The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2433 The target of public criticism

Chapter 2433 The target of public criticism
Li Bai naturally knew what the leading ninja was thinking, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If you want me to say, there are five of you in total, then send four of them to attract their attention. Anyway, the money can be moved as long as you and I are alone." Li Bai said to the leading ninja, very solemnly look.

For Li Bai, who is a thief but really anxious about his IQ, the leading ninja didn't have any doubts.

As for the money Li Bai mentioned, they didn't care at all, what they cared about was Hanano Mai who was imprisoned inside.

Or to put it simply, it is because there is not enough time.

After Li Bai finished talking about his own method, the leading ninja waved his hand without any hesitation, and the four ninjas standing behind him walked downstairs silently like geckos .

Li Bai and the leading ninja also followed behind them, but deliberately kept a distance, and were guarding each other.

But what Li Bai knew was that the ninja who was not far away from him didn't have any wariness against him at all. Maybe because of his excellent performance just now, he already felt that he was just a thief who only knew how to steal.

Li Bai sneered, and stopped again. The four ninjas had been completely exposed where the Yamaguchi-gumi guards could see them, but the other party was in the process of changing shifts, and did not pay attention to the situation here in time.

Then, like mice in the night, the four ninjas quickly turned to another corner and walked towards another corridor.

If there is no accident, after 20 seconds, the two guards after the handover will pass through another corridor, and in the case of four ninjas working together, they will definitely not have any way to survive.

Sure enough, one minute later, the four ninjas appeared in Li Bai's sight again, and they gave an "ok" gesture to the leading ninja.

Li Bai was quite dissatisfied and turned towards the two guards who were still guarding the door. Although the Ninja Gate had solved the two guards, he still couldn't walk into it smoothly.

The leading ninja also frowned. Unexpectedly, the current situation has become more difficult.

In the final analysis, the reason is because of this reckless Li Bai.

The ninja cast a fierce look at Li Bai, and seeing that Li Bai didn't seem to notice him, he moved slowly, with the dagger in his hand, ready to kill Li Bai directly when Li Bai was unprepared.

However, how could Li Bai let this little ninja succeed?
"Hello!" In this quiet space, Li Bai suddenly yelled in the direction of the guard.

Like a depth bomb exploded in the deep sea, the sound of "Hello" began to echo in the entire corridor.

The guard's eyes turned to the place where the sound came from, and he saw the four ninjas hidden at the entrance of the corridor with just a glance.

"Baga!" The two ninjas cursed loudly. This is the important place of the Yamaguchi-gumi. It was unexpected that other people broke in. How could they bear it?
While chasing the ninjas, the guards told the guards hidden in other places through the walkie-talkie.

The four ninjas did not put up unnecessary resistance, but immediately ran towards four different directions.

The two Yamaguchi-gumi guards were a little dumbfounded, and quickly chased after the two ninjas. As for the other two, they reported their whereabouts, hoping that other guards could catch them.

In the quiet basement, there was an instant chaos, and noisy footsteps sounded from all directions.

Li Bai nodded in satisfaction, and took a step forward, just avoiding the dagger stabbed by the leading ninja from the dark.

"What are you waiting for? Let's divide the money!" Li Bai said excitedly to the ninja, pretending not to see the dagger in the ninja's hand.

At this time, the ninja was angry and shocked. For a moment, Li Bai actually used such a move, which put his four team members in danger. Shocked.

If the thief did not escape because of luck, then his true identity may not be just a thief.

Seeing Li Bai rushing towards the door where Hanano Mai was imprisoned, the leading ninja was not calm anymore. If he saw a person locked up in the room first, I don't know what he would do.

"Wait for me!" The leading ninja yelled at Li Bai, and hurriedly chased after him, but when he walked through the dark corridor and came to the door, the iron anti-theft door was violently opened by Li Bai. The situation was instantly clear.

Hanano Mai was tied hands and feet, fell to the ground and struggled constantly, with a bed behind her, it seemed that she heard the commotion just now, and had the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

Seeing Li Bai suddenly appearing outside the door, Hanano Mai was obviously stunned for a moment, and even forgot the action of rubbing the rope.

"Be careful!" In the first sentence, Hanano Mai shouted to Li Bai like this.

The leading ninja on the back heel had already swung the dagger in his hand again, and was about to stab Li Bai's neck fiercely.

Li Bai smiled faintly, as if he had grown back eyes, his body suddenly stepped back, and bumped straight into the body of the leading ninja.

