The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2685 Someone is in the dark

Chapter 2685 Someone is in the dark

Their camp has been ransacked!
When Li Bai and the others finally returned to the camp they had set up more than eight hours ago, they found that their camp had turned into a mess.

The four tents that were originally closed are now wide open on both sides, and the wind passes through them, and can even blow out some of the paper placed inside. In the tents, what kind of sleeping bags do you need to sleep in? Everything they had was gone, and what was even more infuriating was that even their food was gone.

"There are thieves." Li Bai said the obvious result quietly, but what made Li Bai wonder where these thieves came from.Stealing in a nature park?And just steal their sleeping bags food and water.

For the eight people, the loss this time was quite heavy, because the food lost this time was enough for everyone to eat for a day.Fortunately, before leaving, Li Bai had already made corresponding preparations in order to prevent accidents. He prepared two sets of sleeping bags. As for the food, he prepared two more days.

"Those things should be regarded as helping them. Don't worry about it, just be happy." Li Bai persuaded everyone to prevent bad emotions from appearing in everyone's hearts.

After eating some cooked food for lunch, everyone packed up the tents and put them in Li Bai's Qiankun ring again.Although they will still live here tonight, in order to prevent that wave of thieves from continuing to visit, they still made preparations just in case.

When it was almost evening, everyone found a dense forest. Looking around, it can even be said that it is a forest.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi really wanted to go into the forest to explore, and the girls were also very interested in it, but this time, Li Bai didn't let everyone go into the forest immediately.

"It's too late today, let's explore here tomorrow." Li Bai said to everyone, and then led everyone towards the camp at noon.

However, at this time, the "cuckoo" bird appeared above their heads again, and at this time, everyone was sure that it was this bird that appeared beside them in the past two days.

"Damn, haven't you played yet? It's so annoying!" Li Bai glared at the bird in the sky, but the bird was not scared away immediately, but instead pulled some bird droppings on top of Li Bai's head , and finally flew away.Fortunately, Li Bai reacted quickly enough, otherwise, he would have been insulted by Zongniao instead.

At the same time, Li Bai also quickly realized that this bird is definitely not an ordinary bird, it should have an owner, and even the tiger that should not have appeared should be the same as this bird. The master works.

First, the appearance of the bird attracted Li Bai's attention, and then through Li Bai's sympathy, the tiger threatened Li Bai's safety. At the same time, the wave of thieves took the opportunity to ransack Li Bai's camp.

Li Bai believed that this whole operation was organized and premeditated, otherwise, it would not be so efficient.

"So, those people have been following us since we entered the natural park, or even before." Li Bai murmured, but he didn't tell anyone else about his guess, so as not to let everyone appear Panic heart.

However, even if Li Bai didn't say it, everyone still didn't sleep well on this page, for fear that when they were sleeping at night, that wave of thieves would come to patronize their camp again.

It's just that this night, there was no danger, and when the sun rose the next day, everyone walked out of the tent together, not very full of energy.

"Then shall we continue to stay here all morning? Or go directly to explore in the forest?" Li Bai naturally has no problem, but he has to take into account the feelings of most people.

But everyone unanimously decided to go to the forest to explore for a whole day.

Among the eight people, only Xia Meng has no skills, so Li Bai deliberately walked beside Xia Meng to prevent accidents from happening.

Originally, today was another sunny day, but when the eight people walked into the forest, the light suddenly decreased a lot, and most of them were blocked by the leaves that blocked the sky. However, in this case, the entire forest There is a piece of green inside, which makes everyone feel very comfortable.

Just as everyone was arguing about whether the mushrooms were poisonous, and what kind of tree the tree here was, there was another voice in the sky that everyone didn't want to hear.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo."

However, everyone could only hear the bird's call, which kept ringing around them, but under the cover of the trees, they couldn't find where the bird was at all.

Li Bai's expression became serious. From this point of view, that group of people were not thieves at all, but were deliberately targeting them all the time.

"Come closer and observe the movement around you." Li Bai said to everyone calmly, the eight people slowly formed an encircling circle, and Li Bai could clearly feel that everyone was a little nervous.

And at this moment, Li Bai finally saw the figure of the bird, and immediately swung his soul consciousness, and instantly attacked the bird, the bird couldn't even make any resistance at all, and the wings stopped flapping , crashed straight into a tree, and fell heavily into the pile of leaves on the ground.

