The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2444 In vivo experiment

Chapter 2444 In vivo experiment
Ten minutes later, Li Bai passed through the entire ninja base and appeared on the other side of Mount Fuji.

Not far from Li Bai, a helicopter was spinning its huge propeller in the heavy rain, and several ninjas were walking towards the helicopter.

Li Bai could clearly see that one of them was Mu Muchenba.

Although there is no Tian Lin beside Mu Muchenba, but according to Li Bai's perception, Tian Lin's distance is very close to him at this time, and he must be on this helicopter.

Li Bai didn't immediately rush forward to rescue Tian Lin, he was very surprised that Mu Mu Chenba arrested Tian Lin, and where exactly did he want to transfer him.

After 1 minute, the helicopter hatch closed, and the helicopter slowly flew towards the air.

And at this moment, Li Bai lowered his body, took advantage of the rain to cover him, and rushed towards the helicopter. With a strong leap, he grabbed the helicopter's chassis.

This caused the entire helicopter to sink suddenly, making the ninjas in the cabin very confused.

"What's going on?" Mu Muchenba asked.

A ninja sitting next to the hatch immediately opened the hatch and looked down the helicopter, but found nothing.

"Maybe there was a strong wind blowing just now, don't worry." The ninja said, closing the hatch again.

At this time, Li Bai was like a gecko, tightly attached to the chassis of the helicopter. Although it was raining heavily, it couldn't drench him at all. However, during the high-speed driving of the helicopter, the cold wind kept hitting him. Li Bai's body.

In the warm cabin, Mu Muchenba gave a small "hmm", then opened the black bag at their feet, and Tian Lin, who had passed out and was tied up, appeared in front of everyone.

"Who is this?" The other ninjas asked strangely.

Mu Muchenba looked very proud: "This is the friend of the Chinese named Li Bai, and he is also quite capable."

The implication is that his strength is stronger.

"What should we do with this person? Is it also our experimental product?" Another ninja asked enviously.

Mu Muchenba nodded proudly.

"Not bad, if I can also catch a Chinese man with good strength, I will definitely let him be our experimental product." The ninja continued, but Mu Muchenba did not continue to answer the conversation, and the rest, It is already related to the secrets of the ninja organization.

Although everyone knows it in their hearts, the requirement is the rule, and they can't talk about it at any time.

This made Li Bai very depressed. Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, they stopped talking about this matter.

Treat Chinese people as experiments?This is the biggest doubt in Li Bai's mind.What kind of experiment is it, and why is it necessary to use Chinese people?

However, from the conversations of the ninjas, Li Bai also deduced a very important message.

Since the Huaxia people were to be used as experimental subjects, Xiaoxi was likely to be where they were going.

It suddenly occurred to him that a few days ago, Li Bai suddenly felt the direction of Xiao Xi's appearance in his perception, coupled with the direction of the helicopter at this time, Li Bai was more sure of this point, which made him a little excited.

At this moment, in a room in the base of the ninja organization, Tokichiro Kinoshita looked at the ninja in front of him with great interest: "How is it? Have you seen that Chinese man?"

Standing with his head bowed in front of Kinoshita Tokichirou was the Jonin who just wanted to block Li Bai's way.

"I've seen it." Shangren bowed, with a look of sincerity and fear on his face.

"How does it feel?" Kinoshita Tokichirou asked casually again, but it made Jonin sweat coldly.

"Better than me." The three simple words expressed the infinite helplessness in Jounin's heart.

In fact, after Li Bai entered the base alone, Tokichiro Kinoshita had already started to observe Li Bai's whereabouts. As for that Hanano Mai, he didn't pay attention at all.

Because the junin and the zhongnin had no way to resist Li Bai's reason, so Tokichiro Kinoshita sent a junin to intercept him. Who knows, the junin only delayed Li Bai for a while, and Li Bai Break through the line of defense.

Jonin didn't want to recall the battle process between the two, but he knew that he didn't use his full strength at all, even if he lost miserably.

If you don't give Jonin any chance to make a move, you just defeat him. Li Bai's strength can be seen from this.

"It seems that this time I really encountered a powerful enemy." Tokichiro Kinoshita stood up slowly, and put the samurai sword in his hand on his chest, which made Jonin's eyes shine.

Every time Kinoshita Tokichiro made this action, it meant that he was going to be serious.

"Do you know where he has gone now?" Kinoshita Tokichiro asked again, but Jonin shook his head.

They can only track the intruders inside the base, and after they go out, they are out of reach.

"Where's Hanano Mai?"

"Caught it, what should she do with it?"

