Chapter 2692
Thanks to Li Bai's thoughtfulness, when he left the teacher's office, he hung a memory crystal on the wall of his office, otherwise, the current scene would not have happened at all.

"What? What Tianxun? I don't know what you're talking about?" At this time, the teacher was still unwilling to admit it, even though his heart was about to jump out of his body.

Li Bai didn't talk nonsense with the teacher, but directly snatched his Tianxun from the teacher's pocket, and then clicked on the communication record. The first person in the queue was a person called "Gold Master", after reading the details According to the records, Li Bai discovered that from yesterday until today, the two have been in constant contact.

"I probably understand." Li Bai sent the screenshots of these records to his Tianxun, and then threw them to the teacher, "It turns out that everything that happened on campus yesterday was because you were colluding with others and trying to frame me, right?" Li Bai smiled coldly: "I'm afraid, you should also know that I am the so-called murderer, am I?"

The teacher trembled when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to open the door, but found that he had already locked him.

"Don't worry, teacher, let's talk about how you did all of this." Li Bai said coldly, "That person should have told you early in the morning that he would assassinate me, and at the same time give You are paid a lot of money, and you are required to cooperate with him to delete the subsequent surveillance video, right?"

The teacher didn't react at all. At this moment, his heart was ashamed.

"If I expose this matter, guess what you will get?" Li Baiyin said to the teacher with a smile, "I have memory crystals and screenshots of communication records as evidence."

At this time, the teacher finally panicked: "Li Bai, you, what do you want to do?"

Li Bai smiled slightly: "I don't want to do anything, I just need you to come forward and testify for me after I investigate who that person is. If you disagree, I will kill you too." Li Bai said coldly, and then got out of the car, while the teacher in the car was the author who remained motionless for a long time.

Li Bai was somewhat skeptical of Shi Mingzhi, because when they met yesterday, Shi Mingzhi's reaction was very strange, and Shi Mingzhi also appeared in that teaching building, but Li Bai was not sure, nor could he collect the information immediately. The received evidence is sent out.

What Li Bai needed was to collect enough evidence before killing that person with a fatal blow.

Li Bai quickly found Jiang Gu again, handed over the fingerprints and hair to him, and asked him to do an appraisal. While waiting, Li Bai went online again to see the progress of the matter.

The progress is quite obvious. With the joint efforts of countless netizens, the identity of the murderous maniac has been completely revealed.

Li Bai, a student of Qinglong University, the president of Xiannong Society, the founder of Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company and Xiannong Technology Company, lives in a villa area in Kyoto, and the number of members of the family is unknown.

For a while, Li Bai's name was pushed to the forefront, and the collateral impact was that the websites of Li Bai's two companies were attacked by a large number of hackers, and the members of Xiannong Club were all scolded bloody .Although the members of the Xiannong Club believed that Li Bai was not a murderous maniac, under such tremendous pressure, the number of people who quit the club began to gradually increase.

"Damn it!" Li Bai cursed and slammed the chair hard. At this time, the police had already started to find Li Bai's whereabouts. They vowed to arrest Li Bai and bring everyone to justice.

"Jiang Gu, how long do we have to wait?" Li Bai urged Jiang Gu anxiously. He was a little anxious. If he couldn't get the truth as soon as possible, his women would be the first to suffer.

"Give me half an hour, and I'm comparing fingerprints." Jiang Gu replied quickly.

At the same time, seeing that the situation was not right, several of Li Bai's women finally couldn't bear it anymore and started posting on the forum, trying their best to describe what happened yesterday afternoon. However, under the siege of many netizens Under the circumstances, their explanations seemed to be a drop in the bucket, and they were even insulted by netizens.

And Li Bai's forum nickname "Li Bai's deity" has been used by netizens many times, and it is about to explode at this time.

Finally, after half an hour, Jiang Gu dug out of the identification room in a hurry, holding two reports in his hand.

"Dragon King, that person's fingerprints belong to someone from your school named Shi Mingzhi, and the hair is indeed human, but it doesn't appear in the student list of Qinglong University, and we can't find out who the other party is." Jiang Gu told Li Bai said, a smile finally appeared on Li Bai's face, he slapped his thigh, and stood up.

"Thank you, I'm leaving first, thank you." Li Bai hurried towards the direction of Qinglong University. When he was about to drive, a large wave of policemen suddenly poured out all around him, pointing at Li Bai with bright guns. .

"Raise your hands, let's arrest you!" The police shouted at Li Bai, who smiled, and then slowly raised his hands.

