Chapter 2439
When Hideki Nakajima walked out of the company building, other Yamaguchi-gumi members still cast strange eyes on him, which made Hideki Nakajima a little twisted when he walked, and felt very strange. unnatural.

If these people knew that he had just co-operated with Li Bai and Hanano Mai to threaten their boss, these people might run away again.

But fortunately, they just looked at Hideki Nakajima, and did not make any outrageous actions again.

In their view, Hideki Nakajima, who couldn't even walk steadily at this time, must have received the most severe punishment from Yasuo Uehara.

Hideki Nakajima walked out of the company building tremblingly, feeling that he was about to collapse. This journey seemed to be the most difficult journey in his life. Although no accident happened, it made him experience a lot in his heart. Great torture in general.

After Nakajima Hideki breathed fresh air again, he actually had a joy of surviving the disaster.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go home quickly." In the ring, Li Bai's urging voice came, and Hideki Nakajima hastened his pace.

Half an hour later, Nakajima Hideki saw his girlfriend Hanano Mai again after two days.

In front of Li Bai, the two hugged each other tightly, as if they never wanted to be separated again.

"Cough cough, cough cough." Li Bai could only interrupt the two of them with constant coughing. It was this time, and he really didn't have so much time to waste.

Nakajima Hideki and Hanano Mai reluctantly parted, and turned to look at Li Bai gratefully: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, Hanano Mai would have..."

Hideki Nakajima said, and was about to cry again.And Hanano Mai hurriedly patted Hideki Nakajima on the shoulder, and it seemed that he had completely forgiven Hideki Nakajima for the wrong things he did before.

"Don't thank me too early." Li Bai said, his tone sounded a bit harsh, "You still have an hour to spend with her, and in the afternoon, we will start our business again. gone."

Hearing what Li Bai said, the two looked at each other with reluctance in their eyes.

"Do you want me to give you a private space? I'll go out for a while and come back at noon." Li Bai looked at the two deeply affectionate and said.

Hanano Mai blushed suddenly, but it stopped Li Bai from wanting to leave.

"Why don't I make lunch for everyone, just as a thank you for saving me." Hanano Mai looked at Li Bai and Nakajima Hideki seriously and said, both of them nodded.

The young couple immediately went to the kitchen to start preparing lunch, leaving Li Bai alone in the bedroom, so that the bored Li Bai could only turn on the TV to watch, which was meaningless.

So, Li Bai quietly closed his eyes, and his soul consciousness slowly swayed away.

Li Bai has left the power of silver stars in many people's bodies, but at this moment, in his mind, it is like a radar, with many white dots distributed in his mind.

The closest one is naturally on Hanano Mai, and the other one is closer, which was just left by Uehara Yasuo. As for the farther one, it is Tianlin on Mount Fuji. Only a few days later, his highlight It should be brighter, indicating that his condition is improving at this time.

There are also a bunch of dense dots far away from Li Bai. Li Bai knows that these are Su Daji and the others, but within the scope of the map of Wa Kingdom, there are only three bright spots.

But at this time, a small bright spot suddenly lit up in the southwest direction of Li Bai's mind, but it quickly dimmed. Although this time was quite short, Li Bai still keenly discovered This fleeting light.

Li Bai's mood suddenly became excited. How could he not know who this bright spot was.

This bright spot clearly represents Xiaoxi!Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Xiaoxi finally appeared again.

Although the information left to Li Bai is still very vague, I only know that she is in the south of Wa Kingdom, but this way, at least Li Bai has a direction to look for!

"Mr. Li Bai, what are you happy about?"

At this time, Hanano Mai and Nakajima Hideki had already prepared lunch, put plate after plate of vegetables on the table, and shouted at Li Bai who was giggling in the bedroom.

Li Bai came back to his senses at this time, did not explain the reason for his smirk, but looked at a table of sumptuous meals, and began to praise.

"Go up to the hall and down to the kitchen. If I had known earlier, I would not have bought food outside." Li Bai said, sitting at the dining table with the two of them, and began to enjoy lunch.

Two hours later, Li Bai and Hanano Mai once again appeared under the square at the bottom of Tokyo Tower.

Having just experienced a life-and-death separation, Hanano Mai is in a very unstable mood at this moment, and her appearance makes Li Bai very speechless, and he doesn't know what to say to comfort her.

"Okay, that's all right, we will start to act in a while, you must at least pretend to be a little bit like it?" Li Bai said to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai wiped the corners of her eyes, allowing her expression to return to normal. At this time, on the side of the Yamaguchi-gumi, the captains of the Yamaguchi-gumi also began to give lectures to their team members.

