The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2634 please save us

Chapter 2634 please save us

Fan Yu looked at Li Bai with a calm face, but the killing intent in his heart was even more intense. If Li Bai's purpose was really what he thought, or rather, no matter whether Li Bai thought that way or not, for the sake of Thai Bar, and for Mr. Si, this person must be killed to avoid future troubles.

"Boy, I think you don't want to live." Fan Yu looked at Li Bai coldly, and snorted, "Get him out of here!" The younger brothers surrounded by the two rushed towards Li Bai together at this time, some of them went to pull Mary Sue away, and the other directly waved their fists and attacked Li Bai.

Looking at this group of people who were overconfident, Li Bai smiled, and he didn't know who gave them the confidence to dare to challenge the majesty of his Nascent Soul with the strength of a true qi fighter.

Fan Yu looked at Li Bai who was surrounded by his younger brothers, and sneered in his heart. Before he came, this man was under siege, and he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.If I take Li Bai captive, not only can I enjoy Mary Su's body again tonight, but if I hand Li Bai over to Mrs. Si, I might even get some rewards.Wouldn't it be nice to kill two birds with one stone.

Fan Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and blinked his eyes triumphantly, but when he opened his eyes again, he froze in place as if he had been cast a body-holding spell.

The little brothers who had besieged Li Bai aggressively just now were all lying on the ground at this time, and when they looked up at Li Bai, he seemed as if nothing had happened, with a faint smile, and put his arms around Mary. Su was by his side.

"It's really in the blink of an eye." Fan Yu murmured, the idea that this man should not be messed with came to his mind uncontrollably.

"I'm only in my 20s, and I haven't lived enough. If you have lived enough, I don't mind helping you on your way." At this moment, Li Bai let go of the arm that was protecting Marysu just now, and turned towards Fan Yu came here, with a smile on his mouth, but in Fan Yu's view, it was so evil.

"I, I haven't lived enough, don't kill me, don't kill me." Fan Yu's aura just now was weakened all of a sudden, his majesty was gone, and he stepped back again and again, but he didn't dare to run away at all.He knew that if he really ran away, he would be directly killed by Li Bai instead.

"Since you want to live, why don't you go out with me?" Li Bai looked at Fan Yu with a smile. Since Fan Yu has become like this now, if you ask some words from his mouth, then It couldn't be easier.

After hearing these words, Fan Yu's body visibly trembled, and he was suddenly more and more sure that Li Bai came to investigate their details, otherwise, he would not have made such a request.

However, Fan Yu also knew that Lord Si had also warned him that if someone asked about the real owner of the Thai bar, he could not say a word, otherwise, he would die a miserable death.After all, Fan Yu had already experienced that kind of spiritual pain once.

"Brother, big brother, can you let me go to the toilet first, I, I am urgent to pee." Fan Yu suddenly said in pain while clutching his crotch, it seemed that it really happened for a while.

"You are limited to come back within 3 minutes. If you don't, I don't mind smashing your bar." Li Bai said to Fan Yu, and Fan Yu hurried away.

The matter here seems to have come to an end, and the other guests looked at Li Bai one after another, showing awe and admiration.In their view, Li Bai's actions are undoubtedly asking for trouble, because in this Thai-style bar, there have been some incidents of guests counterattacking the people who watched the scene before, but in the end, those people seemed to be attacked. It's time for retribution.

Well, using the word retribution to describe it should be more appropriate.

Li Bai and Mary Su sat on the same chair again and waited. Mary Su looked at Li Bai with a grateful expression, "Little handsome guy, if it wasn't for you just now, I might have suffered."

Mary Su said this to Li Bai, but suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and hurriedly covered her mouth again.

"Oh, I know, you can't charge in front of Fan Yu." Li Bai said indifferently, this news was naturally also found out by Chen Feiyu's investigation.However, Marysu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Li Bai in horror, as if she had been completely seen through.

Li Bai didn't explain to Marysu how he got the news, because at this moment, his Tianxun bell rang again, and when he opened it, it was Chen Feiyu who finally sent the latest information to Li Bai.

