The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2251 You Dare to Hit Me

Chapter 2251 You Dare to Hit Me
The short man didn't answer. He watched the battle just now. Originally, they didn't pay attention to the ancient warriors of Huaxia. They didn't expect the ancient warriors to be so strong. This is not good for their plan this time.

"At all costs, kill this Huaxia man. Where are the people from Goryeo, haven't they arrived yet?" Shanfu Zeyuan's face was gloomy. To mess with their plans, Li Bai must be killed.

"Unite with the Ability Hall, a Huaxia kid, we can't let him become an obstacle for us." Shanfu said again.

"Hi." Kanda Jiro bowed his head in response.

Li Bai wanted to carry Su Daji back to school, but the goblin refused, so he could only take him back to his villa. It should be fine for Xiaoxi to have Mu Xiaoting take care of her.

"Wow, you bastard bought such a good villa and didn't tell me, no, I want to move here and live with you." Su Daji has been surprised since she entered the villa. She didn't expect Li Bai to buy such a good villa. The villa is very comfortable, it is a fully intelligent system, and there are two robots, it is simply too comfortable.

"Don't make trouble, isn't your villa also very good, it's inconvenient for me." Li Bai said.

"What's the inconvenience? Did you hide someone at home?" Su Daji dissatisfied, she decided to move to the villa in the afternoon, which is much more comfortable than his villa.

At this moment, Zhang Jingjing came out from a room upstairs in the villa, just in time to see Su Daji and Li Bai.

"My lord!" Zhang Jingjing called out in a low voice, and then her eyes fell on Su Daji who was being held by Li Bai, slightly surprised.

"It's okay, just take care of her for me. His name is Su Daji." Li Bai put Su Daji on the sofa and introduced to Zhang Jingjing.

"Hey, dead Li Bai, who is she?" Su Daji looked at Zhang Jingjing full of hostility. She wondered why there was a woman in Li Bai's villa, and she was so respectful to Li Bai.

"It's none of your business, I asked so many questions, my butt is itchy, right? Give me a good recovery, everything is there, Jingjing, you look at her, she has an injury on her leg, don't let her run around." Li Bai said to Su Daji. He squeezed his buttocks and cursed.

"Oh." Zhang Jingjing looked at Su Daji, and he was too embarrassed to ask who Su Daji was, but it was obvious that this pretty, somewhat excessive girl had an unusual relationship with Li Bai.

But this is normal, she and Chen Fei'er both know that Li Bai is not an ordinary person, not only handsome, but also rich, and also a master of ancient martial arts, it is strange that such a man is not liked by girls.

Li Bai walked out of the villa and looked at the construction workers. The fence has almost been built, and the wall is several meters long. The next step is to dig the ground, and it will be almost finished tomorrow, but Li Bai hasn't figured out what to plant. The key is that there are not many seeds. This is a very serious problem. Donggen has a lot of seeds, and every harvest will leave seeds.

But if such a large place is still rooted in the Middle East, it seems a bit wasteful, so we have to think of a way.

"Fei'er, do you know where the largest medicinal material market in Kyoto is?" Li Bai looked at Chen Fei'er, who had a delicate body.

"Young master, are you going to the medicine market? The Rural Credit Trading in the center of the city is the place. There are many precious medicines there, but the prices are very expensive." Fei'er said, she knew that Li Bai was very busy, and she must strive for someone who could be with him. time.

"Okay then, you can accompany me later," Li Bai said.

"Okay." Mayfair replied excitedly.

Li Bai picked up Tianxun and called Mu Xiaoting directly, asking her to take Xiaoxi home. Anyway, she also likes Xiaoxi very much, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Li Bai took Chen Fei'er away from the villa immediately, and went to the agricultural credit business. He couldn't leave the land unused, so he had to decide what to plant quickly, at least he had to survive the period of cultivating the blood essence grass seeds.

In fact, Li Bai has already figured it out. It is enough for him to plant only two herbs, Donggen and Blood Essence Grass. Donggen is definitely in urgent need. Even after the virus incident, Donggen is still in great demand.

Blood Essence Grass is a spiritual herb that can truly change a person's physique. In the future, pharmaceutical companies will mainly produce these two kinds of medicines.

At that time, Li Bai can also refine more expensive elixir, which will be used as a sharp weapon for the company to open up the market. As long as the sexes develop, his company will only grow bigger and bigger.

But the most important thing now is that the blood essence grass has not been harvested for the first time, and the seeds need to be harvested before they can be cultivated. During this empty window, some other medicinal materials need to be planted.

The two drove to Rural Credit Trading, and there were many street stalls outside to buy medicinal materials, which was rather chaotic, but the real business was inside the building.

"Rongxin Trading, the auction at [-]:[-] p.m., there are countless rare medicinal materials, blood ginseng, ganoderma, ivory, everything you need, only you can't think of it, there is nothing we don't have." The voice of a monkey-spirited man is constantly playing on the projection , is indeed attractive.

