The strongest peasant city

Chapter 240 A Sudden Crisis!

Chapter 240 A Sudden Crisis!
Li Yong nodded gratefully and said, "With the support of the Deputy Political Officer, our company will be more confident in its development!"

Niu Tong was impatient with the two of them talking to each other like this, so he came up and said: "That. Hello, my name is Niu Tong, and I am an expert in charge of sample review! Your samples were reviewed and passed by me. These two certificates I also proposed to issue it to you! You must know that this is the first time that such a certificate has been issued to a product that has not yet been launched, so I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts!"

"Painstaking?" Li Yong looked at Niu Tong with some puzzlement and asked.

Niu Tong swallowed his saliva and said, "That's it. After our careful research, we found that this cosmetic will cause a great change in the nature of the world, we want to board your giant ship, and we are also awe-inspiring." a handful!"

"En?" Li Yong looked at Niu Tong even more suspiciously. Xiao Ming coughed, pushed Niu Tong aside and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense! That's right, the burden of our Quality Supervision Bureau is really heavy now. It is too heavy, and often takes the blame for the manufacturer and is scolded by consumers.

As the bureau chief, I feel like sitting on pins and needles every day, and my life is miserable!Now, if I don’t tell you, you know that our bureau has almost become the target of public criticism. If we don’t make some achievements, I’m afraid we won’t even be able to get out in the future! "

Li Yong smiled slightly and said: "You mean that you want to form a pair with our company, through you emphatically recommending our products, and then the excellent quality of our products will change your position in the minds of consumers, right? "

Hearing that Li Yong understood what they meant so quickly, Niu Tong and Xiao Ming were very excited, especially Xiao Ming hurriedly laughed: "Yes, yes, that's what it means. Now the prestige of the Quality Inspection Bureau among the masses is seen We are about to sweep the floor, we have to do this, there is no other way!"

Li Yong smiled and said: "How can we disagree with this? We get benefits, the market, and you get prestige and praise from consumers. This is a win-win situation. How can we disagree?"

Hearing what Li Yong said, Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "That's good, that's good!"

Seeing that Xiao Ming's goal had been achieved, Niu Tong hurriedly pulled Li Yong and asked, "Hey, buddy, I have detected many plant ingredients that I have never seen before in these samples. I believe that your company must have discovered it." New plant species, I don’t know if I can... can you disclose it, hehe..."

Li Yong was taken aback for a moment, and secretly said: "Reveal? I don't even know what it is, how can I reveal it to you?"

He said with some embarrassment: "This... this involves commercial secrets, so it is inconvenient to disclose, please forgive me!"

Seeing Li Yong's resolute face, Niu Tong knew that there was no chance of getting an answer, so he snorted and said, "Since your company is now a cooperative unit with our Quality Inspection Bureau, then our bureau will send a few staff members to your company. There should be no problem, right?"

Xiao Ming was taken aback by Niu Tong's words, and looked at him suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly made such a request.

Li Yong was also puzzled and asked: "Is this necessary?"

Niu Tong curled his lips and said: "Of course, now we are a co-construction unit. Your products are directly related to the reputation of our Quality Inspection Bureau. How can we not send someone to supervise!"

Li Yong said with a surprised look: "No way, it's so troublesome? Then... forget it, we'd better not cooperate and build together."

Niu Tong stared at Li Yong dumbfounded, wishing to smash his head to see what was inside. Now those big companies are rushing to become a joint construction unit with the Quality Inspection Bureau, and the Quality Inspection Bureau has ignored them , Now that I have delivered it to my door, I don't know that people like to answer and ignore it. Is there any reason for this?
Niu Tong was a little speechless, Xiao Ming hastily glared at Niu Tong and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, in fact, we have no other intentions, it's just a situation."

Li Yong chuckled, he was very clear in his heart.

The formulas of the three types of products, Queen, Concubine, and Beauty, are so precious that fools can see them. It has a huge market prospect. If you want to enter the company, it is a joint venture in name. Who knows that the bearded What is the guy thinking.

"Actually, I don't have any opinion on this, but I can't make the decision!" Li Yong said embarrassingly with a bitter face.

"What? But you are obviously the chairman of Longxi Group, how could it be that you still can't make the decision?" Li Yong's words surprised Niu Tong and Xiao Ming, and they couldn't help asking at the same time.

Li Yong smiled wryly and said: "Who said that the chairman can't be a gangster now? Aren't those CEOs still working for others? To tell you the truth, I have a boss above me, and there are some problems. I can't make up my mind!"

