The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2704 Another foreign evil force

Chapter 2704 Another foreign evil force

Li Bai slowly walked towards him, coupled with his extremely threatening words, Dalley was immediately terrified, and backed up again and again, but he didn't dare to back up too fast, in case Li Bai would be together. , directly killed him.

"You, what do you want to do? I have no grievances with you, and I don't want to fight with you." Darryl said nervously to Li Bai, but in fact, if you really want to make it clear, then he and Li Bai will have to fight each other. There really was such a little bit of hatred between them, but just over half a year ago, Daryl thought he was not Li Bai's opponent, and now he certainly is not.

"Don't be nervous, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I just want to chat with you." Li Bai said with a chuckle, "Come on, let's take advantage of the beauty of the moonlight and sit down and chat for a while ?” As he spoke, Li Bai pointed to a stone beside him, which was big enough for two men to sit on.

Daryl was still very nervous, he looked up at the sky, where there was no moon: "If we want to chat, let's talk another day, okay, it's already eight o'clock, and I'm still waiting to go home for dinner." Daryl Lier tactfully refused, his eyes still fixed on Li Bai.

Unexpectedly, Li Bai actually sat down on that rock, and then said coldly: "Give you five seconds, sit here for me, if you don't obey me, I don't mind new and old hatred." Let's settle an account with you."

At this moment, Dalier shuddered all over, thinking that Li Bai really came to seek revenge on him, but under Li Bai's threat, Dalier still sat tremblingly beside Li Bai, just trying his best to next to a long distance.

Li Bai didn't care about this, he just turned around and looked at Daryl, and said like an elder asking a younger generation: "I haven't seen you for more than half a year, where have you been, are you going to talk to me?" Tell me?" Li Bai reminded again, "By the way, you must tell me the truth, if you tell lies, I can hear it."

At this time, Daryl did not doubt Li Bai's warning to him, and then told Li Bai that he had gone to Europe in the past six months, and then he took the initiative to tell Li Bai about his experience in Europe in the past six months without waiting for Li Bai to ask questions. However, they did not tell Viscount Li Baishaun about them.

"What's the matter with that blood spar? Who is Earl Nash in that tombstone?" Li Bai asked again after hearing Daryl's talk about his daily life.

Dalier was shocked, he thought he had dumped Li Bai and his friends, but in the end, what he did was still discovered by Li Bai.

"It's just a mission. Someone told me to embed that bloody spar on that tombstone and leave. As for what I did, I really don't know." Darryl said half-truthfully to Li Bai, still Viscount Sean's name was not mentioned.

"Oh, that's it." Li Bai murmured, but in the next second, he stretched out his arm and put it on Daryl's shoulder, "I'll give you another chance, you really don't know that bloody Who are Crystal Stone and Earl Nash?" Li Bai smiled coldly, Daryl knows all kinds of rituals, so how could he not know the other party's identity.

Dalier has a bad heart, and in front of Li Bai, it really won't do any good to lie.Although Viscount Xiao En once told himself to keep this matter strictly confidential, he did not explain how he would be punished if he revealed the secret.

Therefore, in front of Li Bai, Daryl still told the truth about everything he knew.

The people Daryl has worked for in the past two months are vampires from Europe, to be precise, from Rome. As the world knows, as vampires, they rely on human blood to maintain their lives and maintain their lives. active.

The person who directly appointed Daryl was a man named Viscount Sean. In the vampire family, his rank was not too high, but he ranked above the baron and below the earl and duke.And that Earl Nash is the grandfather of Viscount Sean.

Hundreds of years ago, Earl Nash came to China. At that time, it was the first time he came to China.And from a small place in Europe with few people, he came to this vast land of China, Earl Nash was immediately attracted. At that time, he decided to regard China as his second hometown, and then pass on his family here.

And what Earl Nash said, the meaning of passing on the family line is to bring his vampire people to China, so that they can grow better here, and their food is the ordinary people of China.

Earl Nash's plan was grand, but at the very beginning, he had already declared a failure, because his plan was discovered by Chinese practitioners, and then, after a great battle, Earl Nash was defeated and died. He was buried here by that cultivator, and a tombstone was erected for him.

However, before Earl Nash died, he threw one of his treasures, that is, the blood spar, to a place in Kyoto. At the same time, he made a corresponding groove on the wall of his tomb, looking forward to his descendants You can collect human blood in his blood spar, and then help him to resurrect successfully.