Li Bai was also attracted, the auction, unexpectedly it was a coincidence, there was an auction, it really came at the right time.

"My lord, today is the once-a-month auction of Rural Credit Trading, and there are many rare medicinal materials, and there is still an hour left." Fei'er smiled coquettishly next to Li Bai.

"Well, let's go and see what the procedures are. This kind of auction should not be accessible to everyone." Li Bai smiled, and led Chen Fei'er up the building.

There are indeed many regulations here. There are designated special counters, and the prices are marked, but they are all ordinary medicinal materials. Li Bai has no interest. All went in.

"May I ask if there are any requirements for participating in the auction at [-] o'clock?" Chen Fei'er stepped forward and asked, although she knew that Rural Credit Trading had an auction before, but she really didn't know the rules, and she had never been there before. .

"Oh, if you don't have a VIP card, you need to prove that you have funds of more than 100 million Huaxia coins before you can participate, or you can take out herbs of the same value." The woman on the counter explained that every time someone wants to get involved in the auction, But this kind of auction would be messed up without millions of dollars in, and the venue simply couldn't accommodate so many people.

"Oh, okay, wait a minute." Chen Fei'er glanced at Li Bai who was looking at the herbs over there. One million yuan is nothing to the young master.

Chen Fei'er walked directly towards Li Bai, but bumped into someone on the way, and looked up, it was a very well-dressed young man.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Chen Fei'er hurriedly apologized, he knew that these sons and brothers were not easy to provoke, one more thing is worse than one less thing, it's better not to provoke them.

"I'm sorry, don't you have eyes? Hurry up and apologize to Master Yu." The fat man next to Brother Young Master shouted at Chen Fei'er.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it." Chen Fei'er lowered her head, she bumped into this person somehow, she really didn't pay attention.

"Apologize. You knocked out Young Master Yu's good mood. Tell me, what should I do?" The fat man said persistently, and raised his hand to touch Chen Fei'er's chin. This chick is indeed not bad. .

Chen Feier hurriedly avoided, she was very panicked, how could she encounter such a situation, she still wanted to report the news.

"Hehe, you still dare to hide, obediently let me go, and spend good time with Young Master Yu tonight, or I will make you look good." The fat man said angrily.

Young Master Yu next to him didn't say a word. He used this method to scare many ignorant girls. It seems that there is another fresh meat to eat tonight.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I can't go with you." Chen Fei'er glanced at the place where Li Bai was just now, but there was no one there, and now he panicked even more.

The people around didn't intend to make a move, but there were a lot of pointing and pointing. It seemed that Master Yu was very famous here and no one dared to provoke him.

"Let me go, hum." The fat man tried to pull Chen Fei'er's wrist, but was blocked by a hand.

Chen Fei'er only felt a hand around her waist, and fell into a generous embrace. Of course, only Li Bai made a move at this time.

"Where are you going?" Li Bai looked at the fat man with a smile, he didn't expect to snatch people like this in broad daylight, he was a little arrogant.

"Where did you come from, the unscrupulous little bastard, take care of grandpa's business, hurry up." The fat man was furious, did anyone not recognize him and their family, Yu Shao, they were looking for death.

Listening to the guy spraying manure directly, Li Bai also made up for his nonsense. He picked it up directly, then smashed it on the ground, and stepped on the fat man's fat face. He really didn't want to talk nonsense with this kind of fat man.

The fat man struggled to stand up, but was stepped down by Li Bai's foot, and then looked at Shao Yu who was still in shock.

Li Bai asked directly, "What's your name?"

"What are you going to do? I'm Zhao Fengyu, a member of the Zhao family, don't mess around." Young Master Yu seemed to have noticed that this guy was ridiculously strong, and the fat man himself was his bodyguard and servant. The opponent who wasn't Fatty was knocked to the ground so simply and neatly by Li Bai, even a fool could see how powerful Li Bai was.

"Zhao Fengyu? Who is Zhao Fengjiang?" Li Bai was slightly puzzled, could it be someone from the Zhao family?It's a coincidence that Teacher Qin and Bingjian went to deal with the matter over there, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

"You actually know Zhao Fengjiang, so you'd better kneel down and apologize to me. I'm Zhao Fengjiang's older brother, Zhao Fengyu, so apologize now, and dare to meddle in my business." Zhao Fengyu was full of anger. Now that he knew Zhao Fengjiang, it seemed that this The guy should have some guesses. I'm afraid there is no one in Kyoto who doesn't know the Zhao family.

"I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood. I do know Zhao Fengjiang, but I only know him because I beat him up last time, so I think I should beat you up now." Li Bai smiled, and it really belonged to the Zhao family. The man is still Zhao Fengjiang's brother, it seems that he is not far from Zhao Fengjiang.

"You dare to hit me, do you know that I am from the Zhao family, do you want to die?" Zhao Fengyu said in a little fright. During this period of time, the family affairs themselves have made him lose his status, and now he encounters this kind of thing again , really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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