The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2520 I only accept interviews

Chapter 2520 I only accept interviews
Lin Tianfeng on the other side of Tianxun didn't seem to plan to waste time with Chen Gong, so he put away his slightly joking voice, and said to Chen Gong: "Your son doesn't have any safety problems now, but, If you don't plan to tell me the formula of the elixir, then I can't guarantee whether your son will die today or tomorrow."

Lin Tianfeng said with a smile, but his voice was extremely sinister and cunning.

"I think, in fact, you should have already considered it. After all, you have been given three days." Lin Tianfeng added another sentence, "Do you think your son is more important than your future? If you choose As far as your future is concerned, then, hehe, you are really a 'good' father."

Lin Tianfeng's threat made Li Bai who was sitting on the side a little angry. This was clearly a kind of moral kidnapping, and it made it impossible for anyone to refute.

"Okay, okay, I promise you to tell you the formula, but if you dare to touch a single hair of my son, I don't mind having a fight with you Harbin Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory." Chen Gong said to Lin Tianfeng through gritted teeth.

Lin Tianfeng smiled softly: "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. After all, I'm also moral. Then you can talk about it now, before your son leaves SIPG."

Lin Tianfeng's words brightened Li Bai's eyes. This meant that Chen Gong's son was still in SIPG. son snatched it back.

"Oh, by the way, don't put any extravagant thoughts on it, your son is strapped with a bomb right now, as long as I lightly touch here, your son, who is thousands of miles away, will be blown to pieces It's gone." Lin Tianfeng said with a sinister smile again, shaking the remote control in his hand.

Chen Gong's face finally became serious. Such ultra-long-distance control is not impossible in this era. Thinking about the previous practice of kidnapping his son, Chen Gong also knows that Lin Tianfeng is that A man of one word.

"I can give you the recipe, but I can't dictate it. I need to deal with you face to face." Chen Gong said to Lin Tianfeng again, and because of Li Bai's proposal, he resolutely did not let go.

Lin Tianfeng was also silent for a while. He originally thought that he could settle the matter by sending a few thugs to Shanggang City, but what he didn't expect was that such an incident happened to Chen Gong again. It's adding to the chaos.

"I'll send someone to make a deal with you. I'm still in Harbin City, and I won't be able to make it to SIPG." Lin Tianfeng said to Chen Gong.

However, Chen Gong became tougher at this time, and said to Lin Tianfeng solemnly: "No, you are responsible for the whole thing, but now you have pushed it to others. If someone leaks the news during this process, It's of no use to you or me."

Lin Tianfeng also frowned. What Chen Gong said was indeed within the scope of consideration, but in fact, he didn't really trust other people very much.

"Well, tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, I will return to SIPG to trade with you face to face, but I will choose the location, and you can only come alone." Lin Tianfeng said to Chen Gong.

Hearing this, it felt like Lin Tianfeng was the victim, afraid of what Chen Gong would do to him, but in fact, the real victims were Chen Gong and his son.

Chen Gong exploded again: "Are you kidding me? I went to see so many of you alone so that you can arrest me together, right?" Chen Gong yelled at Lin Tianfeng.

The corners of Lin Tianfeng's mouth twitched. Just now he felt that he might go to SIPG and be ambushed by Chen Gong, and he didn't want to do anything to Chen Gong, but after hearing what Chen Gong said, what he did seemed to be a bit inappropriate.

After all, dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, but people who are in a hurry may do something crazy.

"I hope you will abide by your agreement. If I find out that there is something wrong, it will not only be your son, but also you and your future. You Shennong Pharmaceutical Company will never have a bright future." Lin Tianfeng said again He said to Chen Gong coldly, and after finishing speaking, he hung up Tianxun.

Li Bai removed the sound barrier, Chen Gong took back Tianxun, and looked at Li Bai worriedly: "Brother, is this method really possible?" Chen Gong looked at Li Bai nervously, it wasn't that he didn't believe Li Bai's method, But some doubts about Li Bai's strength.

After all, in Chen Gong's view, a person who can achieve such success in business at a young age is unlikely to have an outstanding development in martial arts.

Li Bai nodded: "Of course, since they can create some unexpected circumstances to snatch your son away, we can also fight back and snatch your son back."

Li Bai patted Xiaoxi's head. In tomorrow's action, she and Xiaoxi will play a key role: "I have wronged you, I originally agreed to take you to have fun for a few days."

Li Bai said apologetically to the two children, chewing up and swallowing the thought that he would not cause trouble this time when he came to SIPG on the first day in his heart.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi smiled obediently: "Brother Li Bai is fine, we think this is also fun."

