The strongest peasant city

Chapter 271 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 271 The Truth Comes Out
"Only ten percent? Don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage?"

Li Xiaogang asked with a smile.

Hu Rong smiled and said: "If you think we are at a disadvantage, we won't be too much if you give us more, giggling..." Li Xiaogang laughed haha, and after laughing for a long time, he said simply: "You are beautiful! "After speaking, turn around and leave.

Hu Rong was stunned for a long time, and didn't react for a long time.

Before approaching the office building of Longquan Group, Long Ling'er and Li Li greeted them from inside, their eyes still had a misty luster.

Seeing that Hu Rong was among them, Long Ling'er and Li Li were not surprised, they nodded and smiled at each other.

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "It looks like you two got the upper hand earlier than me!"

Following Hu Rong's example, Long Ling'er embraced Li Xiaogang's other arm and said, "Actually, Sister Hu Rong had intended to do this a long time ago, but there was no good opportunity! I'm just in charge of spreading the news!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile: "Well, this is a good wind, let me pick up a big company for nothing, don't forget to continue to do this in the future!"

Long Ling'er smiled, and said to Li Xiaogang: "You know, you were so handsome just now, we were all dumbfounded!"

Li Xiaogang asked in confusion: "Me? Handsome? What do you mean?"

Long Ling'er giggled and said, "I'm not telling you! Let's go, the reporters are getting impatient! They are uncrowned kings, it's better not to offend them!" After speaking, he and Hu Rong surrounded Li Xiaogang from left to right and entered The scene of the press conference.

Although I have heard about it for a long time, there are a few important figures outside, but when Li Xiaogang and the others walked into the venue one by one, the reporters couldn't help but gasped, and followed closely with their whole hearts. Get excited.

The film was wasted desperately.

Li Xiaogang is of course sitting on the leader in the middle, with Huawei, Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui on the left, and Long Linger, Li Li and Hu Rong on the right.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Long Ling'er stood up first, coughed a few times into the microphone, and the venue immediately fell silent, Long Ling'er said slowly: "Friends from the media, I am the general manager of Longquan Group , I believe everyone has already known me.

But the people around me may not be familiar with it, so let me introduce it to you! "

Long Ling'er turned her attention to Li Xiaogang, "This is Mr. Li Xiaogang, the chairman of our Longquan Group, and also my immediate boss!"

The reporters below started whispering, and the buzz of discussion immediately spread.

Long Ling'er had to raise her voice a few degrees, and continued: "Longquan Group has been framed by someone and has entered an unprecedented crisis. For this reason, our company has attached great importance to it, and the chairman, Mr. Li, has appeared in front of the public for the first time. The purpose is to investigate the whole incident clearly and return Longquan Group to its innocence! Alright, now I announce the official start of the press conference, first let our chairman speak!"

Li Xiaogang took a deep breath, moved closer to the microphone, and said: "Everyone, what I dislike the most is to show my face, and I don't like to be exposed to the camera. Oh, it's not that I have prejudice against you reporters, but because of my personality. But this time it's different, I have to stand up because my enemies are framing me with vile means of poisoning the masses, and it's disturbing to me.

Those who were poisoned and hospitalized, or even died, can be said to have suffered this catastrophe because of me!I have an unshirkable responsibility on my body. This responsibility makes me feel guilty but also more indignant. Here I want to tell my opponent through your media, please stop this kind of indiscriminate killing of innocent people. , if you want to defeat me, please stand up and face me face to face!Fight like a knight, honorably and justly! "

Although Li Xiaogang's words are not many, every sentence has weight. He not only showed the media that he is a person who dares to take responsibility, but also makes others think that he is a person with an extremely sense of justice. Lightly dialed to Li Haoran's side, if Li Haoran was watching TV now, he would definitely vomit blood from anger.

"Mr. Li, you kept saying that the poisoning incident of Longquan Group was a despicable method used by someone to deal with you. So do you mean that there is no problem with the quality of Longquan fine wine itself?"

A reporter took the lead in asking the first question today. Li Xiaogang's face was clear, and he said without any hesitation: "No! I can swear on my personality and life that there is no problem with the quality of our Longquan fine wine. If you are still not at ease, you can wait a little longer, the products we send to the relevant departments for inspection will have the results immediately, and then everyone can really rest assured."

"Mr. Li, I heard that you gave a huge amount of compensation of 100 million to each of the three families who died of poisoning. If there is really no problem with you, why did you pay such a huge amount of compensation? ?”

After hearing the reporter's question, both Long Ling'er and Li Li couldn't help frowning, feeling a little displeased.

