The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2466 Kumiko Akimoto's Gift

Chapter 2466 Kumiko Akimoto's Gift
"Is there a gift for me?" Hearing the news, Li Bai grinned in surprise.

In fact, he and Kumiko Akimoto just met by chance, and what happened after that was an accident among accidents. Unexpectedly, Kumiko Akimoto still misses him.

As the saying goes, if you never forget, there will be echoes, so Li Bai returned to the travel agency again and got such news at the same time.

After leaving the travel agency, Li Bai walked towards the pier in Okinawa City according to the direction he remembered, but at this time, the time was only approaching noon, and there was no fishing boat left on the pier.

After asking, Li Bai knew that most of the fishermen here work from sunrise to sunset, and stay at sea for a whole day or even several days.

"Then I'll take a look at it tonight." Li Bai said in frustration, just about to leave the pier.

"Hey, by the way, are you the Chinese man named Li Bai?" Just as Li Bai was about to leave, the fisherman who had just answered Li Bai's question stopped Li Bai again.

Li Bai stopped, he was a little surprised that the fisherman knew his name: "I am, what's wrong?"

Hearing Li Bai's confession, the fisherman showed some disgust on his face: "Oh, you haven't been here these two days, you don't know how much trouble you have caused us before!"

Immediately afterwards, the fishermen explained to Li Bai that after Li Bai took care of the security department of Ocean Infinity Company that night, the senior management of Ocean Infinity Company was very angry. In addition, the head of the security department died inexplicably, so However, the senior management of Ocean Infinity Company pointed the finger at Li Bai.

In the next few days, the No. [-] pier where Hidezhong Sato and the others were located was the place they visited most often. Although Hidezhong Sato and Kumiko Akimoto kept saying that they had lost contact with Li Bai, the other party did not believe it at all. .

Because of Li Bai's late disappearance, those people in the company's security department who were still a little jealous of Li Bai were like demons a few days ago. They not only asked everyone to take back the so-called "fishing fee", but also because they The reason why Li Bai has not been handed over, and several people were injured.

This incident finally stopped temporarily until yesterday, and the fishermen also took the opportunity to choose to go to sea at this time.

"Hey, you'd better leave quickly. After all, you wanted to help us in the first place. They shouldn't make trouble anymore." The fisherman waved to Li Bai, sighed, and suddenly heard something , calling Li Bai's name again, "By the way, I have a gift left by Kumiko Akimoto for you, and she asked me to pass it on to you."

With that said, the fisherman took out a cube box from his cabin and handed it to Li Bai.

"Thank you, I have caused you trouble." Li Bai said to the fishermen embarrassedly. Although at this time he really wanted to return to the Ocean Infinity Company to find a place for these fishermen, but after thinking about it, after all He still has to leave Wa country one day, if he leaves, these fishermen will have no one to protect them.

Feeling a little lost, Li Bai walked towards the hotel. While walking, he slowly opened the box that Kumiko Akimoto had left for her. It was heavy and she didn't know what gift was inside.

Unlock the lid of the box, and there is a crystal ball inside. There are several tall buildings in the crystal ball. Judging from the appearance of the buildings, this is clearly what Okinawa City looks like.

At the same time, there was another letter beside the crystal ball, but Li Bai didn't intend to read it now, but went back to the hotel first.

Li Bai left for about an hour, but when they returned to the room, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan were still asleep, and Uejima-kun had woken up, but because he was tied up by Li Bai, he was still unable to move at this time .

Li Bai didn't intend to untie Uejima-kun, but sat on a chair beside him and quietly opened the letter that Kumiko Akimoto had left for him.

Hello Zhanxin, Mr. Li Bai.Although I have only known you for a few days, and although some things have happened during the few days with you, I have never blamed you. On the contrary, I am somewhat grateful to you, thank you for your appearance, let A glimmer of joy appeared in my ordinary life.

However, you are from China after all, and one day, you will leave. Although I still want to continue to introduce you to Okinawa City, my boyfriend is afraid that something will happen to me, so let me resign Lost the job there.

Mr. Li Bai, if you can read this letter, we should be happily fishing in the sea at this time. I suddenly remembered our first meeting, which is really interesting, but we may never see each other again. ?

Because of Ocean Unlimited, we are going to temporarily live in seclusion on a small island for a few months. When the limelight passes and you leave Okinawa, we will naturally return to Okinawa City.

Finally, I will send you a Okinawa City in a crystal ball, I hope you can think of me when you see it.


