The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2457 The Real Experiment

Chapter 2457 The Real Experiment

Unlike the noisy environment outside the carriage, the carriage was very quiet at this time.

At this time, Ichiro Toyoda was lying on the roof of the car in a very strange posture. After forcibly straightening his body, he realized that the body posture of the driver sitting in the driver's seat was even more strange at this time.

Because of the strong collision, even with the protection of the airbag, the driver's leg was still broken, and two streams of blood were dripping from his head.

"Baga!" Toyoda Ichiro cursed angrily. Today, he has witnessed the death of two people in a row, and he is beside him.

Ichiro Toyoda turned his head and glanced at Tian Lin. At this time, Tian Lin was lying comfortably, with his eyes open, looking at everything in front of him in confusion.

"Get up, break the car door, let's go out." Toyoda Ichiro ordered Tian Lin.

Tian Lin didn't speak, just like a robot, he raised his fist and hit the deformed car door, and the whole car door flew out with just one punch.

Seeing Tianbayashi's punch, Toyoda Ichiro's pupils flickered involuntarily. Although Tianbayashi's original full strength could not be seen from this punch alone, Toyoda Ichiro thought about it. In one breath, but this Tian Lin looked very relaxed.

"Fortunately, I wasn't there when I went crazy just now." Toyoda Ichiro shook his head. If Tianlin was not his "master" when he went crazy before, maybe it wasn't Matsushita who was injured, but himself. .

"Why are you still standing still, go out quickly." After completing an order, Tian Lin stopped moving again, and Toyoda Ichiro had to order again.

Ichiro Toyoda, who was out of trouble, stretched his limbs and looked at the surrounding environment. He was still on a road, but it was pitch black. He didn't know what happened just now, but he kept shouting from the woods not far away. It came, and there was still a bright light flickering non-stop.

"Follow me." Toyoda Ichiro said to Tianlin again, and then ran towards the woods on the other side of the road. At this time, another excited laughter sounded in the woods.

"Hahaha, you can't catch me." A majestic male voice kept shuttling through the woods. The speed of this man seemed to be very fast, because standing still and listening to him, his voice had a three-dimensional surround feeling.

"Baga, why are you out of control again?" Toyoda Ichiro also cursed in a low voice, how could he not know who this laughing lunatic was.

Experiment No. [-] is good at speed, and under their experiments, his speed has been further improved. The speed is so fast, I'm afraid it can only be described as disappearing without a trace.

Fortunately, Number Nine seemed to just want to play with them and didn't want to run, so he just kept circling in the woods.

Just like the previous few times, many people with the same identity as Ichiro Toyoda tacitly surrounded the entire forest, and at the same time slowly narrowed the encirclement. It took about 10 minutes to surround No. [-] In a very small piece of land.

No. [-], who was surrounded again, seemed to be terrified, turning around in circles, squatting on the ground trembling again, muttering something in his mouth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Toyoda Ichiro quickly walked around behind No. [-], slashed his neck with a hand knife, and successfully made No. [-] faint.

When the woods became quiet again, everyone present, except Tian Lin, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Toyota." At this time, all the other talents stood in front of Ichiro Toyoda and bowed to Ichiro Toyoda.

"Okay, okay." Ichiro Toyoda waved his hand and said again, "Send No. 12 back to the base as soon as possible. This is the new No. [-]. Lock it in the examination room. The boss will come tomorrow morning."

It was only then that everyone noticed that Tian Lin, who had been following Toyoda Ichiro, received orders from Toyoda Ichiro, and soon two people came towards Li Bai, trying to take him away.

But at this time, Tian Lin seemed to go "crazy" again, struggling constantly, waving his arms, making it impossible for those two people to get close.

"Follow the two of them." Toyoda Ichiro had no choice but to order Tian Lin again. At this time, Tian Lin finally calmed down and followed the two obediently.

"It seems that this time it was very successful." A subordinate of Toyoda Ichiro approached Toyoda Ichiro and said a little excitedly.

Ichiro Toyoda nodded, a good start is half the battle, maybe this time NO.12 can truly complete their experiment.

A group of people walked towards the base together, and at this time, Li Bai, who was hiding on Toyoda Ichiro, was quietly observing what happened here.

Li Bai naturally saw what happened just now. When he saw the experimental product called "No. [-]", he felt that he was a little familiar to him.

