The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2322 Soul Ferry

Chapter 2322 Soul Ferry
How vast is the land of Huaxia, and Kyoto is just one of the small lands.The reason why the competition in Kyoto is so fierce, as the capital of China, is naturally one of the reasons.

However, this does not mean that China is useless except for Kyoto. As the saying goes, the masters are among the people. It can be said that all of China's 31 provinces are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

And Shan County is probably the most unfathomable place among them.

Xihong City in Shaanxi County, in the long history of China for thousands of years, must be regarded as a magical existence. Countless emperors and generals have changed their dynasties here. Terracotta warriors here.

Of course not only that, although in China, technology has developed to this point, but when Li Bai just got off the plane, he still felt the retro atmosphere of Xihong City.

This is also because the policies of Xihong City are different. They have re-planned the city in the past 100 years, and simplicity is synonymous with them now.

When he came to such a place, even Li Bai's footsteps slowed down. The first time he came to the earth, he went directly to Kyoto. As for the customs and customs of other places, he also got them from his father. When Li Bai really saw these antique buildings, Li Bai couldn't help being attracted.

However, soon, Li Bai became clear about the purpose of his trip, which was to find the Qin family and rescue Qin Yubing.

After taking a taxi, Li Bai drove towards the city center. Although the Bell and Drum Tower, Food Street and other places frequently made Li Bai look sideways, Li Bai still forcibly suppressed his small thoughts.

The taxi stopped in front of an international shopping mall, Li Bai paid and got off.

After searching around, Li Bai finally found a bar that wasn't exactly an ancient building. Li Xiaogang once told Li Bai that if he wanted to know anything about the local area, then the bar was definitely the best place to go.

It was another night, so when Li Bai entered this bar called Soul Ferry, it was already filled with all kinds of young men and women.

The music DJ played dynamic music on the stage, and people twisted their youthful bodies wantonly on the dance floor. Seeing this scene, Li Bai smiled sincerely. It seems that people everywhere are actually the same.

Li Bai squeezed through the crowd, settled down at a table not far from the bar, ordered a glass of wine casually, Li Bai sat down quietly, watched people coming and going, hoping to find someone who seemed to know everything.

"Little handsome guy, judging by your appearance, you shouldn't be a local." Just as Li Bai was thinking, a graceful body appeared in Li Bai's sight.

Li Bai's eyes slowly raised up. With white and tender calves, round buttocks, slender waist, plump breasts, and a pretty face, a woman appeared in front of Zhoudu.

Li Bai just looked at the woman so directly, which made the smile on the woman's face a little awkward. As a last resort, she said again: "Little handsome guy, if you look at him like this, he will be shy." Sitting opposite to Li Bai, he lowered his head and fiddled with his clothes slightly, the pair of twin peaks on his chest almost jumped out.

"I am indeed not a local. I just came to Xihong City today." Li Bai said to the woman. He is indeed not a local, but this place should be the land of the earth.

"Then you are right, we Xihong City, but there are many places of interest and historical sites." The woman rested her arms on the table, dragged her chin on her face, laughed, and hurriedly retracted her movements and stretched herself out. right hand, "Hi handsome boy, my name is Tian Yu."

Li Bai gently shook Tian Yu's soft little hand, and at the same time told her his name: "But I'm not here for tourism, I'm here to find someone in Xihong City."

"Looking for someone? Who, maybe I can help you too." Tian Yu said with a smile.

"Do you know that there is a Qin family in Xihong City?" Li Bai thought for a while, but asked directly. Since the Qin family is an ancient martial arts sect, they must have considerable influence in Xihong City.

However, who knew that Tian Yu's expression became tangled when he heard the word Qin's family. After thinking about it, it seemed that he had never heard of a family called the Qin's family in Xihong City.

"Is this a small family? In our Xihong City, the two largest families are the Ma family and the Niu family. As for the other families, I don't know much about them." Tian Yu told Li Bai, pouted.

"Well, I'll go find it myself." Since Tian Yu doesn't know, then most people probably haven't heard of the name of the Qin family, but this makes Li Bai very strange, and the Qin family is not What kind of comprehension family has come up with something hidden in the world.

"Brother Bai, you can leave me your contact information, and I will contact you as soon as I find them for you." Tian Yu said to Li Bai again.

Li Bai readily agreed, why not do it if someone helps him?
"I bought this glass of wine. If you can really find them, I can pay you a certain fee. You can use the money to find them." Li Bai took out 1 yuan and put it on the table. Yu was a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe it. He just said a word of help and got such a sum of money.

