The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2478 Run, don't start

Chapter 2478 Run, don't look back
This is the second time that Li Bai has come to the base of the Ninja organization. Unlike the last time when he was startled by every step, this time, Li Bai walked in a leisurely manner.

It seems that Kinoshita Tokichiro doesn't often leave that small office. When he walked into the corridor, all the ninjas immediately stood up in awe and showed a special courtesy to Kinoshita Tokichiro.

Li Bai also enjoyed it very much. When he was walking towards this side, these ninjas all looked at him eagerly, but now, everyone is respectful and respectful, and they dare not show any disrespectful expressions. Show it, for fear that Tokichiro Kinoshita will be angry.

Li Bai didn't know if this Kinoshita Tokichiro was a good leader, or in other words, in the ninja organization, there was such a clear hierarchy, Kinoshita Tokichiro walked all the way without showing any smile on his face.However, Li Bai didn't have time to take care of these things. What he wanted to do most now was to meet Hanano Mai and rescue her.

As for the one who just promised Tokichiro Kinoshita, he would join the ninja organization after sending Mai Hanano away safely?Hehe, if this is true, Li Bai is really ashamed to be a Chinese.

This is just a delaying tactic.

Maybe Tokichiro Kinoshita also knew, but because he might have absolute confidence in the strength of the ninja organization, he didn't seem to be worried that Li Bai would lie to him.

It has to be said that the base of the ninja organization is still very large and spacious.Li Bai followed Kinoshita Tokichiro and walked down the base. Even Li Bai had forgotten how many floors it was before Kinoshita Tokichiro finally stopped.

The floor in front of me is bright and majestic. From the outside, it looks like walking into a luxurious hotel.

"It's here. Here, all the traitors or enemies of our ninja organization are imprisoned." Kinoshita Tokichiro said to Li Bai sideways, as if he slapped Li Bai hard on the face between words.

It turns out that this is not a high-end hotel at all, but just a "prison" for detaining others!

"Oh, then you treat them quite well." Li Bai stroked his chin and said with great interest.

Kinoshita Fujikichiro nodded, and then said: "After all, people who can be imprisoned here mean that they will not live for a few days. It is better to let them enjoy the last few days of their lives." Li Bai said, stepped on the soft carpet and walked in.

At this time, the surprise in Li Bai's heart could no longer be described in words. He looked at the back of Kinoshita Tokichiro, and he couldn't imagine what kind of person this was.

Beneath the benevolent exterior, there is a big bloody mouth, which always seems to be able to open the mouth to eat others when they are not careful.

This time, Li Bai didn't go for a long time, Kinoshita Tokichiro stopped, put his hand on the recognition device on a door, made two beeps, and the door opened.

In the room, the lighting was extremely soft, and the decoration was even more exquisite, and on the big Simmons bed, there was a woman lying on the bed at this time, who else could it be if it wasn't Hanano Mai?
The moment she heard the door was opened, Hanano Mai became nervous.She is a traitor of the ninja organization, so she naturally knows the rules of the ninja organization for treating ninjas.

In this seemingly warm room, Hanano Mai knew that she could only stay for ten days before leaving this world.

Calculate the time, the day to go on the road is today.

Hanano Mai had already dressed, and when the door was opened, she stood up, but after seeing Kinoshita Tokichiro, Hanano Mai was stunned for a moment.

Even if she is a traitor, shouldn't Kinoshita Tokichiro go out in person?Before that, at most, some jounin were in charge of detaining her and sending her food.

Just when Hanano Mai was extremely surprised, her eyes bypassed Kinoshita Tokichirou again, and moved to the man behind him.

"Li Bai, Mr. Li Bai?" Hanano Mai covered her mouth in disbelief, looking at Li Bai who was smiling, tears just flowed down.

"I thought you really wouldn't care about me anymore." Regardless of Kinoshita Tokichiro's thoughtful eyes, Hanano Mai rushed towards Li Bai, and threw herself into Li Bai's arms fiercely.

Li Bai was very embarrassed, and patted Hanano Mai's back lightly, a little embarrassed.

Li Bai had this emotion because when he broke into the ninja base with Hanano Mai, he once vowed to Hanano Mai that as long as she ran around the ninja base, she would definitely be able to run away and become safe.

What Li Bai regretted was that he didn't analyze the situation clearly at that time, so that Mai Hanano still fell into the hands of the ninja organization.

"I said that I will let you go back to meet your boyfriend in one piece, safe and sound, and I will fulfill my promise when I come back." Li Bai smiled at Hanano Mai.

At this moment, Tokichiro Kinoshita, who had been standing aside watching the two of you and me, spoke again.

