The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2527 The Hidden Family

Chapter 2527 The Hidden Family
Hearing that Liang Yao finally couldn't hold back and started to ask herself, Li Bai's action of opening the door suddenly paused, a smug smile rose from the corner of his mouth, then he looked up at Liang Yao again, and said contemptuously: "Mind your own business and don't talk to strangers."

Li Bai said to Liang Yao, the door was opened in response, Li Bai pushed the door in, and closed the door again with a "bang", making Liang Yao's face very embarrassed.

What Li Bai said just now was clearly what he said to Li Bai before, unexpectedly, Li Bai finally found such an opportunity to return it to Liang Yao with tit for tat, which made Liang Yao embarrassed and angry.

"Let's go." At this moment, Liang Yao's wife took the key from Liang Yao's hand, opened the door, and walked into the dark room.

Liang Yao's wife's expression didn't seem to have much emotional fluctuations, and she seemed to be okay with her husband's embarrassment.

"Do you think what the man next door just said is true or not?" Liang Yao turned on the light and asked his wife.

Under the light, Liang Yao's wife took off her black clothes one by one, revealing her graceful figure inside, and another set of white clothes.

Under the milky white blouse, there was a beautiful fringe dotted around it, while on top of her pants, there were lines one after another, which seemed to be depicting some pattern.

If Li Bai can see it, oh no, Li Bai has already seen it, through Hei Yan's eyes.

Seeing Liang Yao's wife's outfit, Li Bai was a little shocked. Although he couldn't recognize where this outfit came from, Li Bai knew that the two must be from a certain family, and they were like Qin Yubing. A hermit family like the Qin family.

According to various signs from Liang Yao and his wife, the strength of this Liang family is definitely not weaker than that of the Qin family. More precisely, it should be able to crush a family like the Qin family.

When Li Bai entered the room just now, he was already smiling, because he had been wanting to talk to Liang Yao and get something out of his mouth, but unexpectedly he was looked down upon by others.

When Liang Yao asked him again, Li Bai's counterattack made Li Bai feel very happy, but at this time, after seeing Liang Yao's wife's attire, he couldn't be happier.

"It should be true. When he was calling Tianxun just now, I did hear another person's words a little bit. It is true." Liang Yao's wife said to Liang Yao, and then stretched lazily, Lying on the big bed without her clothes white.

"Don't think about it, whether this person is eligible to enter the venue will be known at the exchange conference tomorrow night. What are you in such a hurry for now?" Liang Yao's wife asked again.

But at this time, Liang Yao put her ears on the wall, quietly listening to the movement on the other side of the wall.

Li Bai, who saw all this through Hei Yan's eyes, hastily turned on the TV on the wall to make his side more noisy, while Liang Yao, who was on the other side of the wall, frowned when he heard the voice. head.

"I don't know. Anyway, I always feel that this person gives me a strange feeling. Let's be more careful when we meet him again." After Liang Yao finished speaking, she also took off her black coat, and also Another milky white dress was exposed, and I have to say, it still looked pretty.

After the two of them lay on the bed together, the room once again fell into silence. The couple had no more conversations and lay quietly, but within 2 minutes, they were already asleep up.

"How tiring is this?" Li Bai summoned Hei Yan back, and complained. The reason why he didn't let Hei Yan stay there was that the couple probably wouldn't tell what they knew. And Li Bai was afraid that they would discover the existence of Hei Yan.

After watching TV for a while bored, Li Bai turned it off again, not knowing what to do.

It's just after noon, but if he goes shopping alone, Li Bai doesn't have that leisurely mood. As for other entertainment measures, Li Bai doesn't really want to play.

But when Li Bai was struggling, things happened uninvited.

In the quiet air, there was a "thud" sound suddenly, and then there was a "click" sound from broken glass, which was the sound of glass breaking all over the ground.

Li Bai looked towards his window, it was still in good condition, and there was nothing wrong with it, which made Li Bai a little puzzled, they live on the fourth floor of the hotel, who can throw hard objects up , and smashed through other people's tempered glass.

Li Bai opened the window and looked outside, but happened to see Liang Yao who was also poking his head out from the next door.

"Do you know what happened?" Li Bai asked Liang Yao loudly, as if nothing happened just now.

And this time, Li Bai finally saw Liang Yao's appearance without sunglasses. I have to say, he still looks quite handsome.

