The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2711 Leave with sin

Chapter 2711 Leave with sin
At this time, Viscount Xiao En was very anxious. Whenever he wanted to rush out from a section of the forest, he would always see those Chinese people holding guns and starting to shoot at him. Sean even wanted to directly shoot at him. Flying at high altitude, but the effect is not very good.

Because every time Viscount Sean charged into the sky, there would always be some sharp-eyed people who would see him. As soon as one person's gunshot rang out, everyone's gunshots rang out, which made Viscount Sean It was very painful, hiding in a place where Li Bai could catch him and wanted to escape, but he was surrounded by these damn Chinese people.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Viscount Sean said to himself. At this moment, the absorption of the blood essence has entered the final juncture. As long as he is given another 5 minutes, he can successfully advance to become an earl. Sometimes, it's like transforming, whether it's the strength of the body or the speed of flying, there will be a qualitative improvement.

When that time came, Viscount Sean would naturally have no problem escaping, and he was even thinking about whether he could make some appropriate counterattacks.

The forest is very large, and the Huaxia Dragon Guards are advancing very slowly, and at a place about 100 meters away from the center of the forest, everyone stopped and surrounded this area. If Viscount Xiao En wants to break through, this distance Also prevents Viscount Sean from getting enough bullets.

And at this time, Viscount Xiao En finally stopped and stopped running away. He stood quietly on the top of a tree and continued to speed up the absorption of blood essence. Not long after, Li Bai also appeared on the top of the forest. , facing Viscount Sean across the air.

"Now, let's see where you are going to escape." Li Bai said viciously to Viscount Sean. Although he achieved this state of mind through the help of the Huaxia Dragon Guards, Li Bai did not feel ashamed, because in terms of speed, Li Bai In fact, there is no inferiority.

"Did I say that I was going to run away?" Viscount Xiao En showed a slight smile at Li Bai, but his heart became extremely nervous again, afraid that Li Bai would suddenly attack him again.

"You should know what will happen to you today, right? You killed a hundred of our Chinese compatriots, so your life must be left to me!" Li Bai said coldly to Viscount Sean, in fact He had already made this decision when Viscount Sean appeared.

"Is it necessary to kill them all?" Viscount Xiao En asked Li Bai back, "We are vampires, and we live by sucking human blood. I just came to China to taste the taste of you Chinese people. You want me Die? Doing this, is it not too demeanor for you Chinese people?"

Viscount Sean seems to be kidnapping Li Bai morally. What he means is that you should understand us vampires. This is our way of life, not something we do on purpose.

After Li Bai heard what Viscount Xiao En said, he snorted coldly: "Hehe, interesting, then what you mean is that if I were an executioner, I would just kill your grandfather just to try something new. Anything weird?"

When Li Bai mentioned Viscount Xiao En's grandfather, Viscount Xiao En's face was full of anger: "Can it be the same? That is my grandfather, but what do these people have to do with you? Kill them, what can they bring you?"

Viscount Sean still wanted to persuade Li Bai persistently, but Li Bai did not accept Viscount Sean's tricks at all: "I have already said that those who died are all my fellow Chinese, although I have nothing to do with them. Any blood relationship, even death at the hands of one's own people is fine, but as long as it is killed by foreigners, I can't bear it!"

Li Bai stared straight into the eyes of Viscount Sean, and at the same time felt the aura emanating from Viscount Sean.

Li Bai knew that Viscount Sean was in the process of being promoted at this time. It seemed that it hadn't been completed yet, and it would probably take a few minutes.Naturally, Li Bai would kill Viscount Sean before he was promoted. At this time, Li Bai didn't mind "talking heart to heart" with Viscount Sean.

"So, what you mean is that I will definitely die tonight, don't you?" Viscount Xiao En suddenly made a similarly vicious voice, and Li Bai nodded. There was no need for him to repeat this sentence a second time.

"But, you probably don't know how terrifying a vampire's strength is as an earl, right?" Viscount Xiao En's eyes flashed with blood, and suddenly, his aura suddenly became vigorous. , it seems that he has been successfully promoted to Earl Sean.

This change surprised Li Bai. According to his calculations, Earl Sean should not be promoted in such a fast time. What Li Bai did not calculate was that in order to advance as soon as possible, Sean consumed a drop of his blood essence , to serve as the final impetus, which allowed him to be promoted to Earl Sean a full minute earlier.

After Xiao En successfully advanced to become the Earl, he was not going to continue talking nonsense with Li Bai, so he spread his wings again and flew towards Li Bai.

Li Bai's eyes blinked, and the changes in Earl Sean's body were obvious. Not only did he become more imposing, but he even flew faster.

