Chapter 2309

The battle was still going on, and in a blink of an eye several strong men of the golden core stage also died, even Li Bai was surprised to see it.

Although these few cultivators were only at the beginning stage of the golden core period, they died in a blink of an eye, which made people feel numb, but the people around them still had such expressionless faces, as if they were admiring something.

If it is a normal person, I don't know what it looks like to be frightened, but these people have been manipulated, their souls have been eroded, so they have become numb.

However, Li Bai took a closer look, and it seemed that some people also had panic in their eyes, and they wanted to move their feet, but they couldn't do it at all. This made Li Bai slightly understand, or some people were manipulated, but they could still see everything in front of them.

But it still seems that he can't control his body, he can only watch it alive, but he can't control his body at all if he wants to run.

Tongtong no longer dared to look at the battlefield above, and buried her head on Li Bai's shoulder, trembling with fright.

The bloodshed in the arena was not over yet. After the death of a few beginners of the golden core stage, several middle-level golden core stage practitioners came up.

A few middle-level cultivators of the golden core stage were still like that, fighting to the death, the blood almost stained the entire arena red, and the bloody smell became more and more intense.

Li Bai lifted his spirits, he felt like he was about to come, this arena was not for fighting, but for killing, no, more precisely, it should be for collecting these bloods.

The fresh blood seemed to stir up something, or to start something, and the smell of blood in the air was almost nauseating.

Li Bai knew it was coming soon, the bloody smell had reached a critical point.

Sure enough, as if to answer Li Bai's guess, in the middle of the arena, a bloody vortex suddenly condensed from blood, a bloody vortex that kept spinning.

The iron cage opened instantly, and the bloody vortex spun wildly, and the unconscious people around also began to rush onto the ring, flocking into the bloody vortex.

Plop plop! !

One after another jumped into the bloody vortex, Li Bai's face changed slightly, and the silver star power gushed out, wrapping Tongtong and himself without moving.

Until many people jumped into the bloody vortex, Li Bai stared at the bloody vortex formed by the blood, his soul consciousness couldn't penetrate it, even if he was crazy, he didn't dare to jump in.

When everyone disappeared, an old and hoarse voice came out, saying: "Didn't you come here specially to find me? The gate has been opened, but why didn't you come in again? Are you afraid?"

Li Bai was slightly startled, who is this old man, could it be the one who arranged the spirit-absorbing array?Super expert?Hearing this meant that others already knew he was coming.

"I'm afraid, but it's because you're playing tricks. Old guy, are you down here? Let me see what's down there?" Li Bai asked. I want to tell you, and even if others lie to you, you can't help it.

"Haha, boy, I know that you are also a cultivator, and your strength is not bad. Don't play tricks on me. If you dare to come in, I promise to meet your requirements." The hoarse voice came out of the vortex again.

Li Bai was a little disdainful, but he really didn't dare to go in. Even he was afraid of this ghostly spirit-absorbing formation, and he was not sure what it was inside. Of course, unknown things were frightening.

"Old thing, what's inside, show me and I'll come in, why can't you see anything, labor and capital don't come in, is your Xie family in there?" Li Bai said shamelessly with his back teeth, anyway, I just What if you don't enter.

"Don't you know something, old man, I am farming here, raising some flowers and plants. As for Xie's family, it is indeed here, it depends on whether you dare to come in." The old man said.

Li Bai was even more puzzled, but he also seemed to understand that this old thing obviously couldn't come out, what if he was killed by this old thing, he had to prepare.

"Then why don't you let the people from the Xie family come out? Don't tell me you can't do it. I still believe that you can't come out, but the people from the Xie family can't come out either. I don't believe it." Li Bai scolded, He was really worried, if he went in, it would be quite dangerous.

"Okay, then I'll let people from the Xie family come in to meet you." Said a hoarse voice.

Below the bloody vortex, a man with a mustache appeared on the ring, who seemed to have come out of the bloody vortex.

But Li Bai's soul sense noticed that he didn't come out of the bloody vortex, absolutely not. Li Bai glanced at the man with mustache and didn't speak.

"My name is Xie Chengfu, and I'm the housekeeper of the Xie family. May I ask what you want, young master?" Xie Chengfu looked at Li Bai without any fear.

"It's okay, you can go back and tell the old man that I won't go in and tell him to be careful." Li Bai looked at the bloody vortex.

Xie Chengfu bowed slightly, and then jumped into the bloody vortex. At the same time, the bloody vortex also disappeared.

Li Bai found out again, sure enough, this person did not enter the bloody vortex, but the position below the bloody vortex.

If he really jumped into the vortex, I'm afraid it would be really uncomfortable. Li Bai's goal has been achieved, Xie Chengfu didn't enter the bloody vortex, but fortunately he didn't jump into it.

