Chapter 2668

After Shi Mingzhi's voice fell, the small student union office was immediately filled with applause, which lasted for a long time, until Shi Mingzhi pressed his hands together, and everyone stopped.Of course, Li Bai just applauded symbolically, and then began to look at all this with cold eyes.

Although it was said that such an "important" event as the general election of the student union was held in a small office, Shi Mingzhi didn't miss out on those scenes at all.Although the election has begun, the first thing to happen is still his set of rhetoric that he has heard countless times from others.

"In the past year, everyone has worked very hard. They have made a lot of contributions to the student union and Qinglong University. Here, on behalf of the school leaders, I would like to thank everyone for their selfless dedication this year! "Speaking, Shi Mingzhi left his seat and bowed to everyone.

Another round of applause.

"In order to let everyone have the opportunity to exercise, and because I am too tired after working for a year, I also need to rest. Therefore, today's general election will also elect the next student union chairman. However, in Prior to this, we still elect new ministers of various departments in accordance with the previous order."

Shi Mingzhi told everyone that the sophomores standing aside applauded enthusiastically. It could be seen that they were very concerned about the next step and their future work.

Of course, there is an exception that is Li Bai. In the voting stage of the elections of various departments, everyone abstained from voting. The ministers are the same for Li Bai.

Five or ten minutes later, the ministerial election was over, and the new ministers had been elected. Those students who stood among the crowd as if they were winners in life were the ones.And the last item, of course, is crucial, the election of the new student council president.

"Next, I'll announce the list of candidates first." Shi Mingzhi said again, and it was only at this time that he did not work on the list of candidates, which also whetted the appetite of the members, "The first is Shi Mingxiang, and the second is Fang Pu. Yu, third place, Li Bai."

There were only three candidates on the student union chairman's list, but after Shi Mingzhi finished speaking, there was a clear commotion in the office.

Shi Mingxiang is Shi Mingzhi's younger brother, and everyone has known about becoming a candidate for a long time. Fang Puyu is the backbone of their sophomores. Everyone has seen what they have done this year, and he has become a candidate. It wasn't very surprising, but Li Bai's sudden entry surprised everyone.

"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet." At this time, Shi Mingzhi had no choice but to come forward to maintain order, and explained to everyone, "Everyone must know Li Bai, the previous president of our school's Xiannong Club, and also a representative of our school. It has won many honors and greatly enhanced the reputation of our school in the society.”

While talking, Shi Mingzhi looked at Li Bai: "That's why, with the consent of all the old ministers, I have recruited Li Bai into our student union for more than a month. If Li Bai can be successfully elected, We should also have reason to believe that he can do better than me."

Shi Mingzhi said with a smile, but he didn't say a few words, for example, Li Bai is the real boss of the two companies after all.

Although everyone was still dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of Li Bai, they all became quiet. Since Shi Mingzhi had already spoken, it was hard for them to say anything more.

"Okay, since there are no other questions, let's start voting. Send your voting results anonymously to my Tianxun. After a while, I will announce the votes myself." Shi Mingzhi said to everyone again, and then took out Out of Tianxun, all the people present were brought into an anonymous chat group, and they were set in a state where they could only speak one sentence.

The voting began soon. In the chat window, the names of three people popped up constantly. Just by looking at them, everyone could tell that the names of Shi Mingxiang and Li Bai appeared far more times than Fang's. Uncut jade.

In other words, Fang Puyu, who has worked hard for a whole year, has already been eliminated from the competition before the voting begins.

Seeing this situation, Fang Puyu didn't show much disappointment, maybe he already knew the result, or in other words, he already understood that this world is unfair.

After Li Bai voted for himself, he stopped looking at the screen. In fact, he didn't care much about the result. He just accidentally discovered that two minutes after the voting started, two more people entered the chat group. Who it was, Li Bai didn't know.

"Li Bai, don't worry, the next chairman will definitely be yours." At this moment, Shi Mingzhi quietly walked to Li Bai's side and patted Li Bai's shoulder.Li Bai still smiled faintly. Li Bai believed his words before, but now, Li Bai didn't believe it at all, especially since the other candidate was his own younger brother.

"Okay, the voting is over!" After 5 minutes passed, Shi Mingzhi said, and everyone raised their heads.There were a total of about 40 people present. If they voted for three people, it would be easy to decide the winner.

The counting of votes was also carried out very quickly, but within 2 minutes, the result was already out. Fang Puyu had the least votes, with only seven votes, while Li Bai and Shi Mingxiang both had sixteen votes unexpectedly.

"What should I do?" Shi Mingzhi looked anxious, looked at Li Bai, then at Shi Mingxiang, and said, not knowing what to do.

