Chapter 2413
Xiaoxing City was not considered a particularly big city, and the Yamaguchi Group was almost well-known in Xiaoxing City. Therefore, when the news of the death of the leader of the Xiaoxing City Subgroup of the Yamaguchi Group, Yamamoto Tenyou, reached everyone When it was in their ears, everyone's first reaction was, how is this possible? !
In that small lounge, the scene where Tenyou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Kobayashi stabbed each other's knives into each other's hearts was still frozen there. Soon, the police were dispatched to temporarily seal off the top floor for investigation and evidence collection.

In the video surveillance, when the team leaders of the two groups had an accident, only one waiter with a water glass entered, and when he came out again, he was full of fear.

What happened inside, only the employee knew best, but when the police found the employee, he had passed out in the toilet.

The murderer was someone else, which plunged the entire Yamaguchi-gumi into anger and panic again.

As for how the Yamaguchi-gumi will deal with the next thing, Li Bai is not concerned about it. At this time, he has notified the three of Tian Lin to make them prepare early and leave Xiaoxing City before the Yamaguchi-gumi reacts. .

The reason why I didn’t choose to set off at this time is that there are still many Yamaguchi-gumi members stationed at the port of Xiaoxing City. Although Tianyou Yamamoto is dead, they seem to have orders from the deputy team leader, and they still stick to themselves position.

"Master, this won't work, we have to pour oil on the volcano."

The Yamaguchi-gumi has no backbone, and in fact, some people have lost their minds, and Tian Lin has been bored in this small room for about a week, with spider webs growing on his body, which makes Tian Lin very anxious.

In this regard, Li Bai just rolled his eyes at Tian Lin lightly: "What's the rush? If such a big incident happened here, the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters will definitely respond. If we choose to expose ourselves at this time, we still think they There are not enough people, right?"

Tian Lin seemed to be choked and unable to speak, and just as Li Bai thought, at this time, the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters in Hiroshima had already received the news.

Two group leaders died at the same time, which was definitely an accidental loss for their Yamaguchi group, but the country cannot live without a king, the headquarters immediately assigned two new team leaders to Xiaoxing City and Tokyo Take office on the city fire line.

However, even so, it will take at least two days for them to arrive at the scene and preside over the overall situation.

At the same time, this time, even the headquarters set their sights on a woman named Hanano Mai and another Chinese man named Li Bai. These two people were the culprits for what happened to them.

Hanano Mai and Li Bai soon became the primary targets of the major Yamaguchi groups. If Hanano Mai was successfully captured alive and Li Bai was captured or killed, they would all be rewarded greatly.

And since this matter is regarded as a national goal, it also effectively avoids more open and secret fights between the groups. This move has to show that there are still people in the Yamaguchi-gumi who are very smart.

Li Bai didn't know that he had once again become the public enemy of the entire Yamaguchi group. At this time, he was still in disguise, slowly observing the current situation in Xiaoxing City.

The patrol team or something has temporarily stopped patrolling at this time, and the Yamaguchi-gumi members at the port, although there are still so many people, are already in a trance, but at the boarding port, their defenses are still It is very strict, and there is still a big test for Li Bai and his escape.

And just when Li Bai finished his inspection and was about to return to his residence, another shocking news came from Xiaoxing City.

When a patrol team rushed back to the group company, they all died on the road, and everyone's cause of death was surprisingly consistent, the artery in the neck was cut, and then bled to death.

"Is it the revenge of Kiyoshi Kobayashi's elite team?" This was Li Bai's first reaction to this incident. Kiyoshi Kobayashi rushed from Tokyo, but died at the hands of Tianyou Yamamoto. It will make them very angry, so I couldn't help the anger in my heart, and killed a few people to vent my anger.

But Li Bai only guessed right. Kiyoshi Kobayashi's four elite teams had already gathered together again, and everyone's expressions were very gloomy.

Mr. Miyazaki is not only the captain of the first team, but also the captain of everyone. After he got the news, he led his people out of the hotel immediately.

"How did the team leader die?" Mr. Miyazaki asked the captains of the other three teams with a sad face, but the captains of the three teams shook their heads.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Tenyou Yamamoto would quarrel when they met, and they would quarrel very fiercely. They had prepared for this matter, but they would fight and stab each other to death in the end, which made everyone unbelievable.

"There must be someone else, we must avenge the team leader!" Another team leader said with killing intent.

This is naturally everyone's thoughts, but in Mr. Miyazaki's mind, Li Bai's appearance immediately appeared at this moment: "I may know who this person is."