It is estimated that jumping in is afraid that it will become the nourishment of this big formation. Although I know it, I still don't understand how to get in.

Jumping into the bloody vortex is definitely not enough, but the arena is also empty. Although he knows that Xie Chengfu entered from there, he really doesn't know how to get in, or what method to use to get in. How to open that place.

When everything disappeared, the underground martial arts arena became extremely quiet again, only Li Bai and Tongtong were there, and the air was still filled with the smell of blood.

Li Bai took a careful look at the place where Xie Chengfu disappeared, but found nothing, he didn't find anything special here.

"Damn, what's going on." Li Bai was also depressed. It was the first time he felt this kind of fear. He really didn't dare to jump into the bloody whirlpool. Even if he was Li Xiaogang's son, he wouldn't. dare.

Even if he had a treasure on him, he didn't dare to jump, so he could only go in through the passage where Xie Chengfu disappeared, but now he couldn't find anything.

"Is there really no way?" Li Bai's face was ugly. He really couldn't do anything. This was the first time he encountered this situation.

"Hey, what is this?" Li Bai found a small pattern on the ground, a rather strange pattern, almost invisible.

Some are similar to fish, but have wings. The pattern of a flying fish makes Li Bai a little strange.

"Let's go." Li Bai's expression changed, and he led Tongtong directly into the interspatial ring.

The two disappeared directly into this space. Deep in the ground, the eyes of the old man who was hoeing the ground flashed brightly, and he said in a low voice: "Space Immortal Treasure, what is the origin of this kid? How could he have such a heaven-defying treasure? Humph!" .”

All the space in this commercial street is within the scope of the spirit-absorbing array, and he knows it like the back of his hand, so Li Bai has already discovered it the first time he entered the ring space.

He knew all the creatures clearly, and of course he knew about Li Bai's sudden disappearance.

"It's interesting, and it's not too stupid to jump in." The old man sighed slightly. If Li Bai had jumped into the bloody vortex just now, he would have manipulated the bloody vortex to forcibly refine Li Bai. Chance.

The strong man in the Nascent Soul stage refined the spirit power of thousands of ordinary people, but Li Bai didn't jump, and when he released Xie Chengfu, he still couldn't attract Li Bai, so there was no way.

"I'll see what tricks you can come up with, hmph." The old man said coldly.

Li Bai arrived in the interspatial ring, and casually told Tongtong that Xiaoxi's mother was farming together, and there was nothing wrong anyway.

Xiaoxi's mother has almost recovered, but she still looks a little thin, but compared to the original situation, she is already very good, at least now she looks like a human being.

Unlike before, she was just like a famous person, her body was bloodless, she was skinny, it was a miracle.

Li Bai didn't care about them, but went directly into the castle, where the essence of the ring space lies.

A large collection of books and exercise secret books are all in it, and the comprehension catalog is in it.

He remembered that he seemed to have seen the flying fish before. What kind of formation was it? Li Bai walked into a pile of formation catalogs.

He began to search one by one. He remembered that he must have seen a fish with wings, which seemed to be a kind of formation.

He searched almost all over, but still couldn't find the fish with wings. Li Bai wondered why he couldn't find it. He must have seen it before.

"Ah, by the way, this is an evil array." Li Bai suddenly realized, and walked directly to a pile of scrolls on the other side.

Even his father has very few collections of evil skills and formations in cultivation, and they are all here.

Li Bai spread out a scroll, on which there was a fish with wings, Piranha Array.

The piranha array, the image of the array is exactly the piranhas, and there are really many people in the evil sect who use this array to absorb human spirits and refine the spirit pills.

"It's right to have this, hum." Li Bai smiled and began to study the piranha array. As long as the research is thorough, He Chou will not be able to enter that place.

For Li Bai, the piranha formation is still relatively advanced and difficult, but fortunately, Li Bai's soul power is very strong. Although it is difficult, there is no problem in comprehending it, but it takes a long time.

But it doesn't matter, there is a lot of time anyway, it doesn't matter if you wait for a year or so, at least you won't lose your life here.

The formation map is the core of the entire spirit-absorbing formation. Unexpectedly, this is still a formation within a formation. The outside is a spirit-absorbing formation, but the piranha formation is used as the base of the formation, and the piranha formation also contains a trace of space.

This kind of formation is difficult to see even in the world of cultivation. Unexpectedly, the earth in hand actually appeared.

A month later, Li Bai finally understood what was going on. The formation was quite complicated, and even though he had penetrated the spirit-absorbing formation and the piranha formation, he still didn't understand why there was a passage, and the other side of the passage There is still room.

This is almost impossible in terms of formation, but he just appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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