The last part of the documents belonged to the guests that Marysu had received. Because he wanted to understand the truth of the matter strongly, Li Bai still couldn't hold back, and immediately opened the file package and began to read.

And the result this time made Li Bai also feel a little shocked, because in the past two months, in about [-] days, Mary Su actually received a total of [-] guests. That's an average rate of one every three days.

Li Bai didn't want to think about Mary Su's problems, but what surprised and shocked Li Bai was that after Mary Su received these people, everyone, without any exception, disappeared for a day or two. After reappearing, he also knew nothing about his disappearance.

However, some of the guests, such as the big man just now, have never had such a situation after the first time.

Among them, what is the connection?Li Bai scratched his head, but couldn't figure it out.Although all of this happened to Mary Su, looking at Mary Su's appearance, she didn't seem to know much about it.And if Mary Su really knew, she might report it after she asked this question.

Therefore, Li Bai had no choice but to suppress the strong curiosity in his heart, and glanced at Mary Su, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Little handsome guy, are we still waiting for him? It's been 10 minutes." Noticing that Li Bai was looking at her, Mary Su also came back to her senses, glanced at the time, and said to Li Bai.

Only then did Li Bai remember that this Fan Yu went to the bathroom and ignored his order "come back in 3 minutes". This made Li Bai feel a little angry and punched the table hard. Really dare to do it.

"Little handsome guy." Seeing Li Bai's sudden anger, Mary Su's body also trembled, a little frightened, "You don't know, you are really going to smash the bar." Mary Su looked at Li Bai worriedly, afraid He really does.If the Thai bar was really smashed, wouldn't she have no way of making money.

"Let's go." Li Bai got up and walked outside the bar.Li Bai knew very well that even if he really smashed the bar, that Fan Yu would definitely not dare to show up again, and the man in the photo might not be found anymore.

Marysu followed behind Li Bai, feeling very happy in her heart. After all, she could vividly remember the scene where Li Bai subdued so many people just now, which means that although Li Bai looks thin and thin, he actually looks quite strong of.Thinking of this, Mary Su just forgot the resentment yesterday, and began to imagine the situation tonight.

Marysu was more familiar with the matter of opening a room. She brought Li Bai to a nearby hotel, and took the elevator upstairs without even going to the counter to say anything.

As for Mary Su's initiative, Li Bai will naturally not have any response. He and Mary Su came here only because Li Bai wanted to experience the feeling of being missing for himself. The messenger behind the disappearance.

"Little handsome guy, come on, I want it." Mary Su lay on the bed, constantly teasing Li Bai's lust, but what she didn't expect was that Li Bai walked around behind her, just when Mary Su thought Li Bai would do something to her. When something happened, there was a heavy blow on the neck, and Mary Su passed out on the bed.

"It's quiet now." Li Bai said with a sigh of relief, then arranged Marysu's body, and lay on the bed himself, quietly waiting for that strange thing to happen.

However, what Li Bai didn't expect was that this night, which was supposed to be stormy and stormy, passed peacefully. Until the next morning, Li Bai didn't wait for anyone or strange things to happen to him. .

Li Bai was very confused. Could it be that some of his intentions had already been guessed by that Fan Yu, so he had notified his immediate superior, or the messenger behind the disappearance of those people?

It seems that this method can no longer be used, so I can only think of a new method.Li Bai got out of bed and was about to get out of bed and leave, but at this moment, his hand was suddenly grabbed by Marysu.

"Little handsome guy, can you do me a favor?" Mary Su had woken up a few hours ago, but she had been lying quietly all the time. She naturally knew that Li Bai didn't touch her last night, which made her Mary Su was very moved. It seemed that it had been a long time since she had seen such a man.

"What can you do for me? Do you want to make money for you?" Li Bai looked back at Marysu and smiled softly.

"No, it's not." Marysu said to Li Bai as if she was about to cry, "Please, help me, and my sisters, we really don't want to stay in this ghost place any longer. "

While talking, Marysu burst into tears, which surprised Li Bai. After all, in Li Bai's opinion, this kind of woman is heartless, and generally won't cry.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say. If you don't say anything, I'm leaving now." Seeing that Marysu was still crying, Li Bai urged again.

Marysu wiped away her tears and spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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