Soon, Li Bai was escorted to the police station. Although Jiang Gu had been here, the chief of the police station told Jiang Gu that even if he was the Huaxia Dragon Guard, it was useless because Li Bai had already become a social figure. They have to give everyone a clean slate.

At the same time, the arrest of Li Bai was broadcast live on the Internet, and there was a burst of joy on the Internet.

"Then confess your crimes in front of everyone." In front of the camera, Li Bai was asked by the chief of the police station, but Li Bai smiled and said.

"Anyone who knows me well knows that I never take the initiative to do anything to anyone. Once I do, it means that someone is driving me into a hurry, or that someone wants to kill me, but I give it to you." Reverse killing." Li Bai said to the camera with a smile, and there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, saying that Li Bai was a hypocrite or something.

The chief of the police station also said that something was wrong. He wanted to stop Li Bai from defending, but he saw Li Bai took out a report card.

"I have evidence to prove my innocence, please let me finish?" Li Bai smiled and looked at the chief of the police station with some sarcasm in his expression, and then Li Bai started his own statement.

"Yesterday afternoon, I received a message from the monitor of our class to go to the school to hold a class meeting, but the class meeting only lasted for less than an hour, and then my girlfriend and I started to visit the campus. When I was on the street, I was suddenly assassinated by a killer, just like in the photo, but in the photo, my girlfriend has been erased."

"Because those four people assassinated me, I fought back, but only one person was killed, and he should have been taken away by three other people. I got the news at night, so this morning, Went to the school again to collect some evidence."

As Li Bai said, he took out Tianxun and played a short surveillance video of Shi Mingzhi's appearance: "This man is called Shi Mingzhi, and he was the chairman of the student union of our Qinglong University last term. Those photos were taken by him, because I was there. His fingerprints were found on the window."

The camera focused on the interrogation report, and Shi Mingzhi's name was indeed on it.

"In our Qinglong University, everyone's DNA has been recorded, but those four people's DNA has not been recorded, which means that they are not from our Qinglong University." Li Bai took out another report card and continued.

"After the incident, in order to prevent me from proving my innocence, a teacher from the security department was ordered to delete the video. Here is the communication record between him and the stranger. And, you police, it is now Can't you bring the two of them here first, and confront me face to face?" Li Bai said, raised his head, and looked at the chief of the police station with an extremely contemptuous look.

After a while, the security teacher and Shi Mingzhi were all brought in front of the camera lens.

In the face of sufficient evidence, the teacher of the security department confessed, saying that he was indeed instigated by others, but Shi Mingzhi was still quibbling, saying that he just went there yesterday afternoon to get something, fingerprints or something, it was just Li Bai. It was fabricated to frame him.

"I framed you? Hehe, it seems that you framed me." Li Bai looked at Shi Mingzhi coldly and said, and then said to the chief of the police station, "Please use the teacher's Tianxun to call Shi Mingzhi's Tianxun. Whether I have framed him or not, you can see it."

At this time, Shi Mingzhi's face was pale. In order to hide his identity, he had already changed a mobile phone card, but after passing through Tianxun with the security teacher at noon, he forgot to pull out the card .

Therefore, when the security teacher's Tianxun called the "gold master", Shi Mingzhi's Tianxun rang very quickly.

So far, everything has come to light, Li Bai is innocent, but the culprit of this "campus killer case" is Shi Mingzhi.

"I was also instigated by someone. Someone wanted Li Bai's life, not me!" At this time, Shi Mingzhi didn't care much about the stranger's threat, and shouted at Li Bai.

And the reporter's camera has been turned off, and what happens after that is another matter.

The policemen were very surprised by this, but for Li Bai, they were already used to it. It must be the same black hand who wanted to kill Li Bai all the time.

In Shi Mingzhi's Tianxun, Li Bai quickly found an unfamiliar number, but when he called, the phone was turned off.Li Bai wrote down the number and sent it to the four members of the National Secret Investigation Team, and then threw Shi Mingzhi's Tianxu to the police.

"Uncle policemen, in the future, please investigate the truth of the matter before arresting people, okay? This time I have the ability to find out all this. Next time, if the people who are framed are some ordinary people, you Are you going to arrest them without any explanation?"

Before leaving, Li Bai said to the policemen, making their faces turn red and green.

"Hello, I'm Sun Shihui from the Kyoto Municipal Public Security Bureau, may I meet you?" At this moment, Director Sun stepped forward to shake hands with Li Bai, but Li Bai ignored him.

"My name is Li Bai, and you already know me." Li Bai said lightly, and left the police station with Jiang Gu, leaving Director Sun with a dashing back.

(End of this chapter)

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