The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2362 Jincheng Feng Family

Chapter 2362 Jincheng Feng Family
A good publicity event turned into a farce in the end, which was unexpected by everyone. When all the audience left the theater in a panic, in the huge movie hall, there was only Only Feng Xiu and his men were left, and the large bouquet of flowers was scattered on the ground at this time, as if mocking Feng Xiu, Feng Xiu was so angry that he kicked the bouquet away.

"Where's Mu Xiaoting?" Feng Xiu asked through gritted teeth. This is already the last publicity meeting for Fairy Tears, and it is unlikely that there will be such an opportunity for a long time to come.

"Master, Mu Xiaoting has already left with the crew, but she probably hasn't left yet, after all, there is still so much traffic outside." Feng Xiu's subordinates said to Feng Xiu.

Feng Xiu nodded, but turned around and slapped his subordinates on the face: "What are you doing? Didn't I say that when I confessed my confession, I can't let idle people disturb me? How did that person come over just now?" ?”

Feng Xiu was furious, and slapped another person in the face again.

The two subordinates who were beaten didn't dare to cover their faces, they just lowered their heads and apologized to Feng Xiu: "I'm sorry, young master, because the light was too dim, we didn't find him and stop him, we wait until we react , you have already started talking to him."

The subordinates said to Feng Xiu as if repenting, but they knew that at that time, even if the lights were so dim, they could still see the movement around them clearly, but Li Bai was like a bat hiding in the dark, silently. The sound came close to them, and before they even reacted, what happened next happened.

Looking back now, the subordinates were afraid for a while. Fortunately, that person just beat Feng Xiu up and didn't want Feng Xiu's life. Otherwise, Feng Xiu would be a corpse now.

Feng Xiucai didn't care that much, now he was very angry, and scolded a few people, but what Feng Xiu didn't know was that Li Bai's attack was already very restrained just now, if it was more severe, the bruise and swollen face would only be mild.

"Send me a few people to investigate the whereabouts of that man, and you dare to do something to me, I will let him die!" Feng Xiu said viciously, and then greeted several other subordinates, "You guys, come with me!" Go and block Mu Xiaoting, today, even if she agrees, she must agree, and if she does not agree, she must agree, I, Feng Xiu, have never been unable to get the woman I like."

Feng Xiu led a few people out of the theater, and the place fell into silence once again.

At this time, the periphery of Hengdian Studios has become a mess. The main person in charge of Hengdian Studios uses a super-powerful microphone to maintain the order of the scene, but everything here seems to be crazy.

Fans were very interested in Feng Xiuzhong's confession and Mu Xiaoting's boyfriend, while countless entertainment reporters circled around other crew members asking questions, seeing that they were blocked in the passage, as for the previous The security guards with expressions on their faces couldn't help much at this time. They were sweating profusely in the middle of the crowd to maintain order, but with little effect.

In an office in Hengdian Studios, Mu Xiaoting faced the few people in front of her without saying a word.

"I said, Mu Xiaoting, are you sick? Young Master Feng is so sad to you, yet you are not moved at all? You even made up a boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend? Why haven't I heard of it?" The director of Fairy Tears put his hips on his hips angrily, walked back and forth in front of Mu Xiaoting, pointed at Mu Xiaoting's nose and scolded her.

"I..." Mu Xiaoting wanted to defend something, but the director took a step ahead: "Don't tell me that the person who appeared last is your boyfriend, so rude, so disregarding your own image, even if you know that person , I advise you to let him disappear in the capital as soon as possible, do you know who Feng Xiu is? Can you provoke him?"

The director looked distraught, his plump face seemed to be full of utilitarianism and worldliness.

The producer who stood beside the director without speaking for a long time took up the conversation: "Mu Xiaoting, the person chasing you is Feng Xiu, the young master of the Feng family, the largest family in Jincheng. With his help, your acting career A rising tide will definitely lift all boats, don't you know?"

The producer spoke to Mu Xiaoting again in a earnest tone, but Mu Xiaoting still didn't look up, and was very disgusted with the two people's repeated bombing.

One of the director and the producer sings the red face and the other sings the bad face, don't they just want her to agree to that Feng Xiu, and when she agrees, it's not her acting career that will rise, but the influence of their company.

"I've just debuted now, and I haven't thought about relationships yet." Mu Xiaoting said, then stood up, and walked out of the office without looking back.

"Where are you going? There are so many people outside, do you want to be trapped?" Seeing that Mu Xiaoting ignored them so much, the director erupted again, "I tell you, if you still If you want to act in a movie, get the hell out of here, otherwise, you will never want to step into the movie industry again in the future!"

With a "bang", the door that greeted the director was slammed shut.