Kinoshita Fujikichiro thought for a while: "Although she sentenced us, she didn't do anything that harmed our interests after all. She doesn't deserve to die. Let her become an experiment. If she succeeds, she will be the hero of our ninja organization. "

The corner of Jonin's mouth twitched, and he looked at Tokichiro Kinoshita suspiciously: "Can this experiment really be successful? A few days ago, when the little Chinese girl was conducting the experiment, she failed once. Get her back under control."

"Listen to me, that's it." Tokichiro Kinoshita waved his hand at Jōnin, and Jōnin retreated knowingly.

The helicopter had already flown away from Tokyo City, the heavy rain had stopped long ago, and the sky was getting brighter. At this time, Li Bai had already been under the helicopter's chassis for eight hours.

Why didn't he choose to hide in the Qiankun ring? That's because, if he hid in, the ring wouldn't stay safely on the chassis, so Li Bai could only choose such a way.

Fortunately, after such a long flight, the helicopter finally had the tendency to land.

At this time, the helicopter was above a sea, and a city appeared in the place visible to the naked eye. Li Bai didn't know what the name of the city was, but judging from the speed and distance of the flight, it would take another half an hour. In time, they're about to land.

Li Bai did not choose to land on the ground with the helicopter, if that was the case, he would definitely be found.

Therefore, just above the sea, Li Bai chose to flash into the Qiankun Ring.

As a result, the helicopter only felt that the fuselage was light, and a ring quickly fell into the sea from a height of several thousand meters above the sea.

Because of the acceleration of gravity, it was a coincidence that a wooden fishing boat was smashed into a small round hole.

Fortunately, no one was hit, otherwise, it would definitely kill someone.

"Nani?" The girl on the fishing boat suddenly discovered that there was a small hole in the bottom of the boat, and the sea water was slowly seeping into it. She didn't know what happened.

When he tried to think of a way to plug the loophole, he only heard a "boom", and something seemed to hit the bottom of the boat hard, making the boat a little unstable.

In the next second, there was a burst of excitement on the sea surface, which made the girl even more nervous. She tightly held the harpoon in her hand, ready to give a fatal blow to the "monster" that was about to appear.

Then, a human head floated on the surface of the sea, Li Bai coughed non-stop, and was almost choked to death by the salty sea water.

However, before Li Bai could figure out his current situation, a strong sense of crisis came to his mind.

Li Bai hurriedly kicked his feet forward and kicked on the wooden fishing boat in front of him, while his body rushed backwards suddenly.

An iron harpoon suddenly appeared in front of Li Bai, and because Li Bai kicked it hard, the girl standing on the boat suddenly lost her balance and fell into the sea with a "plop".

Half a minute later, Li Bai and another girl were floating on the sea, looking at each other at close range, very embarrassed.

"Sorry." The two apologized to each other.

After 1 minute, the two returned to the fishing boat.

"Hello, my name is Kumiko Akimoto." Kumiko Akimoto stretched out her hand to Li Bai. Although she was soaked through at this moment, she did not forget to maintain basic etiquette.

"Hi, my name is Li Bai." Li Bai gently shook Kumiko Akimoto's hand, which was very small and soft.

"Are you from China?" Akimoto Kumiko looked at Li Bai strangely, as if looking at something in a museum.

Li Bai didn't deny it, but asked again: "Look at your hands, you don't come to sea often, do you?"

Kumiko Akimoto opened her eyes wide and nodded, not knowing how Li Bai found out.

"By the way, how did you appear on the bottom of the sea? The sea here is a bit deep, and there are occasional sharks, which is very dangerous." Kumiko Akimoto said to Li Bai seriously.

Li Bai scratched his wet hair, smiled, and said that he was a Chinese tourist who came here and wanted to have an adventure.

"Then you are really bold. In our Okinawa, the girls who come to swim here are all favorites." Saying this, Kumiko Akimoto glanced at Li Bai, suddenly thought of something, and was shy again lowered his head.

However, Li Bai completely ignored Kumiko Akimoto's emotions, just thinking that they had already arrived in Okinawa.

At this time, there was another wave of waves on the sea surface, and a person in a diving suit appeared.

"Sato-kun, you're back!"

Seeing this person's appearance, Kumiko Akimoto almost jumped up for joy, and hurriedly helped the man called Sato-kun to the boat.

"Who is he?" Sato-kun asked while dragging his diving suit and looking at Li Bai, with a bit of hostility in his tone.

Kumiko Akimoto gently took Sato-kun's hand, and then said softly: "This is a Chinese tourist who came to Okinawa, and his name is Li Bai." She introduced Li Bai again, "This is my boyfriend, Sato Hidenaka .”

Li Bai smiled and said hello to Hidechu Sato, but he was secretly thinking in his heart that he never expected to see a couple again.

"Chinese tourist? How did he get on our boat?" Sato Hidenaka asked again, looking at Li Bai warily.

"My friend, it's not good for you to be like this?" Li Bai finally spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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