The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2662 This is just the beginning

Chapter 2662 This is just the beginning

Li Bai knew the opponent's strength the moment the waiter gave birth to the sword. He was just a young man who had just entered the golden core stage, so his sword energy was naturally not going anywhere.However, because Li Bai was carrying two girls, his movements were greatly restricted.

A venomous look flashed in the male waiter's eyes, as if he had seen the scene of the sword energy piercing Li Bai's body.However, in the next second, the sword energy brushed across Li Bai's body without causing any harm to Li Bai, and the two girls on Li Bai's shoulders had disappeared.

Seeing this, the male waiter was shocked: "The information is wrong!" As he said that, he wanted to turn around and rush into the flames again, so as to confuse Li Bai's sight.

However, how could Li Bai let him succeed, the soul consciousness enveloped the male waiter in an instant, and the violent soul consciousness attack immediately landed on the male waiter, making the male waiter freeze in place as if his machine had crashed instantly.

It was just that when the male waiter fell down, he seemed to have accidentally touched the buttons of the remote control, so that several explosions occurred again in the western restaurant.

However, Li Bai took the risk of getting injured, rescued the male waiter, and threw him in the parking lot of the western restaurant.

At this time, everyone gathered outside the western restaurant to watch the excitement, so there was no one in the parking lot, which was suitable for Li Bai's interrogation.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Li Bai said, and kicked the male waiter on the waist, because the reason for the injury was just hit by a stone, so Li Bai kicked the male waiter again. It hurts so much.

"I don't know." Unexpectedly, the male waiter said very stubbornly, and showed a sinister smile at Li Bai, "Li Bai, do you think this is the end? This is just the beginning. I gave you food before." That thing is not a seasoning, but a poison."

Li Bai's face darkened, and he carefully felt the situation in his body. Sure enough, a feeling of wanting to vomit came to his heart.

"Hahahaha." The male waiter burst into a burst of arrogant laughter, "Don't struggle, unless you have an antidote, otherwise, this feeling of vomiting will always exist, and it will happen every hour until You vomit all your guts out."

Li Bai's eyes became more serious, and he touched the male waiter, but found no antidote.

"Why, didn't you kill me? I don't know who gave the order, I just completed the task according to the plan, but don't think too much about it, those bombs were just installed by me temporarily." Male service When life and death were approaching, I kindly reminded Li Bai.

Li Bai took an angry breath, and his soul consciousness enveloped the male waiter again, searching for his memory.What Li Bai didn't expect was that the male waiter really only got an order. As for who gave the order, who he is, and why he has aura, there is no information at all.

Li Bai naturally wouldn't keep such a person, he killed him directly in the parking lot, and threw him back into the flames of the western restaurant.

Although Li Bai also felt uncomfortable about his abnormality, he could still bear it, but what worried Li Bai was Mu Xiaoting and Xia Meng. Xiaoting.

Therefore, when Li Bai released the two girls from the Qiankun ring, Xia Meng had already vomited herself into a mess, and of course, Mu Xiaoting was not much better.

"I'm sorry, I offended you." Li Bai first took off Mu Xiaoting's coat, and then did the same to Xia Meng.Then, the two girls who were only wearing thin T-shirts were left on their shoulders and quickly came to a nearby hotel.

"Get a room, right away!" Li Bai shouted to the counter lady, in fact, the counter lady would have done the same without him, because the smell of the three of them was really bad.

Li Bai quickly carried the second daughter into the room, but he didn't try to remove this strange poison, because he had tried it just now, and he didn't even know why the poison on his body couldn't be removed.

Just when Li Bai was about to throw the two girls into the bathtub, Mu Xiaoting finally regained consciousness.

"Husband, you should rest for a while, the two of us, I'll take care of it." Mu Xiaoting said, and then pushed Li Bai out of the bathroom, which made Li Bai angry and helpless, and it was at this time, Mu Xiaoting was still trying to avoid suspicion.

As a last resort, Li Bai had no choice but to throw all his soiled clothes on the ground, and lay quietly on the bed, thinking about what happened tonight.

First of all, there is a very strange point, why did the waiter appear there? According to him, those bombs were temporarily pressed.

Li Bai did not tell anyone about his whereabouts tonight. Director Lin Chong and Liu Meng only knew that they were going to eat, where, and when. This was something that Li Bai hadn't even confirmed. How did the other party know?
There is another point that makes Li Bai very strange, because the male waiter is obviously a cultivator, one of the four major families of cultivation, and a casual cultivator, and why did he do anything to Li Bai and the two girls? Li Bai is very strange.

