Chapter 2446

It seems that no matter in China or Japan, creatures like local snakes will never become extinct.

Seeing what happened to Sato Hidezhong not far away, Li Bai smiled and sympathized with Sato Hidezhong.Although he behaved so viciously in front of outsiders, how could such a small "evil" like him be an opponent of a big "evil" in front of truly vicious people?

"So what are you going to charge me now?" Hidechu Sato looked at the three people in front of him angrily, stepping on the harpoon lying in the cabin with his right foot, and if he had a disagreement with the three people People are fighting to the death.

But the three people in front of Sato Hidezhong, seeing him angry, laughed wildly: "How can you use the word again? We just charge according to the meaning above. It seems that you are very Reluctant."

Hidezhong Sato was naturally unwilling. They were just a group of ordinary fishermen, and almost all their income was earned from selling caught fish. It wasn't very little, but it wasn't a lot either. Their life was pretty good. Calm but happy.

However, that was a matter of his father's generation. When it was the turn of Sato Hidenaka's generation, the pier in Okinawa City was contracted to an unknown company for some reason. They not only demolished the old pier and built it It is precisely because of this reason that they have to come here every month to collect the so-called parking fee from the fishermen.

This fee is actually not there, but strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with charging this fee.

No matter how much Sato Hidezhong didn't want to pay the money, he had to pay the fee after all the other fishermen had handed it in.

However, it was only a few days after paying the fee, and these people unexpectedly came to collect the fee again, which is why Hidechu Sato was so angry.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two parties was getting more and more dignified, Kumiko Akimoto's heart suddenly became heavy, and she nervously looked in the direction of Sato Hidenaka, but she didn't dare to go forward.

When he came to Okinawa City, Li Bai still had the attitude of not seeking trouble, and that he would never take the initiative to cause trouble. However, at this time, he had to make an exception again and take care of it.

The reason is a bit helpless, because Akimoto Kumiko is her tour guide, if she doesn't leave, what's the point of Li Bai leaving alone?
"This time the fee is for fishing. You have been fishing at sea all day, which has severely damaged the ecosystem, you know?" Without giving him any chance to speak, he continued.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, don't tell me, just go to the people above, I'm just a part-time worker." Said the fee, and Sato Hidezhong clenched his fists.

Li Bai hurriedly walked towards this side, he could tell that if this continued, Sato Hidezhong would definitely fight with the opponent.

"What's the matter?" Li Bai pretended not to know, walked to the middle of the two sides, looked at Sato Hidezhong, and then looked at the fee.

"Who are you? You are also a fisherman here? If so, hurry up and pay all the parking fee and fishing fee. The total is [-] yen. Hurry up." Looking at Li Bai's unfamiliar face, the person who paid the fee said.

Li Bai smiled slightly and said to the fee-paying person: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not a fisherman, I'm just a tourist."

"Then why are you standing here talking nonsense with me?" The one who charged the fee suddenly became angry and pushed a palm on Li Bai's chest, and Li Bai took a step back in cooperation.

But still smiling.

"I said, you are too unreasonable. Is it wrong for these fishermen to fish? Destroying the ecosystem? Dude, have you ever gone to school, do you know that the ecosystem has self-regulating functions? Even if you don't know , is it possible that your Japanese country does not have a fishing ban in winter?"

Li Bai's mouth suddenly looked like a machine gun, and he sprayed towards the toller, making the toller unable to resist for a while, and took a step back.

It's just that their complexions gradually became gloomy. People who dare to speak to them like this are rare.

"What are you doing here? There is nothing for you here."

Sato Hidezhong said to Li Bai at this time, with some complaints in his tone.

However, Li Bai saw Sato Hidechuki waving his hands non-stop. It seemed that he didn't want Li Bai to suffer any trouble.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three charges showed the same smiles as before.

"No wonder your kid is going to show up. So we know each other. Why, do you think he can't pay the fee, so you want to pay it for him?" The one who paid the fee walked towards Li Bai again, poking his finger on Li Bai's chest superior.

But at this time, from the other end of the pier, there were several men walking towards this side, all holding a stack of cash in their hands, walking up to the person who charged the fee, and handing the cash to him, again with pity He glanced at Li Bai and Sato Hidechu and sighed softly.

"Don't resist anymore. After paying the money, they have already said that this is the last payment."

A fisherman spoke meaningfully to Li Bai and Sato Hidezhong, and then left.