The letter was not very long, so Li Bai read it quickly. Li Bai sighed. If he had known that this situation would happen, he would rather not have fallen from the sky.

However, it's too late to say anything now, and it's a done deal, so we can only take one step at a time.

But when Li Bai was about to do something else, he suddenly remembered something, and hastily opened the letter again, and found the sentence "We are going to live in seclusion on a small island".

"It can't be such a coincidence." Li Bai said to himself in a daze, then approached Mr. Uejima and pulled the towel out of his mouth.

"How many inhabited islands are there near Okinawa City?" Li Bai asked with some trepidation in his heart. If Kumiko Akimoto and Hidenaka Sato eloped to the island without doing any investigation, if the island was organized by ninjas Experimental Base No. [-], then they will definitely be in danger.

"Only one, the other small islands are not suitable for human survival at all. We have investigated them." Mr. Uedao said to Li Bai. Although he didn't know Li Bai's purpose for asking this question, he didn't dare to lie.

Therefore, Li Bai only felt a "buzz" in his head, and he couldn't think of what he was really afraid of. If there was only one small island suitable for human habitation, then no surprises, Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidechu were [-]% going to change. Became an experimental product of the ninja organization.

Thinking of this, Li Bai immediately became restless. Although their ultimate goal is to rescue Xiaoxi, if the two ordinary people Akimoto Kumiko and Sato Hidenaka were also caught by the ninja organization before, they would have nothing to do. You need to devote more energy.

"From the pier in Okinawa City to that trail, how many days does it take for a fisherman's boat?" Li Bai looked at Ueda-san again and asked in a hasty tone.

"It will take about two days. The speed of that kind of boat is very slow. If it encounters bad weather..." Mr. Uedao explained to Li Bai, but at this time Li Bai was no longer listening to him, but directly Roughly woke up Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, we don't have time to sleep now, pack up quickly, we need to leave immediately." Li Bai's voice was hurried, because there was really not much time left for them.

Tian Lin didn't know what happened, but obediently listened to the master's words and walked into the bathroom to wash up. Crayon Shin-chan looked depressed, trying to play a child's temper, but found that Li Bai didn't Make fun of them.

"I'm still young, I need enough sleep to grow taller." Crayon Shin-chan complained, and followed Tian Lin to wash up.

Then, Li Bai's eyes fell on Shangdao-kun coldly again, he let go of Shangdao-kun's arm, and handed him his own Tianxun again.

"If you want to go back to the island, you must also take a boat. Now the person who contacted you will pick you up. If you dare to leak any information, you will understand the consequences." Li Bai threatened Shangdao Jundao again, and then this Only then did Uejima-kun completely let go.

Uejima-kun nodded, his eyes were erratic, and he didn't know whether Xia Mu Xiaosheng told *** about the situation on his side after he and Xia Mu Xiaosheng looked at each other in the morning.

Soon, Mr. Uejima dialed Tianxun and lay on the bed, as if he had just woken up from a nap.

"Please send a speedboat to pick me up. It will depart around 02:30 this afternoon." Uejima-san looked at the *** on the screen and said lazily.

He wanted to reveal some news to Grandma through his eyes and expression, but Li Bai was standing in front of him right now, and if he had something on his mind, Li Bai could see it at a glance.

"Oh, have you finished the work on the No. [-] base?" *** looked at Uejima-kun and asked strangely, looking at his background, it seemed that he was in the hotel, which coincided with what Xia Mu Xiaosheng said before. together.

"I'm doing business, don't worry, please send someone to pick me up quickly, and I will report to you the situation in the No. [-] experimental base tomorrow." Mr. Uejima said to *** again, then hung up News.

"Is this okay?" Uejima-kun looked at Li Bai again and asked, Li Bai nodded. He didn't notice that Natsume Xiaosheng had reported the situation here, and still thought that no one knew about their plan.

On the other side, *** has already begun to contact the personnel stationed in Okinawa City, and at the same time gave them an order that, when receiving Uejima-kun, if only Uejima-kun is alone, then nothing will happen. If there are others, be sure to take a picture and send it to her quickly.

At the same time, Xia Mu Xiaosheng, who hurried to two hundred kilometers away from Okinawa City, was stunned when he saw the corpses in the No. [-] experimental base.

He dialed the Tianxun of *** again, and at the same time showed the situation here to *** through the camera.

"Baga!" After seeing the bloody red all over the ground, Mao Zedong was furious, "You dare to do something to our experimenters, you guys, prepare to pay with blood!"

*** gave some other orders, and at this time, Li Bai and his party were rushing towards the pier.

(End of this chapter)

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