Mr. Miyazaki gritted his teeth and said, no matter how powerful Li Bai is, they now have a total of 23 people, and if they can't attack together, they will assassinate again and again until they succeed.

When Mr. Miyazaki started to tell the team members the news about Li Bai, another accident occurred in the Xiaoxing City subgroup of the Yamaguchi Group. In the other direction of Xiaoxing City, the situation was exactly the same as before, and another group of patrol teams died. On the way back to the company.

The artery in the neck was also cut off, and the speed was so fast that it seemed that the patrol team didn't react at all.

Li Bai, who heard the news for the second time, finally laughed. This kind of trick was clearly only possible for Japanese ninjas. Unexpectedly, they finally couldn't help it, and came to dip into this muddy water.

Most of the yakuza members still did not receive the news immediately, but when more and more of their companions died, panic finally began to spread among the crowd.

Whether it was the patrol team or the Yamaguchi-gumi members stationed at various transportation hubs, they all withdrew from their posts at this time in order to survive, trying to find a safe place to stay.

But in the shadows of the city, a group of men in casual clothes laughed disdainfully when they saw their panicked expressions.

"The Yamaguchi-gumi claims to be the largest organization in Japan, but it's just a mob." The man said with a sneer, and he and the people behind him are naturally the members of the ninja organization that Li Bai has been looking for.

The conflict between the ninja organization and the Yamaguchi group has been going on for a long time. Because the ninja organization has a small number of people and strong strength, they have always had the upper hand in the struggle between the two sides, but the advantage is not very great.

That's why the Yamaguchi group has always regarded the ninja organization as a serious problem and wanted to annex them, and the goal of the ninja organization is even more ambitious. Their goal is to completely destroy the Yamaguchi group.

Ninjas are also spread all over the cities of Wa Kingdom, and they can know immediately when there is any disturbance, so when Tenyou Yamamoto and Kiyoshi Kobayashi both died in Xiaoxing City, they realized that another opportunity came .

Although the Yamaguchi-gumi has a large number of people, their weakness is also fatal, that is, without the backbone, they don't know what to do at all, and they can't make any effective counterattacks at all, which gives several ninjas more chances to assassinate.

Wait for the opportunity, turn around and leave after killing.

Because of the existence of a few ninjas, the entire Yamaguchi group seemed to be worsened, and fell into a dead silence. They tried to resist, but there were very few such resistance.

Mu Muchenba is the captain of this ninja team. When he found a single Yamaguchi-gumi member again, he didn't kill him immediately. Instead, he asked some news he wanted to know before it was over. The other party's life.

"Our mission needs to be temporarily adjusted." Mu Muchenba said to everyone, "The old friend unexpectedly appeared again, we must meet her." Mu Muchenba showed a smile, and then told everyone the new mission.

Although the number of the ninja organization is small compared to the Yamaguchi-gumi, in fact, there are still many members of the ninja organization. Unless they work in one place, it is really difficult to get to know each other. matter.

However, because of the previous incident, Hanano Mai has become famous in the entire ninja organization, and the task of capturing Hanano Mai to justice or killing her on the spot has always been a reward. Now, she once again appeared among the ninjas. In sight, how could Mu Muchenba not seize this opportunity.

"Go to the port, Hanano Mai will definitely go to Tianke Island." Mu Muchenba led everyone to kill all the way to the port, and then hid near the port.

Mu Muchenba's plan was not wrong. After knowing that the ninjas had also started to make trouble, Li Bai immediately notified everyone to set off towards the port, and the latest round of yachts only set off an hour later.

At the same time, this is also the last yacht to leave Xiaoxing City. Because of the chaos in Xiaoxing City, many people are eager to leave.

Fortunately, Luo Lei bought the last few boat tickets for everyone online early, so by that time, they can successfully leave Xiaoxing City as long as they avoid the sight of the Yamaguchi-gumi members.

But as the departure time approached, Hanano Mai's expression became more and more nervous.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai gave Hanano Mai a strange look.

Hanano Mai raised her head nervously, looked at Li Bai, bit her lip, and then said: "So, the people who killed so many people in the Yamaguchi-gumi were some ninjas?"

Li Bai nodded, but his eyes widened suddenly, as if he understood Hanano Mai's meaning: "You mean, they might continue to arrest you now?"

Hanano Mai nodded anxiously. What happened back then had a great impact on the ninja organization, and she also knew the ninja organization's decision on her.

If you can't catch it, kill it.

(End of this chapter)

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