The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2282 Who Are You?

Chapter 2282 Who Are You?

After listening to this, Zhang Xuejun and Jiang Gu basically believed it. Even if what Li Bai said was false, Li Bai's space and his strength are enough to hand over the current Longwei to him. Longwei became stronger.

"Also, you should know about the Xiannong Society. My father is a farmer, so I am also a farmer. The Xiannong Society I established will also become the Xiannong Society in China. It has just started, and I will bring it to the earth. Come to a real change, this is the trend of development, I just promote the whole trend to make that step come faster." Li Bai looked at Zhang Xuejun again and said.

"Reform? What do you mean?" Even Jiang Gu and Zhang Xuejun were quite surprised this time, not understanding what Li Bai was talking about.

"Can't you see that today's human beings on earth have begun to change? This is a trend, and it is also the process of every lower planet. Humans on earth are too weak and need to evolve." Li Bai said again, this is No low-level planet needs to experience it, and he just had this opportunity to push it.

"Evolution, it's incredible." Zhang Xuejun said in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, the humans on Earth have already begun. The biochemical ninjas of the Japanese country, the genetic people of the United States, the supernatural temples of the West, and the ancient warriors of our China, haven't they all appeared." Li Bai said.

"This is evolution?" Jiang Gu was a little unbelievable, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be the case.

"Although supernatural beings and ancient warriors existed many years ago, they did not appear on a large scale after all, but now, they have begun to appear on a large scale. What does this mean? It means that human beings are about to usher in a new era , the age of the flesh." Li Bai said.

"Whether it's the genetic warriors of the Ability Hall, the biochemical ninjas of the Japanese kingdom, or the ancient warriors of China, the reason is actually the evolution of the body. Although the methods of genetic humans and biochemical ninjas are somewhat biased, they will still return to the right path , genetic evolution."

"In the words of the earth, it is called genetic evolution, and in the words of cultivation, it is called body training. Cultivation and body training are actually the same principle. Every practitioner starts by building a foundation, removing impurities in the body, and refining the impurities that are not needed in the body. , what is left in the end is the purest gene cells, which is the most perfect body." Li Bai explained, what he said was also his own understanding, but it is indeed correct, fundamentally speaking, the first step of comprehension is to Evolution, but only the evolution of the physical body. As for the secrets of magic, it is the mystery of heaven and earth, the mystery of the universe, and a higher level than the evolution of the physical body.

"How about it, is it shocking enough?" Li Bai smiled, looking at Zhang Xuejun and Jiang Gu.

"It's really shocking, but it seems to be correct, and I'm finally relieved now." Zhang Xuejun said with a smile. Originally, he was still undecided, but knowing the news and talking to Li Bai is enough.

This time, although China's ancient martial arts are prosperous, they can't compare with the genetic people of the United States. They are world-leading in the research of genes. There are biochemical ninjas with stronger ninjas, and another kind of strong men from the Japanese kingdom, Onmyoji.

Although there are enough strong people in Huaxia Kingdom, there is still the problem. There are many people in Huaxia, but they are not uniform, and they don't understand many things at all. The common world can't understand some things about cultivation and ancient martial arts. If someone can integrate these people on behalf of Huaxia, or suppress them, then Huaxia will not be afraid of any country in the world.

"Actually, I originally wanted to rely on myself, but when I saw Long Wei brought by Jiang Gu, he just followed me all the time. It wasn't the feeling that I was the sky on behalf of Huaxia, and I really wanted to reach the height of my father. That's why I also moved this idea." Li Bai really had this idea, if he wanted to reach his father's height, it would be really difficult, but he really wanted to do it.

"I see." Zhang Xuejun nodded. Some people may be destined to be extraordinary. Regardless of whether what Li Bai said is true or not, he can make this decision.

"Okay, I will take the details step by step, and I just got a piece of news that the Japanese people and gene people came to China this time for this thing, and it is also the time when the entire human race must evolve." Li Bai made a move, and a Huaxia Jing appeared directly in his hand.

"This is what they call Huaxia Crystal. In fact, in the realm of comprehension, this is spirit essence ore. It can be used to improve strength through refining and refining. This is the main reason why those genetic people and Wa people can produce so many." Li Bai said. , he didn't know if Jiang Gu knew, but this was something that had to be done.

"This, we also know, but the strength of the Dragon Guard is too weak, and it is impossible to compete with those biochemical ninjas and genetic people. There is no way, in order to fight them, a lot of Dragon Guards have been lost. There are also Chinese masters." Jiang Gu said.

"Well, since we know about this, we have to snatch it back. It's too shameful that the treasure we discovered in Huaxia Land was plundered by others. I've got some news. Next, I will give you a period of time to use the elixir And the Blood Essence Grass, to improve the strength of some people, at least let the Huaxia Dragon Guards compete with them head-on." Li Bai said that although the ancient Chinese martial arts are also strong, the Dragon Guards are really weak, otherwise those genetic people and Japanese people would also be able to fight against them. I won't be so arrogant anymore.

