The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2507 I betrothed him to you

Chapter 2507 I betrothed him to you

Seeing this scene, Li Bai walked away quietly with a faint smile on his face.It seems that Crayon Shin-chan fell in love with Xiaoxi, it is true.

Xiaoxi seems to be only 15 years old this year, while Crayon Shin-chan is even younger, only 12 or 13 years old.

"Children nowadays are really precocious." Li Bai said with a smirk in his heart, then walked out of the room gently, closed the door, and left the two children a two-person world.

Xiaoxi looked into Crayon Shin-chan's eyes and didn't speak for a long time, just looking at each other like this. After Li Bai finally left, Crayon Shin-chan spoke again.

"You should be all right. Judging by your appearance, you should be all right." Crayon Shin-chan saw that Xiao Xi's mood had stabilized, lowered her head, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Crayon Shin-chan!"

At this time, Xiaoxi suddenly called Crayon Shin-chan's name with some excitement, and then leaned forward, with her arms outstretched, she hugged Crayon Shin-chan standing by the bed tightly.

Crayon Shin-chan immediately stood there dumbfounded. This was the first time in his life that he was hugged so tightly by the opposite sex. He put his head on Xiao Xi's shoulders in a state of bewilderment, but his hands didn't know what to do. What to do, climbed up to Xiaoxi's waist, but felt that it was inappropriate, and wanted to let it go.

"Hold me tight." However, Xiao Xi's voice rang in his ears again, preventing Crayon Shin-chan from shrinking back.

Thus, the two children hugged each other tightly in the quiet room, also quietly not speaking, just like that, it lasted for about five or six minutes before they finally let go.

The eyes of the two met again, at this moment, Xiaoxi's face suddenly flushed, she nodded slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoxin, you just said that you like me, right? "

After leaving the room, Li Bai was still a little worried about Tian Lin and Wei Yan, and soon came to the small courtyard in front of the villa. Although they were a little terrified, they were still intact, which made Li Bai's heart hang at last. Take it easy.

"It's all right." Li Bai said to the two quietly, with a smile on his face.

Hearing these words, Wei Yan was almost paralyzed and limp. Tian Lin hurriedly hugged Wei Yan, which prevented her from falling down.

So, right in front of Li Bai, Wei Yan also hugged Tian Lin hard, making Tian Lin feel embarrassed and enjoying, but Li Bai didn't know what to do.

After being busy for a long time, he made two couples happy, but his wife is still far away in the capital. This feeling really made Li Bai feel very uncomfortable.

"You are busy, you are busy!" Li Bai said helplessly, and then returned to the living room.

Because the living room became a mess last night, it was even more dilapidated at this time, like an earthquake scene, with messy rubble everywhere.

Li Zhiqiang's body fell quietly in a corner of the living room, lying on the ground, and the surroundings of his body were already flooded with blood.

Li Bai stepped forward and turned Li Zhiqiang's body over. Li Zhiqiang's eyes were still wide open, maintaining the extremely shocked state before he died.

"Hey." Li Bai sighed, and gently wiped Li Zhiqiang's eyes. Regarding Li Zhiqiang's death, Li Bai also didn't feel very good.

After all, Li Zhiqiang had served the Wei family loyally for half his life, but unexpectedly, he died in the hands of the Wei family in the end.

If this matter is said out, I am afraid that there will be another burst of embarrassment.

And at this moment, another loud sound came from another corner of the living room.

Li Bai looked up vigilantly, there, a pile of rubble was slowly falling, and a bloody arm slowly stretched out from it.

"Huh?" Li Bai thought for a while in surprise, it seems that the one buried there was Wei Yan's brother Wei Yuan, unexpectedly, he was so fatal that he was hit by such an attack, and he was still alive.

Li Bai stepped forward to help Wei Yuan clean up the stones on his body, only at this time did he realize that Wei Yuan had long since lost the vigor he had when he first arrived, and looked very miserable.

"help me."

Wei Yuan stretched out his bloody arm, his eyes lit up for help, and said to Li Bai.

The corners of Li Bai's mouth raised slightly. Although Wei Yuan's injuries were all superficial and some could be saved, Li Bai still shook his head: "Do you really want to survive? Then you have to ask your sister's opinion."

This whole matter, after all, is the Wei family's own business, Li Bai and Tian Lin are just outsiders, they don't have that power, and they don't want to make any decisions for the Wei family.

Li Bai quickly called Wei Yan into the living room and asked her to decide Wei Yuan's life or death.

Seeing Wei Yuan's miserable appearance, Wei Yan's expression seemed to be a little struggling, a little unbearable.

"If he's like this, can he still be saved?" Wei Yan finally asked, but asked like this.