"There's one more person who didn't vote. There are only 39 people here." At this moment, Li Bai reminded Shi Mingzhi speechlessly that Shi Mingzhi didn't see such an obvious problem.

"Oh oh oh." Shi Mingzhi suddenly realized, and asked everyone again and again, "Who the hell didn't vote? Vote quickly!"

And just as they were talking, everyone's Tianxun lit up again, and on the screen of Tianxun, the voting result of the last person popped up.

Shi Mingxiang.

At this time, the audience once again burst into warm applause, and Shi Mingzhi's face seemed to be even more excited: "Then we will obey the name, congratulations to Shi Mingxiang for becoming the new president of the student union!"

As she said that, she asked Shi Mingxiang to come to his side and hugged him.

Li Bai just felt disgusted, the last vote was clearly arranged by Shi Mingzhi, and he wanted Li Bai to give Li Bai a "fatal blow" in his heart when he was closest to success, but what he didn't know was that, Li Bai didn't care at all.

But what happened next made Li Bai a little angry.Because Shi Mingzhi asked Shi Mingxiang to deliver his acceptance speech, and his words were full of ridicule towards Li Bai.

"Our student union is a big family. I believe this result is the result of everyone's joint efforts. This is an acknowledgment of me. At the same time, it is also a tribute to those who want to get something for nothing, and just jump in the queue casually as if to get the most benefits. One lesson, that is, there is no such thing as a free lunch."

Shi Mingxiang spoke impassionedly, Shi Mingzhi was still very excited standing beside him, but his eyes kept falling on Li Bai, revealing a mocking and playful look.

Now, Li Bai finally understood that all of this was just a bureau set up by Shi Mingzhi, and the ultimate goal was to let Li Bai accept the ridicule of their brothers in front of so many people, and make him lose face.

"It's really childish." Li Bai sneered, then stood up, ready to leave.But at this moment, Shi Mingxiang even intensified and said: "Let us welcome people who don't belong here to leave!" What made Li Bai even more angry was that everyone, including those who just voted for him, stood up and applauded warmly with.

With a bang, the door of the Student Union's office was suddenly pushed open from the outside, causing the "warm" applause to stop abruptly, and then, the figures of Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting appeared in the office.

"Sorry, we're late." Then, Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting took out Tianxun and typed together, and in the next second, the names of the two Li Bai appeared in the previous chat box.

Such a sudden reversal made Shi Mingzhi a little uneasy. He jumped up against the case, pointed at Liu Meng and yelled, "Li Meng, you came in. Now it's the general election, don't you know?!"

Liu Meng responded with a sneer: "Why, don't you mean that the two of us are not members of the student union? Mu Xiaoting is specially approved by the school. She can not participate in various activities but keep her name. In my case, I just joined this year. Right? As for how I got in, are you sure I want to tell you?"

Liu Meng said to Shi Mingzhi in a cold voice, but it left Shi Mingzhi speechless, and he could imagine what he asked Liu Meng before, but it seemed that he hadn't succeeded yet.

"Now, eighteen to seventeen, the new student union chairman should be our classmate Li Bai?" Liu Meng asked back, and then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, she and Mu Xiaoting encouraged each other. Let's applaud, even if the applause is so abrupt in such a quiet environment.

When Li Bai turned around to look at Shi Mingzhi again, Shi Mingzhi had already pushed Shi Mingxiang down, walked to Li Bai's side apologetically, and said to Li Bai, "Sorry, I forgot that the two of them are also members of our student union. People, then, welcome to your inauguration speech."

Shi Mingzhi was sweating profusely on his forehead, and begging for perfection in front of so many people made Shi Mingzhi feel worse than dying, but he still had to do it, otherwise, he would be the one who lost face.

Li Bai smiled softly: "It's better not to use it. I look at the student union, but it's just a place where smog gathers. I'm afraid I can't do anything serious except for intrigue all day long. The chairman of the student union, let you Be that cute little brother, I quit the student union."

Li Bai said lightly, then turned and left the office, Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting also imitated Li Bai, dropped a word, and left gracefully.

He simply ignored the embarrassment on everyone's faces inside.

"Why are you here suddenly?" Leaving the office, Li Bai looked at Liu Meng and Mu Xiaoting strangely and asked.

And the two girls have completely forgotten what happened just now.

"Li Meng said that she has thought of a way to solve the toxicity on us, and she wants to take us to try it." Mu Xiaoting said, which made Li Bai happy. With time running out, every time he gets a chance, he will give it a try. Will definitely grab it.

(End of this chapter)

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