The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2352 Night Wolf

Chapter 2352 Night Wolf

Xihong City is said to be very big, with so many big and small families, so many ordinary people, Xihong City is said to be small, no matter what happens in any place, it can be spread throughout the whole city without media reports. High streets and alleys.

And just overnight, a piece of news that sounded scary flew to everyone's ears.

Someone is dead!

In today's China, a dead person can't be regarded as news, at most it can only be regarded as an anecdote, but this time, the news of this dead person made people panic.

The news spread from a hill on the outskirts of Xihong City. A young man died in the middle of the night yesterday, but he did not see the man's body. Why did he conclude that the deceased was a man? In the depression, a pair of blood-stained leather shoes were found.

This made the nearby villagers panic, because they have lived in the village near this hill for a long time, and such a thing has never happened before. When it happened suddenly, the villagers suddenly felt that they were so close to death .

The news that spread quickly also reached the ears of the Qin family. At first, Qin Rongyi was not very interested in this news, but simply thought that this was another vicious murder caused by some forces fighting each other, but When Qin Rongyi heard that footprints that did not belong to humans were found on the hillside, Qin Rongyi also became suspicious.

In less than an hour, pictures one after another appeared in Qin Rongyi's bedroom.

"Li Bai, do you recognize these footprints?" Qin Rongyi distributed the photo to Li Bai and a few second girls. They carefully observed the pattern on the picture, puzzled.

Li Bai also frowned. The size of these footprints in the photo is much larger than human feet, but judging from the depth of the footprints, the other person's body shape should not be too big, but it can completely cover a human being. Eat them all. Li Bai didn't quite know what such a creature was.

What's even more strange is that according to the findings of the investigators, they only found that one footprint near this footprint, not four, not even two.

"Wait for a while, I'll check the information." Li Bai said to Qin Rongyi and the others, then walked out of the room, and quickly dodged into the Qiankun ring.

Walking into the library of the castle, Li Bai began to search in the classification of spirit beasts. Thinking back to the footprint in the photo, Li Bai guessed that the other party should be an animal similar to a wolf or a fox.

Li Bai focused on searching in the categories of wolves and foxes, but within 5 minutes, he was lucky enough to find the spirit beast he wanted to find.

This kind of spirit beast is called a nocturnal wolf. It hides at night and comes out at night. Under normal circumstances, it will appear alone, but sometimes it will come out in groups. At that time, they usually encounter a very powerful enemy.

The reason why the nocturnal wolf travels at night is entirely due to his talent. His pure black fur makes it impossible for people to spot it in the dark unless it is within a distance of five meters. Might as well have been bitten to death.

When Li Bai narrated the information in front of Qin Rongyi, everyone shuddered.

"Fortunately, it wasn't our people who went to that place, otherwise, they would never return." Qin Rongyi said, and then put the matter aside, and began to ask about the Qin family's information collection work.

Qin Yubing was puzzled, and looked at Li Bai: "Brother Bai, do you find it strange? As far as I know, in Xihong City, we haven't seen wild animals for many years. This time I find it strange that a wild beast suddenly appeared and killed a person."

Li Bai nodded approvingly, and stroked Qin Yubing's hair. He didn't express his thoughts all the time, just wanted to know if anyone in the Qin family would see the suspicious point.

"I just said that you are the most suitable person to be the head of the family." Li Bai praised Qin Yubing and said, Qin Yubing smiled embarrassedly, "I also saw something wrong."

Li Bai continued, in this world, not only human warriors and monks are divided into levels, but also those spiritual beasts and elixir are also divided into levels. Xuanhuang is divided into four grades.

Although this night wolf is the lowest level of the early yellow-rank spirit beast, compared to the strength of human beings, it is probably also the strength of the foundation-building stage.

The haunting of spirit beasts is usually due to the aura of heaven and earth or treasures in the place where they live.Of course, Li Bai is more inclined to the latter, and there is a great possibility that what the night wolf is protecting is the ancient tomb of the Qin family that they have been looking for.

"Brother Xiaobai, do you mean that the Qin family's ancient tomb is on that mountain?" Qin Yubing asked in surprise and excitement, but Li Bai was not sure, because the news from the front said that they were not there at all. No signs of tombstones or burial chambers were found on the hill.

The room fell into a moment of silence, while on the other side, in Fangwei's bedroom, Fang Wei was so happy that he was about to jump up.

