Chapter 2469
When all four of Li Bai and his party walked to the island, they realized what the Lord Shangdao said before, that there are still some small islands that are not suitable for human survival.

During the few minutes they walked, Li Bai didn't find a single green plant, and occasionally there were a few grasses, but they were also dying.On the entire island, apart from these, there are only hills and strange stones one after another.

"So what about your people? Are you still planning to ambush us?" When Li Bai asked Mr. Shangdao to lead him up a small hill, although the scenery of the whole island could not be fully seen, most of it could be seen. It's here, but the strange thing is that even at this time, they still haven't encountered anyone from the ninja organization ambushing here.

"I don't know, maybe I'm afraid you will find out." Uejima-kun said with a trembling voice, and now he suddenly regretted why he ran away last night. If he didn't run away, he might still have a chance to run away now.

However, such an idea is just a fluke.

When he couldn't see the people from the Ninja Organization, Tian Lin simply didn't leave, and sat down where he was: "Let's wait for them, take a rest, wait for a while so that we can get rid of them as soon as possible."

And at this moment, it seemed that Tian Lin's haughty words were heard, and several figures suddenly appeared at the foot of the hill.

"Oh? You really said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here soon." Li Bai smiled and turned his head to look at Mr. Uejima. His expression was very stiff now.

A group of people at the foot of the hill soon came in front of Li Bai and the others. The leader was a man with a big knife in his hand, looking at Li Bai Tianlin and Crayon Shin-chan, his eyes were full of doubts, but when his After his eyes fell on Uejima-kun, they became respectful again.

"Mr. Shangdao, you are back." The knife man nodded slightly to Mr. Shangdao, his eyes turned to Li Bai and the three of them, and the tip of the knife was faintly aimed at them.

"Lead the way, I'm about to die of sleepiness." Uejima-kun said in a somewhat rigid manner to the knife man.

The knife man looked at Uedao-kun suspiciously again, then pointed at Li Bai and the others: "Shangdao-kun, who are these people? You should understand our rules, you are not allowed to bring any outsiders to the island of."

The sword man seems to be almost the same level as Uejima-kun, so when he said this, he was a little angry.

"What do you know, this is a new experimental product, let us in quickly." Uejima-kun said again, and Li Bai and the others remained silent.

Dao Man looked at the three of Li Bai again, then nodded, made a gesture of please, and began to lead the way, but his little brothers waited for the four of them to walk past them, and then He followed behind, blocking all the front and back of Li Bai and the others.

If Li Bai hadn't known the plans of Uejima-kun and the knife man in advance, maybe they would really be put together by them at this time, but since he already knew their little tricks, how could Li Bai let them His scheme succeeded.

The knife man has been leading the way, walking faster and faster. He glanced back at Uejima-kun, but found that he was still dawdling, which made the knife man a little anxious.

According to their plan, after the knife man took Shangdao Jun away from Li Bai and the others for a certain distance, they could attack Li Bai and the three of them, but the current situation is that Shangdao Jun seems unwilling to leave them.

"Uejima-kun, please hurry up." As a last resort, risking the possibility of being seen through, the knife man reminded Ueshima Jundao, but Ueshima-kun just raised his head and looked at the knife man with helpless eyes.

"Mr. Shangdao, what's the matter with you, why don't I carry you?" Seeing this situation, the knife man became even more anxious, because within a few minutes of walking, they were going to bypass the entire island Once again, if you don't do it, time will be too late.

Seeing Dao Man's anxious expression, Li Bai found it very funny, and glanced at Tian Lin, Tian Lin immediately understood Li Bai's thoughts.

"I'm tired too, why don't you carry me on your back too?" Tian Lin took two quick steps and walked to Uejima-kun's side, looking at the knife man with a dissatisfied look.

Seeing Tian Lin voluntarily approaching him, the corner of Dao Man's mouth twitched slightly, and then he pretended to show a frightened expression: "You guys, shouldn't you be controlled by Mr. Uejima? Will it have its own consciousness?!"

At this time, even if they were all acting before, at this time, Dao Man's subordinates knew that it was time to fight to the death.

"You should be very clear that we have not been controlled from the beginning to the end, right?" Crayon Shin-chan also said angrily to the knife man. The scene just now reminded him of how he was brought into the prison two years ago. to the experimental base.

Hearing this, Dao Nan finally showed a gloomy expression, and glanced at Uejima-kun faintly: "It turns out that our plan has been told by you, you are really a god-like teammate."

Uejima-kun also glanced at the sword man indifferently, really too lazy to explain his current situation to him.

