Chapter 2491
The accident of the plane flying back to Huaxia from the country of Wo crashed in the sea, and finally swept the entire Huaxia with an incomparably swift attitude at the same speed as the propagation of light.

Because the accident was too serious, the country urgently dispatched a rescue force from Xiaolian City to Haishan for search and rescue work.

In today's era, it is much easier to find the cause of the plane crash and find the bodies of the passengers than it was 100 years ago. However, in a little more than a day, the incident was reported on TV. details.

The reason for the plane crash was only because the plane was flying in bad weather, which caused the left wing of the plane to burn, and the plane engine stopped unexpectedly, so it led to this tragedy.

When they saw that all the faults were blamed on the "accident" on TV, the three men in front of the TV all showed sinister smiles.Although the investigators attributed all accidents to "accidents", although this is what they hope to see, at this time, they still can't help feeling sorry for "accidents".

"I just said, my plan will definitely not go wrong." A man laughed twice, and then said to the other two men.

If Wei Yan was present at this time, she would definitely be able to recognize that the three men sitting in this room are her three brothers, Wei Yuan, Wei Ming and Wei Qing, and the one who spoke just now is Wei Yan Three of them, Wei Qing.

"Well, it's great." Big Brother Wei Yuan nodded, lit a cigarette and smoked it.

Seeing Wei Yuan's indifferent attitude, Wei Qing didn't continue to say anything, but ran to Wei Ming's side, asking them what they were going to do next.

But it was interrupted by Wei Yuan: "Be quiet, the list of the dead will be announced soon, it's best to hear their names, otherwise..."

Wei Yuan's voice paused, but at this moment, he couldn't say it, otherwise, what would he say next, and the two people he said were naturally their sister and their grandfather.

"The dead are gone, and the living are strong. Next, we will publish the list of all 320 seven members of the plane who died unfortunately. May they not suffer in heaven."

On the TV, after the announcer sadly said such words, the atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down.

The three brothers of the Wei family all stared wide-eyed at each other, a little in disbelief, because they knew very well that there were 330 people on that plane, including the crew and passengers, but , How did it become the dead of 320 Qi now?
"Don't worry, the four who survived may not be the two of them." Wei Yuan said in a deep voice, continuing to stare at the names that popped up on the TV one by one. Wei Ming and Wei Qing also opened their eyes wide, afraid Miss a single detail.

When the words "Wei Dongsheng" popped up on the TV screen, there was finally a sound of breathing in the room. Wei Dongsheng was their grandfather's name.

"I'm just saying, how could their luck be so good, but then again, the luck of the four surviving people is really good, so they didn't die." Wei Qing said again, looking very happy.

But Wei Qing's smile quickly faded away, because two-thirds of the list of the deceased had been announced, and it was about to end, but the name they still wanted to see hadn't appeared for a long time.

"Here we come." A few minutes later, Wei Ming reminded the two of them.

At this time, the crew list was shown on the TV screen.The captain's name, the co-pilot's name, and then the flight attendant.

However, when all the names were listed above, the three Wei brothers were all shocked to find that the word "Wei Yan" did not appear on the screen at all.

"Did we miss it, or did the people from the TV station put her in the list of ordinary passengers?" Wei Ming felt nervous for no reason, and quickly took out Tianxun to search for the latest news, and after reading the list again, It was disappointing to find that Wei Yan's name was not on it.

"How is this possible?" Wei Qing called out first, because he was afraid that the whole plan would not go smoothly, so he took care of the seats made by their grandfather and Wei Qing.

Their plan is absolutely foolproof, as can be seen from the fact that their grandfather died under their tricks.

However, what they never expected was that Wei Yan, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, survived in such an environment.

"Is it because the search personnel didn't find her? Should we also look for her?" Wei Ming said in a deep voice, Wei Yan's existence was like a knife in their hearts, and if they didn't pull it out for a day, they would feel uncomfortable.

For Wei Ming's proposal, Wei Yuan could only respond with a cold snort. There were so many search personnel who couldn't find Wei Yan in the sea, so how could they find the three of them.And if the family power is dispatched, people from the outside world will definitely suspect them.

"So, it's very likely that my sister has returned to Xiaolian City?" Wei Qing asked suspiciously, but Wei Yuan shook his head.

"Of course I don't know. If she is sensible and doesn't come back, we will bypass her. If she dares to come back, then this time, we can only tear our skin apart." Wei Yuan said lightly, speaking When they were together, they completely forgot the relationship between their siblings.

