The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2655 This is a conspiracy

Chapter 2655 This is a conspiracy

In the first room, Li Bai stayed a little longer because he went to understand the background story of the escape room.However, when Li Bai saw what was described on the task card, he felt a little dumbfounded.

The background story of this secret room escape turned out to be based on what happened between their Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company and Harbin Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory at that time.

In this story, Harbin Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory is a down-and-out company, making disdainful efforts to return to the forefront of the industry. However, the wicked Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company is obstructing the progress of Harbin Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory everywhere. , Constantly attacked the No. [-] Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory, so that the No. [-] Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory finally collapsed, and the person in charge of the No. [-] Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory also became a ghost.

In this escape room story, the role played by Li Bai is the wronged soul, and his purpose is to kill Li Bai and avenge himself.

This kind of story design really made Li Bai feel funny, pretending to be another person, and then killing himself?It's just a game, how could Li Bai really commit suicide?

After a while of groping in the room, Li Bai quickly found the location of the organ. After emptying out the water on a table, put it in place, and the next door will open.

What surprised Li Bai was that when the water in the quilt was poured on the ground, there was a corrosive sound and a puff of white smoke, which caught Li Bai off guard.

Only then did Li Bai realize that the water in the cup was obviously concentrated sulfuric acid.

However, Li Bai didn't care about these questions, he hurried into the second room.

When entering the second room, Li Bai saw three unconscious security guards tied up in a cage, and at this moment, they were slowly ascending.

"Li Bai, I keep my word. If you fail a test, I will let a group of people go. So these three people are safe now, so you don't have to worry about them." At this time, the strange person from before The sound came from a corner of the room again. Li Bai followed the sound and looked for it, and found that it was a stereo.

After the three security guards had completely disappeared into the second room, the man's voice sounded again.

"Next, you have to act on your own. I will wait for you in the last room. However, it would be a pity if you died in the first few rooms." The man provoked The voice came again, which made Li Bai feel uncomfortable for a while.

And in this second room, Li Bai also understood what the man said just now, "if he died in the first few rooms" meant exactly.

When Li Bai was looking for the mechanism in the second room, in order to try out the correct mechanism, he had to touch possible things, and after each touch, some accidents would appear in this room.For example, a steel thorn suddenly protrudes from the sole of the foot, or a large net suddenly falls from the sky, what's more, sometimes a swarm of poisonous bees will appear.

If Li Bai's reaction was not fast enough, it would be like being caught by these things. Although Li Bai would not die, he might not be able to get out of the secret room, thus hurting innocent people.

In the third room, two employees were rescued; in the fourth room, a middle manager was rescued; in the fifth room, the second middle manager was rescued...

And when Li Bai came to the sixth room, he already felt that his vision became darker. This was not because of the light in the room, but because of the objects Li Bai opened when he was in the first few rooms. A puff of smoke suddenly spewed out from the box. Although Li Bai dodged and closed his eyes in time, he was still sprayed a little.

Although it didn't affect Li Bai's actions, but his sight was blocked, which made Li Bai very uncomfortable.

The sixth room is also the last room, as long as you pass through here, the last hostage, Zhao Qiang, will be rescued.

Li Bai took two heavy breaths, and then saw clearly the scene in the last room.

The sixth room has a particularly simple layout, that is, in the center, there is a Chinese medicine wooden figure used for studying acupuncture points.On the wall of the room, Li Bai quickly saw the requirements of this level.

After untold hardships, the wronged soul finally arrested Li Bai. He wanted Li Bai to die, but he didn't want to torture Li Bai, but planned to use acupuncture to give Li Bai a fatal blow.However, Yuanhun only has the last trace of strength left at this time, so he only has one chance, if he fails, then he will die.

Li Bai quickly understood what it meant, that is to say, the other party asked him to stick a silver needle into a certain acupuncture point of the wooden man. His mission will fail.

Li Bai looked at the wooden man quietly and did not move for a long time.

It's not that Li Bai doesn't know where the Achilles' heel of the human body is, but Li Bai is wondering what the person who set up this checkpoint means.

But at this moment, the man's voice sounded again.

"In the last room, you only have 5 minutes to think. Now, the countdown begins." The man's voice sounded, but there was no timer in the room.

