The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2388 Set off again

Chapter 2388 Set off again
It seems to have been suppressed for a long time, the rain is endless, after a whole day and night, there is still no stop.

Li Bai woke up on the second night. At this time, he was already lying on the big soft and warm bed.

"Brother Xiaobai woke up, brother Bai woke up!" Mu Xiaoting's excited voice sounded immediately, and before Li Bai could fully open his eyes, a limp body hugged her tightly. body.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Bai looked around and made sure that he was in his own villa, not on the cold and hard roof.

Mu Xiaoting's surprised voice quickly alarmed the other three girls. They also ran from different places impatiently and surrounded Li Bai, the corners of their eyes were a little rosy, which made Li Bai think that he was going to die soon. Same.

"Brother Bai, you fainted on the roof of the building yesterday. If Chen Feiyu hadn't found you in time, we might not be able to find you now." Zhang Yuhan said with lingering fear. Last night, Li Bai seemed to be insane. They were chasing the two Japanese ninjas in the same way. With their speed, they couldn't find where Li Bai had gone. As a last resort, they asked Chen Feiyu to help find Li Bai's whereabouts. But when they finally found Li Bai, Li Bai had already disappeared. Lying on the roof passed out.

Everyone didn't know exactly what happened, and the heavy rain washed away all the blood on the ground. They only knew that Li Bai's right hand was covered with wounds, but they didn't know if there was a battle before.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Bai murmured again, this time, he was asking himself.

Last time, because of his negligence, Xiaoxi disappeared inexplicably. Now I know that she was taken away by the Japanese people, but when she came back, I watched Xiaoxi being captured again by the Japanese people again. Take away, as the saying goes, one cannot fall into the same pit continuously, but the fact is that Li Bai fell into the same pit twice, and this time it was worse than the last time.

Seeing the disappointed expression on Li Bai's face, everyone stopped talking. They could feel the deep sadness on Li Bai's body, but they didn't know how they should comfort Li Bai.

"Brother Xiaobai, Xiaoxi will be fine, right? She had nothing to do before, and she should be fine this time." Su Daji whispered to Li Bai, but Li Bai just glanced at Su Daji indifferently, without any The expression on his face made Su Daji feel that Li Bai was so strange at this moment.

Li Bai finally spoke again: "Before, the reason why Xiaoxi was not harmed was because these Japanese people wanted to use Xiaoxi to deal with me, but this time, not only did she fail, but I also discovered her. In terms of personality, Xiaoxi will definitely be punished if she is taken back this time."

Li Bai slowly clenched his fist tightly, and said through gritted teeth.

Su Daji didn't dare to speak anymore, worried that if she said something wrong again, it would make Li Bai unhappy.

At this moment, there was a light knock on Li Bai's door, and when he turned his head, it was Chen Feiyu standing at the door.

"Boss, you're awake." Chen Feiyu was very happy to see Li Bai waking up. As he walked into the room, he said again, "Boss, I know you must be unwilling, so I checked the flight of the helicopter for you. route."

Chen Feiyu said with a smile, although he didn't see the helicopter flying away from the rooftop, but on the way to the rooftop, he saw a helicopter take off from the building, plus Li Bai's performance afterwards, Chen Feiyu It is concluded that Xiao Xi must have been taken onto the helicopter by the Japanese ninja.

"Where did you go?!" Sure enough, Li Bai was very excited when he heard the news. He sat up and looked at Chen Feiyu.

At this time, how could Chen Feiyu dare to pretend, and said: "If they didn't hide anything, they would have gone to Tokyo, Japan, but I don't know where to go from Tokyo." Chen Feiyu shrugged, but Excited Li Bai hugged his shoulders directly, shaking back and forth vigorously.

"Thank you, thank you!" Li Bai laughed happily, and immediately lifted the quilt on his body to put on his shoes.

"Brother Xiaobai, you have only rested for a day, and the matter of going to rescue Xiaoxi is not too short of a day or two. You should rest and rest." The girls persuaded Li Bai, but Li Bai had already stood up. , looking at the four girls seriously.

"Do you know why Xiaoxi is targeting you? Because I saved you all before, but I didn't save her alone, so she has hatred in her heart. This time, since I already know Xiaoxi's whereabouts, I will not Don't let her suffer any more grievances." Li Bai said to the four daughters word by word, although Xiaoxi is not her relatives, she is better than his relatives, just like a little sister.

Li Bai quickly dressed neatly in the eyes of everyone, and then looked at Zhang Yuhan: "Yuhan, you go and get ready to have a video conference with Wang Chu from Jincheng, I want to arrange it." Turning to look at Chen Feiyu again, let him Call the White Army over.

