Chapter 2695
This year's annual meeting, under Li Bai's deliberate promotion, was very lively. Even at noon, Li Bai had invited reporters from the local TV station in Shu County over again, and expressed his appreciation for the "Xiannong Technology Company Anniversary Celebration" A "significant event" for a special report.

Interviews with reporters are of course essential, but the questions are always very tricky. For example, the reporter asked Li Bai whether the security measures for this celebration have been done well, and will it happen again like the last new product launch conference? something like that.

To this, Li Bai's answer was naturally that he was fully prepared. If there were still people who dared to make a scene, their security personnel would immediately subdue them.

"It's really arrogant." At this time, the self-esteem of the killers who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV seemed to be insulted. Li Bai's confident answer inspired them to fight even more.

"Okay, we should also start preparing." The assassin leader stood up, shut off a bunch of nonsense about the company's development by Li Bai on the TV, and then got up and left their small room.

Here, Li Bai's interview also came to an end, the reporter went to interview some employees of the company, and Li Bai walked towards Su Daji who was standing at the entrance, and smiled at each other.

"You are too bad, but are you sure that this aggressive method can be successful?" Su Daji asked with some doubts. After all, what Li Bai just said was to wait for you to come. With such confidence, if She is the best killer, and she will definitely hesitate.

"So you are not a killer. If I were a killer, I must have set out by now." Li Bai smiled sinisterly, and then walked into the venue with Su Daji.

In order to let the killers have the idea of ​​killing them all in one go, all Li Bai's women were brought to the ceremony by Li Bai, and they all stood in bright places so that the killers could see them at a glance.

The celebration will officially start at eight o'clock in the evening, and the employees have already started to enter the venue at five o'clock in the afternoon, which shows the popularity of the company's first celebration.

Qin Yubing also came to the scene in person. Because of the inheritance of Qinhuang's blood, in the past year, fifty people have all broken through to the foundation building stage. This time, Qin Yubing brought them all.

And as the main force of security this time, it is naturally the group of Huaxia Longwei. Some of them play the role of security guards, some of them mix in with the audience, and some of them stand at the door of the scene, acting as welcomes. The job of the guest.

To say that the hardest part is these people, they have been staring at the monitors non-stop since the audience entered the arena, for fear of missing any killer.And it wasn't until seven o'clock in the evening that the first man marked by the system finally appeared in their sight.

"Hi, since you are the hundredth employee who entered the venue, I hereby give you a number plate. At the end of today's celebration, there will be a mysterious gift waiting for you." Long Wei stopped the first person who walked in. A killer, at first the killer thought he had been discovered, but he soon heard what the other party said, so he felt relieved.

"Thank you, just put it in your pocket, right?" The killer talked to Long Wei very calmly, but he didn't know that he was already being watched by several dragon guards at this time, and they were slowly approaching him. Slowly approaching the past, to prevent the killer from attacking ordinary people.

"Hi, because you are the [-]th..."

The killers were very self-righteous and divided into many batches to enter the venue, but what they didn't know was that this also gave the dragon guards more time to mark them, and even at the end, they were all ranked [-]th. I don't know at all.

"Tell the Dragon King that no one is entering the arena." With the end of the entry time, Jiang Gu asked several people to close the entrance, and then said to a dragon guard. Over there, Li Bai quickly received the news and smiled at the The girls nodded, and then looked at the specially invited host again, indicating that he could start.

"The anniversary celebration of Xiannong Technology Company begins now!"

After the host said a lot of useless nonsense, he officially announced the start of the celebration. Immediately afterwards, continuous performances began on the stage, and the atmosphere of the whole venue was very lively.

At this time, Li Bai kept asking about the situation of the Longwei who were staring at the killers, and the reply he got was that there were a total of ten killers in the venue, and they were all scattered and sitting in different positions, so there was no Discover the little tricks they use.

"Good job, keep watching for me. After a while, I'll give them a good look." Li Bai said with a smirk, and then stopped, focusing on the performance on the stage.After all, the purpose of this celebration is not only to annihilate these killers, but also to make everyone relax and happy, it is also extremely important.

"Next, the two bosses of Youqing Xiannong Technology Company, Su Meng, Feng Yunxi, and their friends, Xia Meng, Mu Xiaoting, and Zhang Yuhan, will bring a chorus for everyone, love each other as a family!"