The expressions of Xiao Ming and Niu Tong suddenly became complicated, especially Xiao Ming, who had been in the officialdom for many years, immediately smelled something unusual from it.

Strange products with incomparably brilliant market prospects, mysterious behind-the-scenes bosses, and thinking of Longxi Group's change of ownership not long ago, both of them feel more and more that Longxi Group is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Originally, Xiao Ming had no intention of sending a representative to Longxi Group, but at this moment he suddenly felt that maybe getting a relationship with Longxi Group would have an inexplicably powerful influence on the organization and himself.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ming smiled and said, "If that's the case, then please convey our intentions to your superior, and hope that we can cooperate sincerely!"

Li Yong nodded and said: "In this case, I will do my best! Our boss is a very open-minded person, and he especially likes to cooperate with the political deputy. I believe I will bring you good news! Then I will Let's go first!" With Xiao Ming and Niu Tong enthusiastically sending him off, Li Yong left the Quality Inspection Bureau excitedly.

I found Li Xiaogang that day and told him what happened in detail.

After listening to Li Yong's narration, Li Xiaogang frowned and fell into deep thought.

According to the super effect of these three samples, they have already obtained the qualification certification of national famous brand before the product is formed. This does not make Li Xiaogang feel that it is too outrageous. And secretly applaud!
The Huaxia Quality Inspection Bureau not only shoulders the responsibility of inspecting fake and inferior products, examining product quality, and formulating quality standards. Their more important responsibility is to greatly improve the quality and specifications of Huaxia manufactured products through supervision and assistance, so that they can compete internationally. This is the core pursuit of the Quality Inspection Bureau.

Therefore, the Quality Inspection Bureau formulates a series of standards and selects a series of excellent brands, not to suppress other companies, but to create an atmosphere of healthy competition and promote common progress.

Under such a goal, there is no reason why the products provided by Longxi Group should not become a life-saving straw for Huaxia Quality Inspection Bureau under the severe situation of increasingly harsh competition and shrinking domestic brands.

If they don't know how to seize this opportunity, then they are really incompetent!
After thinking about it, Li Xiaogang smiled, and had basically made a judgment in his heart. He probably met another guy like Zhou Zongnan and Qin Hai who regarded research as his life.

Li Xiaogang is both gratified and helpless about the enthusiasm and obsession of these scientists for research.

It is gratifying that such scientists can advance at a faster rate in technology, but it is helpless that I have to pay an extra salary this time.

"Alright, Li Yong, just promise them!"

After a pause, Li Xiaogang said: "Everything is ready now, and Qiangnong Company has already done a lot of publicity work in the early stage. Now that there are two titles like this, it would be useless not to use them! "

Li Xiaogang looked at the two glowing red certificates in his hand, then handed them to Li Yong and said, "I'll go back right away and bring you the raw materials as soon as possible. Take the time to organize the production line and let the company move!"

Li Yong nodded excitedly and said: "I have been waiting for your words for a long time, and today I have been waiting! You don't know that I have been idle for a while!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaogang smiled, turned his head to Gao Yuanyuan and said, "Honey, it seems we should go home! Say goodbye to your home in the provincial capital?"

Gao Yuanyuan scanned the whole room with some reluctance and said, "I am a little reluctant, but as long as I have you by my side, I will be happy wherever I go!"

Li Xiaogang smiled moved: "What you said is true..." Just when Li Xiaogang was happy, his cell phone rang suddenly, Li Xiaogang took it out and looked, the displayed number was Long Ling'er!
Full of doubts, Li Xiaogang connected the phone, but as soon as the call was connected, Long Linger's voice sounded very anxious, "Li Xiaogang, it's not good, something happened!"

Hearing Long Ling'er's shout, Li Xiaogang was really taken aback. Longquan Group is currently the most profitable enterprise in Li Xiaogang's hands. If something happens here, Li Xiaogang's capital chain will immediately face the crisis of breaking.

"Don't worry, speak slowly, what happened?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Gao Yuanyuan and Li Yong also seemed a little nervous, and looked at Li Xiaogang eagerly.

Long Ling'er over there tried to stabilize his mind, and said with a trembling voice: "Now in many parts of the country, there are consumers who have been poisoned because of drinking our wine. So far, three people have died of poisoning. Dead! Now the industrial and commercial bureaus and police stations in various places have taken action. So far, the sales of Longquan fine wine in the whole country have been suspended, Li Xiaogang, what is going on?"

Li Xiaogang was a little stunned by Long Linger's words, it took him a long time to stabilize his mind, and said eagerly: "You said just now that someone has died so far?"

(End of this chapter)

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