The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2386 Forcibly Finding Faults

Chapter 2386 Forcibly Finding Faults
Seeing the person in charge froze in place, Li Bai was even more sure of his thoughts. This group of tour groups really came to trouble them.

"Why are you still standing there? Go discuss it with the hotel owner. It's not like we can't understand the difficulties of your tour group." Li Bai's attitude became more and more polite, not only the person in charge, but even the girls were a little bit I don't understand what Li Bai is doing.

Li Bai stood up, pulled out his chair and walked outside, preparing to lead the four girls towards the second floor.

The person in charge was anxious when he saw it. How could this be okay? If Li Bai and the others left, wouldn't the sentence that was so painstakingly set be wasted.

"No!" The person in charge stopped in front of Li Bai, and blocked Li Bai's way with his arms outstretched.

Su Daji, who was sitting by the side, was also a little anxious, she slapped the table and stood up: "What do you mean, are you sick? Just let us go, we are leaving now, you Not letting it go again?!" Su Daji was very angry, which made the person in charge a little embarrassed.

However, on his face, there seemed to be a tricky smile flashing across his face, and he looked at Su Daji viciously: "Who are you saying is sick? Try saying it again!" The person in charge pointed at Su Daji, threatening said.

There was another crisp sound of "pa", and Li Bai got a little impatient, and slapped the person in charge's finger.

"I said, are you tired? If you want to find something, just say it. Is it necessary? It seems that you feel tired." Li Bai said lightly, and when Li Bai finished speaking, the person in charge realized It turned out that all his intentions had been seen through by Li Bai.

This time, the face of the person in charge no longer had the expression of wanting to forcefully find fault before, but there was a hint of insidiousness in it.

"Do it!" No nonsense, the person in charge just ordered, and the men who just walked behind the girls intentionally or unintentionally stretched out their sinful hands towards their respective goals.

Li Bai had already been mentally prepared for this, and the moment they made a move, Li Bai also moved, but instead of protecting the four girls immediately, he rushed directly towards the person in charge.

The person in charge seemed to have a few tricks and wanted to parry, but in the face of Li Bai's powerful attack power, he couldn't survive a round, and was thrown flying by Li Bai's punch.

Seeing this scene, several accomplices of the person in charge felt anxious, and wanted to catch Li Bai's girls and use them to threaten Li Bai. However, what they didn't expect was that the four girls stood together. Get up, turn around and throw the chair behind you towards their faces.

Several men were busy parrying and smashing all the chairs, but after the sound of "crash" and the chair fragments fell to the ground, Li Bai's figure appeared in front of their eyes, and knocked them all away in the next second on the far wall.

"The cooperation is good." Li Bai turned around and smiled at the four girls, praising them, just like on the training ground, without any sense of crisis at all.

And all of this was completed in a blink of an eye. It was not until Li Bai finished speaking that the members of the tour group on the other tables stood up. Dumbfounded and frightened, he sat down.

"Don't look at us, we are really here to travel in Kyoto, not with them." A man said to Li Bai evasively, but from his flustered eyes, Li Bai can naturally know that he is lie.

But Li Bai didn't poke it out, he just glanced at them lightly, and said immediately: "Some people, if they want to do something to me, don't hide it. Not only did they spend a lot of money, but they couldn't do what they wanted. It's a waste of effort to sit down."

After Li Bai finished speaking, he sat down again and continued to eat, and asked the four girls to calm down a little, as if nothing happened.

But how can the people in the tour group eat at this time? If Li Bai finds out that they are in the same group, they will probably end up like those five people.

As a result, the entire restaurant looked a little weird at this time, five people and a pile of table leg crumbs fell on the ground, and the other people who were eating were eating as if they hadn't seen it, and they kept saying No words came out.

This situation finally ended after Li Bai and the others left the hotel. The members of the tour group were discussing what to say, if they had known that the other party was so strong, they would not have accepted this task.

"I'm sorry, we were unable to complete your task." Another person in the tour group called Tianxun and said, and the voice on the other side also came quickly: "Well, I already know." Even after hanging up Telephone.

The girls who had gone through the lunch turmoil didn't have any intentions to continue shopping, but it was rare to go out once, and they didn't want to go back so easily, so they pestered Li Bai to go to Happy Valley in Kyoto to play.

Except for college students, elementary and middle school students are already on vacation at this time, so when a few people appeared in Happy Valley, the bustling inside was about to burst.

