The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2328 The History of the Ma Family

Chapter 2328 The History of the Ma Family
"Boss, Niu Yi probably hasn't come to the company yet, we haven't seen him." The little security guard answered Li Bai, and when he was talking, his eyes kept falling on Tian Yu, also a little curious.

However, after what happened yesterday, the little security guard has already shown obedience to Li Bai, and he doesn't really believe that Li Bai is the one who would give others a cuckold.

"Don't look, go to work." Li Bai waved to the little security guards to disperse them.

Tian Yuan sat quietly in the office. Although the door of the office was closed and the outside voices couldn't come in, Tian Yu still felt resentful about what those people said to them just now, and she didn't know what to do.

"Just sit here, don't go to work for the next two days, and wait until I help you get rid of Niu Yi." Li Bai comforted Tian Yu, thought for a while, and then left the office.

As the security supervisor in the company, Li Bai had already figured out the location distribution in the company. Niu Yi also had his own office in the company, which looked good, but Niu Yi didn't have much work.

Li Bai ignored everyone's gaze and walked towards Niu Yi's office. It was only ten minutes past eight o'clock, and Niu Yi's office was still empty, and he didn't know where he went.

In the company, the door of each office is no longer the traditional door handle, but controlled by the brain. To enter, you must enter the established password.

Li Bai called Chen Feiyu on Tianxun, and the data on both sides was quickly established. In just one minute, Chen Feiyu helped Li Bai open this seemingly tight door.

"Nonghuang, when will you come back? Although you have only been away for a few days, we all miss you very much, especially the sisters-in-law." Chen Feiyu teased Li Bai, and Li Baibai glanced at Chen Feiyu, just telling him to finish the job. I'll go back later on.

Pushing open the door and walking into Niu Yi's office, the layout inside is very exquisite. There is an intelligent computer on the desk, surrounded by flowers and plants, and there is an extra small room. with a bed.

As for the function of this bed, Li Bai could guess it with his toes, but Li Bai didn't have the time to investigate any adultery, so he quickly turned on Niu Yi's computer and logged on to the Internet.

Li Bai searched for news about the Qin family first, but to Li Bai's disappointment again, Niu Yi didn't have any news in his mind.

Li Bai was a little annoyed, and opened his eyes casually, but found a folder called "Majia".

The Niu family and the Ma family are rivals, so Li Bai knew it naturally, and opened it casually, and there were all written documents inside. Li Bai read it patiently, but he made a new discovery.

This Ma family is considered a local family in Xihong City, but two years ago, the Ma family was just a small family, and at that time, the largest families in Xihong City were the Niu family and the Liu family.At that time, the Ma family was small in everything, and there was no way to compete with the two big families of the Niu family and the Liu family, so they remained unknown.

However, one day two years later, the situation in Xihong City suddenly changed dramatically. The Liu family, which had been fighting against the Niu family, was suddenly dealt a devastating blow. All the main members, including the head of the Liu family, It was a strange death, and the Ma family, taking advantage of the imminent destruction of the Liu family, quickly acquired a lot of properties of the Liu family, stepping into the ranks of the top families in Xihong City.

Among them, no one knows what happened, but since then, the Liu family has perished, and the Ma family has replaced it, becoming the opponent of the Niu family.

There are also some screenshots of video interviews attached to the document. Above, Ma Binggang, the head of the Ma family, is full of glory.

This not only surprised Li Bai, but also surprised all the big and small families in Xihong City at that time, because it can be said that the stronger a family is, the stronger their force will be. Eliminate it, if the Ma family really has masters in charge, then why have they swallowed their anger for so many years?
However, no matter how people guessed, the situation has become like that, and the Ma family suddenly got a lot of money from nowhere, and quickly consolidated their position in Xihong City.

Li Bai fell into deep thought. What Ma Binggang said was the help of an expert, which is his biggest doubt. If there is no accident, this expert must be a member of the Qin family.

When Li Bai was about to continue looking for other news, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. Li Bai hastily turned off his brain, and then hid in the small room.

Soon, the door of the office was opened, and Niu Yi walked in, followed by a female employee.

"Mr. Niu, what do you want from me?" The female employee walked into the office and was quickly attracted by the exquisite decoration in the office.

"How is it? It's not bad, come on, come in with me and sit for a while, I'll show you something." Niu Yi said to the female employee with a smirk.

"That's not good, I don't have a boyfriend yet." The female employee suddenly became shy, but she wanted to refuse and welcome.