And at this moment, Liu Meng sent another text message, telling Li Bai that she was going home, and the reason why some things were delayed on the way was because Liu Feng was busy.

Li Bai was a little surprised by this matter, Liu Feng had always wanted to attack him, Li Bai knew about it, but if everything that happened tonight was imposed on Liu Feng, it would be unjustifiable.This made Li Bai fall into deep doubts.

There is also that poison, which cannot be forced out with spiritual energy. What is it, it is so powerful.

Just when Li Bai was puzzled, the bathroom door finally opened, and two girls wearing bath towels came out of the bathroom.

Li Bai's thoughts had to stop, and his gaze involuntarily moved to the exposed parts of the two beauties.

Very white, very tender, slender, plump.

The above are all Li Bai's comments on Xia Meng, on the contrary, Mu Xiaoting, who she already knew well, lost a bit in this respect.

Sure enough, mature women are more attractive.Li Bai thought to himself, but was directly crushed by Mu Xiaoting.

"Don't look, don't look!" After Mu Xiaoting finally let Li Bai go, she also quickly got into the bed and threw the towel on the ground.

Li Bai stood up, looking at the two girls lying side by side on the bed, he felt dry mouth for a while, under the big quilt, at this moment, there must be two naked bodies.

"No, no, you are trying to seduce me. I have to be stronger." Li Bai quickly closed his eyes and went into the bathroom. He really wanted to have something with Mu Xiaoting, but he couldn't do it in front of Xia Meng. face it.

After having some tenderness with his right-hand wife, Li Bai finally walked out of the bathroom, and looked at the time, it turned out that it took half an hour, which made Li Bai also have to admire himself.

However, at this time, there was a burst of sweet scenes in the room. Mu Xiaoting and Xia Meng were laying on the bedside and retching at the same time, but the quilts on them slipped off a little.

Such a request made Li Bai a little embarrassed, and he didn't know whether he should go up to help.

"Husband, why are you still standing there!" At this moment, Mu Xiaoting yelled at Li Bai, and then wrapped Xia Meng with a quilt to cover it up, but she was exposed to Li Bai's sight.

"Don't look, think of a way!" Mu Xiaoting yelled at Li Bai again, and Li Bai came back to his senses. Medicinal pill, find a medicinal pill called Qingxin Pill, and give it to the two of them separately.

"This kind of heart-cleaning pill can only last for one day at a time, but the effect will get worse every time you don't use it. So it's not a long-term solution." Li Bai looked at the two extremely weak girls who got under the covers again, and felt a little He said distressedly, after thinking about it, he still didn't tell them the overbearing nature of the poison.

"We can only find an antidote as soon as possible, or other solutions." Li Bai murmured, then went to collect their dirty clothes and took them downstairs to wash.When they came up again, the two girls had already fallen asleep.

Naturally, Li Bai wouldn't do something to take advantage of others' danger, he just lay down on the floor, ready to fall into a deep sleep, but, less than 5 minutes after Li Bai turned off the lights, a head suddenly appeared from above Li Bai's head.

It was Mu Xiaoting again.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Li Bai asked in a strange voice.

"Xia Meng is already asleep." Mu Xiaoting shushed Li Bai, then slowly got out of bed and sat on Li Bai's body, "We have to be quiet."

Li Bai also smiled badly, he naturally understood what Mu Xiaoting meant, but what neither of them knew was that Xia Meng could clearly hear their slight voices.

The next day, at dawn, Xia Meng didn't seem to have slept well.

"Big star, why don't I ask the leader for a vacation for you, so that he can just postpone the shooting." Li Bai said to Xia Meng. At this time, Xia Meng's eyes were surrounded by faint dark circles.

"No need!" Xia Meng gritted her teeth and said to Li Bai, then drove Li Bai to the bathroom and put on her own clothes.

"Put it on quickly, we have to continue shooting today!" Xia Meng said to Li Bai fiercely again, but at this time, Li Bai was covering his little brother.

"I said, can you avoid it for a while, it makes me so shy." Li Bai said helplessly to Xia Meng, at this moment, he was only wearing a pair of underwear.

Having said this, Xia Meng blushed suddenly, and then hurried out of the room.

An hour later, the three of them showed up on the set on time, which made Lin Chong very strange.

"Why did the three of you come here together?" Lin Chong looked at Xia Meng and asked.

"By the way, can't you? Still shoot or not, I'll go home if I don't." Xia Meng still said to Lin Chong in her blunt tone, which made Lin Chong very speechless, thinking that Xia Meng had taken gunpowder.

However, Lin Chong soon felt relieved, because Xia Meng was still the actress Xia Meng when filming.

(End of this chapter)

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