"We have received news that the confidantes of our Yamaguchi-gumi, the Chinese Li Bai and the ninja Mai Hanano, will appear within the Tokyo Tower area, and they require us to be alert when patrolling. If we catch them , Leaders are rewarded a lot!"

Hideki Nakajima conveyed this order to the team members and watched them leave. Hideki Nakajima, who was walking at the end of the team, smiled contemptuously.

At this time, he had already cast his eyes on Li Bai's admiration. The people from the Yamaguchi group tried their best to catch the two of them, but in the end, they just played a show with them.

But apart from him and Yasuo Uehara, I am afraid that the other Yamaguchi-gumi members don't even know about this matter. Hideki Nakajima can even tell that there are already some well-developed teams that have armed their players to the teeth.

In this regard, Hideki Nakajima did not remind them that these are not needed at all.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon without knowing it. At this time, there were still many tourists at Tokyo Tower attractions. Li Bai and Hanano Mai were walking together without even wearing a mask, so they just signed up and were exposed to everyone's sight among.

However, even if this is the case, it will definitely take a long time for the Yamaguchi-gumi to discover the two of them.

Therefore, it was not until 10 minutes later that a member of the Yamaguchi group stationed at Tokyo Tower finally found the two Youya Youzai.

"Report, we found the target two, located at the bottom square of Tokyo Tower." The members of the Yamaguchi group who found the two immediately reported the location of the two, but they did not rush forward with the team, because they also knew that with their Strength, if you go up rashly like this, you will definitely be reduced to the rhythm of cannon fodder.

The members of the Yamaguchi-gumi who got the news immediately came here from all directions in Tokyo, and the square at the bottom of the Tokyo Tower, which had fewer and fewer tourists, suddenly discovered that there was a sudden wave of new tourists flocking Come in.

"They finally took action." Li Bai quickly sensed this subtle change, and reminded Hanano Maidao, but Hanano Maidao did not show any worries, because it is impossible for these little guys to have any feelings for them. threaten.

At this moment, a group of Yamaguchi-gumi members finally appeared within Li Bai's line of sight, and the other party also saw the faces of Li Bai and Hanano Mai.

When this group of Yamaguchi-gumi saw the two, the first thought that came to their minds was to turn around and run, but when they saw Li Bai and Hanano Mai turning around and running faster than them , just stopped.

"Determine the location of the target, everyone block the north exit!" The team immediately reported the location of the two.

In their view, the two of them are cowardly if they run away, and they don't need to be so afraid if they are cowardly.

Immediately, the entire Tokyo Tower Square became chaotic, and countless Yamaguchi-gumi members rushed towards the north exit, hoping to be the first to catch them and get a reward.

"I said, they really acted like that for a while." Li Bai said to himself a little depressed. The members of the Yamaguchi-gumi in the Tokyo Tower Square saw their appearance, as if they had seen a killer. Like a father's enemy, he chased them regardless.

Li Bai didn't know that Yasuo Uehara didn't tell the other people what the purpose of the action was in the afternoon, so he felt that the acting skills of these people were quite realistic.

"Since you want to compare your acting skills with me, then I will not be polite!" Li Bai said, suddenly seeing that the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi had gathered at the north exit, he turned around and ran to the other side.

In the face, a small team that was chasing closely behind them was knocked to the ground without any mercy.

"The acting skills are good, keep up the good work." Li Bai put them down, and at the same time he did not forget to praise, which puzzled the team members who were writhing in pain.

Where are they acting? It's clear that the pain is about to die, okay?

Li Bai and Hanano Mai quickly escaped from Tokyo Tower, but when they left Tokyo Tower Square, they were shocked to find out how many members there are in the Yamaguchi-gumi's Tokyo group.

"How do I feel, are they here for real?" Hanano Mai suddenly asked Li Bai in a low voice, and Li Bai frowned. In a group of people who appeared not far away, they had already taken up weapons in their hands. .

"Could it be that Yasuo Uehara didn't care about what we said at all?" Li Bai frowned. Although he quickly cleaned up the members of the Yamaguchi team, Yasuo Uehara didn't follow the plan, which made Li Bai very annoyed .

After meeting Hideki Nakajima and asking Hideki Nakajima to inquire about the situation, the two of them understood that Yasuo Uehara did not tell others about their plan, just to make the chase more realistic.

Li Bai nodded, pretending to be more and more tired from running, and when they returned to the square at the bottom of Tokyo Tower, they were already "tired" and could only support each other, so as not to let the two of them fall to the ground together.

(End of this chapter)

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