Earl Xiao En quickly flew to Li Bai's side, raised his right hand, and grabbed Li Bai with a claw. On Count En's chest.

With this palm, Li Bai did not use his spiritual energy, so when it hit Earl Sean, it did not cause any harm to him. However, through this simple palm, Li Bai knew that this Sean Although the earl's strength has become stronger, but correspondingly, it is only the strength of the middle and early stages of Nascent Soul, and it cannot cause any harm to Li Bai at all.

"I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from." Li Bai snorted coldly, and the Sky Meteor Knife appeared in his hand instantly. At this moment, Li Bai didn't want to waste any more time. accident.

When he saw a weapon suddenly appearing in Li Bai's hand, Earl Sean was just stunned for a moment, but soon he was relieved. He thought it was because Li Bai felt that he couldn't beat him, so he started to use the weapon, so he attacked. Li Bai's figure was even more imposing, and the quick claws made Li Bai's body retreat a few crowns.

"My self-confidence is naturally derived from my strength." Earl Sean said rather stupidly. He really thought he was very powerful, but he didn't know that Li Bai just now hadn't used his strength. What about the terrifying aura?

"Oh? Really? Seriously, I should be more confident than you." Li Bai sneered, and the power of the silver stars quietly climbed up to the blade of the Skyfall Knife, which was only a thin layer, so Earl Sean did not not found.

"Sure enough, you Chinese people are all arrogant, but when you die, you will know what kind of mistake you made for being so arrogant." Earl Xiao En was also unwilling to lose the upper hand verbally, while As he spoke, he raised his sharp claws and flew towards Li Bai again.

In the previous several attacks, Earl Sean's sharp claws were on Li Bai's Meteorite Knife. Earl Sean felt that as long as the Meteorite Knife was directly destroyed this time, Li Bai seemed to be gone. The toothless tiger no longer has any prestige, so this time, Earl Sean concentrated all the blood energy in his body on the palm of his hand, ready to win or lose.

"Good time." A smile appeared on Li Bai's face. He grabbed the handle of the Sky Meteor Knife with both hands, aimed at the direction Earl Sean's claws were grabbing, and just slashed at it. Both of them felt that the smile on the other's face was Arrogant and conceited, and in a moment, a result was separated.

The Sky Meteor Knife pierced Earl Sean's claws, cutting off all five of his sharp claws, while Li Bai's Sky Meteor Knife was still intact.

"Now you understand how arrogant and conceited you really are!" Li Bai said coldly to Earl Sean who was dazed, and with a backhand knife, he slashed Earl Sean's back again, drawing a slash. long wound.

But this time, Earl Xiao En fell straight from the canopy of the tree and sank into the leaves.

"The vampire has been injured, start searching immediately, don't let him run away." Li Bai immediately ordered Jiang Gu through the communication system, and for a while, there was a burst of dense footsteps in the forest.

Li Bai also jumped off the canopy of the tree, but while Li Bai was falling, Earl Xiao En, who had just fallen, suddenly flew towards the sky again, directly passing through layers of leaves, and flew into the sky.

There was another gunshot in the woods, shooting towards Earl Sean in the sky, but this time, the speed of the earl Sean was even faster, the speed of the bullet could not catch up at all, while Li Bai was just so silent. Quietly watched him fly high into the sky, and then flew towards the west.

"Damn, let him run away!" Li Bai said angrily. This night, he made two mistakes. One was that he shouldn't have hesitated when Sean was still a Viscount, and the other was that he shouldn't have Let down your vigilance so that Earl Sean escaped successfully again.

"However, you probably don't dare to come back." Li Bai said lightly, looked at the black spots in the sky, and then returned to the ground.

Soon, Jiang Gu came to Li Bai's side, and immediately apologized: "Dragon King, we were incompetent and failed to stop him."

Jiang Gu bowed to Li Bai to admit his mistake, and the other Longwei present did the same.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, it's just because the enemy is too cunning." Li Bai murmured, but he was still regretting his mistake tonight.

"Dragon King, what should we do next?" Jiang Gu asked again.

"In the last week, or even in the future, this vampire, oh no, any vampire will be listed as a first-level criminal. As long as they appear, they will be killed immediately without any thinking." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu, and then ordered everyone People disbanded and went home separately.

This day really exhausted everyone.

"By the way, where are the two children?" Li Bai asked again, but the original plan to lead them to catch the bad guys didn't materialize.

"It's been sent home, Dragon King, don't worry." Jiang Gu said to Li Bai.

Li Bai nodded, and got into Jiang Gu's car to go home and take a good rest, but at this moment, his Sky News rang.

"Master, I heard that you met a European vampire?"

(End of this chapter)

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