Chapter 2255

After Qin Yubing returned to the Qin family with the icicles, he got the rights from Mr. Qin, the entire Qin family property fell into Qin Yubing's hands, and Li Bai got the information from Qin Hui'an.

Almost logically, the Qin family's property was separated, and they also owned all the shares. These were actually what Qin Hui'an was going to do, so Qin Yubing was just pushing the boat along the way and doing what Qin Hui'an hadn't finished. over.

Although the Zhao family tried their best to restore it, they still couldn't change the overall situation. The shopping malls are like battlefields. Qin Hui'an has been in business for many years, but they have not been discovered by the Zhao family. The Lingju clan itself was born in the brain system. Even the Huaxia Intellectual Brain can't detect it, but it's hard to say whether such a terrifying intellectual brain system has given birth to other spirit dwellers.

At least I don't know now, and I won't be able to tell in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Fengcheng knew that the Qin family's series of actions were all done by that woman, Qin Yubing, and the current Qin family is also quite terrifying.

"You little girl, why am I jealous? I think you have an itchy ass. In fact, I also know that this little guy is so good. He is merciful everywhere. It would be strange if there is no beautiful girl around him. There is no way. Who let me fall into his hands." Qin Yubing scolded with a smile, in fact, he and Bingthorn still have a common topic, they are both beautiful women, and they can look beautiful wherever they go.

Bingjian smiled and said: "In fact, the master is very good, so he didn't treat me like that. The resistance is too strong. It seems that Sister Bing is the one to do it."

Qin Yubing gave the ice spike a blank look. He didn't know if he didn't understand on purpose or he was thinking about other things. He didn't say anything, but kept looking at the situation outside.

"Zhao Fengcheng is gone, and Zhao Fengyu should be leaving soon. Zhao Fengyu spent a lot of money to get the Foundation Establishment Pill this time, but if he really becomes a cultivator, then the Zhao family will be hard to deal with."

Bingjian smiled and said: "It's okay, master brother is so powerful, sister Bing, you just need to defeat the Zhao family commercially, as for other things, I'll do it, if it doesn't work, there will be master, no problem."

Of course, Bingthorn has unconditional confidence in Li Bai, and he knows Li Bai's strengths better than Qin Yubing.

In the tea restaurant, Li Bai was sitting by the window. He was waiting for the person who took away Zhujidan to come out. When he reached the Nascent Soul Stage, his soul consciousness was dispersed, and he could accurately sense that the person who took away Zhujidan was still alive. If he didn't come out, he probably was a little worried, and he didn't come out for a long time.

Li Bai couldn't come out until the tea restaurant was closed, so Li Bai could only find a nearby hotel to stay and release his soul consciousness to sense the breath of Zhujidan.

It was after three o'clock in the morning, and Zhao Fengyu left the VIP Room No. [-] with his people. Although it is a peaceful era, the Foundation Establishment Pill is really too precious. There must be many people who want to grab it. He also chose the most relaxing room Leave when alert.

Three or four o'clock at night is also the time when people are most likely to get sleepy and the least vigilant. He is very shrewd in choosing this time to take action, but it is useless.

A group of people have already found out, and it is not so easy to bring Zhuji Dan back.

As soon as he walked out of Rural Credit Trading, Zhao Fengyu was stopped by a group of people.

"Young Master Zhao kept us waiting, hehe." A handsome man led a dozen people standing in the middle, staring at Zhao Fengyu and the people behind him.

"Xiao Hong, your Xiao family is also doing such shameless things, hum." Zhao Fengyu stared at the handsome man with an extremely ugly expression on his face. Xiao Hong is a member of the Xiao family of the ancient martial arts family, and he is much stronger than the Zhao family.

"Treasures of heaven and earth, those who are capable know, not to mention that it is a waste for you Zhao Fengyu to get this Foundation Establishment Pill. It is a waste of money, hand it over obediently, and I will let you leave safely, otherwise you will not be able to blame me if you lose an arm or a leg." Xiao Hong Leng said, what kind of business family is really no threat to the ancient martial arts family. Is money useful? Strength is the foundation.

"If I don't hand it in." Zhao Fengyu sneered, so what about the ancient martial arts family, there is no one who wants his Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Then you go to die, court death." Xiao Hong sneered, and directly directed the two people behind him to rush towards Zhao Fengyu.

Zhao Fengyu's face remained unchanged, but the two people behind him took out pistols from their waists, and with two bang bangs, they shot directly at the person who rushed up.

However, the members of the Xiao family are all masters of ancient martial arts, and they successfully dodged the bullets, but they dared not go forward. Hot weapons still pose a certain threat to ordinary ancient martial artists.

"Gun, it's quite naive. Let me see how powerful your gun is, hehe." Xiao Hong glanced at the person behind Zhao Fengyu, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Zhao Fengyu directly.

The speed is so fast that no one can react. Xiao Hong can guarantee that Zhao Fengyu can be controlled when these people draw their guns. Hot weapons are useless against real masters.

