The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2675 I just like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me

Chapter 2675 I just like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me

It's a sin, a sin, how could I accidentally destroy the state of mind I gained through penance.

While washing his hands, Li Bai said to himself, in fact, Li Bai really doesn't want to get angry because of such "little things", but if in the future, every time he goes out, the traffic police will deliberately stop the car, that feeling, I think Even thinking about it would definitely not be very cool.

So Li Bai still decided to go there once to see who the person who targeted him was. It would be great if he could solve this problem with words. If not, Li Bai had no choice but to use force again.This is also a matter of necessity.

Li Bai finally arrived at the school when others were eating. It was a ten-minute journey, but what Li Bai didn't expect was that on the way, that person frantically arranged for him at an intersection where there had been no traffic police for hundreds of years. A traffic policeman directly stopped Li Bai's car and asked if he had a driver's license.

And after finding out that Li Bai didn't have a driver's license, he called a tow truck without saying a word, and towed Li Bai's car away. Li Bai was extremely angry, but he was unwilling to do anything to a small traffic policeman.

After all, he is just a person who does things. If he doesn't do what others want, then he may lose his job.

So, when Li Bai came to the school on foot, it was already twelve o'clock at noon.After calling Tianxun to Shi Mingzhi, after a while, Shi Mingzhi trotted all the way to the school gate.

"Li Bai, you're here." Shi Mingzhi greeted Li Bai weakly, his face was still slightly red and swollen, as if he had been slapped a few times.

"Of course I'm here. Who wants to see me?" Li Bai didn't intend to talk nonsense with Shi Mingzhi, and asked straight to the point.

"Well, he said that he really couldn't wait for you, so he left first, but he also asked me to tell you something, saying, if you want your driver's license, you can go to Lingtian Hotel to find him. Shi Mingzhi nodded, and said to Li Bai in a friendly manner, "He said he wanted to invite you to dinner and have a good talk with you at the same time."

Li Bai glanced at Shi Mingzhi coldly, then patted Shi Mingzhi's face lightly: "Couldn't you have said it earlier, do you think I dare not hit you? Or do you think I'm better than your master?" Bullying? Hehe, someone else's dog."

Li Bai said to Shi Mingzhi lightly, making Shi Mingzhi sweat profusely in an instant, but even though Li Bai insulted him so much, Shi Mingzhi didn't dare to speak back.

"You bullying guy, and, see clearly, if you offend me, you won't have any good fruit to eat." Li Bai ignored Shi Mingzhi, left without saying a word.

At this time, Shi Mingzhi finally raised his body, he was so wronged that he was about to cry.If Liu Song hadn't promised him that as long as he helped him teach Li Bai a lesson, his father would arrange an internship plus regularization job in the government for him, Shi Mingzhi would not have dared to provoke Li Bai, the evil star.

After all, how could a person who wiped out all the top ten generals on campus and set up his own company as soon as he entered the school be easy to provoke.

Shi Mingzhi quickly called Liu Song and told Liu Song that Li Bai had left, and then quickly left the school gate.

Li Bai took a taxi to Lingtian Hotel, he could buy a car every time he went out, and then get confiscated by the traffic police, but that would be too extravagant and wasteful.

"Going to Lingtian Hotel? It seems that brother, you are also a fastidious person." The driver chatted enthusiastically with Li Bai, and told Li Bai that this Lingtian Hotel officially opened recently, and the per capita consumption is more than 1. yuan.

"It's not that I'm particular, it's that the person who invites me to dinner is particular." Li Bai said to the driver with a smile, but he was wondering in his heart whether he knew the person who wanted to target him.

However, when Li Bai came to a box on the sixth floor following the guidance of the reception staff, Li Bai knew that he still knew this person.

"If I remember correctly, your name should be Liu Song, right?" Li Bai walked into the private room, looked at the boy sitting opposite and let out a soft snort.

In this private room, only Liu Song and Li Bai were ready to eat, but there were also some bodyguards in black, standing around the private room, all with their hands behind their backs, wearing sunglasses, serious and unsmiling.

Li Bai's question made Liu Song's face sink all of a sudden, he didn't expect that he tried his best to target Li Bai, but in the end Li Bai was not even sure of his own name, which made Liu Song a little angry.

"It seems that you are really a noble person who forgets things too much. If you forget, I don't mind reminding you what you have done." Liu Song said softly, although he was already pretending to be mature on purpose However, in his tone, it is still difficult to conceal his childishness.

"Oh? What's the matter? Who were you that took the initiative to trouble me but was beaten up by me, or was it that you tried to hook up with your classmate at the starry sky exhibition but failed?" Li Bai had a smile on his face. , asked quietly.