"In order to save your life, Mr. Li Bai promised me to join the ninja organization, so you might as well stay. I will not blame what happened before." Looking at Mai Hanano, Kinoshita Fujikichiro said with a smile.

This sentence is not only to remind Li Bai that he has promised to use his stay in exchange for the guarantee of Hanano Mai's life. good thing.

As for the fact that the traitor must die, for Kinoshita Fujikichiro, it is not a matter of a word.

And Hanano Mai, who heard Kinoshita Tokichiro's words, pushed Li Bai away suddenly, unable to believe what he heard in his ears.

"Mr. Li Bai, did you really promise him?" Hanano Mai seemed a little flustered, "How can you promise him? The ninja organization is not a good place, you must not promise him, even if I die, you should not stay Here!"

Hanano Mai spoke to Li Bai while crying, as if crying about something.

And what Hanano Mai said made Kinoshita Tokichirou's face turn blue and white, this former ninja, now actually said in front of him that the ninja organization is not a good place, this is not a naked slap in the face, what could it be ? !
"Do you think that one of your lives can be worth one Mr. Li Bai? To be honest, even if you exchange a hundred for one Mr. Li Bai, I don't agree." Kinoshita Fujikichiro said coldly, expressing again during his speech He flattered Li Bai for a while.

No matter how insulting Kinoshita Tokichiro's words were to him, Hanano Mai still shook her head at Li Bai at this time, hoping that he would not agree.

But Li Bai looked at her tearful eyes, and smiled again: "It's okay, I can train in the ninja organization for a while, no matter where it is, it is the same for my progress."

Li Bai gently wiped Hanano Mai's tears with his hands, and blinked at her.

Mai Hanano gradually calmed down. She suddenly realized that Li Bai, who had always hated the ninja organization before, could choose to compromise at this time. He must have his own plans.

Fifteen minutes later, Tokichiro Kinoshita, Li Bai and Mai Hanano were already standing on the land at an altitude of 15 meters on Mount Fuji.

At this time, it also means that Hanano Mai has officially regained her freedom.She turned around, looked at Li Bai reluctantly, and wanted to say something, but Li Bai was still smiling at Hanano Mai, with his lips slightly parted, but he didn't make any sound.

Kinoshita Tokichiro didn't see Li Bai's actions, but Hanano Mai saw it clearly. Li Bai just said a few words to her.

"Run and don't look back."

Hanano Mai nodded vigorously, then turned around and ran towards the foot of Mount Fuji, just as Li Bai expected, she did not look back.

Tokichiro Kinoshita put his hand lightly on Li Bai's shoulder: "Mr. Li Bai, Mai Hanano is safe now, let's go back and continue discussing your stay in our ninja organization, shall we?"

"Oh? What's the deal?" Li Bai pretended to be very interested and looked at Kinoshita Tokichiro.

"In terms of remuneration, you don't have to worry about it." Kinoshita Tokichiro said to Li Bai with a smile, and then took Li Bai back to the base and found a small lounge to sit down.

"Although I know that Mr. Li Bai is very strong, you still need to take a ninja test for our classification." Tokichiro Kinoshita said enthusiastically to Li Bai.

Li Bai showed an embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, where is the toilet? I have to go to a toilet." Li Bai said to Kinoshita Tokichiro with an embarrassed expression.

Kinoshita Tokichiro was also a little embarrassed, and called a ninja in from outside the door, and asked him to take Li Bai to the toilet.

After Li Bai left, another ninja walked into the waiting room. If Li Bai was still present, he would definitely find out that this person was the Jonin he defeated ten days ago.

"Mr. Kinoshita, do you really want to include this Chinese person into our ninja organization? Wouldn't that be a little inappropriate? After all, our ninja organization has never had a single foreigner." Jōnin said to Kinoshita Fujikichiro, "And After all, he had such a big conflict with us before, even if he comes in, how long can he stay?"

Kinoshita Tokichiro raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and patted Jominin on the shoulder: "One Xuankong, since I can take him in, I will naturally have a way to keep him, and, don't you think, with his joining, there will be Can we improve the fighting ability of our ninjas? I am very curious about the magical power of their Huaxia."

A Xuankong wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he swallowed his saliva back.

"Mr. Kinoshita, do you feel that the time that Chinese person takes to go to the bathroom is a bit long?" After waiting for a long time, a Xuankong finally said to Kinoshita Fujikichiro.

Kinoshita Tokichiro, who had been closing his eyes and resting his mind, opened his eyes suddenly, and glanced at the time. Twenty to ten minutes had passed, even if it was a big one, it should be over, right? !
"Baga!" Kinoshita Tokichiro seemed to have thought of something bad, he slammed the table hard and stood up, then walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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