Li Bai frowned, wanted to say something but still didn't say it, just nodded.

But the outspoken Tian Lin couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Wei Yan: "Wei Yan, are you crazy? This guy has always wanted to kill you, and you still want my master to save him, are you Isn't it crazy?!"

Tian Lin looked very angry, and in fact Li Bai's attitude was the same.

A person who keeps saying that he is still taking action to kill you, but in the end the action is unsuccessful, and you still try to save him out of mercy, this is not kindness at all, it is stupid.

"But, he is my elder brother after all!" Wei Yan finally cried out and said to the two of them.

Tian Lin almost recited it in one breath, and was so angry that he couldn't help it: "You are also his sister, but, why did he think about this matter again? Didn't he always want to kill you, and he even killed your grandfather?" Killed, didn't you say you want to avenge your grandfather?!"

Tian Lin yelled at Wei Yan angrily. Wei Yuan, who was sprawled on the ground, watched the quarrel between the two with a blank expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Wei Yan, this kind of white-eyed wolf, even if you save him, he will still seek revenge when he recovers." Tian Lin added, and Li Bai stood aside and nodded in agreement.

The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. It is said to this kind of people.

At this moment, Wei Yan didn't seem to listen at all. She looked at Li Bai with teary eyes and said, "Master, is there a way for you to abolish his skill and make him an ordinary person from now on. Let's Too many people have died in the Wei family, and I don't want him to die too."

At this moment, the atmosphere became a little silent, Li Bai and Tian Lin were both in a state of panic, and they didn't know what to say.

Li Bai finally nodded, this is a solution, not only to save Wei Yuan's life, but also to make it impossible for him to pose a threat to him in the future.

Li Bai squatted down, first slapped Wei Yuan unconscious, and then destroyed Wei Yuan's dantian, making it impossible for him to become a true energy warrior again.

"Okay, call an ambulance, take a good rest for three to five months, and you should be able to recover." Li Bai said softly to Wei Yan, and Wei Yan bowed to Li Bai gratefully.

An ambulance arrived quickly and took the patient and his family members away.

However, Wei Yan just paid Wei Yuan's medical expenses and then left. As for who will take care of his recovery, Wei Yan doesn't intend to continue to take care of him. She has already done everything she can.

On the return journey, the group did not go back to the villa again, but drove directly towards the Wei family compound.

On the way, Tian Lin asked a question that had always been in his heart.

"Wei Yan, why do I feel that apart from your grandfather, there are only a few of your children left in your Wei family? Where are your parents?" Tian Lin asked curiously.

Li Bai also thought about this question for a long time, but he never had a chance to ask it.

After all, several children fought to the death for the position of a patriarch, but their adults did not come out to stop them, or even showed up at all. Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed a big doubt.

When asked this question, Wei Yan showed a confused look: "I don't know, in my memory, my parents have never appeared before, it was always grandpa and servants who accompanied us growing up .”

Wei Yan's answer shocked everyone, it felt like listening to a ghost story.

"We asked Grandpa, where did our parents go, but at that time, Grandpa was determined not to let us think about it, and said that when we grow up to a certain level, he will naturally tell us. "Wei Yan said so.

Hearing this, everyone knew that there must be something hidden in it, but it seemed that her grandfather didn't have time to tell Wei Yan what happened before he died.

"Wei Yan, don't you want to know what happened?" Tian Lin curled his lips and asked Wei Yan. It feels like you have a big heart for the four brothers, and you don't care about anything except the position of the patriarch.

Upon hearing this, Wei Yan became anxious: "Why don't I want to know, but my grandfather told me that if an accident happens, I will have to wait for someone to marry me before I can check it from the family's intelligence brain. Everything that happened before."

Wei Yan muttered, looked at Tian Lin, then at Li Bai, and then lowered her head in disappointment: "How could I get married in such a short period of time? Such a thing just happened at home, and there are many more Everything needs to be handled by me.”

As he said that, he raised his head expectantly again, and looked at Li Bai: "Master, can you stay and help me, I think I can't do it alone."

Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin, smiled and said, "Actually, your problems are not problems at all."

He patted Tian Lin on the shoulder again and said, "I betrothed my apprentice to you. He can help you deal with family affairs and let you know the whereabouts of your parents as soon as possible."

With a big wave of his hand, Li Bai made a decision amidst the astonished eyes of Tian Lin and Wei Yan.

"Master, you are not joking, me and him, how is it possible?!" Wei Yan said to Li Bai anxiously.

Tian Lin was not happy anymore, his astonished expression quickly turned into resentment: "Why, do you despise me?"

(End of this chapter)

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