When the host announced the next show, the whole audience was in a commotion, because this time, not only their boss, but also big stars like Xia Mengmu Xiaoting, and Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company The big boss over there, these are a total of five beauties, they actually sang for everyone on the same stage!
Driven by the sweet voices of the five beauties, the rhythm of "Because we are a family, a family that loves each other" resounded in the audience. Li Bai also sang along, but received another message from Long Wei, It is said that those killers were a little ready to move after seeing the girls on stage, but they didn't seem to see Li Bai's appearance, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Li Bai didn't answer, because it was his turn to take the stage soon.

The five beauties did not leave the stage immediately after singing, but called Li Bai's name on the stage: "Let our behind-the-scenes big boss Li Bai also perform a show for everyone, okay?!"

So, under the tide of shouting "Li Bai" together in the audience, Li Bai finally stepped onto the stage.

"I don't have any programs, so I will give you some prizes as a performance." Li Bai said to everyone with a smile, but in fact, such "performances" are the employees' favorite.

"It's a lottery. I will draw ten lucky viewers, and then the staff will come to our backstage to receive the prize. The reason I'm not here is because everyone has 10 yuan in cash." When Li Bai finished speaking , The audience is boiling, 10 yuan in cash, that is almost a year's salary.

So, under the scrolling of the big screen, a number soon appeared. Not surprisingly, this person was one of those killers.

Soon, some employees found them and led them to the backstage. Because the lights in the auditorium were deliberately turned off, the other killers didn't notice that they were the ones who were taken away.

As a result, all ten killers in a row were taken away in this way, and came to the somewhat desolate back office.

"Now wait in this room, the boss will be here soon." Long Wei looked at the slightly excited killer and said, it was very clear that the reason for the killer's excitement was not only because of the money, but also because of him Finally, he had a chance to get in touch with Li Bai at close range, and then proceeded to assassinate him.

However, the killer has never realized that he is not the killer at this time, but Li Bai is.

The ten killers were taken into ten different offices to prevent them from becoming suspicious, and as time passed, the absolute wait time for the killers seemed a little too long.

"Why hasn't the boss come?" The killer asked anxiously, Long Wei replied that the boss needs to distribute bonuses room by room, so it will be a little slower.

What the killer didn't know was that his other nine brothers were already separated from heaven and man.

Finally, Li Bai came to the tenth room and appeared with a large stack of cash.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long." Li Bai said to the No.10 killer with a smile.

"It's okay boss, it's okay to wait a while." The killer said to Li Bai, just wanting to go up to receive the bonus, but Long Wei took the first step to help him pick him up, making the killer lose the chance to assassinate immediately.

"Boss, actually, I don't want these bonuses. Can I exchange this 10 yuan for a chance to have a private conversation with you?" The killer asked again, because Long Wei had been standing not far away. I am confident that I will kill Li Bai in front of this "ordinary person" and then kill this staff member, but the killer is a little worried whether this staff member will block the gun for Li Bai.

"Oh? Talk to me alone? That's fine." After saying that, Li Bai waved his hand and let Long Wei walk out of the room.

Although Long Wei was a little surprised, Li Bai was not worried, because these ten killers were all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Stage, although they were already very powerful, they would not cause any harm to him.

After seeing Long Wei leave, the killer felt relieved, and slowly walked towards the defenseless Li Bai, saying, "Boss, I just want to talk to you..." The killer walked in Within half a meter of Li Bai, he lowered his voice, "That's right, I've wanted to kill you for a long time!"

As he said that, the killer suddenly took out a long sword, intending to stab into Li Bai's body.

Hearing the sound of "puchi", the killer widened his eyes in horror, because at this moment, instead of piercing into Li Bai's body, his long sword was bent abruptly by Li Bai, It pierced into his body again.

"You, how could you..." The killer stared at Li Bai with his eyes wide open, wondering when exactly their assassination was discovered.

"If you want to blame, I blame you for being too arrogant. We have been following you since you entered the arena, so this good show of beating dogs behind closed doors is now staged." Li Bai looked at the scene with a smile. The killer didn't say any more nonsense, he killed the killer, and then put it in his Qiankun ring, and sent another big meal to Jin Yan Hei Yan.

"Long Tianlin, why didn't you think that the killer who thought he was powerful died in such a humiliating manner on my territory!" Li Bai walked out of the room and said with a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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