Chapter 225

After much deliberation, Li Xiaogang thumped his head suddenly, annoyed in his heart: "What is there to worry about? No matter how profound my knowledge is, what a small lecture can let these heaven's favorites master can't surpass their professional courses." What the teacher taught! It’s a waste of time to use the time of the lecture to attend the class! Since I can’t talk about these things, then I will use this... huh..."

Walking on the Linyin path, Liu Ting frowned and said nothing. Liu Feng looked at the abnormal Liu Ting curiously, and asked, "Tingting, what's wrong with you? You look very preoccupied."

Liu Ting clicked her tongue and said, "I was thinking about that cousin of yours, is he really just a farmer?"

Liu Feng shook her head and said, "Yes, that's right! What is there to doubt?"

Liu Ting rolled her eyes and said, "Fengfeng, do you see the gap between you and me? My dad said that to be a good official, you have to read more, think more, and doubt more!..."

"Okay, okay, I know about your family! Our family has been farmers for generations, so we don't need to know how to be a good official. You should figure it out yourself." Liu Feng waved her hand in pain and said.

In the dormitory, the few sisters were tortured by Liu Ting's official scriptures.

Liu Ting also knew that Liu Feng didn't like to hear this, so she hurriedly said, "Don't be in a hurry! I mean, if your cousin is really just an ordinary farmer, how could he know so many state secrets! Especially in the In terms of personnel transfer, I dare say that none of your senior officials in Province S would know so clearly! If it weren't for the fact that our family has a lot of people in the central government, my father wouldn't have found out so quickly!"

Liu Feng nodded, and then asked suspiciously: "Even if this is the case, what does that mean?"

Liu Ting made a broken expression and said: "Sister, are you angry with me on purpose? What does this mean? Of course it means that your cousin can't be an ordinary farmer! My God, you Is your head a product of the earth?"

Liu Feng frowned and said: "Since my cousin is not an ordinary farmer, then he is a super farmer! In short, he said he is a farmer, so he is a farmer!"

After hearing Liu Feng's words, Liu Ting blinked her big eyes and looked at Liu Feng flickeringly, and said slowly after a while: "Fengfeng, are you in love with your cousin?"

Liu Feng seemed to have been exposed all of a sudden, she became very unnatural, and her pretty face seemed to have been baked, turning red and hot.

"Liu Ting, what nonsense are you talking about!?" In order to hide her shyness, Liu Feng shouted loudly to Liu Ting.

Liu Ting laughed and said: "My mother said that only when a girl falls in love with a boy, will she believe everything the boy says [-]% without any doubt! Because falling in love Girls will immediately lose most of their ability to judge, and their IQ will also drop to the lowest!"

Liu Feng said in pain: "My God, Liu Ting, what kind of parents are your parents? Dad taught you to be an official, and mother taught you to fall in love! You are so happy!"

Liu Ting smiled triumphantly after hearing this and said, "What's the matter! The tutoring I received was good! Hehe..." Seeing Liu Ting whose face became thicker than the corner of the city wall, Liu Feng could only raise her hands. hand surrender.

"Actually...actually, that cousin of yours is really attractive! I'm afraid there are very few girls who are not attracted to him!" After a moment of silence, Liu Ting suddenly said meaningfully.

Liu Feng turned her head to look at her in astonishment, and Liu Ting's eyes flashed panic and said: "Don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth! Don't you think your cousin is very mysterious? Tell you, the more you The more lethal a mysterious man is to a woman! Because he will attract you firmly like a magnet, luring you to keep wanting to dig him, and at the same time give your emotions.”

Liu Feng held Liu Ting's little face in her arms and said seriously: "Tingting, I think you are really inferior to studying at the Agricultural University! You should go to the School of Love to study love major!" Liu Ting pinched her face!
Liu Ting groaned in pain, and said softly, "You think I don't want to! If I got into this major, I'll definitely get a postdoctoral degree to show you! Hmph!"

Liu Feng smiled helplessly and said: "Hurry up, the lecture is about to start, if you don't hurry up, there may not even be seats left!" After speaking, she hurriedly walked towards the lecture theater where the lecture was held.

I was curious about what kind of lecture would be given by an important person, but for the first time it was mandatory for every student to attend.

This has never happened before.

When the two entered the classroom, the classroom was almost full.

Fortunately, their roommates had reserved seats for them in advance, otherwise they would have stood in the aisle and listened.

"Why did you come? We thought you wouldn't come!" Gao Qing and Gao Hong are a pair of sisters, at this time Gao Qing said to them with some dissatisfaction.

Liu Ting made a face at her and said, "Today, our Liu Feng's cousin is here and invited us to dinner! Hehe..."