"Then do you think I'm qualified enough to be your boyfriend?" Niu Yi immediately hugged the female employee, who screamed softly, but smiled happily.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai, who was hiding in the corner, threw the memory crystal into the air, controlled the memory crystal with the power of the stars, stuck the memory chip on the wall, and recorded everything that happened on that bed.

Li Bai really felt sorry for Tian Yu, unexpectedly met such a man, and at the same time, on the other side, the panting of the woman and the breath of the man had become faster and faster, as if they were about to reach a peak soon.

At this moment, Li Bai controlled a cup outside the room and slammed it on the ground.

With a "crash", the room suddenly fell silent.

Niu Yi angrily walked outside naked, but there was no one there, and went back to the small room annoyed, wanting to finish what he hadn't done just now.

"Young Master Niu, what's wrong with you?" Immediately afterwards, Niu Yi yelled, because of the fright just now, he couldn't be hard.

After Niu Yi and the others finished their work in a hurry, Li Bai quietly left Niu Yi's office and returned to his own office. Tian Yu had been waiting for almost an hour.

"Brother Bai, where have you been?" Tian Yu looked at Li Bai and asked, Li Bai just told him that he went to inspect the company.

The work of the security supervisor is actually quite boring. He just goes out to take care of it when something goes wrong, but nothing happened now, so Li Bai is very free.

But there are always people who don't want Li Bai to be idle. Niu Yi, who just finished the battle in 5 minutes, has already appeared in Li Bai's office. When he saw Tian Yu, he rushed in.

"Why did you come to the company? Come home with me!" Niu Yi grabbed Tian Yu's arm and gave Li Bai a vicious look.

Tian Yu refused to leave no matter what she said: "I will never go home with you again, you devil!" Tian Yu shouted hoarsely, attracting many people who had no intention of working.

"Look, what I said, it must be Niu Yi who discovered the adulterous relationship between those two people, but I didn't expect that Niu Yi didn't bother Li Bai."

"I don't think so. The woman is saying that Niu Yi is a devil. Look at the wound on her arm. I think that woman went to Li Bai because of domestic violence."

Li Bai was disgusted by Niu Yi's unrelenting attitude toward Tian Yu. He stepped forward and knocked off Niu Yi's arm: "Are you still a man? Besides bullying women, what else can you do?"

"Who the hell are you? Can you control me?" Niu Yi yelled. What happened just now made him very upset. Now he is calling Tian Yu home, just to see if he can still be tough. stand up.

"Are you going to say that I beat her? Hehe, if this bitch hadn't seduced men all day long, would I have hit him? Besides, this bitch didn't come home last night, so she probably went to find you Right?" Niu Yi didn't finish the sentence, but everyone understood the meaning.

Niu Yi put a green hat on Li Bai's head in a blink of an eye. Li Bai just smiled and pointed to the bottom of Niu Yi: "I think you are the one who seduces women all day long. Can you get up?"

Niu Yi's heart tightened. Every time he did something, his movements were very covert, and it was impossible for others to find out. How did Li Bai know this?Niu Yi was silent for a while, then stared at Li Bai again: "I warn you, you have to be responsible for what you say, if you don't have evidence, I don't mind if my brother fires you!"

"Then what if I have evidence?" Li Bai squinted his eyes at Niu Yi, "I will dissolve your engagement with Tian Yu, and promise to get out of her sight from now on, dare you?"

Everyone was shocked, and Li Bai actually provoked Niu Yi. Not everyone has the guts.

The corners of Niu Yi's mouth twitched twice. Although he had already planned to find an excuse to break off the engagement after playing with Tian Yu a few more times, but after Li Bai said this, he was very embarrassed.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you don't find evidence within three days, I will..." Niu Yi said viciously, but he was interrupted by Li Bai before he finished speaking.

"Don't just let me do it. It won't take three days. I'll show you my evidence now!" Li Bai threw the memory chip in front of Niu Yi, not letting everyone see it. , just Niu Yi and Tian Yu.

And in the picture, isn't it just what Niu Yi did in the office just now, which made Niu Yi furious and wanted to smash the chip with his fist.It never occurred to him that Li Bai recorded this incident by coincidence. Although it can be said that Li Bai sneaked into his room, compared with the crimes of the two, Niu Yi is undoubtedly more heinous.

However, Li Bai took the first step and took the chip in his hand.

"Destroy it for me, or I'll kill you!" Niu Yi said viciously. Tian Yu, who was standing aside, had no expression on his face and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Kill me? Hehe, do you have the ability? Break the engagement, and I will destroy it when you do." Li Bai put the two termination agreements that had been prepared on the table, and handed one to Niu Yi. Pen.

(End of this chapter)

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