Liang Yao originally didn't want to pay attention to Li Bai, but after Li Bai's nonchalant questioning, Liang Yao was too embarrassed to answer Li Bai's words, so she said to Li Bai: "Someone smashed our glass just now, who did you see?" Did you move your hand?"

Liang Yao asked Li Bai again, Li Bai shook his head, looked down, there was a puddle of broken glass scattered on the ground, fortunately no one was there, if someone passed by, there would definitely be a murder.

"I don't know, I just came out too, but don't worry, the hotel will definitely not let you compensate." Li Bai smiled at Liang Yao.

But at this moment, Li Bai suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

In the air, there was a faint sound of air vibration, Li Bai frowned, and subconsciously dodged to the left.

In the next second, there was a "pop", and in the room where Li Bai was, a hole the size of a finger appeared on the TV screen hanging on the wall.

"Bullets?!" Li Bai's heart sank suddenly. Unexpectedly, someone even used hot weapons to deal with him.

Although bullets are unlikely to cause too much damage to practitioners in terms of power or speed, but if they hit some thinner places, they are still easy to be injured.

Judging from the situation just now, it seems that someone wanted to be unfavorable to Li Bai. However, the person must have misremembered the room where Li Bai lived the first time, but when Li Bai exposed his head from the window, the other party still confirmed it. Li Bai's position, so the second attack came in an instant.

"Li Bai, are you alright?!" At this moment, someone knocked heavily on Li Bai's door. Li Bai went to open the door, but when he opened it, he saw Liang Yao standing outside.

"Are you okay?" Liang Yao seemed anxious and said to Li Bai.

This move moved Li Bai a little. After all, Liang Yao was still a stranger to him, but he cared so much about his safety.

"Someone must have tried to trouble me just now, but they missed it by accident. I am sorry for the trouble you have caused." Liang Yao said seriously to Li Bai, which made Li Bai a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, both of them thought that the other was the one who was really going to be victimized.

Liang Yao walked into the room, and immediately saw the hole on the TV screen, roughly judged the direction, and went to the balcony to look at the building opposite, and then said: "The bullet came from the opposite 23 If you want to take revenge, you'd better start with me now, otherwise, they will run away."

After Liang Yao finished speaking, he turned his head and left, but in reality, he returned to his room and put on his black suit before coming out again.

Li Bai also followed Liang Yao towards the opposite building. On the one hand, it was because he really wanted someone to treat him or Liang Yao. On the other hand, Li Bai really felt that he was a bit too boring.

"How do you know that those people are here to deal with you?"

"How do you know that the bullet was shot down from the 23rd floor opposite? After all, there is also the influence of wind speed. I'm afraid it's hard to judge, right?"

"So even if you're sure it's from the 23rd floor, can you find which room?"

Li Bai chased after Liang Yao, chattering and asking Liang Yao, but Liang Yao was very cold and ignored Li Bai.

When the two walked out of the hotel, the street outside was already surrounded by a crowd of passers-by, looking up at the fourth floor of the hotel, the room without windows.

The glass scum on the ground was still scattered on the ground, and no one dared to clean it up at this time.Some people wanted to find the perpetrator among the crowd, but everyone looked innocent, and it was impossible to tell who was the murderer.

Although everyone can be sure that the perpetrator is among the crowd.

Seeing such a scene, Liang Yao just glanced at it lightly, then continued to run towards the opposite building without stopping at all.

Li Bai could only follow, although the way the two of them were hurrying at this time was very strange in the eyes of others.

But at this moment, there were two more "ding ding" sounds, and two sparks visible to the naked eye appeared on the ground in the middle of the road.

"Fuck, these people are really daring!" The bullet fell right at his feet, but it didn't hit Li Bai, but it succeeded in arousing Li Bai's anger.

"Liang Yao, let's hurry up, they haven't left yet." Li Bai's speed increased all of a sudden, surpassing Liang Yao.

Liang Yao was a little startled, but at this moment she didn't have time to doubt anything, so she followed Li Bai into the building.

On the road, the scene was already in chaos, because of the bullets, everyone ran away in panic.

Among the crowd, one person showed a nervous expression, looked at the revolving door that was pushed and couldn't stop, and opened a Tianxun.

"Two people have gone up, you guys retreat quickly!"

After speaking, he actually evacuated first.

(End of this chapter)

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