Chapter 2666
Both of them seemed to want to say something to each other, but on the way back to Xia Meng's house, both of them were surprisingly quiet.It was very dark, the headlights were dim, and even the breath of the two of them felt a little embarrassed.

However, in the end Xia Meng spoke first: "Turn left ahead and you will be there."

Xia Meng's reaction made Li Bai very speechless, thinking that she would say something to him, but unexpectedly, the topic was opened in such a way.

"Back home, are you alone?" Li Bai still decided to say something to Xia Meng.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Why don't you come to my house too?" Xia Meng turned her head to look at Li Bai, with a hesitant look in her eyes.

"Oh no, no, in that case I will be beaten to death by my wife." Li Bai quickly refused. Everyone knows that things like going up and sitting are just talking, and if you really go up and sit, then Chances are it's more than just "sit".

Hearing what Li Bai said, a trace of loneliness flashed across Xia Meng's face, but it was quickly covered by her smile: "Let me just say, how could such a good man like you do such a beastly thing." Xia Meng Said arrogantly, let Li Bai not know what to do.

The car turned left at the intersection, Li Bai parked the car on the side of the road: "Hey, good night." Li Bai smiled at Xia Meng and said softly.

Xia Meng also said goodbye with a smile, opened the car door, and when she was about to get out of the car, she suddenly paused.

"I..." Xia Meng said, but behind his ears, Li Bai said the same thing.This surprised Xia Meng, and closed the car door again.

The two struggled again, but this time, it was Xia Meng who was brave again.

"Li Bai, I want to ask you a question. During filming this afternoon, did you already know that those five people were kidnappers?" Xia Meng asked in a low voice, and glanced at Li Bai, who was nodding.

"That's not it, otherwise you think I will really cut myself." Li Bai pouted and said, pretending to be very indifferent.

Hearing this sentence, a hint of surprise flashed across Xia Meng's face, and when she wanted to say something, Li Bai said in advance: "However, big star, you must not think too much, at that time I just wanted to Saving your life is not to take advantage of you while taking advantage of others."

Li Bai explained to Xia Meng again, as if he was eager to clear up the relationship between himself and Xia Meng.This made Xia Meng open his mouth slightly, but he didn't know how to continue.

What Xia Mengmeng told Li Bai was that at the very end, when she hugged Li Bai tightly, she suddenly realized that she fell in love with Li Bai.Xia Mengmeng wanted to tell him, but Li Bai reacted like this.

"Oh, that's it." Xia Meng bit her lip, clenched her fists, and then got out of the car, "Then, good night, we will meet later."

Xia Meng said to Li Bai, but tears were shining in her eyes, what will happen later?If there is no intersection between the two, it should be that there will be no future.

Li Bai started the car again and returned the same way, but at this time he was also a little lonely, he didn't know what was wrong with him, could it be that he was still a bit reluctant to part with this woman who was three years older than him?

Li Bai shook his head vigorously, trying to forget about these children's love, after all, Li Bai has been involved in other things recently.However, the less Li Bai thought about it, the clearer Xia Meng's figure became.

Fortunately, a ringtone from Tianxun saved Li Bai from this state. Li Bai slowed down and connected to Tianxun. It was Jiang Gu.

"Has the matter been dealt with?" Li Bai looked at Jiang Gu and asked, but saw Jiang Gu's expression showing distress.

"Dragon King, I'm really sorry, this matter can't be completed." Jiang Gu nodded and said to Li Bai, which surprised Li Bai.This is just a matter of revoking the driver's license information. Why can't Huaxia Longwei solve it?
"I have already contacted the traffic police team. I heard that a leader there has been suppressing this matter and won't let me deal with it. Then I went to find the little leader. He told me that there are more The big leader is suppressing him." Jiang Gu explained to Li Bai, as if saying a tongue twister.

Li Bai was almost speechless. He didn't expect that so many people could be involved in just a matter of revoking his driver's license, so he quickly interrupted Jiang Gu's words and asked directly: "So who is doing the trick in the end? Have you checked it out?"

Jiang Gu nodded, and then told Li Bai that the biggest government official that could be involved in this matter was a man named Liu Ruicheng.

"Liu Ruicheng? What kind of person is this? I've never heard of it." Li Bai frowned. After thinking about it, he really didn't have the impression of such a No. [-] person in his mind.

"Dragon King, you don't care much about politics. It's understandable for you not to know these people." Jiang Gu excused Li Bai, and then said again, "This Liu Ruicheng is the number one person in the capital city government. His position is The deputy mayor of Kyoto City is about to change his term, so he should be the next mayor, if there are no accidents."

Jiang Gu introduced to Li Bai, but Li Bai was even more surprised.He has always been active in the business world, and has never been involved in politics. When did he provoke such a big man, Li Bai was puzzled.