It was similar to the feeling that Xiaoxi gave him at that time. Although he had a certain degree of self-awareness, he was still controlled by someone.

I don't know if Xiaoxi is at this base.Li Bai said to himself, if Xiaoxi was here, then he could just explode now, kill all these people, and rescue Xiaoxi.

However, Li Bai did not act immediately. If Xiao Xi was not around, then he had no doubt that the ninja organization would deduce his real purpose from his actions. By then, Xiao Xi's safety and Li Bai could not be guaranteed.

After walking for about half an hour, the group finally walked outside a white building.

This building does not occupy a very large area, and it is actually built in the woods. Looking around, there are no other buildings.

From this point of view, the No. [-] experimental base is even more weird.

When a group of people walked into the building, Li Bai was even more unsure whether this was an experimental base or a training ground.

Like a large fitness facility, there is a huge field, but separated by walls of some special materials, and at this moment, a person is lifting dumbbells in a weightlifting gym.

But if you look closely, that person is actually holding a barbell in one hand. Judging from the red circle, it must be at least two hundred kilograms.

While the man was holding the barbell, he was breathing heavily. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, but he showed no sign of stopping.

Just outside the weightlifting venue, there is a relatively large display screen. Above the display screen, there is a blurred image of a man. At the same time, various data are listed on the left and right sides of the image.

Li Bai was a little startled secretly. He vaguely knew what the Ninja Organization Experimental Base was researching, but he was still a little unsure at this moment.

Ichiro Toyoda soon walked into a corridor on the left. At the end of the corridor, there was also a place full of sense of technology.

In the big white room, there is also a huge display screen hanging on the huge wall in front of it, and the screen of the display screen is black at this time.

However, after a period of operation by Ichiro Toyoda, the screen slowly lit up, showing the content on the screen.

On the screen, three men appeared at the same time, two of which Li Bai had seen before, one was the one who went crazy outside before, and the other was the man who was training weightlifting in the stadium.

As for the other one, Li Bai hadn't seen it yet, but he just saw from their numbers that the man in the woods was number nine, the weightlifter was number six, and the other was number two.

Below each person's mannequin, there is a progress bar. The progress of No. 50.00 stops at 80.00%, and that of No. 20.00 is [-]%. However, about [-]% of the progress bar is gray. The loss of control just now should be have some influence on this.

Weightlifting No. 90.00 has the highest progress and has reached [-]% No. [-]. Seeing the progress of No. [-] so high, Ichiro Toyoda finally burst into laughter.

After simply looking at the big and small things that happened in the base since he was not in the base for the past two days, Ichiro Toyoda walked out of the observation room again and walked towards another corridor.

This corridor should be the resting place for the "experimental product". At this time, in the room No. [-], a man is injecting him with something, and in the room at the back, there are several The girls are tidying the empty bed.

It seems that this is Tian Lin's "home" these days, but Tian Lin is not here at this time, but is sitting quietly at the end of the corridor here.

Seeing Ichiro Toyoda walk in, Tianbayashi still didn't react too much. When Ichiro Toyoda ordered him to go to sleep, Tianbayashi stood up and obediently walked into his room.

The door was gently closed, and after a "click" sound from the door lock, it was tightly closed. It can be seen that the researchers here are still very worried about these experimental products, so that they used such Harsh measures were taken to prevent their escape.

Li Bai could feel that the door looked ordinary, if he didn't use any special measures, he probably wouldn't be able to do any damage to him at all.

Ichiro Toyoda took the lead and walked towards the other side, and several other researchers followed closely behind him. It was only when he walked into a room similar to a conference room that someone finally spoke.

"Mr. Toyota, NO.12, in which direction should we transform?" A young female researcher looked at Ichiro Toyoda and said.

Ichiro Toyoda frowned, and said again: "I don't know either."

The real experiment of the ninja organization, so to speak, is to create a brand new killing machine, mainly through the stimulation of drugs, plus some other auxiliary measures, so that the strength of an ordinary person can reach the level of a master.

If the strength of the experimental product itself is very high, then the improvement of this person's strength will be more obvious.

The path that the ninja organization is going to take is more purposeful, that is, to carry out further research and strengthening according to the characteristics of the experimental product itself, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening and strengthening.

For example, experimental product No. [-] was originally good at speed, but at this time, his speed is even faster and disappeared. For example, No. [-] is good at strength. At this time, it is not difficult for him to stop a high-speed car with one hand things.

(End of this chapter)

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