Chapter 2624
Li Bai kept asking where Li Meng was going to eat at night, but Li Meng never told Li Bai, instead he kept telling Li Bai stories.

Li Meng said that when she was a child, her home was actually in Kyoto, but because of her father's business failure, she moved to Shengyang City, and when she was in Shengyang City, her father ushered in her second son. It was spring, so Li Meng became a carefree young lady again.

"Li Bai, do you know that I don't really have any dreams, I just want to spend the rest of my life with my friends, and I'd better find a boyfriend who loves me and loves me, so that I will be satisfied in this life." Li Bai As Meng spoke, she smiled sweetly at Li Bai, and Li Bai also smiled back. From the looks of it, Li Meng was still a child who hadn't experienced much in the world, and his whole person was as pure as a piece of white paper.

"Then I wish you to find that person as soon as possible." Li Bai blessed Li Meng, but after hearing Li Bai's words, Li Meng seemed a little unhappy again, "What's the matter?" Li Bai asked strangely.

Then Li Meng was about to cry again, and said to Li Bai very aggrieved: "Do you know why I came to Kyoto, to Qinglong University?"

Li Bai shook his head, quietly listening to Li Meng's narration.

"It's because of those stinky men. I've lived in Shengyang City for such a long time, but those stinky men in Shengyang City chased me all day long and annoyed me to death. That's why I came here From the capital." Li Meng said to Li Bai angrily, so that Li Bai didn't know what to say.

"It should be a good thing if someone is chasing you, right?" Li Bai said to Li Meng embarrassingly. Unexpectedly, the character of the eldest lady has become like this now, and she won't let others chase her.

"No, it would be fine if those people were the type I like, but they are all ugly, not as handsome as Li Bai." Li Meng said indiscriminately, which made Li Bai a little unhappy.The relationship between him and Li Meng is not enough to be joking. Although Li Meng is a rich lady, Li Bai doesn't intend to give in to Li Meng every time.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I mean you are much more handsome than them, really." Li Meng looked at Li Bai pitifully, Li Bai didn't say anything, just followed quietly Behind Li Meng, Li Meng was too embarrassed to speak again.

It was not until they reached a themed restaurant that Li Meng finally spoke.

"Okay, Li Bai, don't be angry, the place we booked is here." Li Meng said to Li Bai coquettishly.

"You?" Li Bai was taken aback, "Isn't it just the two of us?" Li Bai asked strangely.

"Oh, if you want to eat alone with me, come back next time." Li Meng couldn't help but push Li Bai's back, walked towards the inside, and soon entered a Hello Kitty theme room.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Bai heard the voices of Yingying and Yanyan, which surprised Li Bai, and when he took a closer look, there were actually four girls in the whole room.

"What, what's the situation?" Li Bai was dumbfounded, standing there not knowing what to do, while Li Meng closed the door, and then rushed towards the four girls.

"Sisters, do you miss my sister?" Li Meng seemed very happy to see them.

"Tch, although you have already gone to college, you are the youngest. If you call yourself your sister, be careful and we will take care of you!" The four girls gave Li Meng a middle finger in unison, expressing their disapproval. Li Meng's disdain.

That's how Li Bai found out that Li Meng is only 19 years old this year, and her girlfriends are still in their third year of high school.

"Xiaomeng, who is this man? Could it be that you brought your boyfriend to abuse the dog on purpose, didn't you?" A girl with eyes walked up to Li Meng and asked, but she didn't wait Li Meng replied that he took a Hello Kitty pillow and beat Li Meng vigorously, while the other girls also took advantage of the situation and made a big fuss at Li Meng.

Li Bai only felt that his current expression was expressionless, looking at the five girls who were fighting.Li Bai didn't even know why he followed Li Meng over.

"No, no, he is my elder brother, Li Bai." Finally, Li Meng escaped from the chaos, fled to Li Bai's side, hugged Li Bai's arm, and explained to her sisters.

"Uh, hello everyone, my name is Li Bai." Facing a group of strange women, Li Bai said awkwardly, looking a little unnatural.

However, after Li Bai finished introducing himself, he felt that Li Meng's sisters were not very satisfied.

"What's the matter, it's not your boyfriend, it made us excited for nothing, and thought you were out of the order." Another cute girl with pigtails said, and at this time, the faces of all of them It's all red.

It was after Li Meng's introduction again that Li Bai finally figured out the situation.

It turned out that the other four girls in the room were all Li Meng's best friends when she was a child. Although Li Meng went to Shengyang City later, they kept in touch all the time. This time they finally returned to Kyoto again. Naturally, they wanted to get together But Li Bai was an accident.