Li Bai was about to walk over and catch the bird, but at this moment, a tiger roar came from the direction of the forest, and the tiger that Li Bai had rescued before came out from behind the tree trunk, and walked away. Go to the pile of leaves and put the bird in his mouth.

"Interesting, beast trainer." Li Bai chuckled, if this group of people just wanted to use wild beasts to do something to Li Bai, it would be too arrogant.

However, in the next second, an ominous premonition flooded Li Bai's heart, and while turning around, he shouted loudly to the seven people behind him: "Run!"

The seven people didn't care about the reason at all, they turned around and ran towards the deeper part of the forest after listening to Li Bai's words, and at the same time, gunshots rang out.

The bullets were like dense raindrops crazily shooting at the positions where the few people were standing just now. Seeing them running away, they fired again in the direction where the few people were fleeing, hoping to block their fleeing direction.

But in the woods, most of their bullets were blocked by the tree trunks. In addition to Li Bai's judgment one second in advance, the eight people were not injured except for their hearts beating wildly.

The gunshots behind him stopped abruptly again, it seemed that the gunmen lost Li Bai's vision.So, taking advantage of this time, Li Bai put all the other seven people into the Qiankun ring one by one, and he took the earrings that Liu Feng gave him earlier that can hide the Qixi Festival, and climbed onto a twig. Big leafy tree.

In the woods, the sound of stepping on the leaves sounded from far to near, the sound was chaotic, and it sounded like five or six people.

"Old man, why is your tiger nose not working?" A man lowered his voice and asked another person.

"I don't know either, Xiaohu clearly smelled that man, how could he lose it?" Another man said strangely.

At this time, they gathered under the big tree where Li Bai was hiding. Under Li Bai's eyes, five people held guns and formed a circle to observe the surrounding situation. The tiger kept sniffing something on the leaves, looking for Li Bai's trace.

"It seems that this earring is still very good. It can even hide the smell of the body." Li Bai touched the earring on his earlobe and thought to himself.

"Be smart, they must be around here, look for me carefully." The person who should be the boss said harshly, and ordered two people to start searching on the tree, and the remaining three were to respond. .

Li Bai never moved, even if someone climbed directly onto his tree, Li Bai didn't react at all.

One is that Li Bai's hiding place is very high, and that person may not be able to come up. Second, it is not a good time for Li Bai to counterattack, because the vigilance of the three people below and a tiger has always been high, and Li Bai cannot guarantee that he will be killed in an instant. All are annihilated.

Because Li Bai has already felt that these people are not only gunmen, but also have the strength of Jindan stage.If Li Bai attacked forcefully, he would definitely be injured, but what Li Bai pursued was to be harmless.

Sure enough, under the investigation of the two men, Li Bai was still not found. When they returned to the ground, they immediately relaxed.

"Damn, they must have run away now." The boss was very angry, "Xiaoyan, the third child, has passed out again now, damn, this mission can't be completed!" The boss said angrily, Another order, "Start now, go to the exit of the natural park, block them, even if they are exposed, we must complete our mission!"

Then, five people and one tiger walked towards the outside of the forest, not in a hurry, they probably felt that Li Bai's speed would not be as fast as theirs.

It's just that what they didn't notice at this time was that a figure was approaching them quickly from behind them, and at the tip of Li Bai's right index finger, a silver spot of light was quietly accumulating strength, waiting until the earrings could no longer move. After covering up the aura of aura, these five people reacted.

The identities of the five of them changed from orioles to cicadas.

And in the next second, the silver light spot penetrated the hearts of the four people, coupled with the agitation of the spiritual energy, all four people except the boss were instantly killed by Li Bai on the spot.

One of the four people who died was obviously the animal trainer, because the tiger lost control in an instant and disappeared without a trace.Naturally, Li Bai would not embarrass the animals all the time. At this time, he looked at the boss standing at the end viciously, and at this time, his face was already ashen.

"I don't care who you are, you just need to tell me who sent you." Li Bai slowly walked up to the man and grabbed the man's mouth to prevent him from wanting to bite his tongue and commit suicide , or suicide by taking poison or something.

(End of this chapter)

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