Half an hour later, Li Bai and the four persons in charge of Xiannong Building were sitting together, and Wang Chu was sitting at the other end of the Tianxun screen. Because the distance was too far, Li Bai did not let Wang Chu rush over. .

"You also know that all the properties of the Feng family in Jincheng are now ours..." Li Bai glanced around, and then began to speak, giving a general overview of the arrangements for the few months he was about to leave, but more Most of them are still letting them discuss by themselves. After all, everything will happen. When they are not around, they need to carry it by themselves.

Three hours later, it was already early morning, and the meeting was finally over. Li Bai ended the meeting with satisfaction, and dismissed everyone.

The other girls had already gone to bed, so in the villa, only Zhang Yuhan and Li Bai were still awake.

"Brother Bai, how long will you have to walk?" Zhang Yuhan asked, leaning gently on Li Bai's chest.

"I don't know, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months." Although Li Bai's voice was equally gentle, but extremely determined, "until Xiaoxi is rescued."

"Then what do we want you to do?" Zhang Yuhan lightly touched Li Bai's cheek like a little girl, and when she raised her head, she kissed Li Bai's lips.

"I think you miss me." Li Bai picked up Zhang Yuhan and walked towards the bedroom, "Then let you eat as much as you want tonight."

When it was dawn, Li Bai was tragically informed that he could not leave immediately.

"Why?" Li Bai looked at Mu Xiaoting innocently, and Mu Xiaoting looked jealously at Zhang Yuhan, who was sleeping on Li Bai's bed.

"The final exam is two weeks away. If you don't take the exam, you will definitely fail the course. If you fail the course, you will have no graduation certificate. Do you want to have no graduation certificate?" Mu Xiaoting asked proudly road.

In Li Bai's view, although the knowledge in university is not very useful, he does not want to have a diploma. Without this diploma, his university is not for nothing.

"Then what should we do?" Li Bai slapped his thigh, his face full of sadness, but soon he smiled again, and had an idea, "I'll go to the principal."

So, Li Bai rushed into the door of the principal's office like a servant in the dust, and briefly talked about what happened to him, that is, he asked to take the final exam in advance.

"Have you finished your revision? High math is very difficult." The principal looked at Li Bai in disbelief, but Li Bai couldn't control so much at this time, saying that he had completed his revision.

Therefore, the principal personally contacted several of Li Bai's substitute teachers and asked them to send the finished papers to the principal's office ahead of time. Of course, there were still several papers for basic courses to be written.

In normal times, these things can be copied, but at this time, Li Bai is alone and can only fight alone.

Li Bai wrote for ten hours without eating or drinking, from daytime to afternoon, and finally finished all these papers.

"Principal, I'm leaving. If I haven't come back when the next semester starts, then treat it as if I've asked for a month's leave in advance. If I haven't come back by then, then I'll ask for another month." Li Bai dizzy Dazed, he said to the principal, regardless of whether the principal agreed or not, he hurriedly left the office.

Looking at the large blanks on Li Bai's paper, the principal smiled helplessly. For a student like Li Bai, it is definitely impossible to ask him anything. The purpose of doing this is to tell other students that he has no family background, or If you don't have Li Bai's ability, then you should study hard.

Of course, if Li Bai was going to vomit blood and die when he heard these words, if he knew that it didn't matter if he didn't take the exam, why would he come here?

It's just that Li Bai has already appeared at Kyoto International Airport at this time, and the next flight from here to Tokyo, Japan will take off at ten o'clock. Li Bai came early, so he can only wait.

"Brother Bai, why didn't you just leave without waiting for us." During this period of time, Li Bai's messages rang frequently, and they were all from his women. Because Li Bai left without saying goodbye, Li Bai didn't let them Come over to see yourself off, just tell them that you are already in the terminal, if you come, it will only increase the sadness of parting.

Li Bai also told Qin Yubing about leaving Huaxia for a period of time. During this time, Qin Yubing was so busy that she didn't force herself to rest for a while until Li Bai's Tianxun called.

"Be careful." Qin Yubing said, this is what everyone said to Li Bai.

"Dear passengers and friends, flight xxxxx from Kyoto to Tokyo is about to take off..." In the terminal building, a message prompting registration finally sounded, changing the boarding pass, going through the security check, and looking for the boarding gate, Li Bai silently said It's finished, but when Li Bai found the boarding gate and was about to sit on the seat to rest, a familiar yet unfamiliar smiling face made Li Bai feel as if he was taken aback by a scorching heat, and Li Bai couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. .

"Master, why are you so surprised to see me?" On the other side, a dissatisfied voice sounded, making Li Bai sure that he did not have hallucinations.

(End of this chapter)

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