be fast. Even if the person is caught, the task is completed, and there is no need to cause a sensation.

The man with the gun before took out his pistol again and shot Su Daji in the leg.

The bullets whizzed out, needless to say the accuracy, this is a supernatural being, much stronger than ordinary killers.

call out!
The bullet hit Su Daji's leg directly, and Su Daji fell to the ground with a scream. Although the bullet was blocked by the only silver starlight left, it still hit Su Daji's slender thigh.

"Ah, Li Bai, you bastard, Miss Ben is about to die, why don't you come?" Su Daji didn't cry, instead she fell to the ground and began to scold Li Bai. Want to scold people.

The two men had already rushed in front of Su Daji, and the people in the surrounding streets had already dispersed. If they killed someone, they should still wait for death in place.

The current Su Daji is really incapable of functioning every day, but the goblin whose nerves are made of cables still doesn't realize the crux of the problem, and just lays down on the ground and starts crying.

But the reason for crying was not because of the middle laner on the leg, but Li Bai, who kept cursing in his mouth: "Li Bai, you shameless bastard, stay a gangster, my wife was shot, my mother was shot in the leg, and I will leave scars in the future. It's all your fault, I'm disfigured, I'm dying, I haven't seen you for several days, I miss you."

The two foreigners seemed to be a little puzzled by Su Daji's actions, and said in their not-so-fluent Chinese: "Take it away and hand it over to the employer."

The man with the gun stretched out his hand to grab Su Daji's arm again, and didn't care that Su Daji was splashing on the ground like a child.

call out!call out!
Two silver air streams shot from a distance, directly hitting the gun-wielding man's wrist and Yuexiong's mouth, knocking the man back three steps away.

Li Bai's figure also came out from the far corner of the wall. In fact, he has already arrived, and he also heard the goblin's curse. The brain is really made of cables.

In fact, his original intention was to let Su Daji be taken away by these two men, to see who they were going to hand Su Daji to, but judging by Su Daji's appearance, it seemed unrealistic, so he could only come out.

"Are you that Chinese man?" The two men seemed to know Li Bai and looked at him with interest.

Li Bai walked slowly to Su Daji's side, trying to hug the goblin, but was shot in the leg, it didn't look serious.

"Ah, why did you come here, you bastard? My mother is about to die. I was shot. My mother is disfigured." Just as Su Daji was hugged, the goblin began to greet Su Daji on his chest, and his hands kept clapping Li Bai scratched his face, so that Li Bai almost threw the goblin to the ground directly.

You said that you can't behave properly if you are shot, is it time to mess around? Didn't you see that there are two big muscular men staring at you? I don't know if I was injured. The blood is bleeding a lot.

"Behave yourself, or believe it or not, I'll just throw you here." Li Bai grabbed the goblin's upturned butt, and threatened, he is really convinced, and it will take time to mess around. Didn't he see that there are two masters in front of him? Although he didn't pay attention to these two big guys, he had to give him a little face anyway.

You are such a naked person who ignores other people's abilities, you treat them like vegetables and radishes, can you respect the masters?

"Damn bastard, hurry up and kill these two big guys, no, don't kill them, you dare to shoot me, I want to do them." Su Daji seemed to realize that these two bastard killers were still there this.

Li Bai was speechless again, what do you mean by beating these two big guys to death quickly, you really treat other people with supernatural powers as vegetables and radishes, can you give them some dignity of a master.

(End of this chapter)

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