The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2280 Stupid Chinese people

Chapter 2280 Stupid Chinese people
"Qingfenghui? What, let's disband it?" Li Bai sneered, although he no longer wanted to care about scum like Huo, but who let him provoke him.

"Disband? Brother, you are too crazy. My Qingfeng Club has not been in a day or two. If you say it is disbanded, it will be disbanded?" Wu Xiaotian said angrily. He wanted to take a step back. After all, Li Bai is a bit powerful, but he didn't Thinking that Li Bai was so crazy, the exit made him disband the Qingfenghui.

Qingfenghui is the black force of this generation. Although it is not very powerful, even some respectable people in the Tao dare not be so crazy. This is just a young man in his twenties who let him disband with one bite.

Li Bai tilted his neck, and said, "It's up to you whether you agree or not, and I can decide."

"What if I say no?" Wu Xiaotian said angrily, his hand was already on the gunshot wound on his waist, he had to fight no matter what, but he only had one chance.

"I advise you not to take out your gun, or you will die soon, I will give you the greatest chance, call Tianxun to call you the most powerful master of Qingfenghui, otherwise you will really have no chance. "Li Bai laughed, he knew that this old boy wanted to take a gun with just a quick glance, but he had no chance at all.

Wu Xiaotian was startled, he knew that he had no chance, his actions were already very secretive, but he didn't expect to be spotted by this person, so he had no choice but to give up.

Wu Xiaotian looked at Li Bai and said: "Today I'm a loser, I know I'm not your opponent, but please brother give me a way out, I, Wu Xiaotian, can be your dog."

Li Bai smiled and said, "Da Tianxun, do you think I will be less of a dog like you?"

"Hey, Ah Dong, come to Hot Pot City and call them." Wu Xiaotian could only take out the Sky News to call someone, since there was no other way, he had to fight.

Wu Xiaotian knew that Li Bai was very strong, and he only had such a chance. He also took the risk. He didn't want to agree to them at first, but now he was forced to do so.

Li Bai chuckled and said, "I hope you can give me something of value, otherwise I will be disappointed."

As for them in Wu Xiaotian's mouth, Li Bai was also thoughtful. In fact, he came here with a purpose today. The neighborhood of Hot Pot City itself is relatively chaotic.

After what happened last time, the Wa people and Gene people kept coming to trouble him, if he didn't take the initiative once, he would be too short-tempered.

I learned about those Japanese people from many sources. They sneaked into China, and they were very secretive. Even Li Bai had a hard time finding them.

But it doesn't mean they don't have gaps. Some gangster business groups they secretly control are very hidden.

In the past ten days, Li Bai did not always give some orders. He passed the message to Jin Yan, and Jin Yan also passed it to Wang Chu. Of course, he learned enough information.

But even so, it was impossible to find out where the Japanese ninjas and cyborgs were based.

After thinking about it, of course he came here with a group of girls. This Qingfeng Society is a gang secretly controlled by the Japanese.

In fact, he hadn't thought about how to lure those guys out, whether he would take the initiative to cause trouble or do something else, but he didn't expect that these guys would provoke him by themselves, and he couldn't help but want to laugh at you.

That's why he asked Wu Xiaotian to call people from Sky News, as long as he called a Japanese ninja, it was enough for him to find some.

Not long after, someone came, and Li Bai was overjoyed. He sensed that a Japanese ninja had already entered his soul consciousness.

"Miss Xiaoting, you go in first." Li Bai smiled at Mu Xiaoting, and directly took several women into the ring space, except Xiaoxi.

Of course, Xiaoxi's strength is also enough to protect herself, and it's nothing to face ordinary people.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's going on?" A man with white hair walked into the private room and saw Wu Xiaotian with a pale face.

Just now when Wu Xiaotian saw these beauties disappearing in front of him, he realized how terrifying Li Bai was, and he really fell for it.

"Let that guy from outside come in?" Li Bai looked at the white-haired man. The Japanese ninja was still outside, and he had already discovered it.

But at the same time, the Japanese ninjas outside also discovered Li Bai. You must know that Li Bai is the most dangerous person among all the Japanese ninjas. To run.

In an instant, the Japanese ninja felt that something was wrong, and he was about to run away, but unfortunately, at some point, a small golden lizard climbed onto his trouser leg.

Without giving him the slightest chance, the golden cobweb-like energy directly entangled him.

Forcibly pulling it into the private room, he knew that he had no chance.

The Japanese ninja's face immediately changed, and he was about to bite the fangs in his mouth, but Li Bai had already appeared behind him, and the power of the soul rushed into the mind of the Japanese ninja in an instant.

"If you still commit suicide now, I'm really useless." Li Bai laughed.

"What's your name?" Li Bai asked.

"Zhao Jun, the Japanese name is Zetianchuan." Zetianchuan said with cloudy eyes.