"How do you know these things?" Li Bai asked curiously after listening to Darryl's narration, and Darryl replied bitterly, these are all things that Viscount Sean told him, because the Viscount is going to take him as well. Developing into a vampire, although not very orthodox, will still give him a baronial title.

"So, is the Viscount Sean you mentioned is also in the capital now?" Li Bai asked again, but Daryl shook his head: "I don't know about that, Viscount Sean just told me to finish it." It’s fine to just leave and let me go back to Rome and wait for him.”

This time, Daryl lied. He clearly knew that Viscount Sean was in the capital, but he didn't tell Li Bai.But Li Bai believed Daryl without any doubts.

"I see." Li Bai nodded, then stood up with a not very good expression.After sending away several groups of foreign invaders, unexpectedly, someone else came to Huaxia again. For Li Bai, this was absolutely intolerable.

Seeing Li Bai getting up, Dalier stood up in a hurry: "Mr. Li Bai, is there nothing to do without me now? Can I go first." Dalier tremblingly said to Li Bai, fearing that he would die In the darkness before dawn.

"Oh, it's fine, but if you let me see you again, you won't be as lucky as this time." Li Bai said to Daryl coldly, and patted Daryl on the shoulder again, no The one who left traces left a silver star power on his body, so that it would be much easier to find him next time.

After seeing Daryl running away non-stop, Li Bai returned towards the cemetery. If what Daryl said was correct, then that vampire named Earl Nash should be resurrected soon.

Li Bai didn't know who defeated Earl Nash hundreds of years ago. What Li Bai only knew was that if Earl Nash was resurrected again, China would usher in another period of unrest.

Li Bai quickly returned to Liu Feng's side. He had been waiting here for almost half an hour, but there was not much movement from the blood spar and the tombstone.

"Why did you go?" Liu Feng looked at Li Bai and said with some complaints.

"I went to find that man just now, and I got something out of his mouth." Li Bai whispered to Liu Feng, "The Earl Nash in this tombstone is actually a vampire from Europe. If he is resurrected, The people will not be at peace." Li Bai said to Liu Feng with a heavy tone.

"European vampires, isn't this kind of thing that usually only exists in legends?" Liu Feng asked very strangely, and Li Baibai gave him a look: "Then how do you explain our existence? Could it be that there is no such thing in legends?" Are we here?"

Liu Feng chuckled, and then his face became serious: "Then let's wait until the moment he is resurrected, and kill him again before he fully recovers his strength, how about?"

Li Bai nodded. He thought so too, but suddenly he thought of a strange thing: "By the way, don't you care about the safety of the land of China at all? I have encountered many Foreign invaders, but I have never seen you appear."

Li Bai said to Liu Feng, and Liu Feng showed a contemptuous look: "People from our four major families handle this kind of thing? Are you kidding me? I can't handle my own affairs. Besides, there are many masters in China, like you There are quite a few people like this, and there is no need for us to step in. We just take care of this kind of thing when it happens, and we won’t deliberately find trouble if it doesn’t happen.”

Liu Feng said to Li Bai, Li Bai also gave Liu Feng a competitive look, and at this moment, the blood-colored spar embedded in the tombstone burst into red light again, and immediately afterwards, " The big characters "Tomb of Earl Nash" actually began to gather and flow red blood from top to bottom, and it flowed from the blood spar.

The tombstone devoured the blood very quickly, but in a blink of an eye, it gathered one-third of the blood, but at this time, Li Bai stood up and ran towards that side.

"Li Bai, what are you doing?! It's dangerous!" Liu Feng yelled loudly at Li Bai, but he himself had no choice but to run after Li Bai.

Li Bai suddenly said that he had just been put into a misunderstanding by Liu Feng, why did he wait until Earl Nash was resurrected before killing him, wouldn't it be easier and more relaxed if he terminated his resurrection directly?Thus, Li Bai instantly summoned the Sky Meteor Knife in his hand, and ran towards Earl Nash's tombstone.

But at this time, when Li Bai was about five meters away from the tombstone, Li Bai only felt a strong resistance blocking his progress. It seemed that it was because of the ceremony that Daryl had just arranged that made Li Bai With such obstacles.

"Damn!" Li Bai cursed, because Liu Feng's situation was the same, and at this time, half of the words on the tombstone had turned blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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