"Brother Bai, then I won't be polite, I will help you find news about the Qin family." Tian Yu put the money in her bag, and lightly clinked glasses with Li Bai.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise nearby. Li Bai turned his head and looked over. Several men came towards Li Bai aggressively. At the same time, Li Bai noticed that Tian Yu lowered his head obviously, as if I don't want to see these men at all.

The three men walked up to Li Bai's table, and they stopped, but the man in the lead started yelling as soon as he stopped: "Fuck, you little bitch, I said I couldn't find where you went after searching for a long time!" , It turns out that you came here to hook up with the little boy again, why, do you suffer like this for following me?"

The more the man talked, the more angry he was, he reached out and grabbed Tian Yu's hair, and pulled it hard again, Tian Yu's scream came immediately.

"Niu Yi, what are you going to do? This is my job. Do you need me to deal with who I get in touch with?" Tian Yu also lost the image of a little girl just now, and grabbed the arm of a man named Niu Yi with both hands. , Grasping and scratching again.

"Work? The job you're talking about is looking for a man to sell, right? I'm not blind. This man gave you money just now. Tonight, are you going to start a room with this boy again?" Niu Yi As he spoke, he glanced at Li Bai, raised his foot again, and kicked towards Li Bai.

"Go away, I don't want to trouble you."

However, when Niu Yi's foot flew in front of Li Bai's face, it stopped abruptly. Li Bai didn't make any movement, but Niu Yi's foot seemed to be kicking on an iron plate, and he couldn't move anymore. Move forward.

Niu Yi's face suddenly changed, and Li Bai had already told Niu Yi that he was a true qi fighter, and he was not a low-level one just by showing it casually.

Niu Yi didn't speak, and resentfully wanted to take his foot back, but at this moment, Li Bai finally moved. He raised his right hand and gently grabbed Niu Yi's ankle.

"Kick, why don't you kick?" Li Bai quietly looked at Niu Yi's astonished face, before Niu Yi could react, he twisted his right hand vigorously, and there was a cracking sound, and Niu Yi's ankle was broken in an instant .

The pain was fleeting, and Niu Yi didn't even feel it. It was only when Li Bai let go of Niu Yi that he was about to take two steps, and suddenly fell face-to-face, did he realize that his foot had been broken.

"Boy, do you know who I am? Hit me, beat me to death!" Niu Yi's face became extremely ferocious, and he scolded his two followers.

In order to protect his own safety, Niu Yi's two bodyguards were also ancient warriors, but when the two were about to strike, Tian Yu who was on the side rushed over and blocked Li Bai.

"Niu Yi, I warn you not to mess around. Brother Xiaobai just came to Xihong City. He definitely didn't do it on purpose." Tian Yu looked a little flustered, and his hair was messy.

"Oh, I really want to know how much money this little boy gave you, and you are actually speaking for him." Niu Yi said coldly.

"I just don't want innocent people to be hurt." Tian Yu looked at Niu Yi's two bodyguards. They naturally knew that Tian Yu belonged to Niu Yi, so they didn't dare to do anything.

"I'm so fucked up. You can see clearly with your eyes wide open. I'm the one who's injured now, not him. Hit me, beat me to death!" Niu Yi finally lost his temper, and gave the final order, The two bodyguards immediately took Tian Yu aside, and then attacked Li Bai from left to right.

But within five seconds, people's expressions changed from sympathy to astonishment. With just two punches, Niu Yi's two bodyguards were sent flying like sandbags. It seemed that there was no harm at all. The power to parry.

Li Bai walked slowly to Niu Yi's side, then slowly squatted down, and gently patted Niu Yi's frightened face: "I know, you are from the Niu family in Xihong City, you can go find him now." Your Niu family's rescuers are here, relying on your Niu family's eyeliner, you should be able to easily find out where I am."

Niu Yi stared at Li Bai in a daze, unable to say a word, the strength he showed was too powerful.

"Tian Yu, let's go. If you follow this man, there will be no good results." Li Bai turned his head and glanced at Tian Yu who had become sluggish again. Nodding, he followed Li Bai and left the Soul Ferry Bar.

"Tian Yu!" Niu Yi roared in a low voice, but he couldn't do anything. After the two bodyguards carried Niu Yi out of the bar, the whole bar exploded.

"I'm going, what did I just see? A little white face broke Niu Yi's bone and abducted his wife?" People couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Now, there will be a good show in Xihong City."

(End of this chapter)

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