Long Ling'er glanced at Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang's face was very calm, and he said slowly: "First of all, please allow me to correct your wording mistake! The 100 million is not a compensation, but a donation in the form of a humanitarian donation." To the families of the victims!

As I said just now, although they were not killed by me, they died because of me. From this perspective, I gave money to their families so that their families can continue to live normally without worrying about food and clothing. It is my responsibility!
And do you think 100 million is a lot?You go to ask their family members, 100 million or a living life, which would they choose? "

Li Xiaogang's words were unprecedentedly sharp, and the reporter who asked the question was stunned for a long time, and finally he could only sit down in embarrassment without words.

"Mr. Li, you just said that your opponent was framing you all this time, so who is the opponent you said was framing you? What evidence do you have?"

This reporter's question made it difficult for Li Xiaogang to answer.

Although there are various indications that this matter is related to Li Haoran from the beginning to the end, Li Xiaogang must not just say it rashly at the press conference before he has obtained definite evidence. In case Li Haoran bites back, Conversely, it would be troublesome to sue him for defamation.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and everyone was looking at him, waiting for his answer, especially the reporter who asked the question was secretly proud of himself for asking such a sharp question.

Just when the press conference was at an impasse, Song Shuang pushed the door in wearing a neat police uniform. Seeing her suddenly appear, Li Xiaogang subconsciously showed a smile on his face. Song Shuang felt a little embarrassed.

"I think I can answer the reporter's question just now!" Song Shuang's words immediately caused quite a stir.

Li Xiaogang stood up, nodded at Song Shuang, turned around and told the staff, "An extra seat!"

Song Shuang was neither polite nor stage-frightened, walked to his seat and sat down, took the microphone from Li Xiaogang, and smiled as if paying tribute to Li Xiaogang.

Song Shuang took out a CD from his pocket and said, "First of all, please let me introduce myself. I am Song Shuang, a senior inspector of the Public Security Bureau of Province S. I am here to follow the order of our director. Longquan Group's huge poisoning case, release a notification! Before that, please watch a short video!"

As the picture unfolded, Li Xiaogang smiled comfortably, and it was Li Haoran who was dejectedly explaining the whole process of his crime on the picture.

After three years of prison life and the blow of failure, Li Haoran seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, with disheveled hair, unshaven beard, and dull eyes.

After the video was played, Song Shuang continued to explain: "This video was recorded yesterday when we were interrogating him.

This person is Li Haoran, who was the chairman of Bawang Wine Group three years ago. Oh, the place where we are now was the headquarters of Bawang Wine Group three years ago.

Three years ago, Bawang Group and Longquan Winery, the predecessor of Longquan Group, were competitors. Li Haoran lost the Bawang Group because of the failure of the competition. He himself was sentenced to three years in prison for unfair competition!

The three years of prison life not only failed to cleanse his ugly soul, on the contrary, it made him hate the Longquan Group even more. At the same time, his mind began to twist, and revenge became his only purpose in life!
After he was released from prison, Li Haoran used money as a bait to hire a large number of desperate figures across the country, ordering them to poison Longquan Group's products, so as to frame Longquan Group or even bring down Longquan Group!

Regarding the crimes he committed, Li Haoran himself has confessed!In a few days, the procuratorate will hand over Li Haoran to the court to formally file a lawsuit! "

Direct evidence from the police.

Immediately, the haze that had shrouded Longquan Group for so many days was dispelled in one fell swoop, and the suspicion of Longquan Group was completely cleared.

People who had endured alcohol addiction for several days were also full of joy at this time, and their hearts that had been hanging all the time fell to the ground.

Lin Chaoran let out a long laugh and said, "Come on, Liguo, drink two cups with me! These days, Jing is so fucking worried about this kid, so I have to drink enough today!" Lin Chaoran said, He took out two brand new bottles of peerless Longquan fine wine from the desk drawer, handed Gao Liguo a bottle and said.

Gao Liguo took it with a smile, and said, "Old chief, I dare you to prepare for it a long time ago, haha..."

Lin Chaoran didn't mean to hide it at all, and readily admitted: "That's right! People's desks are full of piles of documents, and our desks are filled with boxes of fine wine! Let me tell you , you have to keep it a secret for me, the two old guys, the leader and the prime minister, have been thinking about picking out a few bottles from my hand these days!
I have been with them for several days. Guess what happened that day, those two insisted on asking for it, but I just refused to give it!In the end, the two of them became anxious, and even directed their guards to rob!

Damn, who am I?We came out of the army, and we are on my territory. Not to mention, my entire guard team was transferred, and they beat their guards to the ground, haha... Enjoyable ! "

(End of this chapter)

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