The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2442 Official declaration of war

Chapter 2442 Official declaration of war
Just when the patrolling guards passed their sight and the ninjas were about to rush out, several spotlights suddenly hit them, making their figures invisible.

"We have been waiting for a long time."

The patrolling guards who had just left here unexpectedly appeared in front of the ninjas again at some point, as if they were looking at prey that had slipped into a trap by themselves, with smug smiles on their faces.

The action was revealed for some reason, and the expressions of the ninjas showed panic, which is very unusual. From the corner of the eye, they checked other possible escape routes, but found that all the escape routes had been blocked at this time.

Moreover, there are nearly ten Yamaguchi-gumi members at each exit. Although they can definitely pass through with a single fight, the ninjas are not confident that they can make a way out before the other guards arrive. Come.

However, the ninjas did not sit still. Even though they knew that the possibility of the method being successful was very slim, they still tried.

Before the guards of the Yamaguchi-gumi could make a move ahead of time, the ninjas took the first step to show the daggers they had rubbed on their bodies, quickly recited ninjutsu, and killed the guards in one direction.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that the ninjas didn't have obedient faces, the Yamaguchi-gumi guards didn't show any obvious surprise emotions. They were fully armed and immediately prepared to meet the enemy.

The next moment, the two sides fought together.

But no matter how strong the individual ninjas are, without the protection of darkness, their strength is no different from these guards, and they will be defeated soon.

There was also a ninja who wanted to report the situation here, but was stabbed to death by a guard without any nonsense.

Quickly dragged the corpses of the ninjas into the room on one side, cleaned up the blood on the ground again, turned off the spotlight again, and the guards continued to patrol as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, four to ten minutes had passed since the first ninja team set off, and even the second team of ninjas had already joined the first team.

"Why don't you come out?" This is the thought in the hearts of all the ninjas. Although the ninjas are known for their patience, such a small company can't investigate clearly for a long time, isn't it too suspicious?

So, the second ninja team was dispatched again, this time, there were five more people.

"It's time to die again." Seeing Yasuo Uehara in the office on the top floor, he smiled again.

Although there were five more people, the 15 people in this team were not much different from the previous team. They also died under the siege of the Yamaguchi-gumi guards without reporting anything.

It wasn't until the third ninja team dispatched that they successfully sent the news out.

"The guards of the Yamaguchi-gumi are already very slack at this time. If there is a lightning raid, they will definitely be able to crush the Tokyo group of the Yamaguchi-gumi and rescue Li Bai and Hanano Mai at the same time." All the members of the third ninja team came back alive and understood them Report the situation to the leader.

Although the leader was still extremely puzzled about where the ninjas of the first and second teams had gone, he also knew that this was the best time for them to act.

What he didn't know was that Yasuo Uehara deliberately didn't let the guards kill the ninjas of the third team.

At this time, the entire Yamaguchi group was on standby, just waiting for the ninjas to come in and break into their encirclement.

When about two-thirds of the ninjas had all sneaked into the company building, a shrill siren sounded suddenly. At the same time, countless Yamaguchi-gumi guards who had been "slacking off" rushed towards the intruding ninjas with full energy.

"I've been tricked!" How can the ninjas not know at this time, they have plotted against others countless times, but they were finally plotted against by others once.

There are only about 400 ninjas in total, but there are as many as a thousand ninjas staying in the Yamaguchi-gumi company building.

The ninja organization is bound to win this operation, and the Yamaguchi group wants to take this opportunity to eliminate part of the strength of the ninja organization.

The battle was about to break out, and the entire company building was filled with murderous intent.

The situation of the ninja organization was very embarrassing, two-thirds of the people were surrounded, which made it impossible for the remaining one-third of the ninjas to run or kill.

Although there are already many ninjas who want to tell those ninjas who have not yet been involved in the battle to run quickly and report the situation here, but they can't even utter a word, so they have to enter the battle again.

Under such a critical moment of life and death, every ninja broke out with extraordinary fighting power, one against two, or even one against three.

However, after the battle went on for a full hour, the company building fell into calm again.

Every member of the Yamaguchi-gumi who was still standing upright was covered in blood at this time, and looking at each other, there were so many comrades-in-arms, but now there are very few left.

Although he won, it was also a tragic victory.This made Uehara Yasuo unhappy at all.