After leaving the office, Mu Xiaoting finally couldn't stop crying. The reason why she played Fairy Tears was because she had danced a dance at school and met the famous star Fang Fei. Fang Fei took her to the audition because of her appearance. And because of her temperament, Mu Xiaoting successfully became the heroine of the movie. It was only later that Mu Xiaoting found out that besides her own strength, Fang Fei also helped her a lot, such as stopping the director who always wanted to rule her.

But Mu Xiaoting never imagined that the entertainment industry would be so chaotic. She encountered so many troubles in her first film, and she didn't know what would happen in the future.

Mu Xiaoting became more and more sad, but suddenly, she felt a warm chest.

"Why are you crying, am I here?" A familiar voice came, and Mu Xiaoting raised her head with tears in her eyes. Now who is the man who is holding her, but Li Bai?

"Brother Xiaobai!" It's like three autumns since I haven't seen Li Bai for such a long time. All the feelings of longing burst out at this moment. Mu Xiaoting hugged Li Bai's waist tightly and buried her head Li Bai's chest, never want Li Bai to leave him again.

"Okay, okay, if we are tired, let's go home." Li Bai said softly, gently wiped away the tears from Mu Xiaoting's face, took her hand again, and walked towards Zhang Yuhan at the stairs .

"Ting'er, don't cry, our little white brother is back." Zhang Yuhan also hugged Mu Xiaoting gently, and then walked into the safe passage.

At the same time, the elevator at the other end of the corridor opened slowly with a "ding", and several men with bruised noses and swollen faces walked out of it.

Feng Xiu was beaten by Li Bai, and his subordinates were beaten by Feng Xiu. It seemed as funny as it could be.

"Where is their crew?" Feng Xiu asked. On the other side, the director just came out of the room and saw Feng Xiu who was furious.

"Mr. Feng, why are you here?" The director bowed to look at Feng Xiu in trepidation, Feng Xiu just squinted at the director: "Where is Mu Xiaoting, I want to see her."

"Eh..." The director was at a loss for words for a moment, he didn't know how to answer Feng Xiu, he had promised Feng Xiu before, this time, he would never let him miss again.

"Our boss is talking to you, where did Mu Xiaoting go?" Feng Xiu's subordinates suddenly yelled at the director, which startled the director.

"We, we don't know. Just now, Mu Xiaoting had a big fight with us, and then she slammed the door and left." The director's forehead was covered with sweat at this moment, and he was afraid that Feng Xiu would be unlucky if he blamed him.

Feng Xiu's men saved the director's life.

"Young master, look here." The subordinate standing by the window said to Feng Xiu, Feng Xiu leaned over to have a look, in the parking lot of the studio, Mu Xiaoting was being led by a man, and went to bed with another woman a car.

"Fuck, is that man really Mu Xiaoting's boyfriend?" Feng Xiu was also taken aback. From Li Bai's clothes, he quickly recognized this man. It was Li Bai who just beat him up. .

But Feng Xiu quickly smiled sinisterly, because in this world, no one has ever let him suffer. Some people have done this, but now the grass on their graves is already two meters high.

"Track that car for me, and find out who that man is. If he dares to snatch the woman I like, I will make his life worse than death." Feng Xiu slammed into her fist fiercely, facing the wall Slamming it hard, a fist mark visible to the naked eye appeared on the hard wall.

"Master, Mu Xiaoting will definitely be yours." The director hurriedly touched Feng Xiu, but was pushed aside by Feng Xiu, "It's useless."

Li Bai played a trick, because there are too many people in Hengdian Studios at this time, if you drive, you may not be able to leave here for two hours, so he took Mu Xiaoting to sit in the car first, let Mu Xiaoting easily After putting on their masks, the three of them left the car and walked outside again on foot.

Because there is no guarantee that sharp-eyed people will see them coming to the parking lot. If they are stuck in a car at that time, they will really be in trouble.

"Brother Bai, I want to go home." Walking out of the scope of Hengdian Studios, Mu Xiaoting's face clearly showed a trace of fatigue, and Li Bai directly carried Mu Xiaoting on his back, facing forward Walking, while preparing to flag down a taxi.

"Let's go home and stop acting. I don't like the way you are liked by so many people, especially people like Feng Xiu." Li Bai said sullenly.

"Brother Xiaobai is jealous." Mu Xiaoting smiled sweetly, and kissed Li Bai's side face lightly again, "Brother Xiaobai can do whatever he says, I will listen to Brother Bai."

Li Bai chuckled, this sentence made him feel warm.

"Let me sing for you, I just learned it on the way here, don't dislike my bad singing." Li Bai said, humming a song softly, which is the theme song of the Fairy Tears movie, Elven tears.

Li Bai's voice is not as clear and pure as Mu Xiaoting's, but has a deep feeling, and there are many parts that are not in tune, but Mu Xiaoting thinks that this is the most beautiful voice in the world. Much better than her own.

It's just that the happy two people here didn't notice that behind them, several people were chasing after them panting.

(End of this chapter)

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