Although Sato Hidezhong was just a child, although he had just started fishing not long ago, the other fishermen did not plan to fight against the tollers with Sato Hidezhong.

Over the years, the storm has smoothed their edges and corners.

"Did you hear that? Learn, hand over the money obediently, and we will leave, otherwise, I don't guarantee that you two will suffer." The fee-paying person threw the cash on the other hand and sent out Crisp sound.

"Do you have any documents? Do you have any evidence that we have destroyed the ecological balance point?" Sato Hidechu was almost out of anger at this time, and asked the three charges tit for tat.

Being asked this way, the one who paid the fee finally lost all patience.

"It seems that this kid doesn't want to follow, so just give me a good beating, and we will collect it next time." The one who paid the fee said to the two younger brothers.

So, the two young men with big arms and round waists geared up and walked towards Hidechu Sato's fishing boat. They liked to do this kind of thing that taught people the most, but they never had the chance.

"Hey, hey, don't get excited, we didn't say we won't pay the money." At this time, Li Bai stood in front of the two younger brothers and said to the one who paid the fee.

This made all three of them stop, looking at Li Bai, wondering what the hell he was going to do.

Sato Hidezhong also turned his head and looked at Li Bai with strange eyes, not knowing why he wanted to help him.

"Can I owe you? I'm really short of money recently, can I give it a few days?" Li Bai pretended to be cautious and said to the fee collector.

The one who charged the fee immediately became angry, thinking that Li Bai would say something, but it turned out to be like this, which made him very angry, he didn't say anything, just waved his hand, and let the younger brother start to do it.

And Li Bai stood in front of the two younger brothers again: "Speak well if you have something to say, don't get excited." Li Bai said to the two younger brothers while backing away, walking to the end of the board, one more step It stopped when it was about to fall into the water.

However, the two younger brothers didn't stop talking about Li Bai's words at all, and they still went their own way, striding up to Li Bai's face, just to punch Li Bai's body.

However, Li Bai just turned slightly sideways to avoid the younger brother's punch. At the same time, he turned his body half a circle to the left and turned his back to the younger brother, so that the younger brother's arm rested on his shoulder.

The two hands grabbed the younger brother's arm tightly, and once he exerted force, his whole body bowed and swung again. The younger brother was thrown into the water by Li Bai who seemed powerless to resist.

There was a huge "plop" sound on the surface of the sea, and the other boy was almost stunned when he saw this scene.

He wanted to dodge, but Li Bai blocked his eyes fiercely again, lifted up the little brother just now, and then threw him directly into the sea.

After another "plop", the person who charged the fee finally came to his senses, and looked at Li Bai dumbfounded, but he couldn't say a word.

"Are you still charging?" Li Bai asked coldly, looking at the person who charged the fee.

Fei Fei shook his head in horror, and only after Li Bai said "Go away" did he scramble away from the pier.

At the same time, what he left behind was the money of those who were willing to pay the fee just now.

"You can take this money. I don't like those people too much. As an aspiring young man, you need this money even more." Li Bai said to Sato Hidezhong, he didn't say anything very profound, just some ordinary words That's all.

"This is not acceptable." Looking at the tall stack of cash, unexpectedly, Sato Hidezhong directly refused: "This is their money, I can't take it."

Li Bai smiled unsurprisingly, and then patted Sato Hidechuke on the shoulder: "Go and continue fishing, recover today's loss, if someone still troubles you, hold on first, or let them Come find me."

With that said, Li Bai turned around and walked towards the outside of the pier. At this time, Kumiko Akimoto had waited for a long time, and seeing the toll guy fleeing in embarrassment, a stone hanging in his heart finally fell down.

And at this time, Kumiko Akimoto finally ran towards Nakao Sato, asking him what happened.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, Kumiko Akimoto stood next to Li Bai again.

"Are you all right?" Li Bai asked, and Kumiko Akimoto nodded, her expression still a little unhappy. It turned out that she only knew at this time that Hidechu Sato had encountered this kind of thing several times.

Not only did he not tell Kumiko Akimoto, he didn't even give him a chance to discuss it, and he chose to do everything by himself. This is what made Kumiko Akimoto angry.

"Well, from now on, you will officially become my personal tour guide, and now take me around Okinawa City." Li Bai said to Kumiko Akimoto, walking forward along the road.

Kumiko Akimoto followed behind Li Bai, wanting to say something, but held back in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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