After a few days of searching, they finally found the address of the ancient tomb of the Qin family. It was on the hill where Li Hua sent by their Fang family died.

The reason for this certainty is also because on the map, some landmarks have not changed for a long time. After comparing the scene near the hill with the map, Fang Wei was surprised to find that they finally found the right place. up.

"Congratulations, young master, when we get the treasure in the Qin family's ancient tomb, you will definitely be able to step down that Li Bai." The housekeeper blessed Fang Wei, and Fang Wei laughed out loud.

"Thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, I, Fang Wei, would definitely not be where I am today. After the matter is over, I will ask my father to officially include you in the Fang family and become one of us!" Fang Wei Haha laughed and said, as if he had got the treasure now.

The housekeeper smiled with Fang Wei for a while, but said again: "Master, the news of Li Hua's death must have been known to the Qin family. If we are going to do something now, the Qin family will definitely be suspicious."

Fang Wei's laughter stopped slowly, and after thinking about it, what the butler said seemed to be quite right: "Then don't let them find out." Fang Wei showed a sly smile, "When it's too dark tonight, Let's set off to find the ancient tomb of the Qin family."

The butler nodded, but did not tell Fang Wei the real reason for Li Hua's death. He needed a cannon fodder, someone willing to die for him.

At the same time, Li Bai also told Qin Rongyi the analysis between him and Qin Yubing, and Qin Rongyi seemed a little regretful when he heard it.

"So, the ancient tomb of our ancestors is on that hill whose name we don't even know?" Qin Rongyi asked Li Bai in disbelief.

Li Bai nodded: "Although no one has discovered the tombstones or others of the ancient tomb of the Qin family, there is a possibility that they are hidden very well, but it is also possible that we can only find the tombstones of the ancient tomb of the Qin family at night." trace."

"Then are we still looking for the treasure map? Are we going to that hill tonight?" Qin Rongyi asked again, looking a little excited.

"We should rush there now. I'm afraid someone is ahead of us." Li Bai said solemnly. Jin Yan hasn't returned since last night. Although the induction between the two has not been broken, it means that Jin Yan Yan is not dead, but Li Bai is still a little uneasy.

When it was four o'clock in the afternoon, the first wave of members of the Qin family had arrived at the foot of the hill. There were not many of them, so they were not so conspicuous.

"What's the matter? Why are all the roads going up the mountain blocked?" A member of the Qin family asked angrily. Not far from them, a cordon had been pulled up, and a group of people who were not The policemen blocked there to prevent passers-by from entering.

"I'm sorry, because of what happened last night, passers-by are temporarily not allowed to pass here to prevent you from being in danger." The man guarding the gate said to the Qin family.

Of course, these words were all made up by men, they just listened to Master Fang Wei's arrangement to prevent anyone from disturbing their actions.

After negotiating with these people for a long time without any result, the Qin family could only retreat, and then called Qin Rongyi on Tianxun, and Qin Rongyi relayed the situation here to Li Bai.

At this time, Li Bai was communicating with Jin Yan who finally came back. From Jin Yan's painting, he finally knew where the treasure map went, and drew a complete treasure map according to the pattern on the floor. The map, but for the current situation, the treasure map is no longer useful.

After hearing Qin Rongyi's words, Li Bai smiled as he did not expect: "It seems that this family is really good, not only took pictures of Japanese ninjas who wanted to kill me, but also wanted to swallow your Qin family's treasures , really greedy."

"What should we do now? Send someone to drive away the Fang family?" Qin Yubing asked anxiously, for fear that the Fang family would take the treasure that should belong to their Qin family first.

"Don't worry, their Fang family's fighting power is much stronger than your Qin family's. If you go head-to-head now, without me, you will definitely not be their opponents." Li Bai said quietly.

"Then you do it, you can't just sit idly by." Qin Hai on the side said rudely to Li Bai, causing Qin Rongyi and Qin Yubing to stare fiercely.

"No, I don't even need to take action." Li Bai smiled slyly, "Didn't I tell you just now that the night wolf is not at the mercy of others, and it is not certain who will kill whom."

After a pause, Li Bai added another sentence: "To tell you the truth, even if you, uncle, or that Fang Shiyu from the Fang family went, you would only be able to draw with the always-walking wolf at night."

Qin Rongyi was shocked. Although Li Bai's words seemed to be mocking his strength, what Qin Rongyi thought of was that when the Fang family went looking for the ancient tomb aggressively, they were killed by night wolves first.

(End of this chapter)

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