"Fengfeng's cousin? Well, Fengfeng, your cousin didn't even introduce us when he came, so that we can see if he is handsome or not!" Gao Hong came over and said with some regret.

Liu Feng didn't speak, but just looked at her apologetically. Li Xiaogang is not a real cousin. Strictly speaking, he can't even be called an acquaintance. ?

Liu Ting said with a smile: "You don't know, our Fengfeng's cousin is so handsome, and those schoolgirls in our school, young masters, can't compare to a finger of others!"

"Is it really as exaggerated as you said? Liu Ting, you are the most accurate person!" Gao Qing was also amused and said.

Liu Ting saw that her authority was being questioned, so that's okay. In her head, she desperately wanted to organize the most beautiful language that could best express the boy's handsomeness, but every time he used these words on Li Xiaogang, there would always be I can't help but feel that using these to modify Li Xiaogang is a kind of blasphemy against him.

Finally, he said angrily: "Believe it or not! Anyway, it's your regret that you didn't see him!"

There were more and more people in the lecture theater, and soon the seats were full, and those who came later could only stand in the aisle or in the open space behind the classroom.

Many of them came here because they were forced to do so. The boss didn’t want to, but now there are no seats, and they are complaining all over the place. If it wasn’t for the fact that there are teachers guarding the door, they are only allowed to enter but not to exit. I am afraid these people would have They all dispersed.

The hustle and bustle in the classroom was getting louder and louder. Even sitting in front of her, Liu Feng couldn't hear what Liu Ting said clearly, so she simply lowered her head and thought about her own thoughts.

Originally, she had a lot of things on her mind, such as how to save so that she could spend this month with the little money left!For example, should I find a tutor today, etc., but all these things were taken out of her mind today, and the most she thought about was what Li Xiaogang was doing at this time?Has he already gone back?
"Here we come, here we come! It's Li Xiang, the dean of our department. He actually came in person. It seems that the people who came to the lecture this time are not so important!" Just as Liu Feng was thinking wildly, Liu Ting beside her gently poked her.

Liu Feng looked up in confusion, and sure enough Li Xiang was already standing on the podium.

"Everyone, please be quiet and don't talk! The lecture is about to start, please maintain order!" Just as Li Xiang was trying to maintain order, all the people turned their eyes to the teacher's classroom, which was directly facing the podium. When I got to the door, I was eager to see who the great god who was so valued by the school this time was.

Li Xiang cleared his throat and said loudly: "Everyone, let's give warm applause to our protagonist today, who is also my most proud student, your alumni and senior - Li Xiaogang!"

As soon as Li Xiang's words fell, Liu Feng and Liu Ting couldn't help their hearts twitching wildly. They looked at each other in astonishment, then nervously locked their eyes on the door, and leaned forward slightly, appearing nervous.

With a smile like a spring breeze, and walking with relaxed and somewhat freehand steps, Li Xiaogang appeared in front of the door.

When Li Xiaogang's figure appeared, both Liu Feng and Liu Ting couldn't help exclaiming, and then tightly covered their mouths with their small hands, worrying that they had gone too far, but their worries were completely unnecessary Yes, because it was almost at the same time as them, and the whole classroom fell into a sea of ​​exclamations!

Especially the girls here all looked dull and crazy, as if they saw the idol they had been chasing for many years.

It's no wonder that Li Xiaogang is so attractive to these young female college students, especially the kind of vicissitudes and wisdom that these green apples have naturally acquired after experiencing social polishing. irresistible.

Li Xiaogang will be very popular, obviously it has long been expected by Li Xiang, watching Li Xiaogang accepting everyone's "worship" with a smile on the side, watching his blushing in the bold and crazy love show of all the girls, my heart is full of pride , it is enough to cultivate even one student with such attendance in one lifetime.

I think of the poem written by *** teacher Yang Changji in the first class given to ***--the autistic empty valley is called the ancient, and the giant tree wants to support the sky!Li Xiang finally realized the kind of pride and pride that belonged to the teacher in his heart.

"It turns out that he came here today to hold a lecture. How could I be so stupid! I should have thought of that earlier!" Liu Feng said with joy and annoyance.

Liu Ting said softly to Liu Feng: "Your cousin is really amazing. He was so grandly invited back by the school at such a young age. Look at Li Xiang's face, he is smiling! Fengfeng, your cousin What exactly does brother do, he must have a big career, right?"

How could Liu Feng know so much, but she was very happy when she heard Liu Ting praised Li Xiaogang.

"Hey, what are you talking about? You are sneaky, if you do this again, we will treat you as separatists and punish you!" Gao Qing and Gao Hong threatened the two.

Liu Ting sighed and said, "Don't you want to know how handsome Liu Feng's cousin is? Then, have you seen it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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