This sudden impact made the leading ninja unable to react at all, and he didn't even have time to swing the dagger, but he only felt a sharp pain coming from his whole body.

The leading ninja slammed into the wall on the other side fiercely, and even knocked a complete human figure out of the hard wall.

The sound of "crackling" sounded again, not just the sound of bricks falling to the ground, but also the sound of the leading ninja's bones breaking.

"You, do you know each other?" Ninja looked at Li Bai with difficulty and asked.

Li Bai snorted coldly, isn't this a nonsense question? Can Hanano Mai still make him be careful?
"You, you..." The ninja was trying to say something again, but Li Bai stepped forward, picked up the dagger that the leading ninja dropped in his hand, and stabbed it viciously in the heart of the leading ninja.

"Don't guess, I am Li Bai. If you can survive, you are welcome to expose my identity." Li Bai smiled, and then walked quickly towards Hanano Mai.

Quickly untied the rope on Hanano Mai's hands and feet, Li Bai didn't say anything more, just took Hanano Mai's hand and ran out of the door, turning to the right.

I didn't choose to leave from the stairs at the time, because at this time, without thinking too much, many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi had already rushed down, and they might even have started to block the entire building so that they could not escape.

And not long after the two left the room, the previous guards had already rushed over, and when they saw Li Bai and Hanano Mai, they wanted to kill them.

However, in front of Li Bai, they couldn't get any upper hand at all, and before they could launch an effective attack, they were already dead on the spot.

Hanano Mai was just running with Li Bai all the way, seeing that Li Bai dealt with these people whose strength was almost the same as his own, as casually as if chopping vegetables, Hanano Mai was shocked beyond words.

Li Bai, who Hanano Mai had always been unable to figure out, seemed even more confusing in her eyes at this time. As for Li Bai's true strength, Hanano Mai could not imagine.

Two minutes later, Li Bai killed all the way and came to the end of the third underground floor. It seemed that this was a dead corner, and they could no longer find any other exits.

"Are we hiding here?" Hanano Mai whispered to Li Bai. At this time, Li Bai was panting for the first time in history.

Hanano Mai did not continue to ask, and waited quietly for Li Bai to recover his strength. She could also see at this time that Li Bai had shown such terrifying strength just now, and it must have erupted a little bit, otherwise, it would not have become This is it.

The empty corridor, due to the arrival of more and more people at this time, there are constantly noisy footsteps. Although there is still a distance away from them, according to Hanano Mai's estimation, there are still 2 people at most. In a few minutes, they will come to this corner and find them hiding here.

"Mr. Li Bai..." At this time, Hanano Mai had no choice but to call Li Bai in a low voice again, her tone was a little anxious, and she didn't want to run out of the small dark room just now, and then be locked in again.

Li Bai's breathing finally calmed down a bit, and he stood up, still without saying a word.

In a dark corner, a faint silver light suddenly lit up, Hanano Mai looked at the mysterious light on Li Bai's fist in shock, and then watched Li Bai smash his fist hard on the wall behind him.

After a loud noise, a huge hole appeared in front of the two of them, and behind the dark wall, a round pipe appeared.

Hearing this loud noise, the footsteps in the distance seemed to have a target, and they rushed towards this side quickly.

Li Bai winked at Hanano Mai, and Hanano Mai immediately got into the hole.

Although she didn't know what was in it, she believed that Li Bai would definitely not harm herself.

Li Bai also got in, and at the same time released his silver star power, and rebuilt all the bricks scattered on the ground at the entrance of the hole.

The people of the Yamaguchi group will naturally find that a big hole has been broken here, but it will take a certain amount of time to break open the stones at the entrance of the hole.

The two walked quietly in this circular passage, Hanano Mai had countless questions that she wanted to ask, but finally held back.

About half an hour later, the two finally walked out of the long passage, and the place where they reappeared was actually a basement, and when they reappeared on the ground and saw the warm sun, they were both Surprised to find that at this time they actually appeared under the Tokyo Tower.

"Unexpectedly, the dignified Yamaguchi group will also leave a way out for me." Li Bai finally spoke, with a look of joy on his face.

That passage should be a secret passage laid for themselves by the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, probably out of fear that they will also face danger one day.

It's just that they didn't expect that the secret way was actually used by Li Bai first.

"Mr. Li Bai, what are you happy about? Now our family has become the target of public criticism. The Yamaguchi group and the ninja organization will definitely not let us go."

At this time, Hanano Mai was poured a basin of cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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