"Shall I check the time myself?" Li Bai smiled softly, then picked up the silver needle from the wooden figure, thought for a while, and stabbed towards the Tanzhong acupoint on the wooden figure's chest.

The silver needle slowly entered the Tanzhong acupoint, but in the next second, it suddenly seemed to be popped out by some spring, because the distance was too close and the speed was too fast, and Li Bai's attention was already quite sluggish. Concentrated, so this silver needle seemed to have eyes, and it also pierced into the Tanzhong acupoint on Li Bai's chest.

Li Bai's expression instantly became extremely painful, and it was only at this time that he realized that the setting of this wooden figure turned out to be as tall as himself.

At this time, there was another sound of mechanism turning, and the door leaving the seventh room was finally opened.Li Bai endured the great pain on his body and walked towards that room.

However, to Li Bai's surprise, after walking out of the sixth room, he did not leave the villa, but entered a small room again, and in this room, Zhao Qiang was lying on a big net in pain. Among them, he was slowly leaving the seventh room.

"Unexpectedly, you really cleared the customs. It took me several months to design the mechanism here." At this moment, the man's voice sounded again, and this Once, it didn't come from the stereo, but it was near Li Bai, and it sounded a little familiar.

With a "click", on the wall without a door, a whole piece of the wall suddenly protruded and moved to the side, and then a man appeared there.

"It's you?!" Li Bai tried his best to see the murderer, but he was shocked to find that this person was actually the person he had always believed in, the security captain of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, Zhou Xu!

Zhou Xu walked into the room with a sneer, and the stone door behind him closed again: "How about Boss Li Bai, are you surprised? Is it because I can't figure it out that the real murderer is me?" Zhou Xu sneered Then, he stood not far from Li Bai and looked at Li Bai. His eyes were like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Why, why?!" Li Bai asked in shock. Because of the extreme loss of strength, he leaned against the wall weakly, and then sat on the ground, just staring at Zhou Xu, his eyes full of dissatisfaction. Willingly.

"Why? Didn't I tell you in the story you cleared just now? Because you brought down Harbin Pharmaceutical Seventh Factory." Zhou Xu said coldly.

"What does that have to do with you? Are you Lin Tianfeng's son?" Li Bai asked in pain, but Zhou Xu shook his head, then slowly raised his right hand, grabbed his neck, and gently With a slight pull upward, a human head mask was torn off.

"Now, you should know who I am, right?" Zhou Xu, who had been wearing a human skin mask for more than two months, can finally take it off at this moment, and Zhou Xu under the mask, isn't Is it Zhou Xu from Harbin Zhou's family?

"It turned out to be you?!" Li Bai looked very surprised. To be more precise, he was really surprised at this time. He didn't expect that Zhou Xu from the Zhou family would come to the capital all the way. , wanting to get rid of him.

"That's right, it's me." Zhou Xu said lightly, and suddenly burst into anger again, "Li Bai, you may not know that because you brought down Harbin Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory, our Zhou family treated Tongxiang Liang The family's plan had to be interrupted, so we had to get rid of you, a scourge."

Li Bai snorted coldly: "If you want to kill me, just do it right away. Are you tired after going around such a big circle?" Li Bai said weakly, a little out of breath.

Zhou Xu snorted coldly, and did not explain this problem to Li Bai. One reason was that they would not be able to defeat Li Bai in a direct confrontation, and the other reason was that they wanted to get rid of Li Bai. In fact, there was only him, Zhou Xu. Just one.

"Li Bai, you may have felt it too. When you came to this room, you were actually walking towards death step by step." At this time, Zhou Xu's expression was full of a tricky smile, "After the first few I just set up the hidden weapons in the room casually, and I knew it would definitely not work, and that's exactly what happened."

Zhou Xu began to pace up and down the room, and said very relaxedly: "However, what you may not have noticed is that the whole room has always been filled with a faint smell. To tell you the truth, it is our A kind of poison unique to the Zhou family, the longer you smell it, the faster your physical strength will disappear, but I didn't expect that you have persisted here and still have strength."

"Of course it's more than that. I've set up some other poisons in other rooms, but I won't introduce them to you. However, I still have to tell you about my nirvana." Having said this, Zhou Xu paused After a while, he walked up to Li Bai with a smile, kicked Li Bai's body, and said after making sure that Li Bai had no strength to resist.

"It's the silver needle."

(End of this chapter)

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