"It's not fun, it's not fun." Chen Gong hurriedly interjected from the side, these two children really spoke without thinking.Of course, Chen Gong was also deeply sorry for disrupting Li Bai's plan.

After briefly discussing the details of tomorrow's meeting, Li Bai decided to leave.

"Aren't you going to have dinner together tonight?" Chen Gong looked at Li Bai and asked again, because Li Bai was about to become his savior.

"For now, I'll take them to the Bund to see the night view at night. You should go back and prepare quickly, so as not to reveal your secrets tomorrow." Li Bai said to Chen Gong, and then said goodbye to Chen Gong and left the coffee where he was. museum.

On the second day of coming to SIPG, it didn't go very smoothly. I just had fun all morning, but in the afternoon, I encountered such a big thing, which made Li Bai very helpless.

But fortunately, when visiting the Bund at night, Li Bai never encountered any accidents again, and had a great time with his two children.

Not only did I take the ferry on the Huangpu River, but I also ate Western food that I was not used to for the first time, and even under the quarrel of the two children, I went into the store and bought a pair of couple clothes for the two children.

The love soared in front of Li Bai, which made Li Bai not only want to buy a couple outfit to wear.

However, Li Bai quickly dispelled this unrealistic idea. If he really wanted to buy it, wouldn't he have to buy five or six sets at once?

Back at the hotel, the night finally passed so peacefully, but when the next day was early in the morning, when the sky was just getting bright, Li Bai's Tianxun rang with a rush of bells.

"What's the matter?" Li Bai said to Tianxun without opening his eyes, but there was a rush of voices coming from inside.

"Brother, Lin Tianfeng has already come to SIPG. He just sent me a message saying that he wants to see us at eight o'clock sharp. If we dare to be late, even if we don't get the formula of the elixir, he will tear up the tickets." I vented my anger." Chen Gong said anxiously.

"I'm going, what time is it?" Li Bai's spirit suddenly came to his senses, and his eyes widened.

"It's almost 06:30 now, and we don't have much time left." Li Bai looked at the Tianxun screen. Over there, Chen Gong was wearing his clothes anxiously while calling Li Bai.

It seems that they have just received the news, and they called Li Bai in a hurry.

"Day, Lin Tianfeng's skill is so good." Li Bai was holding [-] grasses in his heart. One and a half hours is very urgent, but he can definitely arrive just in time.

Not only did Lin Tianfeng advance the meeting time by two hours, but he also shortened their preparation time to just the right amount. He clearly wanted to catch them off guard, which is not a good show.

"We are here at the Whampoa Hotel, please hurry up and pick us up, we will start washing up immediately." Li Bai said to Chen Gong, and then hung up Tianxun to wake up Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi from their sleep.

Even if there were 1000 million reluctances, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi could only obediently get up to wash up, but within 10 minutes, the three of them appeared on the roadside outside the hotel.

Immediately, a car honked its horn on the side of the road, and Chen Gong stepped down from it, waving vigorously to the three of them.

Get in the car, close the door, start it up, everything is in a hurry.

In the extended version of the car, two men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses were already sitting in the back seats, and another of the same style was sitting in the co-pilot.

Chen Gong looked at Li Bai's casual clothes and frowned: "You really forgot to buy a suit, and you want me to buy it for you in advance."

As he spoke, the man in the back row handed Chen Gong a new set of clothes, and Chen Gong handed it to Li Bai.

What they discussed yesterday was to let Li Bai pretend to be Chen Gong's bodyguard, but because Li Bai had too much fun the night before, they forgot.

Li Bai didn't complain about Chen Gong's complaint, and quickly tore off the package, put on the suit, and at the same time, he didn't forget to ask Chen Gong: "Is your wife not here today?"

"What do you ask her to do? It can only add to my confusion." Chen Gong said a little angrily. After all, the whole thing started because his wife leaked her words.

"How long do we need to go?" Li Bai looked at the time, it was already past [-]:[-].

Chen Gong clenched his fist vigorously: "Fortunately, that guy reported early. If he catches up with the rush hour for work later, he will definitely not be able to make it within an hour."

Li Bai nodded, as long as there was enough time, he could just use this time to adjust the discomfort he felt from getting up in a hurry.

"Xiaoxin, Xiaoxi, are you two ready? Wait for a while, and start acting when you hear my order." Li Bai put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them and said, Jin Yan had already been summoned to act as them between communication devices.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi nodded vigorously, also a little excited.

When there were still about 5 minutes to drive, the car stopped. Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi got out of the car early, and they needed to walk towards the destination alone, so as not to be discovered by Lin Tianfeng's people in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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