"I won't get involved in the specifics. My father and I were worried about Huaxia's next step. Now I can rest assured. Brother Li, I believe in you, just like your father did." Zhang Xuejun said, if at this time If he still doesn't believe it, then he's really an idiot.

Li Bai didn't say any more, and directly took the two of them out of the room for picking up the children, and returned again. Zhang Xuejun left, but gave him a privilege, and Li Bai also got what he wanted.

The next thing is to integrate Longwei. Of course, in the process of integrating Longwei, we can occupy Huaxia Jing, and drive out the Wa people and gene people by the way.

Even if they can take away some Huaxia crystals, they must pay the price. This is the first time that Huaxia has a vast land and rich resources, and every time they come to snatch them, they can return with full rewards every time. If they don’t give them pain, they will forever in this way.

One month later, in Xiannong Building, Li Bai's special secret floor.

"You five, what I gave you just now is the blood crystal pill, which is called washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow. Of course, according to the ancient martial arts, it should be called Ren Du's two meridians. I have also given you all the ancient martial arts that are suitable for you. , plus your own strength before, you just need to be easy to penetrate. You know how much your strength has improved. You are already the generals of Longwei. Now go where you should go. After half a year, I want to see the obedient Longwei Guard members, at least 500 people, can it be done?" Li Bai looked at the five Dragon Guard members including Jiang Gu, who were also members of the Dragon Guard in Kyoto before.

The method Li Bai chose was very simple. Of course, it was up to them to summon and intimidate the other dragon guards. It was really uncertain. He was making a move. One person's strength is limited, but the strength of a team can be infinitely multiplied.

"Report to the Dragon King. After half a year, Long Weiruo is still in disarray. The five of us will commit suicide on the spot." Jiang Gu took the lead and said, for Li Bai, he was convinced that Li Bai gave him all the three thousand sword formulas, and the others did the same , have obtained the complete ancient martial arts cheats, which are absolutely priceless.

"You don't need to kill yourself. Then I'm not in vain. I won't talk about it. Now that the technology is so advanced, you can contact me at any time. Every time you go to a place, set up a base and demonstrate it to you first. Let's go." Li Bai smiled, and then Take a few people out straight away.

An off-road vehicle rushed out of Kyoto like a chariot and arrived at Qindao City.

"On this map, I found that there are people from the Wa country, and I have already obtained a lot of Huaxia crystals. This time I will fight here." Li Bai snorted coldly, and led the five people straight into Qindao City.

But to my surprise, I was stopped by a bunch of cars as soon as I arrived at the place, which was very rampant.

"Where did you come from, Qindao City is not a place for tourism now, you can leave." A man in a windbreaker brought several cars and stopped the off-road vehicle.

"Huaxia Longwei is performing official duties, get out." Jiang Gu directly showed the sign and glared at the person in front of him.

The man in the windbreaker was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Long Wei, go to another place on official business, leave Qindao and do whatever you want, do you hear me?"

Jiang Gu's face turned cold. These people are more than arrogant. Longwei is now equivalent to China's official army, and it has no deterrent power. It seems that they really need to be taught a lesson.

"Who are you?" Jiang Gu said coldly to the man in the windbreaker.

"You don't need to worry about this, now you just need to turn around and leave immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude, hmph." The man in the windbreaker didn't care at all, he was a little too arrogant.

"In this case, it seems that you still don't understand the meaning of the words Huaxia Longwei. Let me tell you." Jiang Gu directly pulled out the long sword behind his back, and the deadly bone sword rushed directly towards the man in the windbreaker.

However, the man in the windbreaker seemed to be prepared. As soon as his figure moved, two pistols appeared in his hands, and he swept at Jiang Bone indiscriminately. Unfortunately, for a real master, pistols were no more than decorations.

Jiang Gu used to be a true qi warrior, but now he has stepped into the realm of comprehension through Li Bai's promotion, and a true qi warrior who stepped into the realm of comprehension is directly at the golden core realm, and his strength is quite powerful.

In just a moment, the man in the windbreaker only looked at two thousand, and then let go of the pistol in his hand. It was stabbed by Jiang Gu with a sword. For a real master, the speed of a hot weapon cannot keep up.

The next moment, the tip of the bone sword was already on the neck of the man in the windbreaker, and he said coldly, "Can you tell me who it is now?"

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in Qindao City?" the man in the windbreaker seemed not afraid, and asked with a stern face.

"There's so much nonsense, I'll explain it to you when I get in the car." Jiang Gu threw the man in the windbreaker into the compartment of the off-road vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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