"So? What should I do now? I'm still driving without a license." Li Bai asked Jiang Gudao helplessly. Naturally, he can also learn how to deal with Zhang Yuhan and his Zhangjiazhai last time, and directly threaten this Liu In Ruicheng, however, the difficulty has increased by more than a little bit.

After all, this is in Kyoto, not in the remote Miaojia City.

"Dragon King, don't worry, I will think of a way. If we only talk about the official position, he is one level higher than me." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai very apologetically, which made Li Bai feel emotional again. In a word, the official rank crushes people to death.

"Okay, okay, anyway, generally speaking, no one checks the car. It's just a coincidence that today I drove a car without a license plate. I can only blame me for being unlucky." Li Bai said helplessly, but he didn't think of it either. , what happened today is not a coincidence, but someone deliberately designed him.

Going home, going to sleep, opening your eyes, getting up, another night passed.

The filming of the TV series has been finished, so Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting's class can start together again, but when the two came to the school gate together, Li Bai suddenly thought of a very serious problem, that is, Mu Xiaoting Xiaoting and Liu Meng are two people.

Mu Xiaoting had already made it clear to Li Bai that she didn't like Liu Meng very much, so if Liu Meng saw Li Bai in class later, she would definitely sit next to her.If that's the case, Li Bai doesn't know if the two women will fight when they meet, anyway, what Li Bai knows is that he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Li Bai scratched his hair with a tangled expression, and the next second, wherever he looked, a cute girl ran towards them.

"Isn't that Li Meng? Did she come looking for you again?" Mu Xiaoting saw Liu Meng's appearance all at once. Naturally, she didn't know that Li Meng was just Liu Meng's pseudonym, but she was a little angry but it was true. Yes, so Mu Xiaoting hugged Li Bai's arm tightly.

This made Liu Meng, who ran in front of Li Bai, look a little embarrassed, but she still forcibly pretended to be calm and stretched out her hand to Mu Xiaoting: "Hi Mu Xiaoting, although we haven't met a few times, I still remember you Yes, big star." Liu Meng said to Mu Xiaoting with a smile.

Li Bai looked at Mu Xiaoting awkwardly, although she was smiling, she suddenly made a retching movement.

This made Liu Meng's face turn blue and white, thinking that Mu Xiaoting was insulting her.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, she didn't do it on purpose." Li Bai hurriedly explained to Liu Meng that Mu Xiaoting's appearance was clearly the reason why the Qingxin Pill failed again.

"The effect of the medicine is getting worse and worse." Li Bai murmured, and hurriedly took out another Qingxin Pill and put it in Mu Xiaoting's mouth, which made Mu Xiaoting feel better.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." Mu Xiaoting said embarrassingly, clutching her stomach. The situation that allowed the two of them to be at war in an instant seemed to become a good medicine in an instant, relieving the tension between the two girls. embarrassment.

"I can't go on like this." Li Bai thought of Xia Meng again. She still has a lot of Qingxin pills that he gave her. It should be able to last a few days, but what about after eating?

The three of them walked towards the classroom together in such an inexplicable way. On the way, Li Bai got through Liang Yao's Tianxun and described the situation of the three of them to him.

Liang Yao's face showed distress, and Min Si thought hard for a long time, and finally told Li Bai that he didn't know what the poison was, but he advised Li Bai not to use spiritual energy to guide him, because he was afraid that something bad would happen.

Li Bai hung up Tianxun with a gloomy expression. Unexpectedly, he had solved so many difficulties, but he stopped his progress in front of a small poison.

"Li Bai, what happened to you?" Liu Meng walked behind Li Bai, looked at Mu Xiaoting leaning on Li Bai's shoulder, and asked weakly.

Originally, Li Bai didn't want to tell Liu Meng about this matter, but he suddenly thought that Liu Meng came from a cultivator family and should know a thing or two about these things, so he repeated the previous incident to Liu Meng.

After listening to Li Bai's description, Liu Meng also looked blank. Li Bai sighed, but it was still useless.

"Li Bai, although I don't know, maybe my brother knows. Otherwise, let's go and ask him?" Liu Meng said to Li Bai again. Li Bai's eyes lit up when he heard it. Now, maybe they Three will be saved.

"Then I would trouble you to contact your brother." Li Bai hurriedly said to Liu Meng. After all, the poisoning on his body was getting worse as it dragged on.

Soon, Liu Meng dialed Liu Feng's Tianxun, looked at the projection that only she could see, and said to Liu Feng: "Brother, come to school quickly, this is a matter of life and death !"

Liu Meng looked anxious, and said as if the sky had fallen, but seeing her sister like this, Liu Feng didn't even ask what happened, but agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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