A smile appeared on Zhao Fengyu's face, and a light curtain suddenly appeared on his body, covering his body. The moment Xiao Hong's palm touched him, he felt a terrifying electric current directly pass into Xiao Hong's body.

Xiao Hong bounced back in an instant, and the electric current on his body also slowly disappeared. He looked at Zhao Fengyu in surprise, and said, "Current barrier, unexpectedly you have many ways to save your life, hmph."

Current barriers, weapons produced in the high-tech era today, can form current barriers around the body, and ordinary people can't get in at all, but this thing is quite expensive, and it is more troublesome to carry.

Zhao Fengyu sneered and said, "An ancient martial arts master is nothing more than that, haha."

Xiao Hong was very surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Fengyu to have a resistive barrier on his body. This set of things is worth tens of billions. It is absolutely extremely expensive, and it is quite inconvenient to carry. There is such a set of protective baby.

"It's very lively, haha." Just when Xiao Hong was a little surprised, a figure suddenly appeared behind them and said with a smile.

Li Bai looked at Xiao Hong and Zhao Fengyu. He didn't expect that this family actually photographed the Foundation Establishment Pill, and Xiao Hong did it before he made a move. If his guess is correct, this Xiao Hong is Xiao Tianling's Xiao Hong. Ye, it seems that he also wants this Foundation Establishment Pill very much.

As for the current barrier on Zhao Fengyu's body, he was also more interested. It was the first time he saw this thing, so he was a little curious.

"It's you." Zhao Fengyu became angry when he saw Li Bai. This bastard humiliated him in public this afternoon, but now he still comes.

In the afternoon, he didn't carry the current barrier at all, but this time it was different. Although the current barrier is powerful, it is still a foreign object, and it is really troublesome to carry, so he usually would not carry it. Later, Zhao Fengcheng brought it to him. of.

Xiao Hong also seemed to know Li Bai, and looked at him with some surprises. Xiao Tianling was his cousin. In terms of strength, Xiao Tianling was well-deserved No. 1 among the younger generation in the Xiao family. Even Xiao Tianling was afraid of him. Naturally very vigilant.

However, Xiao Hong only heard Xiao Tianling mention it and saw the photos. He only saw it at the auction before. He didn’t expect this guy to be so interested in Jidan. It's not as strong as Xiao Tianling said he was hungry.

"Hand over the things, your nonsense is of no use to me." Li Bai smiled and said, this kind of thing is a bit helpless for true qi warriors, but it is really useless for cultivators.

"Boy, do you really want to fight against my Zhao family?" Zhao Fengyu's expression was gloomy, and it was impossible to even think about snatching Zhu Ji Dan from him.

"Isn't this nonsense? In a word, can you pay?" Li Bai looked at Zhao Fengyu with a smile, and was against the Zhao family. Is there any doubt about it? is inevitable.

"Okay, then don't blame me for being rude, hum." Zhao Fengyu sneered and retreated behind a group of people.

The group of people behind Zhao Fengyu all stood in front. It seems that these people are very strong?
Li Bai smiled and said: "Hehe, it seems that you really have the courage to find these people, so I will not be polite."

Li Bai has already seen that these people are not simple, and their aura is not weak. If he guessed correctly, he is quite familiar with these people, the Japanese ninja and the Korean killer, Li Bai did not hesitate, and directly turned into a figure and rushed over. You can't let the parry get this Foundation Establishment Dan.

"Protect me." Zhao Fengyu's face was shocked. He also knew that Li Bai was very strong now, but he also had confidence in his people, who were all masters.

"Hey." Li Bai didn't hesitate at all, his palms were flying. Even if he doesn't use weapons, it's very easy for him to abuse Japanese ninjas.

Although these ninjas are very strong, to Li Bai, they are still chickens and dogs. As soon as the silver star power is released, a group of Japanese ninjas will be blown away. As for the Goryeo killer, they are even more vulnerable.

Li Bai also couldn't figure it out, there were very few strong Koreans, but they dared to come to China to be arrogant, and even dared to join forces with the Wa people, it was really an act of courting death.

In a blink of an eye, only Zhao Fengyu was left. Xiao Hong who was not far away was shocked when he saw this scene. Said not to mess with a guy named Li Bai.

It's really too strong, I'm afraid the ninth-level true qi warrior is no more than that. Could it be that he has already reached the realm of comprehension?

True Qi warriors are the highest level of ancient martial arts, but after reaching the ninth level of True Qi warriors, they will break through and transform and become cultivators, but there are very few people who can break through this level, even some old and immortal ancient martial arts It is impossible for them to transform into the realm of comprehension.

This is another path, which not only requires a strong enough talent, but also an element of luck, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a thousand.

"How about it, pay or not?" Li Bai stared at Zhao Fengyu and asked with a smile.

"Delusion." Zhao Fengyu's face was gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to press his waist, and then the electric barrier around his body was opened again, and he rushed towards Li Bai.

"Very good." Li Bai's complexion changed slightly, the silver star power in his hand skyrocketed again, and he slapped Zhao Fengyu directly in the air.

At this moment, the mutation regenerated, and a gray energy suddenly hit Li Bai's silver star power.

(End of this chapter)

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