"The main purpose of the Japanese ninjas coming to China?" Li Bai asked again.

"Stealing resources?"

"What resources?" Li Bai was startled. He only knew that these Japanese ninjas came to Huaxia to prevent viruses. Now it seems that the anti-virus is just to cover up. Their real purpose is to steal resources.

"Energy resources that can make human genes evolve?" Ze Tianchuan said still confusedly.

"Genetic evolution? What does it look like, and what's its name?" Li Bai asked.

"Huaxia Jing, looks like a black stone."

Li Bai couldn't help being slightly startled after hearing this, what the hell is this Huaxia crystal, he doesn't even know, black stone?

After asking Ze Tianchuan some questions, Li Bai directly killed the guy and threw him into the ring space.

"Hua Xiajing, it seems that I don't know much." Li Bai's face changed slightly. As for Wu Xiaotian and A Dong, he killed them directly. Anyway, this kind of thing is no different from the traitors back then.

On a dark night and a high murderous night, a black shadow rushed out of the urban area, and a golden shadow stood out in the dark night.

It was Li Bai. He didn't expect these Japanese people to be hiding in the countryside. No wonder they couldn't find them in the city, but it was true that they were safer in the countryside.

In a small farm, several Japanese people are sitting and discussing something.

"General Matsumoto, another batch of Huaxia Crystal has been sorted out and will be sent back to the island country tomorrow." A Japanese ninja said respectfully to the man in simple clothes above.

"Okay, these stupid Chinese people can't find such a good thing, wasting land, but that Chinese boy named Li Bai is really hateful, he actually killed so many warriors of my Yamato nation, hmph." Matsumoto smiled all over his face. , but thinking of what happened in public in the city, he couldn't help becoming furious.

"General, this plan is perfect. Although some of our samurai died, they will still return to the arms of the gods. It is their honor to sacrifice their lives for the next step of the Yamato nation." Said the Japanese ninja.

"That's right, when we get enough Huaxia crystals, we will teach these Huaxia people a profound lesson then, hum." General Matsumoto also laughed, in fact, their main purpose of coming to China this time is to snatch Huaxia crystals.

Of course, in order to attract the attention of the Huaxia people, they deliberately put the virus in the city, making the Huaxia people think that they are here to destroy, but Huaxia Jing is in the rural mountains and forests.

Huaxia masters don't even know what Huaxia Crystal is, they have already occupied many places.

"There should be a lot of gains in the Hall of Ability. As for the Koreans, these timid guys have gained a lot this time, but it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, they will become slaves of our Yamato nation, hmph." Matsumoto said coldly road.

clap clap clap!
At this moment, a burst of high-fives appeared in a corner of the room, and Matsumoto's face changed, and there was a Chinese man in sportswear. After seeing the face clearly, Matsumoto's face changed even more.

"Huaxia boy, how did you come in?" There was also a Japanese ninja whose expression changed drastically.

"Li Bai, General, he is the boy named Li Bai in Huaxia."

"Damn it, come in, you dare to come here and kill him together." Matsumoto roared.

"Don't shout, there is no one outside." Li Bai smiled, and immediately rushed towards Matsumoto.

"Huaxia kid who is looking for death, I, Yamato, will not let you go." Matsumoto knew that he was definitely not an opponent, and he wanted to escape with an invisibility technique.

Li Bai sneered, it was too naive to use this fake invisibility technique in front of him.

Invisibility itself is the ability of Chinese cultivators. According to the power of the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, they can change the characteristics of the air around their body to achieve the effect of hiding their body shape.

However, the copycat invisibility technique learned by the Japanese is too copycat.

After sweeping the soul consciousness inside, he kicked Matsumoto out with one kick. Under the sweep of the soul consciousness, let alone your stealth, even if you are truly invisible, there is nowhere to hide. This is the reason why you are invisible. Such Taoism is basically useless to cultivators, so they bully ordinary people.

"Ah, Huaxia boy, you are looking for death." Matsumoto was shocked. Although he already knew that Li Bai was strong, he still did not expect that Li Bai was so strong.

"Am I courting death? I'll give you a chance to tell me all your deployments in Huaxia and where you found Huaxia Jing." Li Bai stepped on Matsumoto's chest, and his soul consciousness directly locked on him.

"You are delusional, stupid Chinese." Matsumoto's face turned cold, and he was about to bite the fangs in his mouth.

Li Bai's soul consciousness had already locked him, so of course he wouldn't give him this chance. The soul consciousness invaded his soul in an instant. Fortunately, the souls of these guys are not strong enough, otherwise there is really nothing to do.

"Damn it, it took so long. There's no other way but to take it step by step." After Li Bai got his Matsumoto's memory, he also took back his soul consciousness.

As for Matsumoto, after being searched by Li Bai, his soul has also collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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