"Since you already know, then you should also know that you are going to die soon, right?" The knife man twisted the knife in his hand, and then rushed towards Li Bai.

That's it, no need to say more!

"Oh, I really think I'm a character." Li Bai snorted coldly, quickly formed a triangular formation with Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan, and then rushed straight in three directions.

Li Bai naturally went directly to the group of knife men who wanted to play tricks on them, while Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan joined forces to meet the knife men's younger brothers.

Seeing Li Bai rushing towards him single-handedly, a sneer flashed across the corner of Dao Nan's mouth. He is already a ninja at the ninja level in the ninja organization. Even if Uejima-kun is in front of him, it is only a matter of a few rounds. .

And Li Bai can control Shangdao-jun. Although it is possible that he is stronger than Shangdao-jun, what the knife man is more willing to believe is that Li Bai must have used some shady means to control Shangdao-jun, otherwise , the strength of Mr. Shangdao will definitely not compromise easily.

With the horizontal knife in his hand, the knife man gripped the handle of the knife tightly and slashed towards Li Bai's waist, but Li Bai's body suddenly stopped in place, passing the sharp point of the knife and narrowly passing his belly.

Seeing this scene, the knife man was stunned for a moment. He was very clear about how fast he was swinging the knife, but Li Bai was able to dodge so lightly, which made the knife man feel tight.

One blow failed, and a huge opening appeared in front of the knife man. Li Bai hid on the ground again, and his body shot towards the knife man.

The knife man didn't panic at all, he made a seal with one hand, and in the next second, a sharp ground thorn came out of the hard ground.

Li Bai was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the knife man's ninjutsu was so powerful.

A palm was slapped towards the air beside him, and there was a muffled crackling sound from the air, while Li Bai's body moved a certain distance obliquely due to the reaction force, avoiding the attack that should have stabbed Li Bai's heart. ground thorns.

He stepped on the ground thorn again, and with a "click", the ground thorn broke at the waist, and the sharp spikes were spinning in the air, flying towards the knife man.

"Baga!" The knife man cursed secretly, and in just two rounds, he knew that he had underestimated Li Bai's strength before.

He raised the broadsword again, and slashed at the flying ground thorn. Immediately afterwards, the ground thorn was torn apart in the air.After completing this action, the knife man's breathing became heavy, because he could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in the stab just now.

If the knife man hadn't almost exhausted his strength, the ground thorn might have pierced his body directly.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you has always been a saying that Li Bai firmly believes in. Looking at the pale face of the knife man, Li Bai also took out his own Tianyun knife and rushed towards the knife man.

Seeing the knife that appeared out of thin air in Li Bai's hand, the knife man was even more shocked. Unexpectedly, Li Bai just now had not used a weapon at all, but had already fought him to a tie.

There is a feeling of admiration in my heart, so this battle is even more impossible to win.

The sound of "ding ding ding" sounded, and the knife man's knife collided with Li Bai's knife at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that the fight was impressive, but in fact the knife man felt more and more powerless.

But what the knife man didn't realize was that at this moment, on Li Bai's Tianyun knife, a silver light slowly wrapped his blade, and when he chopped it down, the knife man's knife broke in response. .

"Nani?" The knife man was stunned for a moment, and in this moment of stupefaction, Li Bai had already appeared in front of the knife man, and put the Tianyun knife on the knife man's neck.

"If you don't want to die, just raise your hands and kneel on the ground for me." Li Bai's voice came coldly, at this moment, the knife man finally realized that he had already lost.

On the other side, Tian Lin and Crayon Shin-chan are still struggling with ninjas who have less than ten people. Because their strength is limited, they are just resisting the enemy's attack, and they are unable to make any resistance at all. .

Crayon Shin-chan has been going around in circles with each other, while Tian Lin is under the siege of four ninjas, and has almost lost his hold.

Especially when the ninjas saw that their boss had been controlled by Li Bai, they wanted to capture Tian Lin in order to exchange hostages with Li Bai.

However, they still think too much.

Because the strength of the sword man is higher, Li Bai left the sword man with peace of mind after leaving a few streaks of silver star power in the sword man's body, and rushed to rescue his apprentice.

With Li Bai's joining, the balance of victory came to Tian Lin's side in an instant, and he, who had been pressed and beaten just now, immediately had a chance to fight back.

After 10 minutes, the battle finally ended. The group of people who came to ambush Li Bai and the others were all killed by Li Bai at this time. Although no one was killed, such a result was worse than the annihilation of the entire army for the knife man. To be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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