Although he had ordered his subordinates to kill them all, at the end of the battle, some ninjas managed to leave the company building and hid in the majestic rain.

There is no doubt that after these surviving ninjas return to their ninja organization, the hidden contradiction between the ninja organization and the Yamaguchi-gumi will be officially brought to the table.

Yasuo Uehara was a little apprehensive, not knowing whether it was right or wrong for him to do so.If he was reckless, would he blame himself as the head of the headquarters?

Uehara Yasuo sighed softly, since this matter has been done, it can only be resigned to fate.

"This Chinese man is really good at chess." Yasuo Uehara shook his head, ready to go downstairs to check the results of the battle.

And at this time, the standard bearer that Yasuo Uehara spoke of was still climbing the mountain humming.

Because of the heavy rain, Li Bai and Hanano Mai's speed of going up the mountain dropped a lot. By the time Li Bai arrived at the estimated location, the time had passed zero.

"Probably in this area." Li Bai drew a circle on the map and said to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai nodded, and wiped the rain off her face, she knew that she really had to lead the way for the next journey.

Hanano Mai closed her eyes, not knowing what she was feeling, then she chose a direction and strode forward.

"Are you sure it's this direction?" Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai wonderingly. In front of them was a relatively empty land. According to the place where the ninja base used to be, this place is obviously impossible.

"If you make a mistake, look in another direction. Are you in a hurry?" Hanano Mai turned around and glanced at Li Bai with a smile, making Li Bai suddenly speechless and could only silently follow behind her.

The two walked around the area again, but they couldn't find it. At this moment, a ninja suddenly appeared in the line of sight of the two, which made them stunned.

Without any nonsense, Li Bai took down the ninja and asked about the intersection of the ninja's base, but the other party was biting his lip and refused to let go.

Li Bai had no choice but to kill the ninja, and at this time, Hanano Mai smiled: "Don't ask, I know where the entrance is."

Following Hanano Mai to a small cave sheltered from the rain that the two had passed by before, Hanano Mai took the lead and walked in.

"Is this the entrance?" Li Bai knocked on the wall strangely, but he could only knock down some clods of soil, and there were no traps at all.

Hanano Mai didn't speak, just stood in the middle of the small cave, saying some ninjutsu-like spells or something.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under their feet suddenly sank, and finally stopped when they dropped by about two meters.

And right in front of the two of them, a deep corridor appeared at this moment.Different from the round earth platform where Li Bai and Hanano Mai were located, the promenade in front of them was all made of alloy.

"It seems that this is the real ninja base." Hanano Mai turned her head and smiled happily at Li Bai, because they didn't know how long it took for this matter.

And when she finally found it and she was done, Hanano Mai was incomparably joyful.

"Would you like to go inside with me? Of course, you can turn around and leave now, and I won't force it." Li Bai said to Hanano Mai, except for a thankful smile, there was no other extra emotion.

While talking, Li Bai took a step towards the long corridor, but at this moment, the ear-piercing siren sounded suddenly.

"Warning, trespassing, warning, trespassing..."

Mu Muchenba had captured Tian Lin in the ninja organization base for a long time, and during the two days or three days after Tian Lin woke up, Mu Muchenba had never done anything excessive to Tian Lin.

Instead, they are delivering meals to Tian Lin on time every day. Although there are not many, they will definitely not starve to death.

What made Mu Muchenba both happy and puzzled was that Tian Lin, who was still bone-hard before, didn't miss a single meal at this time, not even a little bit of food left.

Mu Muchenba didn't know why, did this Chinese really think he could escape from the ninja base?
It is simply whimsical, Mu Muchenba is very clear about how terrifying the defense system of the ninja base is.

But just this morning, Mu Muchenba suddenly became flustered.

He knew that Li Bai did not know how to come to Mount Fuji to find Tianlin, and he also knew that Li Bai would definitely not be able to find the ninja base in a short time.

However, when the organization sent so many people, they couldn't find Li Bai, and after five or six hundred ninjas were sent on such a stormy night, Mu Muchenba's right eyelid jumped even more frequently.

Mu Muchenba didn't want to wait any longer. Although it wasn't time for meal at this time, he still walked towards the small black room where Tian Lin was held.

(End of this chapter)

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