Although only these two incidents happened between Liu Song and Li Bai, every incident was enough to embarrass Liu Song, so this time, Liu Song slapped the table vigorously: "Are you courting death?"

Following Liu Song's words, all the bodyguards around the private room stepped forward in unison, and their eyes all fell on Li Bai.

However, Li Bai didn't take it seriously: "I'm very surprised, you, a kid in the third year of high school, don't study hard all day, and you are thinking about some obscene things all day long. Don't you have to scream about the college entrance examination? Just like you, I think your grades should not be much better."

While talking, Li Bai started to eat lunch on his own, completely ignoring Liu Song's flushed face.

"Are you in charge of these things? Even if I don't study hard, I can still go to Qinglong University." Liu Song said proudly.

"Oh? Qinglong University? Then are you sure you want to treat me like this now? If you go to school, even if you have your father as the backer, but I don't think it should be a problem to kill your brother 100 or [-] times every time. Right?" Li Bai asked indifferently, which made Liu Song stunned.

Liu Song really didn't think about this question, but he said again: "I mean, I can go to Qinglong University, and as for other schools, it's not a problem." Liu Song said again, he It means that he will not go to Qinglong University.

Li Bai took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth, and clapped his hands: "Not bad, good ambition, in order to protect myself, not going to Qinglong University is the most correct choice."

Although Li Bai's tone was calm, he mocked Liu Song all the time.After all, if a child who has just grown up can enjoy the benefits of Li Bai, then the pros and cons have been blind all these years.

Liu Song was about to explode with anger at this time, his chest was heaving, and he said angrily: "Beat him up first, and then continue talking." Liu Song ordered his bodyguards, and the bodyguards in the private room He immediately walked towards Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't take it seriously, he didn't even move his body, he just dispersed his soul consciousness, but in a short moment, he broke through the consciousness sea of ​​several bodyguards, making them stand still and unable to move.

"Oh? Are you going to hit me? I'm so scared, but why didn't they move? It's strange." Li Bai looked up and said lightly, and started to drink again, while Liu who was sitting opposite Li Bai Song, with his mouth slightly open, has been shocked to the point where it cannot be added.

"Li Bai, are you a human or a ghost?" Liu Song looked at the motionless bodyguards, trembling uncontrollably, and asked Li Bai in horror.

"Of course I'm a ghost, otherwise how could I be so powerful." Li Bai suddenly raised his head and smiled strangely at Liu Song, which made Liu Song jump up in fright.

"Hehe, I'm still a child." Li Bai shook his head, then stood up and looked at Liu Song, "Is there anything else I can do? If not, I'll leave first, but I still want to thank you for your hospitality, oh By the way, please help me solve the cancellation of my driver's license information, otherwise, I will go to your home to look for you at night. "

Li Bai smiled and said to Liu Song that he was not prepared to do anything to Liu Song. After all, it was impossible for Liu Song to pose any threat to Li Bai. Keeping him might be of any use in the future.

"Also, I just like the way you can't get used to me and can't kill me. It's really cute."

Liu Song watched Li Bai leave in a daze, and at this moment, the bodyguards finally reacted, and they became more firm in Liu Song's mind that Li Bai was not easy to mess with, so he quickly took out Tianxun and called him father.

"Dad, you should order Li Bai's driver's license to be restored. He, he is not alone, he is a ghost. I can't beat him." Liu Song looked at his father on the screen, almost crying.

"What? That man is a ghost?" Liu Song's father Liu Ruifeng asked in surprise.

Liu Ruifeng knew about the conflict between Liu Song and a boy, but Liu Ruifeng did not stop Liu Song's actions, on the contrary, he encouraged Liu Ruifeng.

For this reason, his explanation is that sooner or later, Liu Song will become a person in the officialdom like himself. In this officialdom, intrigues and stumbling happen almost every day. At that age, Liu Ruifeng still hopes that his son can exercise his abilities in this "revenge".

Even if he doesn't frame others in the future, he can at least give himself the ability to protect himself. Therefore, Liu Ruifeng will always agree to his son's request during the recent period, just like today when his son asked him to suppress that The matter of the driver's license of the man named Li Bai, and his son asked him to send him some bodyguards.

It's just that Liu Ruifeng didn't expect that this "Hongmen Banquet" not only failed to make Li Bai submit, but scared his son to death. This made Liu Ruifeng eager to protect the calf, and really wanted to know what happened whats the matter.

Liu Song quickly explained everything that happened just now, and Liu Ruifeng showed a dumbfounded expression after listening.

(End of this chapter)

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