"Are you sure you still want to play?" Li Bai looked at the crowd with a sad look on his face, not because he was tired or hot, but because in such an environment, if that little girl still wanted to do something to them, then It was such an easy task, even Li Bai couldn't guarantee which one of the people passing by them was the murderer who was bribed.

However, the girls persisted repeatedly, saying that even if someone came to bully them, they would still have Li Bai's protection.

As a last resort, Li Bai could only accompany the girls, first queuing up in a long line to buy tickets, and then queuing up in a long line to start the game. They only had a few games in one afternoon, which made several Girls are very boring.

"Let's go and finish the meal first. We're all tired. Let's come here to have fun next time." Feng Yunxi suggested to everyone, and soon got everyone's support, especially Li Bai. After spending a whole day, he is also very tired now up.

"Let's go to barbecue at night, the kind at the roadside stall." Zhang Yuhan suggested again, not caring about the fact that they are goddesses in everyone's eyes.

Just when Li Bai wanted to persuade them, they had unanimously approved the suggestion, and Li Bai had no choice but to obey.

Although the times are progressing, society is developing, and all cities are moving towards the goal of protecting the environment, roadside barbecues are always banned repeatedly. God, it is impossible to completely eliminate this phenomenon.

This is because no matter how the times develop, there are always people who like this kind of atmosphere. Sitting together on the side of the road, blowing the wind, drinking beer, and eating skewers, this feeling is simply unbelievable. .

It's just a group of girls sitting around the roadside, and the scene of having a big meal with a boy made everyone very shocked. When Li Bai and the others started to move, the laughter here made everyone laugh frequently. Looking sideways, however, no one dared to come up to find trouble.

A man can bring five beauties, think about it, this man is very cheating, they don't need to ask for trouble like in other novels.

However, just because no one wants to trouble Li Bai and the others does not mean that no one dares to trouble them. Just when Li Bai and others were chatting and chatting, and when they were about to touch the beer bottle to toast, Li Bai's expression suddenly became stiff .

"Brother Bai, what's the matter?" The four girls were all concerned about Li Bai, but Li Bai didn't speak. He put the wine bottle on the table gently, and his eyes were still fixed in one direction.

Following Li Bai's gaze, the four girls finally saw what Li Bai was looking at.

Just on the opposite side of the road, there stood a little girl with a ponytail, quietly standing on the other side of the road, looking at Li Bai and others on the other side of the road with a trace of indifference.

There was an obvious scar on the little girl's right cheek, which was caused by some unknown reason, and the resentment emanating from her was so obvious that several people could feel it across the road.

This is also the reason why Li Bai was a little shocked. He didn't need the little girl to introduce herself. He already knew that this little girl had been buying women who wanted to get rid of her for so many days.

Seeing that she was discovered, the little girl moved, stared at Li Bai's side coldly, and walked towards here step by step.Vehicles were coming and going on the road, but the little girl seemed to have not seen it, and walked straight over. What is amazing is that she happened to pass by a few vehicles, but she didn't hurt her at all. .

When the little girl reached the railing in the middle of the horse, the little girl stopped, pinched her right hand out of thin air, and a thing like a small note appeared in her hand, and was slapped on the railing by the little girl again, and the next In seconds, the railing disappeared bit by bit, as if corroded by strong sulfuric acid, and formed a passage for the little girl to walk through.

Five seconds later, the little girl finally stepped onto the road here, and then stood there, quietly looking at the open-air barbecue stand in front of her, and then stopped moving.

It seems that because everything that happened just now was too terrifying, all the customers who ate barbecue here hurriedly paid and left without waiting for the food to be finished. Even the owner of the barbecue stall hid himself, wanting to take a peek What the hell is going to happen here.

After all, the people at Li Bai's table hadn't left yet, they were just silently staring at the little girl.

Although the little girl kept her head slightly lowered, but because she happened to be standing under the street lamp, everyone finally saw the little girl's face clearly. Although the face looked a little scary and gloomy, everyone still stood together. His whole body trembled, and then he looked at other people in disbelief, and what he saw in the eyes of other people was also in disbelief.

Especially Li Bai.

Li Bai slowly pushed away the chair, trying to go around the table, while walking, he also called the little girl's name softly.

"Xiaoxi, is that really you?"

(End of this chapter)

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