"Can I go now? I won't participate in your girlfriends' gathering." Li Bai said quietly to Li Meng, but Li Meng sternly refused: "You have clearly promised me, how can you go back on your word? "

There was no other way, Li Bai had no choice but to sit awkwardly among the girls, listening to them telling stories about their childhood and after separation, Li Bai just buried his head in his meal and didn't want to get involved with them at all.

"Brother Li Bai, may I ask, do you have a girlfriend again?" Just after the girls burst into laughter, the girl wearing glasses from before suddenly approached Li Bai and asked Li Bai.

Li Bai naturally has a girlfriend, or to be more precise, he now has two wives and two girlfriends.

However, before Li Bai could speak, Li Meng said first, "No, my brother has been single for more than 20 years, and he has always wanted to find a girlfriend." Li Meng winked at Li Bai as she spoke. With squinting eyes, Li Bai knew that she wanted to have fun, so he had no choice but to act with Li Meng.

"Brother, these four people, which one do you like? They are all single." Li Meng said to Li Bai with a wicked smile, and then glanced at the other four girls, and they started pushing and shoving together When he got up, he wanted to let Li Bai know him, but he didn't want to.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to find a girlfriend when my career hasn't developed yet." Li Bai could only refuse in this way, not wanting to spoil their good anger.

However, after saying these words, the eyes of several girls looking at him became even hotter. Maybe it's because boys who are handsome, have a career, and are so aloof are very rare.

"Wow, so handsome. If I can marry such a boy, I will be satisfied for the rest of my life." Another girl said like a nympho.

However, what happened next surprised Li Bai. In front of Li Bai, they let go even more, and kept "harassing" Li Bai, making Li Bai very annoying. In the end, Li Bai couldn't help it. He stood up with a "Teng", and then looked at Li Meng.

"I'm sorry, it's very late, thank you for your hospitality today, I have to go home to compensate my wife." Li Bai said to Li Meng very unhappy, then turned his head and left the room.

Li Bai's sudden outburst made all the girls at a loss, and they all looked at Li Meng: "Didn't you just say that your brother doesn't have a girlfriend? Why does he have a wife now?"

How did Li Meng know? After thinking about it, she remembered that there was indeed a girl sitting next to Li Bai during the class meeting that day.

"Hate, hate, hate!" Li Meng was acting like a spoiled child while going crazy, but it was her girlfriends who started to comfort her.

At this time, Li Bai had already walked downstairs. Li Bai regretted the commotion that night, and if he knew it earlier, he would not have allowed Li Meng to come to dinner.Thinking of this, Li Bai felt even more guilty towards Mu Xiaoting.

Li Bai walked downstairs quickly. When he walked out of the door, he saw a few cars parked by the side of the road. At the same time, there were a few boys in strange clothes standing by the side of the road. Looking at it, it can be easily seen that they are just a bunch of high school students.

When Li Bai passed by them, Li Bai heard some conversations between them clearly.

"The flowers in our class are upstairs. Do you want to go up to find them now? This is already the last semester of high school. If we don't get rid of them, we may still have no chance." A young man The man lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, and said to several of his partners.

"Don't worry, I've asked my friends inside to find their rooms, and I'll be up in a while." Another man said again.

Hearing this, Li Bai decided that these boys were the classmates of Li Meng's girlfriends.

However, Li Bai didn't intend to take care of this matter. Since those girls wanted to get out of the singles so much, then give these boys a chance. After all, Li Bai believed that every boy was like them when they were young. There was also a period of time to kill Matt.

However, after a burst of footsteps sounded, Li Bai's footsteps stopped again.

"They're in the Katie-themed room. I've just delivered the drugged drinks up. Are you going up now? Or later? It's all fine, without the permission of the people inside, the people outside are Can't get in."

Li Bai turned his head to look, and a boy dressed as a waiter said to those high school students.

"Of course we have to go up now, otherwise they won't even know who their husband is." The boy with the cigarette butt in his mouth threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with the sole of his shoe, and then led the other three boys toward Go upstairs.

"There are five girls in the room, can you reward me with one?" Unexpectedly, the waiter said again.

After the five men smiled obscenely, they walked upstairs together, and Li Bai followed behind them.

Although Li Bai didn't like those girls, he didn't really hate them either. They were just playing crazy just now, and they were good in nature.

Therefore, Li Bai naturally couldn't let these flowery girls be poisoned by these men with impure hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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