"Then I'll send someone to search around Xiaolian City first. If I find it, let them bring it back directly, or deal with it on the spot?" Wei Ming asked again.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses." Wei Yuan said coldly, not aware that there was some conflict between what he said and what he just said.

Wei Yan, who was still in the villa, naturally didn't know what happened in a company building far away in the center of Xiaolian City. At this time, she was already crying like pears and rain.

The four of Li Bai were also watching the report on TV, and seeing some videos and photos taken by the search personnel later, the four of them realized just how tragic what happened that night was.

This also made Li Bai more determined in his mind, the idea of ​​​​getting rid of the three brothers of the Wei family in the name of eliminating harm.

"Don't cry, can you? Now that your brothers find out that you are not dead, they will definitely send someone to find you. Do you want to make a revenge plan or something?" Li Bai said to Wei Yan in a stiff voice. Said.

What Li Bai dislikes the most is that girls cry at every turn, because crying can't solve anything, so it's better to use the time of crying to think about how to solve the current problem.

"I've already thought about it." Wei Yan raised her head, looked at Li Bai and said, "I want to call the police, tell the police everything about our Wei family, and let the police arrest them."

Hearing Wei Yan's words, not only Li Bai Tianlin, but even Crayon Shin-chan laughed.

Call the police?It's just so naive.Although it is still a society ruled by law, the role of the police is much worse than before.Moreover, the Wei family can be regarded as an ancient martial arts family and the mainstay of Xiaolian City, so how could the police take action against such a tough one.

"Then I'll go directly to them and confront them face to face." Wei Yan said again.

"Okay, then you can go." Li Bai looked at Wei Yan speechlessly, "They are eager to see you right now, and you still want to take the initiative to send them to your door. Are you stupid?"

After being scolded by Li Bai, Wei Yan curled her lips and cried again. She is just a flight attendant, and she is really not good at intrigue.

"Master, you must help me. They killed my dearest grandpa. I must avenge my grandpa." Wei Yan burst into tears, looking at Li Bai, the light makeup she just put on was about to wear off again.

"So, do you mean that you want me to kill them directly? That's easy to say, you tell me where they are, and I'll go there in a matter of minutes." Li Bai nodded suddenly, and turned to Wei Wei again. Yan said.

However, Li Bai's proposal made Wei Yan firmly deny it again.

"How can I just make them so cheap, I want them to apologize first, and then punish them properly." Wei Yan took out a tissue to dry her tears, but Li Bai was speechless again.

There are so many things.

"Okay, then tell me where they are now, and I'll catch them first, okay?" Li Bai finally compromised helplessly and asked Wei Yan.

When Wei Yan opened her mouth to answer Li Bai's question again, a new news scene started on the TV.

"It is understood that in the accident of this flight crash, a deceased named Wei Dongsheng has aroused widespread discussion in the society. Wei Dongsheng is the chairman of the local Weiyuan Juice Company in Xiaolian City, and is the economic leader of the entire Xiaolian City. The lifeline, and his sudden death has affected the economy of the entire Xiaolian City."

On the TV screen, another scene of a quarrel flashed, and the voice-over said again.

"Because of Wei Dongsheng's accidental death, Wei Dongsheng's relatives were very angry. They brought people to the headquarters of Southeast Airlines early in the morning and asked the airline to compensate them for their losses."

Next, there was another interview scene, but Li Bai didn't see it, but Wei Yan directly turned off the TV screen.

"They're in the airline now, let's go now." Wei Yan looked at Li Bai and said.

However, Li Bai shook his head and rejected Wei Yan's proposal: "Xiaoxin and I will go, and you and my apprentice will stay at home. At this time, there are many people outside arresting you. If you just go out like this, you may not Seeing your brothers, they were killed by the people they sent."

With that said, Li Bai patted Crayon Shin-chan on the shoulder, and the two immediately went to prepare.

Tian Lin was very helpless. Li Bai did this because he wanted him to protect Wei Yan's safety. Now that I think about it, it seems that such a hard job falls on him every time.

"That's all right, all right, it's absolutely easy for my master to do it himself, so you can sit down and watch TV with me at ease." Tian Lin said to Wei Yan.

The TV screen turned on again, and a man's head appeared on it.

Wei Yan knew him, his name was Wei Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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